1,871 research outputs found

    Local Nature of Coset Models

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    The local algebras of the maximal Coset model C_max associated with a chiral conformal subtheory A\subset B are shown to coincide with the local relative commutants of A in B, provided A contains a stress energy tensor. Making the same assumption, the adjoint action of the unique inner-implementing representation U^A associated with A\subset B on the local observables in B is found to define net-endomorphisms of B. This property is exploited for constructing from B a conformally covariant holographic image in 1+1 dimensions which proves useful as a geometric picture for the joint inclusion A\vee C_max \subset B. Immediate applications to the analysis of current subalgebras are given and the relation to normal canonical tensor product subfactors is clarified. A natural converse of Borchers' theorem on half-sided translations is made accessible.Comment: 33 pages, no figures; typos, minor improvement

    Structure of self-assembled Mn atom chains on Si(001)

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    Mn has been found to self-assemble into atomic chains running perpendicular to the surface dimer reconstruction on Si(001). They differ from other atomic chains by a striking asymmetric appearance in filled state scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) images. This has prompted complicated structural models involving up to three Mn atoms per chain unit. Combining STM, atomic force microscopy and density functional theory we find that a simple necklace-like chain of single Mn atoms reproduces all their prominent features, including their asymmetry not captured by current models. The upshot is a remarkably simpler structure for modelling the electronic and magnetic properties of Mn atom chains on Si(001).Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The Activities and Aspirations of the Estonian Grassland Society

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    The aim of the Estonian Grassland Society (EGS) is to develop the flow of grassland-based knowledge between different stakeholders and multidisciplinary research and to create international contacts. The EGS is a non-profit organisation and more than 100 interdisciplinary researchers, plant breeders, advisors and farmers are actively involved in the work of the society. The interdisciplinary activities are becoming more and more attractive and important and bring together different target groups. At present seminars, which are focused on the adaptation producers to the EU rules and support system for farmers are attractive. Nowadays the essential goal for the EGS is to find solutions for integrating efficient grassland management and biodiversity, including socio-economic aspects. Novel approaches to combine the benefits for wildlife and the grass producer will be highlighted in the future EGS activities

    Endotaxial Si nanolines in Si(001):H

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    We present a detailed study of the structural and electronic properties of a self-assembled silicon nanoline embedded in the H-terminated silicon (001) surface, known as the Haiku stripe. The nanoline is a perfectly straight and defect free endotaxial structure of huge aspect ratio; it can grow micrometre long at a constant width of exactly four Si dimers (1.54nm). Another remarkable property is its capacity to be exposed to air without suffering any degradation. The nanoline grows independently of any step edges at tunable densities, from isolated nanolines to a dense array of nanolines. In addition to these unique structural characteristics, scanning tunnelling microscopy and density functional theory reveal a one-dimensional state confined along the Haiku core. This nanoline is a promising candidate for the long sought after electronic solid-state one-dimensional model system to explore the fascinating quantum properties emerging in such reduced dimensionality.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    One dimensional Si-in-Si(001) template for single-atom wire growth

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    Single atom metallic wires of arbitrary length are of immense technological and scientific interest. We describe a novel silicon-only template enabling the self-organised growth of isolated micrometer long surface and subsurface single-atom chains. It consists of a one dimensional, defect-free reconstruction - the Haiku core, here revealed for the first time in details - self-assembled on hydrogenated Si(001) terraces, independent of any step edges. We discuss the potential of this Si-in-Si template as an appealing alternative to vicinal surfaces for nanoscale patterning.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Changes in Grass Quality of Coastal Meadows in Estonia

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    In Estonia the reason for reduction in coastal meadows and expansion of the stands of the common reed (Phragmites australis) is the discontinuation of traditional use of grasslands which were previously grazed and cut. Phragmites australis usually produces dense and monospecific stands at the waterline, where species richness is low. It can survive in ungrazed shore meadows, but it suffers from grazing (Tyler, 1969). The investigated Phragmitetum australis association had been influenced by grazing activities, but it remained rather sparse and due to that had relatively low productivity, reaching 3.11 t DM/ha. Traditionally coastal meadows have been used for grazing and have given stable quality of feed and good animal performance. The quality of fodder is an important factor for farms using the coastal areas for grazing. The aim of the study was to determine the changes in quality of the different plant associations in the coastal area

    Radioactive ion beams produced by neutron-induced fission at ISOLDE

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    The production rates of neutron-rich fission products for the next-generation radioactive beam facility EURISOL are mainly limited by the maximum amount of power deposited by protons in the target. An alternative approach is to use neutron beams to induce fission in actinide targets. This has the advantage of reducing: the energy deposited by the proton beam in the target; contamination from neutron-deficient isobars that would be produced by spallation; and mechanical stress on the target. At ISOLDE CERN, tests have been made on standard ISOLDE actinide targets using fast neutron bunches produced by bombarding thick, high-Z metal converters with 1 and 1.4 GeV proton pulses. This paper reviews the first applications of converters used at ISOLDE. It highlights the different geometries and the techniques used to compare fission yields produced by the proton beam directly on the target with neutron-induced fission. Results from the six targets already tested, namely UC2/graphite and ThO2 targets with tungsten and tantalum converters, are presented. To gain further knowledge for the design of a dedicated target as required by the TARGISOL project, the results are compared to simulations, using the MARS code interfaced with MCNP libraries, of the neutron flux from the converters interacting with the actinide targets

    Validating soil denitrification models based on laboratory N2 and N2O fluxes and underlying processes derived by stable isotope approaches: concept, methods and regulation of measured fluxes

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    Robust denitrification data suitable to validate soil N2 fluxes in denitrification models are scarce due to methodical limitations and the extreme spatio-temporal heterogeneity of denitrification in soils. Numerical models have become essential tools to predict denitrification at different scales. Model performance could either be tested for total gaseous flux (NO + N2O + N2), individual denitrification products (e.g. N2O and/or NO) or for the effect of denitrification factors (e.g. C-availability, respiration, diffusivity, anaerobic volume, etc.). While there are numerous examples for validating N2O fluxes, there are neither robust field data of N2 fluxes nor sufficiently resolved measurements of control factors used as state variables in the models. Here we present the concept, methods and first results of collecting model validation data. This is part of the coordinated research unit “Denitrification in Agricultural Soils: Integrated Control and Modelling at Various Scales” (DASIM). Novel approaches are used including analysis of stable isotopes, microbial communities, pore structure and organic matter fractions to provide denitrification data sets comprising as much detail on activity and regulation as possible. This will be the basis to validate existing and calibrate new denitrification models that are applied and/or developed by DASIM subprojects. To allow model testing in a wide range of conditions, denitrification control factors are varied in the initial settings (pore volume, plant residues, mineral N, pH) but also over time, where moisture, temperature, and mineral N are manipulated according to typical time patterns in the field. This is realized by including precipitation events, fertilization (via irrigation), drainage (via water potential) and temperature in the course of incubations. Moreover, oxygen concentration is varied to simulate anaerobic events. The 15N gas flux method is employed to quantify N2 and N2O emissions from various pools and processes