19 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi Pokok Bahasan Pasar Dengan Menerapkan Metode Pembelajaran Inkuiri

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melaksanakan model metode pembelajaran inkuiri dengan guru mata pelajaran sebagai pengamat yang menilai pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran. Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran inkuiri efektif untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran ekonomi pokok bahasan pasar di kelas VIII B SMP Negeri 1 Kutowinangun Kabupaten Kebumen. Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dapat disimpulkan bahwa telah terjadi peningkatan kemampuan afektif dan psikomotorik siswa dalam melaksanakan metode pembelajaran inkuiri berdasarkan perbandingan kemampuan afektif dan psikomotorik siswa. diharapkan metode inkuiri dapat diterapkan sebagai salah satu metode pembelajaran alternatif yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa. Agar pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan metode inkuiri dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik, diharapkan guru melakukan pembimbingan dalam observasi lapangan yang dilaksanakan oleh siswa secara berkelompok

    Efektifitas Penggunaan Media Bantu dan Koordinasi Mata-kaki terhadap Peningkatan Ketepatan Tendangan Melambung (Long Pass) dalam Permainan Sepakbola (Study Eksperimen pada Mahasiswa Pembinaan Prestasi Sepakbola Jpok Fkip Uns)

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    This study used an experimental study. The population of this study is the students of achievement coaching football of JPOK FKIP UNS in the year 2013 amounted to 90 students. The use of sampling technique was proporsional random sampling. From the population of 90 students was taken 45 students based on the test result of ancle coordination ability which is classified into three: the ancle coordination ability in high, medium and low. The sample used 15 students for the ancle coordination ability in high category, 15 students for the ancle coordination ability in medium category and 15 students for the ancle coordination ability in low category. The technique of collecting data used tests and measurements. The data which is collected namely the ability of ancle coordination with “soccer wall volley test” from Ismaryati (2006: 54-56) and long pass kick test from Soekatamsi ( 1988: 258). The technique of analysis data is ANAVA 3 X 3 and Newman Keuls test.The result of the study were obtained as follows : (1) There is the difference of influence in using of aids media circle target exercise, aids media wall, and aids media goal target exercise towards the accuracy of long pass kick on the football game on the students of achievement coaching football of JPOK FKIP UNS in the year 2013. (2)2There is a significant difference in influencing of the ancle coordination ability in high, medium and low towards the accuracy of long pass kick on the football game on the students of achievement coaching football of JPOK FKIP UNS in the year 2013. (3) There is no interaction significant but there is a tendency to interact between the use of aids media circle target exercise, aids media wall, and aids media goal target exercise towards the accuracy of long pass kick on the football game on the students of achievement coaching football of JPOK FKIP UNS in the year 2013

    Subsurface S-type Granitoid Identification Based on Gravity and Seismic Tomography Models in Pacitan, East Java

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    Granitoid outcrop has been observed in Montongan, Tulakan Subdistrict, Pacitan District, East Java. Geochemically, granitoid shows peralluminous S-type granitoid which consists of comparable plagioclase and potassium feldspar leading to adamelite and granodiorite variety with andalusite, fine size corundum and cordierite inside. These modal minerals are consistent with its bulk chemical analysis result that shows alumina rich rock. Highly weathered spotted pinkish soil with remaining quartz gravels characterizes its surface. Lateritic pink soil up to more than 25 meters thick covers the granitoid body and this feature is indicative to locate its surface distribution, while its subsurface distribution is remain uncertain. The research aimed to identify granitoid subsurface distribution. To identify the subsurface body, gravity and seismic tomography models were used. According gravity model, the pluton body is 5 km wide which is rootless downward and seems extends eastward. Meanwhile, the north-south seismic tomographic model across Pacitan Region indicates dense solid body override the recent Java subduction zone. The body is assumed to have correlation with surface granitic rock. It supports an idea that there is a micro continent trapped beneath Southern Mountain of East Java

    Inhibitor of caspase-activated DNase expression enhances caspase-activated DNase expression and inhibits oxidative stress-induced chromosome breaks at the mixed lineage leukaemia gene in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells

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    BACKGROUND: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is commonly found in Asia, especially among the Chinese ethnic group. Chromosome rearrangements are common among NPC patients. Although the mechanism underlying the chromosome rearrangements in NPC is unclear, various mechanisms including activation of caspase-activated DNase (CAD) were proposed to contribute to chromosome rearrangements in leukaemia. Activation of CAD can be initiated by multiple agents, including oxidative stress, which is well implicated in carcinogenesis. CAD is the main enzyme that causes DNA fragmentation during apoptosis, and CAD is also implicated in promoting cell differentiation. In view of the role of oxidative stress in carcinogenesis and CAD activation, and since CAD was suggested to contribute to chromosome rearrangement in leukaemia, we hypothesise that oxidative stress-induced CAD activation could be one of the mechanisms that leads to chromosome rearrangements in NPC. METHODS: SUNEI cells were treated with various concentrations of H(2)O(2) for different period of time to ensure that cells undergo H(2)O(2)-induced MLL gene cleavage. Transfections with hCAD, mCAD, mutant hCAD, or cotransfection with hCAD and mICAD, and cotransfection with mutant hCAD and mICAD were performed. Gene expression was confirmed by Western blotting and MLL gene cleavage was assessed by inverse polymerase chain reaction (IPCR). RESULTS: Treatment with H(2)O(2) clearly induces cleavages within the MLL gene which locates at 11q23, a common deletion site in NPC. In order to investigate the role of CAD, CAD was overexpressed in SUNE1 cells, but that did not result in significant changes in H(2)O(2)-induced MLL gene cleavage. This could be because CAD requires ICAD for proper folding. Indeed, by overexpressing ICAD alone or co-expressing ICAD with CAD, Western blotting showed that CAD was expressed. In addition, ICAD overexpression also suppressed H(2)O(2)-induced MLL gene cleavage, suggesting a possible role of CAD in initiating chromosome cleavage during oxidative stress. CONCLUSIONS: Oxidative stress mediated by H(2)O(2) induces cleavage of the MLL gene, most likely via the caspase-activated DNase, CAD, and CAD expression requires ICAD. Since the MLL gene is located at 11q23, a common deletion site in NPC, thus stress-induced CAD activation may represent one of the mechanisms leading to chromosome rearrangement in NPC

    Perbedaan Kualitas Hidup Lansia dengan Hipertensi yang Aktif dan yang Tidak Aktif Mengikuti Posyandu Lansia di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Perumnas II Pontianak

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    Latar Belakang:Hipertensi merupakan penyakit degeneratif yang terus mengalami peningkatan setiap tahun seiring bertambahnya usia. Hipertensi dapat mengganggu kualitas hidup seseorang karena proses patologis yang berdampak pada penurunan kemampuan fisik, psikologis, dan sosial. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan upaya peningkatan kualitas hidup pada lansia melalui posyandu lansia. Partisipan posyandu lansia hingga saat ini masih sangat rendah karena kurangnya minat dan pengetahuan. Lansia yang tidak aktif di posyandu lansia kecenderungan mengalami kondisi kesehatan yang tidak terkontrol disertai keterbatasan interaksi sosial. Tujuan:Mengetahui perbedaan kualitas hidup lansia dengan hipertensi yang aktif dan yang tidak aktif dalam mengikuti posyandu lansia di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Perumnas II Pontianak. Metode:Penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain observasional analitik melalui pendekatan cross sectional pada 76 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan consecutive sampling dengan instrumen penelitian yaitu kuesioner WHOQOL – OLD. Teknik analisa data dilakukan dengan uji Chi Square. Hasil:Berdasarkan uji Chi Square didapatkan hasil p = 0,028 (p < 0,05) yang menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan kualitas hidup lansia dengan hipertensi yang aktif dan yang tidak aktif mengikuti posyandu lansia di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Perumnas II Pontianak. Kesimpulan:Ada perbedaan kualitas hidup lansia dengan hipertensi yang aktif dan yang tidak aktif mengikuti posyandu lansia di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Perumnas II Pontianak

    Generation of glycan-specific nanobodies

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    The development of antibodies that target specific glycan structures on cancer cells or human pathogens poses a significant challenge due to the immense complexity of naturally occurring glycans. Automated glycan assembly enables the production of structurally homogeneous glycans in amounts that are difficult to derive from natural sources. Nanobodies (Nbs) are the smallest antigen-binding domains of heavy-chain-only antibodies (hcAbs) found in camelids. To date, the development of glycan-specific Nbs using synthetic glycans has not been reported. Here, we use defined synthetic glycans for alpaca immunization to elicit glycan-specific hcAbs, and describe the identification, isolation, and production of a Nb specific for the tumor-associated carbohydrate antigen Globo-H. The Nb binds the terminal fucose of Globo-H and recognizes synthetic Globo-H in solution and native Globo-H on breast cancer cells with high specificity. These results demonstrate the potential of our approach for generating glycan-targeting Nbs to be used in biomedical and biotechnological applications