19 research outputs found


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    Innovation and development of technology has created situation at which agamer plays online with different individuals around the world at the same time.With beautiful visual design and interesting gameplay, a player could spend hours excessively playing games. This, in turn, can create problems as the player has many obligations in their routine. This article focuses on what causing a gamer willing to spend hours playing online games. The concept of motivation underlies this research. This research intends to investigate factors that drive a gamer to play excessively. Motivation can be defined as internal and intrapsychic processes within individual which drive him toward certain direction. In gaming world, three factors are known to drive a person plays games excessively: achievement, social, and immersion. Two excessive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) players are interviewed to get information regarding their playing behaviors as well as the underlying motives of playing. Result shows that both participants used MMORPG as refreshing activities from their daily routine. While both see MMORPG as fun, they differ in their drive to achieve and socialize while playing games. Further analysis and impact of the finding is then discussed


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    Innovation and development of technology has created situation at which agamer plays online with different individuals around the world at the same time.With beautiful visual design and interesting gameplay, a player could spend hours excessively playing games. This, in turn, can create problems as the player has many obligations in their routine. This article focuses on what causing a gamer willing to spend hours playing online games. The concept of motivation underlies this research. This research intends to investigate factors that drive a gamer to play excessively. Motivation can be defined as internal and intrapsychic processes within individual which drive him toward certain direction. In gaming world, three factors are known to drive a person plays games excessively: achievement, social, and immersion. Two excessive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) players are interviewed to get information regarding their playing behaviors as well as the underlying motives of playing. Result shows that both participants used MMORPG as refreshing activities from their daily routine. While both see MMORPG as fun, they differ in their drive to achieve and socialize while playing games. Further analysis and impact of the finding is then discussed

    Gambaran Self Control pada High Engagement Gamer yang Bermain MMORPG

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    Online gaming, as fun as it is, has the potential to create problems of playing excessively. Even though many people play excessively and have problems on their daily functioning, there are excessive game players who function well in their daily life (Charlton, 2010). This might be caused by good self-control in the individuals. Self-control is defined as the ability to control thoughts, emotion, behavior, and wishes in order to attain higher reward (goals) and avoid being punished or having negative consequences (Vohs, dkk., 2008). Self control will affect someone in conflicting situation among different things. This research aims to seek self control components and processes among non problematic MMORPG gamers. In depth interview with two non problematic MMORPG gamers revealed that they both have high standards to be achieved and ensure its attainment by using both cognitive and behaviora

    Aspirasi Pendidikan Siswa Kecamatan Cisauk

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    Although the Indonesia's constitution guarantees that every child has access to basic education, which was strengthened by the National Education System Acts (Legislation number 20 in 2003), there are still plenty of Indonesian children who do not have the luxury to enjoy education. Whether it was due to remote location with lacking facilities, poverty, or cultural factor, plenty of obstacle for children to enroll in 9 years basic education. This creates a cyclical pattern of poverty within the society. This paper intends to describe educational aspiration of primary school children in a village within the District of Cisauk, Banten Province, Indonesia. 81 students of grade 4 to 6 and 8 teachers in the school were selected as participants of the study. Data from interviews and FGD reveal that despite the relatively close distance to Jakarta as the capital of Indonesia, the village still lacks of education facilities for children to enroll and the social economic of the village provide a big stumbling block for children to enroll in education. Hence the students’ aspiration to get into secondary school is relatively low. The paper will also describe a social intervention program conducted by students of Master in Professional Psychology Program, aimed at the children, to broaden the children’ horizon that provide impetus for them to continue their education to the next level, as high as can be


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    The growth of psychology programs offered by Indonesian higher educationinstitution is well documented. Currently there are 24 universities offering bachelor degree majoring in psychology within Greater Jakarta area and it creates competition to have students enrolled. This intense competition among universities to capture prospective students should impact how each program fulfills students’ needs to ensure their satisfaction toward their whole experience. The aim of the study is to explore students’ of psychology major satisfaction toward their overall college experience. Students satisfaction is defined as the subjective evaluation of students toward their college experience which have personal meaning. 276 psychology students from two universities participated in this study. Analysis showed that vast majority of the students feel that their choice of psychology was fulfilling their hopes and therefore their overall college experience could be described as satisfying. Factors contributed to this overall satisfaction is further analyzed and discusse


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    Untuk menjadi psikolog di Indonesia, seorang mahasiswa lulusan S1 psikologi harus melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang magister di program Psikologi Profesi di mana komponen terbesar dalam pendidikannya adalah melakukan kerja praktik. Selama 560-640 jam mahasiswa melakukan penanganan kasus dengan dibimbing oleh seorang pembimbing kasus. Walau sudah dibimbing secara intensif, namun kompetensi sebagai psikolog tidak dapat dibentuk dalam waktuyang terbatas. Karena itu seorang calon psikolog perlu untuk melihat pengalamannya melakukan kerja praktik dan menemukan sendiri area pengembangan untuk menjadi psikolog yang kompeten. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat refleksi calon psikolog yang telah menyelesaikan praktik kerja profesi untuk menemukan kejadian-kejadian penting dan pembelajaran yang mereka dapatkan selama praktik kerja profesi menggunakan teknik insidenkritis yang biasa digunakan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan praktis atau pembelajaran bagi seseorang. Wawancara kelompok terfokus secara mendalam terhadap 12 mahasiswa menunjukkan bahwa praktik kerja profesi merupakan proses intensif yang menuntut mahasiswa bertemu berbagai pihak (klien, orangtua, pihak sekolah, pembimbing, dan penguji) memberi umpan balik secara nyata mengenai area pengembangan profesional yang masih harus dilakukan oleh para calon psikolog. Pengalaman kegagalan dalam membangun relasi profesional dengan klien, orangtua dan guru ataupun gagal dalam menganalisis kasus secara mendalam memberi dampak kesadaran akan pentingnya membina hubungan baik dengan pihak lain dan peningkatanpenguasaan teoritis saat mereka praktik sebagai psikolog


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    Performa siswa Indonesia di berbagai studi perbandingan antar negara relatif rendah. Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (pIRLS), yang dilakukan pada tahun 2011 menunjukkan bahwa siswa sekolah dasar Indonesia menempati peringkat keempat dari bawah dari 50 negara yang berpartisipasi. Siswa Indonesia lebih dapat mengingat fakta dan bacaan dan kurang dapat mengintegrasikan ide-ide yang tertuang dalam bacaan, meskipun nilai untuk kemampuan mengingat ini masih di bawah nilai titik tengah. Hal ini cukup bertentangan dengan falcta bahwa pembelajaran membaca telah menjadi bagian utama dari kurikulum Indonesia dan diajarkan mulai dari kelas I sekolah dasar dalam pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Hal ini menimbulkan pertanyaan apakah pengajaran dalam kurikulum Indonesia sejalan dengan perkembangan Iiterasi dari murid.Literasi adalah kemampuan untuk memahami dan menarik kesimpulan dan suatu bacaan tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana pengembangan Iiterasi diterjemahkan dalam buku paket kurikulum 2013 untuk siswa kelas I SO. Empat buku paket kelas 1 dianalisis dan dibandingkan dengan perkembangan komponen literasi siswa. Analisis komparatif menunjukkan bahwa kurikulum Indonesia kurang dalam melatihkan kesadaran fonologi serta memben kesempatan bagi siswa terlibat dalam aktivitas membaca yang dibimbing maupun mernbaca mandiri. Saran untuk guru kelas pertarna yang meningkatkan pengajaran ini kemudian dibahas