25 research outputs found

    Light microscopic analysis of the effects of gd-dtpa dimeglumine and iopromide on rabbit hyaline cartilage and synovial membrane

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    Bu çalişmanin amaci kontrastli maddelerin eklem kikirdaği ve sinoviyal membran üzerine olan etkilerini tavşan modelinde araştirmaktir. Çalişmada 60 tavşan dizi kullanildi. Kontrastli ajan olarak iopromid ve Gd-DTPA diz eklemlerine intraartiküler uygulanarak 1. saat, 1.gün, 1.hafta ve 2.hafta sonra sinoviyal membran ve hiyalin kikirdak üzerine olan histolojik etkileri işik mikroskobisi yardimi ile incelendi. Kontrol grubu olarak serum fizyolojik kullanildi. iopromid ve Gd-DTPAuygulanmasindan sonra sinoviyal membranda hiperemi, hemoraji ve yüzeyel stromada vakuollü hücre artişina rastlandi. Hiyalin kikirdakta ise proliferasyon, hipertrofi ve yoğun glikojen birikimi, piknoz ve GlikozAmino Glikan boyanma azliğina neden olduğu görüldü. Bu etkilerin 2. hafta sonunda azalarak devam ettiği saptandi. Çalişmamizda kullanilan maddelerin uygulama süreleri boyunca eklem kikirdağina ve sinoviyal membran üzerine olan etkilerinin istatistiksel olarak anlamli olduğu gösterilememiştir (p>0.05).The aim of this study is to assess the effects of contrast agents on hyaline cartilage and synovial membrane in a rabbit model. Light microscopic analysis of the effects of intraarticular Iopromide and Gd-DTPA on synovial membrane and hyaline cartilage at 1st hour, 1st day, 1st week and 2nd week was performed. NaCl%0.9 was used as control. Hyperemia, hemorhage and increase in the vacuolised cell number in the superficial stroma were observed in the synovial membrane. Proliferation, hypertrophy, dense glycogen storage, pycnosis and decrease in glycosaminoglycan (GAG) staining were observed in the hyaline cartilage. These effects lessened in two weeks. We were not able to demonstrate that contrast agents have any significant effect on hyaline cartilage and synovial membrane (p>0.05)

    Evaluation of load transmission to the knee joint in a three-dimensional femur model using a finite element analysis method

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    Objective: This study aimed to evaluate and determine the effects of femoral anteversion (FAV) and femoral neck shaft angles (FNSA) changes on the medial and lateral compartments of the distal femur using finite element analysis (FEA).Methods: The study was designed in two stages. First, the FEA was used to evaluate the imaginary environment (IE). Then, solid models were formed and tested in an experimental environment to validate the three-dimensional (3D) models. Three adult male cadaver femurs were scanned for the IE study. The computed tomography cross-sectional scans were reconstructed to provide a 3D surface model of cancellous and cortical bones. This model was accepted as a basic model, and this model was modified with software to create 42 models by using seven different FAV and six FNSA. These modified models were then analyzed to define mesh structure. The stress values were obtained after the FEA.Results: In the lateral compartment of the distal femur (LCDF), the highest force recorded was 625.47 N, and the lowest force recorded was 239.41 N. In the medial compartment of the distal femur (MCDF), the highest force recorded was 910.59 N and the lowest force recorded was 524.53 N. The standard femoral model (SFM), which had an FNSA of 135° and FAV of 10°, was chosen due to the close resemblance of its anatomic features to human femur. According to SFM, a maximum decrease of 44% and an increase of 47% in LCDF and a maximum decrease of 28% and an increase of 26% in MCDF were observed.Conclusion: In the study, we found that changed FAV and FNSA significantly affected LCDF compared with MCDF

    Some Physical and Mechanical Properties of Juvenile Chestnut Shoots

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    Genç Kestane Sürgünlerinin Bazı Fiziksel ve Mekaniksel Özellikleri Özet Kestane (Castanea sativa Mill.), yurdumuzda Marmara ve Kuzey Anadolu’da özellikle yapraklı türlerle (meşe, gürgen, kayın, ıhlamur vb.) karışık ormanlar kurmaktadır. Hem odunu ve hem de meyvesi yönünden çok önemli bir ağaçtır. Yapacak ve yakacak olarak odunundan, meyvesinden ve bal üretiminde çiçeğinden faydalanılmaktadır. Ancak bulunduğu her yerde kestane kanserinden büyük oranda etkilenmiş ve zarar görmüştür. Hastalıktan dolayı kuruma olan (ya da kuruması muhtemel olan) ağaçlar, dip kısımlarından kesilmekte ve yüksek derecede sürgün verme özelliğinden dolayı çok miktarda genç sürgünler elde edilmektedir. Büyüyen bu sürgünlerin bir zaman sonra hastalığın tekrar gelmesi nedeniyle yeniden kesilmesi gerekmektedir. Ancak elde edilecek ince çaplı bu materyalin gerektiği gibi verimli olarak nerelerde değerlendirilebileceği ise tam olarak bilinmemektedir.Kestane odunun kullanım yerlerinin belirlenmesi açısından önem arz eden teknolojik özellikleri bilinmekle birlikte bu değerler olgun odun içeren bireyler üzerinden belirlenmiştir. Türkiye’de yetişen genç sürgünlerin sahip olduğu fiziko-mekanik özellikler bilinmediği için boyut olarak uygun kullanım yerlerinde değerlendirme imkanları bilinmemektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı genç sürgünlerde bu fiziko-mekanik değerleri ortaya koymak ve olgun kestane odununa ait literatür değerleri ile karşılaştırarak değişimleri saptamak, muhtemel kullanım yerleri ile ilgili bilgi vermektir. İstanbul-Bahçeköy bölgesinden 10-15 cm çapa sahip 1 m boyunda toplam 5 adet (5-10 yaşlarında) sürgün gövde kısmı araştırma materyali olarak kullanılmıştır. Fiziksel ve mekanik test örnekleri ilgili standartlara göre hazırlanıp, deneyleri yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak test edilen kestane sürgünlerinin ortalama değerler olarak tam kuru yoğunluğu 0.58, hava kurusu yoğunluğu 0.62 g cm-3, radyal daralma değeri % 5.38, teğet %8.35, Basınç direnci 48.65 N mm-2, Eğilme direnci 98.90 N mm-2, Eğilmede elastikiyet modülü 10793.3 N mm-2, dinamik eğilme 0.59 kN cm-1 bulunmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kestane, Genç odun, Fiziksel özellikler, Mekanik özellikler, Kullanım yerler

    Stress views in the radiography of scapholunate instability

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    Aim: On the suspected carpal instabilities stress views are recommended but not often used. The present study evaluates the reliability of the dorsal and volar stress radiographs on patients with posttraumatic wrist pain

    Structural properties of the fibular band in congenital total absence of the fibula

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    Nine children with unilateral total congenital absence of the fibula were examined by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and histological study of the fibular band was performed in four of them. Both examinations revealed two types of fibular band. In type I, it was identical to fibula on MRI appearance, and histological studies revealed hyaline cartilage in the area of the lateral malleolus. In this type partial excision of the band allowed the foot to be corrected. In type II, the band directly attached to the calcaneus without any evidence of hyaline cartilage, and the feet could be corrected only by total excision, We suggest partial excision of the band in type I and total excision in type II as the initial treatment of congenital total absence of the fibula

    Cost of Solid Waste Management: A Case of Bolu

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    Numerous studies concerning municipal solid waste management have been conducted in the literature, and there is a considerable accumulation of knowledge and experience about municipal solid waste management in Turkey. On the contrary, there are a few studies carried out about the cost of municipal solid waste management in Turkey. In this study, the cost of municipal solid waste management was investigated in the case of Bolu, and results were presented in the paper. The stream of municipal solid waste in the province of Bolu is periodically collected and distributed to the waste recycling center. Once papers, metals, and plastics that can be recycled are sorted out in the waste sorting center, the remaining solid waste is stored at the sanitary landfill. The cost of municipal solid waste management practice in Bolu is determined as 33,51 TL/ton waste and 56% of which value is used for worker

    Evaluation of simple excision in the treatment of symptomatic accessory navicular associated with flat feet

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    The results of 17 patients who had been treated by simple excision, for symptomatic accessory navicular were reviewed 2 to 5 years postoperatively. Although all patients had good or excellent results by subjective criteria, careful examination revealed difficulty in performing the 'single-heel rise test' in 8 patients who also had preexisting flat feet. These results suggest the necessity for an objective evaluation system, as well as a different treatment approach, for the association of accessory navicular and flat foot