218 research outputs found

    Holy Wealth: Economics and Religion at Qumran and in the Dead Sea Scrolls

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    The identification of the sectarians at Qumran with the Essenes, a group that Josephus and Philo characterized as rigorously ascetic, has led many scholars to conclude that the Qumran sectarians identified wealth with corruption and immorality and poverty with virtue. Some of these scholars further support their argument by pointing to several disparaging references to wealth in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Archaeological evidence, however, can attest that the ideological relationship that the Qumran community had with wealth was much more complex. The industrial remains at Qumran indicate that the site probably manufactured many different products. It is also inaccurate to say that the inhabitants of Qumran participated in the thriving economy of the Judean region only enough to ensure their survival, for evidence of surplus wealth is also present at the site. The hoard of Tyrian tetradrachmas, multiple isolated coins, sherds of Nabatean fineware, a jar of precious oil, and multiple metal items are a few examples. In addition, a closer textual analysis of IQS and the Damascus Document reveals some of the positive, purifying connotations that wealth held for the Yahad. Indeed, in IQS, merging one’s wealth with that of the community’s is a high honor and the final step in becoming a sectarian. Among many Jews of the Second Temple Period, wealth could be used to help fulfill religious obligations: the hoard of Tyrian tetradrachmas and the treasures listed in the Copper Scroll have both been tentatively identified with the Temple tax, an institution described in Ordinances 4Q159 and 4Q513. In this paper, I will explore how the evidence of economic prosperity at Qumran can be squared with the references to wealth in the Dead Sea Scrolls. What were the positive aspects of wealth for the members of the Yahad, and how could wealth be used for religious purposes? More specifically, what was the Yahad’s attitude towards and interpretation of the Temple taxes and sacrifices mentioned in the Hebrew Bible

    Assessing Condom Use in Tangga Seribu, Jayapura, Papua

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    This In Brief reports on research by a team from the Department of International Relations, Cenderawasih University, Papua, from October to November 2015. The research focused on female sex workers in Tangga Seribu, one of the illegal brothels in Jayapura, the provincial capital. The aim of the research was to investigate how condoms are used in Tangga Seribu and how national and provincial laws promoting the use of condoms are implemented.AusAI

    Constructing Gender: Female Architectural Patronage in Roman Asia Minor and Syria in the First through Sixth Centuries CE

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    The patronage of architectural projects was a major way that prominent citizens of the Roman Empire shaped urban landscapes. These acts of patronage constituted a series of performances through which categories such as “male,” “female,” “public,” and “private” were constructed. In this paper, I use architectural, epigraphical, and literary evidence to analyze examples of female architectural patronage in the cities of Roman Asia Minor and Syria in the first through sixth centuries CE. I explore how these architectural performances contributed to an ongoing discourse about gender and the allocation of space

    Assessing Condom Use in Tangga Seribu, Jayapura, Papua

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    Skizofrenia merupakan penyakit mental yang serius. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh gangguan konsentrasi neurotransmiter otak, perubahan reseptor sel-sel otak, dan kelainan otak struktural, dan bukan karena alasan psikologis. Pasien akan memiliki pemikiran, perasaan, emosi, ucapan, dan perilaku yang tidak normal, yang memengaruhi kehidupan, pekerjaan, kegiatan sosial, dan kemampuan untuk mengurus diri mereka sehari-hari. Beberapa pasien bersifat rentan dan mencoba atau melakukan tindakan bunuh diri. Skizofrenia bisa diobati, tetapi penyakit ini memiliki tingkat kekambuhan yang tinggi. Semakin cepat dideteksi dan diobati, semakin baik prognosis untuk pemulihannya. Dalam rangka meningkatkan kepedulian masyarakat terhadap penderita Skizofrenia yang sering kali dikucilkan, maka di perlukan partisipasi semua pihak, baik dokter, pemerintah, swasta maupun masyarakat. Sebagian masyarakat enggan untuk memeriksakan keluarganya yang menderita kelaianan jiwa untuk diperiksa dikarenakan faktor jarak tempuh pelayanan kesehatan maupun kelainan jiwa merupakan aib bagi keluarga mereka. Untuk itu untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman masyarakat terutama peserta pelatihan tentang skizofrenia maka pada kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan penyuluhan tentang skizofrenia di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Simpang Kawat Kota Jambi. Dilakukan pengujian pengetahuan sebelum dilaksanakan penyuluhan berupa pre-test kemudian dilakukan post-test untuk mengetahui penigkayan pengetahuan setelah pemaparan materi yang disampaikan oleh tim pengabdian. Pelatiha ini dikuti oleh 30 peserta baik dari unsur masyarakat, tenaga medis yaitu perawat dan dokter, tokoh masyarakat yaitu camat dan lurah. Didapatkan hasil pre-test dan post-test terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan yang signifikan terhapat pemahaman tentang skizofrenia. Kata Kunci : Pos Kelompok, Skizofreni


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    ABSTRACT Background: Visual disturbances, especially in school children, are currently receiving less attention. Children's habits are one of the triggers for eye disorders in this case is visual acuity. Myopia is one of the causes of decreased visual acuity in children, even though vision is needed in the teaching and learning process. Objective: The objective of this community service is to find visual impairments in the habits of the children of SDN04 Arab Melayu Seberang Jambi City so that if visual impairment is found, the service team can provide education to teachers. Methods: Eye health checks include good vision checks using a snellen card and trial lens. Results: The sample for this service was all 261 students of SD 04 Arab Melayu Seberang, Jambi City. Where it was found that as many as 183 students had a habit of using gadgets and as many as 81 students read while lying down. After a visual examination, 179 students were declared normal and 82 students with visual impairments. Keywords: Visual disturbances, Habits, Myopia   ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Gangguan penglihatan terutama pada anak sekolah saat ini kurang diperhatikan. Kebiasaan anak merupakan salah satu pemicu terjadinya gangguan pada mata dalam hal ini adalah ketajaman penglihatan. Myopia merupakan salah satu penyebab penurunan ketajaman penglihatan pda anak, padahal penglihatan saat diperlukan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Tujuan: Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk menemukan gangguan penglihatan terhadap kebiasaan anak SDN04 Arab Melayu Kota Seberang Jambi sehingga apabila ditemukan gangguan penglihatan maka tim pengabdian dapat meberikan edukasi terhadap guru. Metode: Pemeriksaan kesehatan mata meliputi pemeriksaan visus baik menggunakan snellen card dan trial lens. Hasil: Sampel pada pengabdian ini adalah seluruh siswa SD 04 Arab Melayu Kota Seberang Jambi sebanyak 261 siswa. Dimana didapatkan bahwa sebanyak 183 siswa yang mempunyai kebiasaan penggunaan gadget dan sebanyak 81 siswa membaca sambil berbaring. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan visus maka sebanyak 179 siswa dinyatakan normal dan 82 siswa dengan gangguan penglihatan. Kata Kunci: Gangguan penglihatan, Kebiasaan, Myopi

    Kajian Pelaksanaan Pelayanan Cakupan K4 Di Puskesmas Baumata Tahun 2018

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     K4 pregnant women services are complete antenatal services with a time of examination, namely one visit in the first trimester, one visit in the second trimester, and two visits in the third trimester. The Baumata Community Health Center experienced a decline in K4 coverage based on the Kupang District Health Office profile data and annual reports where in 2016 K4 coverage reached 60.7%, in 2017 it reached 51.8% and in 2018 it only reached 44.2%. This research is a combination of qualitative and quantitative research (mix method) with descriptive research. The purpose of this study is to examine the implementation of K4 coverage services at the Baumata community health center in 2018 which includes description of inputs (human resources, facilities, sources of funds, policies and Standard Operating Procedures), process descriptions (planning and organizing) as well as output descriptions (K4 coverage ). Informants in this study amounted to 13 people and respondents numbered 66 people consisting of the Head of the Family Health and Nutrition Section of the Kupang District Health Office, the Head of the Baumata community health center, the Midwife who provided K4 services and the mother who had a pregnancy (K4) at the community health center Baumata in 2018. The results showed that in terms of input at the Baumata community health center as a whole it was good but there was no Ultrasonography facility at the community health center and the limited space where there was no special room for maternal and child health services/ family planning/immunization, in terms of the process is good related to planning, organizing and forms of services received by pregnant women are in accordance with 10T standards, it's just a long time in the process of providing services due to poor management time and lack of awareness of pregnant women to check pregnancy to the facility. The nearest health bag is due to the lack of knowledge of pregnant women about the importance of antenatal care, while in terms of output based on document review it can be seen that in the past three years there has been a decline in achievement of the K4 target at the Baumata community health center. It is recommended that the Baumata community health center procure supporting facilities in the form of Ultrasonography and additional rooms, make time management so that pregnant women do not wait too long for the service process, and conduct socialization to the public about the importance of antenatal care

    Gas chromatography mass spectrometry couple with quadrupole time-of-flight (GC-QTOF MS) as a powerful tool for profiling of oxygenated sesquiterpenes in agarwood oil

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    Agarwood (Aquilaria malaccensis) is very well known as the most expensive wood in the world due to its wide applications in perfumery, cosmetic traditional medicine, and religious ceremonies. The study aimed to give an in-depth characterisation focusing on marker compounds in A. malaccensis from different places in Malaysia. The establishment of an oxygenated sesquiterpenes chemical profile of the fungus-infected agarwood oil was achieved by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC–MS) coupled with quadrupole time (QTOF) technique. Aroma compounds were identified as sesquiterpenes and oxygenated sesquiterpenes where agarospirol was found in samples of all locations (3.12%, 3.54%, 3.36% and 2.26% from Melaka, Pahang, Kelantan A and Kelantan B respectively) and also N-hexadecanoic acid as one of the major compounds. Both compounds were further isolated by Prep-GC and confirmed by NMR. This study provides a reference for agarwood oil analysis from different origins in Malaysia

    Adaptive real-time dual-comb spectroscopy

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    With the advent of laser frequency combs, coherent light sources that offer equally-spaced sharp lines over a broad spectral bandwidth have become available. One decade after revolutionizing optical frequency metrology, frequency combs hold much promise for significant advances in a growing number of applications including molecular spectroscopy. Despite its intriguing potential for the measurement of molecular spectra spanning tens of nanometers within tens of microseconds at Doppler-limited resolution, the development of dual-comb spectroscopy is hindered by the extremely demanding high-bandwidth servo-control conditions of the laser combs. Here we overcome this difficulty. We experimentally demonstrate a straightforward concept of real-time dual-comb spectroscopy, which only uses free-running mode-locked lasers without any phase-lock electronics, a posteriori data-processing, or the need for expertise in frequency metrology. The resulting simplicity and versatility of our new technique of adaptive dual-comb spectroscopy offer a powerful transdisciplinary instrument that may spark off new discoveries in molecular sciences.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
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