6,880 research outputs found

    Orbital Ordering and Spin-Ladder Formation in La2RuO5

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    The semiconductor-semiconductor transition of La2RuO5 is studied by means of augmented spherical wave (ASW) electronic structure calculations as based on density functional theory and the local density approximation. This transition has lately been reported to lead to orbital ordering and a quenching of the local spin magnetic moment. Our results hint towards an orbital ordering scenario which, markedly different from the previously proposed scheme, preserves the local S = 1 moment at the Ru sites in the low-temperature phase. The unusual magnetic behaviour is interpreted by the formation of spin-ladders, which result from the structural changes occurring at the transition and are characterized by antiferromagnetic coupling along the rungs.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, for more information see http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/~eyert

    Clinical relevance of soluble c-erbB-2 for patients with metastatic breast cancer predicting the response to second-line hormone or chemotherapy

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    Concentrations of soluble c-erbB-2 were determined in the sera of 64 patients with distant metastasis from advanced breast cancer receiving second-line hormone or chemotherapy in comparison to 35 breast cancer patients without detectable recurrent disease and 17 healthy blood donors. The sera of non-metastatic breast cancer patients contained s-erbB-2 concentrations similar to those of healthy blood donors. Patients with distant metastasis from advanced breast cancer had significantly higher values of s-erbB-2 in comparison to patients with non-disseminated disease (mean: 59.6 vs. 11.6 U/ml; p = 0.022). A significant correlation was observed between s-erbB-2 serum levels and serum LDH concentrations (p < 0.001), levels of alkaline phosphatase (p < 0.001), and the presence of hepatic metastasis (p = 0.001). Time to tumor progression was significantly shorter in patients with s-erbB-2 levels above 40 U/ml (mean: 23.4 vs. 56.7 months; p = 0.002). Furthermore, breast cancer patients with hepatic metastasis and those with elevated s-erbB-2 serum levels above 40 U/ml had limited response to hormone or chemotherapy. Non-responders had significantly higher s-erbB-2 levels (mean: 270.3, range: 42-500 U/ml;) compared with the responder group (mean: 23.1, range: 0-149 U/ml; p < 0.001). Logistic regression analysis indicated that elevated s-erbB-2 serum levels above 40 U/ml independently predicted an unfavorable response to second-line hormone or chemotherapy in patients with advanced metastatic breast cancer. Copyright (C) 2002 S. KargerAG, Basel

    Supercurrent through grain boundaries in the presence of strong correlations

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    Strong correlations are known to severely reduce the mobility of charge carriers near half-filling and thus have an important influence on the current carrying properties of grain boundaries in the high-TcT_c cuprates. In this work we present an extension of the Gutzwiller projection approach to treat electronic correlations below as well as above half-filling consistently. We apply this method to investigate the critical current through grain boundaries with a wide range of misalignment angles for electron- and hole-doped systems. For the latter excellent agreement with experimental data is found. We further provide a detailed comparison to an analogous weak-coupling evaluation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Say Hi to Eliza. An Embodied Conversational Agent on the Web

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    The creation and support of Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs) has been quite challenging, as features required might not be straight-forward to implement and to integrate in a single application. Furthermore, ECAs as desktop applications present drawbacks for both developers and users; the former have to develop for each device and operating system and the latter must install additional software, limiting their widespread use. In this paper we demonstrate how recent advances in web technologies show promising steps towards capable web-based ECAs, through some off-the-shelf technologies, in particular, the Web Speech API, Web Audio API, WebGL and Web Workers. We describe their integration into a simple fully functional web-based 3D ECA accessible from any modern device, with special attention to our novel work in the creation and support of the embodiment aspects.Comment: 4 Pages, 1 figure, 17th International Conference Intelligence Virtual Agents (IVA

    Small mirrors do the trick: A simple, but effective method to study mirror self-recognition in chimpanzees

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    Mirror self-recognition (MSR) is considered an indicator of self-awareness. Standardized mirror tests reveal compelling evidence for MSR in a few non-human species, including all great apes. However, substantial inter-individual variation of MSR within species resulted in an ongoing methodological controversy, questioning the appropriateness of standard MSR tests for cross-species comparisons. Lack of motivation, in particular, is discussed as one possible cause for false negative results. Here, we compare the spontaneous behavioral response of 47 zoo-housed chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) to (i) standard body-sized, stationary mirrors and (ii) small, portable hand mirrors. We predicted that the monopolizability and maneuverability of small mirrors increase the chances of identifying MSR across a larger proportion of individuals. Chimpanzees both revealed a substantially higher frequency of general mirror-related behaviors and engaged in significantly more and longer behaviors specifically indicating MSR when provided with small mirrors compared to a large mirror. Handheld mirrors provide a more sensitive measure for MSR within and likely between primate species than the traditional large mirrors, and thereby are a potentially valuable tool for studying self-awareness across species

    Magnetic excitations in two-leg spin 1/2 ladders: experiment and theory

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    Magnetic excitations in two-leg S=1/2 ladders are studied both experimentally and theoretically. Experimentally, we report on the reflectivity, the transmission and the optical conductivity sigma(omega) of undoped La_x Ca_14-x Cu_24 O_41 for x=4, 5, and 5.2. Using two different theoretical approaches (Jordan-Wigner fermions and perturbation theory), we calculate the dispersion of the elementary triplets, the optical conductivity and the momentum-resolved spectral density of two-triplet excitations for 0.2 <= J_parallel/J_perpendicular <= 1.2. We discuss phonon-assisted two-triplet absorption, the existence of two-triplet bound states, the two-triplet continuum, and the size of the exchange parameters.Comment: 6 pages, 7 eps figures, submitted to SNS 200

    Twist Defect in Chiral Photonic Structures

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    We demonstrate that twisting one part of a chiral photonic structure about its helical axis produces a single circularly polarized localized mode that gives rise to an anomalous crossover in propagation. Up to a crossover thickness, this defect results in a peak in transmission and exponential scaling of the linewidth for a circularly polarized wave with the same handedness as structure. Above the crossover, however, the linewidth saturates and the defect mode can be excited only by the oppositely polarized wave, resulting in a peak in reflection instead of transmission.Comment: 12 page

    A koherencia mint a lelki és testi egészség alapvető meghatározója a mai magyar társadalomban = Sense of coherence as an important determinant of mental and physical health

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    Az ún. salutogenezis modell olyan keretet kínál, amelyben a koherencia élmény bevezetésével lehetőség nyílik az „egész”-ség dinamikus értelmezésére. Vizsgálatunkban a Richard Rahe-féle, az „élet értelme” koherencia kérdőív összefüggéseit vizsgáltuk az egészségi állapottal. A Hungarostudy 2002 felmérés a 18 évesnél idősebb magyar népességet életkor, nem és terület szerint képviseli. 12 640 személlyel vettünk fel otthoni interjút. Az így vizsgált koherencia mutatót az egészségi állapot igen fontos előrejelzőjének találtuk. Ha az adatokat életkor, nem és iskolázottság szerint korrigáltuk, az egészségi állapot önbecslése mintegy 10-szer, a munkaképesség 8-szor jobb, a depresszió valószínűsége 7-szer alacsonyabb volt. Az „élet értelme” mutató igen szoros kapcsolatban áll az önhatékonysággal, a problémaorientált megbirkózással, a társas támogatással, ezzel szemben kevésbé függ az iskolázottságtól, az életkortól és a nemtől