7 research outputs found

    Ammattikuljettajan työhyvinvointi - turvallinen ja ergonominen työpäivä : Opettajan opas

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    Opettajan opas pyrkii edistämään tavaraliikenteen ammattikuljettajien työterveyttä, työturvallisuutta ja työn ergonomiaa. Opettajan opas tuotettiin Koulutus- ja tiedotusmateriaali jakeluautonkuljettajien ammattipätevyyskoulutukseen

    Maantieliikenteen ammattikuljettajien työterveyshuolto : opas sisällön suunnitteluun ja toteutukseen

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    Oppaassa käydään läpi työterveystarkastusten tarve, tavoitteet ja sisältö. Lisäksi käsitellään ajoterveyttä ja liikenneturvallisuutta uhkaavat sairaudet ja ajokyvyn arviointi sekä ajokorttiasetuksen ajoterveysvaatimukset ja lääkärin ilmoitusvelvollisuus. Erityistä huomiota kiinnitetään työn terveysriskeihin ja kuormitustekijöihin. Työterveyshuolto voi ennaltaehkäisyn ja varhaisen puuttumisen keinoin lisätä merkittävästi kuljettajien työterveyttä ja -turvallisuutta

    Opettajan opas. Koulutus- ja tiedotusmateriaali kuljettajien ammattipätevyyskoulutukseen.

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    Opettajan opas pyrkii edistämään tavaraliikenteen ammattikuljettajien työterveyttä, työturvallisuutta ja työn ergonomiaa

    Lifestyle counseling to reduce body weight and cardiometabolic risk factors among truck and bus drivers - a randomized controlled trial

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    Objectives We conducted a randomized trial among overweight long-distance drivers to study the effects of structured lifestyle counseling on body weight and cardiometabolic risk factors. Methods Men with waist circumference > 100 cm were randomized into a lifestyle counseling (LIFE, N=55) and a reference (REF, N=58) group. The LIFE group participated in monthly counseling on nutrition, physical activity, and sleep for 12 months aiming at 10% weight loss. After 12 months, the REF group participated in 3-month counseling. Assessments took place at 0, 12, and 24 months. Between-group differences in changes were analyzed by generalized linear modeling. Metabolic risk (Z score) was calculated from components of metabolic syndrome. Results The mean body weight change after 12 months was -3.4 kg in LIFE (N=47) and 0.7 kg in REF (N=48) [net difference -4.0 kg, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) -1.9- -6.2]. Six men in LIFE reduced body weight by >= 10%. Changes in waist circumference were -4.7 cm in LIFE and -0.1 cm in REF (net -4.7 cm, 95% CI -6.6- -2.7). Metabolic risk decreased more in the LIFE than REF group (net -1.2 points, 95% CI -0.6- -2.0). After 24 months follow-up, there were no between-group differences in changes in body weight (net -0.5 kg, 95% CI -3.8-2.9) or metabolic risk score (net 0.1 points; 95% CI -0.8-1.0) compared to baseline. Conclusions Weight reduction and decreases in cardiometabolic risk factors were clinically meaningful after 12 months of counseling.Peer reviewe

    Lifestyle counseling in overweight truck and bus drivers : Effects on dietary patterns and physical activity

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    We studied dietary patterns, physical activity (PA), and monthly goal setting in a weight reduction intervention in long-distance professional drivers. The study was conducted in Finland in 2009–2012. Male drivers with waist circumference >100cm were randomized to a lifestyle counseling (LIFE, N=55) and a reference (REF, N=58) group. During 12months, LIFE participated in 6 face-to-face and 7 telephone counseling sessions on diet and PA. Dietary patterns were assessed using an index combining food diary and counselor interview, and PA with the number of daily steps using a pedometer. Monthly lifestyle goals, perceived facilitators and barriers, and adverse effects of PA in the LIFE participants were monitored using counselors' log books. Forty-seven (85%) LIFE participants completed the 12-month program. After 12months, the mean dietary index score improved by 12% (p=0.002, N=24), and the number of daily steps increased by 1811 steps (median; p=0.01, N=22). The most frequent dietary goals dealt with meal frequency, plate model, and intake of vegetables, fruits, and berries. The most common PA mode was walking. Typical facilitators to reach monthly lifestyle goals were support from family and friends and ailment prevention; typical barriers were working schedules and ailments. Adverse effects, most commonly musculoskeletal pain, occurred among 83% of the LIFE participants. Positive changes in lifestyle habits were observed during counseling. Monthly lifestyle counseling combining face-to-face and phone contacts seemed appropriate to long-distance drivers. Barriers for reaching lifestyle changes, and adverse effects of PA were common and need to be addressed when planning counseling. Trial registration: Clinical Trials NCT00893646Peer reviewe