66 research outputs found

    Impact Of Social Media On Children-Parent Relationship: A Sociological Implication

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    AbstractRemembering my childhood days when I used to enjoy my summer and winter vacations with my maternal grandparents and those were one of the best memories of my life which are unforgettable. We all family members have a lot of fun, joy, and happiness with each other and my grandma used to narrate us beautiful stories; which cannot ever be replaced with today‟s era of technology. Family is the pillar in building up a child, where elements of love, care, feel, security, trust, are the building blocks. Family is the first place of socialization for a child where he/she learns culture, moral values, traditions, customs, etiquettes, and behaviour which gives a child a life direction. There are different types of family structure in our Indian society nuclear, joint and extended family in these every epoch has their own true stories in which they have enjoyed a lot and has their wonderful flashback memories and at the time when they don‟t have any social media or smartphone but they all are very excited, full of life, enjoyable, hard-working and living to the fullest. On contrary, when coming to network society children just loves social media from starting of the day till a good night virtual message is the most essential task of today‟s generation which they feel is their world where they have hundreds of virtual friends but no one to share their thoughts and feelings which makes them feel isolated from others, depressed and lost, frustrated and low when they are said to do anything and emotionless because they are lost in their own virtual world.Keywords: family, culture, social media, nuclear family, virtual life


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    With the advancements in computers and wireless communication technologies, mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) is expected to see increasingly widespread use and application. A MANET is an autonomous collection of mobile users that communicate over wireless links. Proactive protocols in MANETS like DSDV, OLSR, TBRPF are table driven and actively determine the layout of the network. A complete image of the network is maintained at every single node by a regular exchange of network topology packets between the nodes of the network. In this paper, we simulate and analyse the Destination-Sequenced DistanceVector (DSDV) protocol for various parameters like throughput, average end-to-end delay by varying the number of nodes in MANET. The results indicate that the throughput decrease as the numbers of node increase

    Effect of ondansetron on sensory level produced by intrathecal bupivacaine

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    Background: For spinal anesthesia there are drugs which can increase the level and quality of analgesia. Any drug which decreases sensory block level in spinal anesthesia is of great concern as it may need analgesic, sedative, supplement or even conversion to general anesthesia. Ondansetron is one such drug which has been reported to decrease the height of sensory block achieved after subarachnoid administration of bupivacaine. In this prospective observational study, we studied the effect of administration of ondansetron on the level of the sensory block achieved after subarachnoid blockade.Methods: In Group II, 4 mg ondansetron was given and 15 mins before giving spinal anesthesia Group II against control group receiving 2 ml saline intravenous (Group I). 15 mins before giving spinal anesthesia. Both groups received 3.5 ml of bupivacaine heavy was given intrathecally. Sensory and motor block was assessed 5, 15, and 30 mins. We analyzed both highest spinal block level achieved and time to regress to L1 level.Results: We found that in Group II both highest level of sensory block (T6 by median method) duration to regress to L1 level (1.43±0.22 hrs) was lesser as compared to group I and Group III T4 by median method and time to regress from T6 to L1 Group I 2.03±0.06 hrs Group III 1.84±0.27 hrs. Motor block did not differ between groups.Conclusions: We concluded that probably ondansetron was responsible for lower spinal block level and early recovery from spinal anesthesia after intrathecal bupivacaine and should not be given empirically for nausea and vomiting

    Chromium Genotoxicity Associated with Respiratory Disease

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    Chromium existing in the biosphere in prominent two forms Cr (III) and Cr (VI) is a well-studied heavy metal. Cr (III) is considered as non-harmful and necessary element in diet whereas Cr(VI) is extremely toxic exerting various negative health impacts on human and other organisms. Mining activity is must for extracting economic minerals and a large number of people are related to these sites as worker or habitants and a major source of chromium exposure. Present chapter discusses genotoxic nature of chromium considering respiratory disease resulted from chromium exposure. The genotoxicity is illustrated in terms of chromium induced differential expressed genes (DEGs), transcription factors and microRNA regulating the DEGs and their gene ontology

    Genotyping faecal samples of Bengal tiger Panthera tigris tigris for population estimation: A pilot study

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    BACKGROUND: Bengal tiger Panthera tigris tigris the National Animal of India, is an endangered species. Estimating populations for such species is the main objective for designing conservation measures and for evaluating those that are already in place. Due to the tiger's cryptic and secretive behaviour, it is not possible to enumerate and monitor its populations through direct observations; instead indirect methods have always been used for studying tigers in the wild. DNA methods based on non-invasive sampling have not been attempted so far for tiger population studies in India. We describe here a pilot study using DNA extracted from faecal samples of tigers for the purpose of population estimation. RESULTS: In this study, PCR primers were developed based on tiger-specific variations in the mitochondrial cytochrome b for reliably identifying tiger faecal samples from those of sympatric carnivores. Microsatellite markers were developed for the identification of individual tigers with a sibling Probability of Identity of 0.005 that can distinguish even closely related individuals with 99.9% certainty. The effectiveness of using field-collected tiger faecal samples for DNA analysis was evaluated by sampling, identification and subsequently genotyping samples from two protected areas in southern India. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate the feasibility of using tiger faecal matter as a potential source of DNA for population estimation of tigers in protected areas in India in addition to the methods currently in use

    CHSI costing study-Challenges and solutions for cost data collection in private hospitals in India

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    INTRODUCTION: Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY) has enabled the Government of India to become a strategic purchaser of health care services from private providers. To generate base cost evidence for evidence-based policymaking the Costing of Health Services in India (CHSI) study was commissioned in 2018 for the price setting of health benefit packages. This paper reports the findings of a process evaluation of the cost data collection in the private hospitals. METHODS: The process evaluation of health system costing in private hospitals was an exploratory survey with mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative). We used three approaches-an online survey using a semi-structured questionnaire, in-depth interviews, and a review of monitoring data. The process of data collection was assessed in terms of time taken for different aspects, resources used, level and nature of difficulty encountered, challenges and solutions. RESULTS: The mean time taken for data collection in a private hospital was 9.31 (± 1.0) person months including time for obtaining permissions, actual data collection and entry, and addressing queries for data completeness and quality. The longest time was taken to collect data on human resources (30%), while it took the least time for collecting information on building and space (5%). On a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) difficulty levels, the data on human resources was the most difficult to collect. This included data on salaries (8), time allocation (5.5) and leaves (5). DISCUSSION: Cost data from private hospitals is crucial for mixed health systems. Developing formal mechanisms of cost accounting data and data sharing as pre-requisites for empanelment under a national insurance scheme can significantly ease the process of cost data collection

    Mental Status of Youth During Covid-19: A Sociological Analysis

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    Happiness is a key to success. Being happy is a state of mind in the true sense when a person is mentally present at a place and sounds happy from within. It is observed that a happy person can solve many difficult problems in a couple of minutes. So, it will not be wrong to say that happiness is positivity because when a person is happy he is loaded with an enormous amount of energy which keeps him motivated. Every person passes through different stages of development; infancy, childhood, adolescence, youth, adulthood, and old age in which each stage has its own sweet as well as sour memories, but over time from infancy to childhood and then to adolescence almost everyone changes and is loaded with responsibilities. With time everything changes are its people, place, situation, society, technology, science, environment and the emergence of COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus, has proved it to be right that people have to modify themselves with the changing situations. This COVID-19 has also proved Charles Darwin’s concept the right that says “survival of the fittest”, meaning a fit person will only survive and the unhealthy will be eliminated. COVID-19 being a pandemic disease have scattered everything be it people’s life (emotions, state of mind, jobs, education, economic state, relationships, family, etc.), the economic crisis has occurred in overall all states, railways/airlines services have stopped, for instance, one can feel the sudden full stop to almost all the present essential services

    Fusarium solani: immunochemical characterization of allergens

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    Allergenic components of the fungus Fusarium solani were isolated using (NH4)2SO4 precipitation and ion-exchange column chromatography. The allergenicity of fractions was studied by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and radioallergosorbent test inhibition techniques. Proteins of culture filtrate (CF), mycelium (MY), and spore (SP) extracts of F. solani were characterized by isoelectrofocusing, sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and IgE-specific immunoblotting. CF antigen of F. solani contained more allergenic proteins than MY and SP, visible on immunoblot analysis using allergenic serum pool. A 65-kD protein component of CF was found to be a major allergen, as it was strongly visible on immunoblots of all 15 patient sera tested. Crossed immunoelectrophoresis and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay inhibition using rabbit antibodies raised against F solani CF demonstrated shared antigenicity between CF, MY, and SP extracts. It was observed that F. solani is a significant allergen, and most of the allergens of MY and SP extracts were found in CF extract. Therefore, CF alone can be used in the preparation of a standard extract. However, few unique allergenic proteins were observed in MY as well as in SP extracts of F. solani. Hence, the use of combined CF, MY, and SP extracts of F. solani is recommended for diagnosis and immunotherapy

    Digital Image Watermarking Techniques: A Comparative Study

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    Abstract—Digital watermarking plays an increasingly important role for proving authenticity and copyright protection. The Internet is an ideal medium for selling digital goods it also makes redistribution of pirated files very easy. Digital watermarking can be used to insert invisible data into an object helping to track down pirate copies and to prove rightful ownership in a dispute. In this paper we present a detailed survey of existing image watermarking techniques. We classify the techniques based on different domains in which data is embedded. The performances of these generations arepresented in terms of subjective results. Keywords—bit plane slicing, discrete wavelet transform, peak signal to noise ratio, singular value decomposition, watermarking. I
