1,531 research outputs found

    Interprofessionelle Angehörigenarbeit bei einem schweren Schädel-Hirn-Trauma

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    Das Kapitalstockmodell als Basiskonzept für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung

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    Kapitalien sind die Produktionsfaktoren einer Volkswirtschaft und stellen damit das Potenzial zur Befriedigung jeglicher Art von Bedürfnissen und damit zur Schaffung von Wohlfahrt dar. Es können vier Arten von Kapitalien unterschieden werden, das Naturkapital, das Realkapital, das Humankapital und das Sozialkapital. Diese Kapitalien bzw. Kapitalformen sind die Grundlage zur Schaffung von monetären wie auch nicht-monetären Gütern und Dienstleistungen jetzt und in Zukunft. Im Wirtschaftsprozess findet ein Auf- und Abbau dieser Kapitalien statt. Die Kapitalallokation im Rahmen der Marktprozesse garantiert jedoch keinen nachhaltigen Umgang mit den Kapitalien. Soll die Chancengleichheit gegenwärtiger und zukünftiger Generationen gesichert sein, ist es nötig, die Kapitalien einem partizipativen Managementprozess zuzuführen. Dem Sozialkapital kommt darin eine grosse Bedeutung zu. Sozialkapital verhilft zur Über-windung übergewichteter Eigeninteressen hin zu einem kooperativen Verhalten. Im sogenannten Kapitalstockmodell KSM werden die drei Dimensionen "Kapitalformen", "Partizipation" von Akteuren und Stakeholdern sowie der "Managementprozess" als Issue-Management zusammengeführt, um damit nachhaltige Entwicklung im Sinne von Kapitalaufbau zur Bedürfnisbefriedigung jetziger und zukünftiger Gesellschaften zu ermöglichen

    Energy efficiency programmes in the spotlight - analysis of governmental, institutional and entrepreneurial energy efficiency programmes : target groups, governance mechanisms and factors of success

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    To be sustainable, life styles will have to adapt to low energy use (European Commission 2009), an effort which needs to be supported by energy efficiency programmes as well. Energy efficiency means providing the same benefit (output) with less energy input. This can be achieved by adoption of existing, more efficient technologies and energy system solutions or by an optimized matching of energy supply and demand. To foster application of these technologies and behaviours in households, administrations and companies, it requires incentives such as taxes, grants or on-site advice by experts. The initiators of such energy efficiency programmes are diverse: national or regional administrations or institutions, but also energy service companies (ESCO) or financial service companies. How do these programmes work, who is addressed by whom and what are innovative models of such programs? Our desk research about energy efficiency programs in selected OECD-countries analyses target groups, governance mechanisms, factors of success and shows innovative programmes of the different initiators mentioned above. Working together with other institutions for the setup and operation of an energy efficiency programme is important. According to our findings, this could be done better, especially from the national initiator’s side. Architects and construction companies are rarely appealed by any of the initiators and facility owners and maintenance staff only by ESCOs. In general ESCOs very often have programmes, which are a combination of governance mechanisms, which would probably be effective in programmes of national and regional institutions as well

    Einfluss der Holzfeuchte und ausgewählter technologischer Parameter auf die Verklebung mit 1K-PUR Klebstoffen unter extremen klimatischen Bedingungen

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    Zusammenfassung: 1K-PUR Klebstoffe benötigen eine Mindestmenge an Wasser für das vollständige Aushärten. Insbesondere im Winter bei sehr niedrigen relativen Luftfeuchten können teilweise Probleme bei der Verklebung auftreten. Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss der geringen Holzfeuchte bzw. Holzoberflächenfeuchte, der Luftfeuchte, der offenen Wartezeit sowie der aufgesprühten Zusatzwassermenge auf das Abbindeverhalten von 1K-PUR Klebstoffen experimentell untersucht. Dazu wurden 3 Klebstoffe mit unterschiedlicher Reaktivität der Fa. Purbond AG/Schweiz eingesetzt. Es konnten dabei deutliche Unterschiede im Verhalten der Klebstoffe nachgewiesen werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die in den Verarbeitungsrichtlinien vorgegebenen Parameter unbedingt eingehalten werden müssen. Damit wird eine hohe Prozesssicherheit gewährleistet und ein qualitativ hochstehendes, verleimtes Bauteil ist das Ergebni

    Adherence to treatment in adolescents with haemophilia : a qualitative study

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    Adolescents experience important changes in their physical, emotional, social and behavioural development. It is known that adolescents wish to be accepted by their peers, strive for independence and are prone to experiment. The challenge for adolescents with haemophilia is the need for taking responsibility for managing their illness and learning to comply with recommended treatment. This study aimed to investigate the process of adherence to treatment in adolescents with haemophilia

    Post-stroke Dysphagia: Prognosis and Treatment-A Systematic Review of RCT on Interventional Treatments for Dysphagia Following Subacute Stroke.

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    Purpose Post-stroke dysphagia is an underdiagnosed but relevant complication, associated with worse outcome, dependency and quality of life of stroke survivors. Detailed mechanisms of post-stroke dysphagia are not very well understood, but established therapeutic concepts are needed. Different interventional studies have been published dealing with post-stroke dysphagia. This systematic review wants to collect and give an overview over the published evidence. Methods PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, CINAHL were searched for relevant interventional studies on post-stroke dysphagia in the (sub-)acute setting (within 3 months of stroke onset). The search has been filtered for randomized trials with an inactive control and the relevant data extracted. Results After initially finding 2,863 trials, finally 41 trials have been included. Seven different therapeutic concepts have been evaluated (Acupuncture, behavioral/physical therapy, drug therapy, neuromuscular electrical stimulation, pharyngeal electrical stimulation, transcranial direct current stimulation and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation). Studies of all modalities have shown some effect on post-stroke dysphagia with several studies raising concerns about the potential bias. Conclusion The amount and quality of studies are not enough to suggest certain therapies. Some therapeutical concepts (intensive physical therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation, drug therapy) seem to be good potential therapeutic options, but further research is needed

    Resonanz in Familienzentren durch eine alltagsorientierte partizipative Ausrichtung ermöglichen!

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    Die Autorin richtet ihren Blick auf das Feld der Familienzentren und reflektiert den möglichen Stellenwert von Resonanz für die Realisierung einer alltagsorientierten und partizipativen Ausrichtung der Bildungs- und Entwicklungsprozesse in diesen Einrichtungen. (DIPF/Orig.


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    The long-term energy policy of the Canton of Zurich aims on maintaining respectively enabling a high, but eco-friendly living standard. Until 2050 the CO2 emissions are to be reduced from today approximately 6.0 tonnes per year and person down to 2.2 tonnes. By 2034, all remaining nuclear power plants in Switzerland, some of them among the oldest in Europe, will be taken of the grid (in accordance with the new political decision taken by the Swiss Federal Council in the wake of the Fukushima desaster). The overall target is therefore the transformation of the energy supply from a nuclear and hydropower based to a more sustainable one. Security of supply is often identified as one of the principle challenges in this context. For all these aspects, support and promotion of Innovation beyond R&D is a key relevance as well. The smart city concept is not only multi-dimensional but also future-oriented in tackling energy consumption and CO2 emissions. It follows an urban development strategy whereby focussing on how (Internet-related) technologies enhance the lives of citizens, empowering them for contributing to urban change and realizing their ambitions

    Occupant-centred temperature reduction in an energy efficient site

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    In this study we focus on the energy saving potential and the user acceptance of indoor air temperature reduction in an energy efficient district, consisting of seven residential buildings.The two major findings in this paper constitute a field of unresolved tension. From a technical point of view, temperature reductions of 1.5 K,to approximately 21.5 °C, allow to save some 25%of the total heating energy. The human dimension, however, suggests that a reduction of indoorair temperatureis associated with only limited acceptance. In future work we will set out to explore how acceptance ratings might evolveover longer timespans