191 research outputs found

    Understanding Personality

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    Educational can not be separeted from learning. To support the successful of teaching learning process, it must be supported by some apsects, such as: learning syles, teaching strategies, affective factors, and socio-cultural factors. One of the affective factors that must be pay attention in language learning is personality. Personality is a term in psychology which is depict the character of a person in everyday life. As human beings experience growth and development, personality also experiences development and change. That is why personality can be measured. One way to measure personality is by using psychometric

    Penggunaan Secure Shell (SSH) sebagai Sistem Komunikasi Aman pada Web Ujian Online

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    Network security becomes a critical need for the administrator to manage the website.One example is the online test web. Security is needed in order to take precautions againstsystem attacks that could harm certain parties. The use of SSH (secure shell) can minimize therisk of attack on the computer network. With encryption and decryption techniques that workautomatically in the connection, SSH provides confidentiality and integrity of data across anetwork. Support of SSH port forwarding can be used to establish a secure communication tunnelto the web administrator to online exams. Support SSH port forwarding function proved to be ableto secure the communication that occurs when accessing web administrator exams online,through dynamic port forwarding and local port forwarding in the local network


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    Efektivitas pembelajaran dapat tercapai salah satunya dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran dalam proses pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi, baik dari konten materi ataupun keadaan lingkungan siswa. Di masa pandemi covid-19 ini, proses pembelajaran di Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) N 2 Kotamobagu dilaksanakan melalui online, maka sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan pendidikan di MTs N 2 Kotamobagu penting kiranya mengetahui sejauh mana tingkat efektivitas pembelajaran online di masa pandemi covid-19 ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan wawancara sebagai teknik pengumpulan data, selain itu digunakan juga skala pengukuran atau rating scale melalui angket untuk memperoleh dan mengumpulkan data pendukung penelitian tentang efektivitas pembelajaran online siswa MTs N 2 Kotamobagu. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa guru dan siswa menerima serta memberikan respon 55.55 % senang pembelajaran dilakukan melalui online, tidak semua materi dapat disampaikan dalam pembelajaran selama pandemi covid-19. Aspek yang sulit diukur adalah aspek kognitif dan afektif atau penilaian sikap siswa selama belajar dari rumah melalui online. Rata-rata nilai siswapun berkisar pada nilai 70 dengan bentuk tes pilihan ganda pada evaluasi hasil belajar. Untuk efektivitas pembelajaran jika ditinjau dari segi ketersediaan fasilitas penunjang pembelajaran online maka disimpulkan bahwa fasilitas kurang memadai pada ketersedian kuota internet yang dimiliki siswa dan kurangnya akes atau kelancaran jaringan internet dibeberapa tempat tinggal siswa sehingga hal ini menjadi hambatan utama selama proses pembelajaran online berlangsung, dengan kata lain proses pembelajaran online siswa Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) N 2 Kotamobagu kurang efektif pada ketersedian fasilitas penunjang pembelajaran online dan cukup efektif dari segi konten materi yang diberikan

    Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Pada Ayam Dengan Metode Forward Chaining

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    Is chicken. Chicken had a variety of illnesses. For Some farmers who want to raise chickens especially lay people hit by several problems one of which is a disease. Required to diagnose a disease symptoms appear on the body of the chicken. Necessary seriousness and quick action before it was too late and suffered losses.Therefore, this program is designed to help the farmers in getting some information about chicken diseases. The sooner the disease is known, then the sooner they can prevent it. Identification techniques chosen the chicken disease because the symptoms of common illnesses suffered by chickens are relatively easy to observe and relatievely safe to do by anyone.Applications developed using Visual basic 6.0 and Microsoft Access as the database. Inference method used is a forward chaining, the inference prosess that initiates the search of the premises or in the form of input data lead to the conclusion that the symptoms of the illness conclusions and provide solutions regarding the treatment and prevation advice based on the symptoms observed
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