97 research outputs found

    Malowidło „Św. Jan Chrzciciel w pejzażu” z Muzeum w Krośniewicach

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    The paper is an attempt at identification of the painting’s author. A formal analysis of this high quality artwork revealed its Northern European origin not devoid of Italian influences, especially in its figural part. Detailed comparisons provided for conclusion that two separate artists were engaged its creation: Jan Wildens (landscape background) and Cornelis Schut (human figure), both disciples of Peter Paul Rubens, whose style is indirectly legible in the composition. The canvas thus seems to document yet another case of well-proven cooperation of these two specialized Flemish painters.The paper is an attempt at identification of the painting’s author. A formal analysis of this high quality artwork revealed its Northern European origin not devoid of Italian influences, especially in its figural part. Detailed comparisons provided for conclusion that two separate artists were engaged its creation: Jan Wildens (landscape background) and Cornelis Schut (human figure), both disciples of Peter Paul Rubens, whose style is indirectly legible in the composition. The canvas thus seems to document yet another case of well-proven cooperation of these two specialized Flemish painters

    Wyposażenie pojezuickiego kościoła św. Franciszka Ksawerego w Grudziądzu jako przykład maniery chinoiserie

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    The equipment of St. Franciszek Ksawery church in Grudziądz determines the unique character of that church in Poland. It presents rich regent style with numerous elements of the decoration which was fashionable especially in the beginning of 18th century and imitated the art of China, namely chinoiserie. Chinoiserie decorations, popular in Polish secular art, can also be found in sacral interiors. Initially, they made their way into churches as gifts of wealthy founders, however, in the case of Jesuit churches they became a conscious concept. Chinoiserie in the interiors of Jesuit churches constituted not only the reflection of their missionary activity but also a conclusion to multiple research and writings on China and Japan as well as other Asian countries. It brought along a completely new iconography and ideology, which we can find in such large numbers in the Grudziądz church. We can notice it starting from the main altar, where on particular items there are decorations realized in the imitation of black lacquer, depicting exotic landscapes full of oriental animals and plants (parrots and palms). Black lacquer can also be found in the decoration of the pulpit. There, among exotic landscapes there are individual apostles as well as saints, and similarly as in the confessionals, the attributes of individual saints were entwined into chinoiserie decorations. The quintessence of the employment of Chinese varnish remains in the music choir, whose three panneaus depict the scenes of the Jesuits’ missionary road in Asia among exotic plants. Even the side altars, although not embellished with black lacquer, refer to the program, in particular the south altar devoted to St. Ignacy Loyola in the surrounding of four continents. The employment of chinoiserie in church decoration had never been used in such a scale in a sacral building – an exception to which can be the already non-existent convent church in Międzyrzecze (its equipment partially preserved in Wyszanów), where the same artists might have worked. In some Polish churches there are single pieces decorated in this way, sometimes a few, like in Studzian. The subject matter of chinoiserie in Polish sacral art still largely remains insufficiently examined and described. Therefore, there is hope for further discoveries in the area.The equipment of St. Franciszek Ksawery church in Grudziądz determines the unique character of that church in Poland. It presents rich regent style with numerous elements of the decoration which was fashionable especially in the beginning of 18th century and imitated the art of China, namely chinoiserie. Chinoiserie decorations, popular in Polish secular art, can also be found in sacral interiors. Initially, they made their way into churches as gifts of wealthy founders, however, in the case of Jesuit churches they became a conscious concept. Chinoiserie in the interiors of Jesuit churches constituted not only the reflection of their missionary activity but also a conclusion to multiple research and writings on China and Japan as well as other Asian countries. It brought along a completely new iconography and ideology, which we can find in such large numbers in the Grudziądz church. We can notice it starting from the main altar, where on particular items there are decorations realized in the imitation of black lacquer, depicting exotic landscapes full of oriental animals and plants (parrots and palms). Black lacquer can also be found in the decoration of the pulpit. There, among exotic landscapes there are individual apostles as well as saints, and similarly as in the confessionals, the attributes of individual saints were entwined into chinoiserie decorations. The quintessence of the employment of Chinese varnish remains in the music choir, whose three panneaus depict the scenes of the Jesuits’ missionary road in Asia among exotic plants. Even the side altars, although not embellished with black lacquer, refer to the program, in particular the south altar devoted to St. Ignacy Loyola in the surrounding of four continents. The employment of chinoiserie in church decoration had never been used in such a scale in a sacral building – an exception to which can be the already non-existent convent church in Międzyrzecze (its equipment partially preserved in Wyszanów), where the same artists might have worked. In some Polish churches there are single pieces decorated in this way, sometimes a few, like in Studzian. The subject matter of chinoiserie in Polish sacral art still largely remains insufficiently examined and described. Therefore, there is hope for further discoveries in the area

    Doradca i opiekun przydany w świetle Kodeksu Cywilnego Królestwa Polskiego – podobieństwa i różnice

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    Studium przedstawia dwa przewidziane przez Kodeks Cywilny Królestwa Polskiego, a dotąd nieznane instytucje: opiekuna przydanego i doradcy. Obie te funkcje miały na celu ochronę interesów majątkowych i osobistych małoletniego w przypadku śmierci jednego lub obojga rodziców. Jednak choć obaj mieli za zadanie ochronę interesów pupila, to z jednej strony ustawodawca przyznał im w tym celu odmienne uprawnienia, z drugiej w praktyce mieszano te funkcje. Świadczą o tym dokumenty Sądu Pokoju Powiatu Łęczyckiego (od 1809 do 1856 r.), Sądu Pokoju w Łodzi (od 1844 do 1876 r.) oraz akt notariuszy zgierskich w latach 1826-1875 zgromadzonych w Archiwum Państwowym w Łodzi. Brak pełnego rozróżnienia opiekuna przydanego i doradcy przejawiał się już w przemienności terminologii używanej w odniesieniu do obu tych instytucji. Choć wskazując opiekuna przydanego, najczęściej posługiwano się wyrażeniem kodeksowym, to natrafiamy i na terminy: podopiekun lub współopiekun. Inaczej wyglądała kwestia w przypadku doradcy. Określenia ustawowego z art. 350 KCKP w ogóle nie stosowano. Posługiwano się natomiast terminologią tożsamą, co dla opiekuna przydanego. I ten właśnie termin możemy spotkać najczęściej. Ponadto w materiale źródłowym występują wskazane już wyżej wyrazy jednoznacznie odnoszące się do doradcy: podopiekun czy współopiekun. W testamentach publicznych doradcom powierzano zadania daleko wykraczające poza funkcje doradcze, a nawet opiekunów przydanych powoływano wbrew literze prawa? Najbardziej prawdopodobną przyczyną takiego stanu rzeczy była słaba znajomość przepisów prawa przez osoby sporządzające akty ostatniej woli. Ponadto osoby dokonujące rozporządzeń na wypadek śmierci, odnoszących się do przyszłości ich dzieci uważając, iż ciąży na nich obowiązek jak najlepszego zabezpieczenia interesów dziecka, starały się w sposób dla siebie zrozumiały wykorzystać instrumenty, którymi posługiwała się praktyka, nie zdając sobie nawet sprawy z obchodzenia prawa. Z rodzicielskiej troski o przyszłość dziecka, któremu groziło sieroctwo, domniemywały moralne prawo mianowania opiekuna przydanego zgodnie ze swą wolą. Tym bardziej, iż rady familijne nie kwestionowały w znacznej mierze przypadków wyborów dokonanych przez testatorów. Mogło zresztą być i tak, że spadkodawca zdawał sobie sprawę, iż jego decyzja w zakresie powołania opiekuna przydanego nie ma mocy prawnej, a traktował ją jedynie jako wskazówkę dla rady familijnej.The study presents two institutions envisaged in the Civil Code of the Kingdom of Poland (KCKP) that as yet remain hardly known: opiekun przydany (nominated guardian) and doradca (advisor). Both the functions aimed at the protection of personal and property interest of a minor in case of death of one or both parents. Although both were there to protect the interest of the juvenile person, the legislator awarded them different rights in the scope, and the functions were mistaken in practice. This is attested by the documents of the Justice of Peace Court of the County of Łęczyca (1809-1856), the Justice of Peace Court in Łódź (1844-1876) and the files of notaries public of the city of Zgierz, collected in the State Archive in Łódź. The lack of complete differentiation between the two functions was visible already in the interchangeability of the terminology used in reference to both the institutions. Although naming the opiekun przydany, the term from the code was used in most cases, we find also the terms podopiekun and współopiekun (i.e. “sub-guardian" and “co-guardian"). The question of the advisor was different. The term set up on the power of the Art. 350 of the KCKP was not used at all. What was used in its stead were terms tantamount to opiekun przydany: the term that we encounter most often. Moreover, the source materials include also the aforementioned words - podopiekun and współopiekun - clearly referring to the advisor. In testaments, public advisors were entrusted with tasks going far beyond the advisory functions, and even the nominated guardians were appointed against the law. The most probable reason for such a status quo was the poor knowledge of the rules of law by the people drawing up testaments. Moreover - believing themselves under the obligation of the best protection of the child’s interest - the people performing dispositions in the case of death, and referring to the future of their children - made efforts to apply the instruments used in practice in a manner understandable for them, unaware of circumventing law. Of parental care for the future of a child threatened with being orphaned, they surmised the moral right of nominating a guardian, according to their will. The more so as in great majority of cases family councils did not question the choices made by the testators. It could also be so that the testator realised that his decision concerning the appointment of the nominated guardian was legally null and void, and treated it only as a guideline for the family council.In der Studie werden zwei von dem Zivilgesetzbuch des Königreichs Polen vorgesehenen, bis dahin aber unbekannten Institutionen dargestellt: die eines bestellten Vormunds und eines Beraters. Beide dieser Funktionen dienten dem Schutz von Vermögens- und persönlichen Interessen eines Minderjährigen im Todesfalle eines oder beider Elternteile. Auch wenn die beiden die Sicherung der Interessen ihres Schützlings zum Ziel hatten, wurden ihnen einerseits vom Gesetzgeber unterschiedliche Befugnisse gewährt, andererseits aber kam es zur Vermischung dieser Funktionen in der täglichen Praxis. Dies bezeugen die Dokumente des Friedensgerichts im Landkreis von Łęczyca (1809 bis 1856), des Friedensgerichts in Łódź (1844 bis 1876) sowie die Urkunden der Notare aus Zgierz aus den Jahren 1826-1875, die in dem Staatsarchiv in Łódź aufbewahrt werden. Dass die Institutionen des bestellten Vormunds und des Beraters nicht vollkommen voneinander differenziert wurden, ist bereits in der auswechselnd eingesetzten Terminologie sichtbar. Auch wenn in den meisten Fällen der bestellte Vormund mit einem vom Zivilgesetzbuch vorgesehenen Terminus bezeichnet wird, so trifft man gelegentlich auch auf die Bezeichnungen: Subbetreuer oder Mitbetreuer. Beim Berater war die Sache anders. Die gesetzliche Bezeichnung aus dem Art. 350 des Zivilgesetzbuches des Königreichs Polen wurde gar nicht angewandt. Im Umlauf war aber eine dem bestellten Vormund synonyme Terminologie. Diesen Begriff finden wir auch am häufigsten. In den Quellen sind des Weiteren auch Begriffe zu finden, die sich eindeutig auf den Berater beziehen: der Subbetreuer oder der Mitbetreuer. In den öffentlichen Testamenten wurden den Beratern Aufgaben anvertraut, die Beratungsfunktionen bei Weitem überschritten, und die bestellten Vormunde wurden nicht selten rechtswidrig ernannt. Die meist wahrscheinliche Erklärung dafür war das niedrige Bewusstsein der Rechtsvorschriften von den Personen, von welchen die Akten des letzten Willes erstellt wurden. Dabei wollten auch die von Todes wegen Verfügenden, die über die Zukunft ihrer Kinder entscheiden sollten, in dem Glauben, dass ihnen die bestmögliche Sicherung der Interessen des Kindes obliegt, die ihnen verfügbaren Instrumente auf die für sie verständliche Weise zu nutzen, ohne darüber im Klaren zu sein, dass dies die Umgehung des Rechts war. Aus purer Sorge um die Zukunft des Kindes, das mit dem Verwaisen bedroht war, schlossen sie ihr moralisches Recht, einen bestellten Vormund nach ihrem Willen zu benennen. Zumal die Familienräte diese Wahl der Testatoren selten in Frage stellten. Es könnte aber auch so gewesen sein, dass sich der Testator im Klaren war, dass seine Entscheidung über die Benennung eines bestellten Vormunds keine Rechtskraft habe, sah es aber nur als einen Hinweis für den Familienrat vor

    Current strategies of the brachial plexus palsy management

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    The importance of brachial plexus palsy treatment is associated with its significant severity, along with Brachial plexus palsies can be treated by means of many different surgical and non-surgical methods which allow regeneration of full efficiency of the affected limb. The choice of method depends on such factors as type and region of injury, patient’s age or clinical presentation of the injury. The purpose of this review is to present current strategies of treating brachial plexus palsies, depending on therapeutic needs of the particular patient. This is a review study based upon selective literature overview, with emphasis on works published within past 13 years. 6 separate methods of brachial plexus palsy were assessed, without distinction of the reason of palsy occurring. Some of the invasive methods include operative treatment performed directly on occupied nervous tissue, such as microneural plexus reconstruction and nerve transfers (lower subscapular nerve transfer and contralateral C7 nerve transfer) whilst the others revolve around restoration of function of affected neighboring structures by themselves, e.g. shoulder tendon transfers. Rehabilitation and botulinum toxin-based treatment are non-operative methods revolving around enhancement of the function of the affected upper limb. Main measure of effectiveness of the treatment is assessment of the range of motion of the affected limb (ROM). There is still not enough information available regarding long-term efficiency of microneural plexus reconstruction and botulinum toxin-based treatment. They require further investigation while other methods are used commonly

    Comparing Mfd- and UvrD-dependent models of transcription coupled DNA repair in live Escherichia coli using single-molecule tracking

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    During transcription-coupled DNA repair (TCR) the detection of DNA damage and initiation of nucleotide excision repair (NER) is performed by translocating RNA polymerases (RNAP), which are arrested upon encountering bulky DNA lesions. Two opposing models of the subsequent steps of TCR in bacteria exist. In the first model, stalled RNAPs are removed from the damage site by recruitment of Mfd which dislodges RNAP by pushing it forwards before recruitment of UvrA and UvrB. In the second model, UvrD helicase backtracks RNAP from the lesion site. Recent studies have proposed that both UvrD and UvrA continuously associate with RNAP before damage occurs, which forms the primary damage sensor for NER. To test these two models of TCR in living E. coli, we applied super-resolution microscopy (PALM) combined with single particle tracking to directly measure the mobility and recruitment of Mfd, UvrD, UvrA, and UvrB to DNA during ultraviolet-induced DNA damage. The intracellular mobilities of NER proteins in the absence of DNA damage showed that most UvrA molecules could in principle be complexed with RNAP, however, this was not the case for UvrD. Upon DNA damage, Mfd recruitment to DNA was independent of the presence of UvrA, in agreement with its role upstream of this protein in the TCR pathway. In contrast, UvrD recruitment to DNA was strongly dependent on the presence of UvrA. Inhibiting transcription with rifampicin abolished Mfd DNA-recruitment following DNA damage, whereas significant UvrD, UvrA, and UvrB recruitment remained, consistent with a UvrD and UvrA performing their NER functions independently of transcribing RNAP. Together, although we find that up to ∼8 UvrD-RNAP-UvrA complexes per cell could potentially form in the absence of DNA damage, our live-cell data is not consistent with this complex being the primary DNA damage sensor for NER

    Searching for the Holy Grail among ear drops

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    Introduction and aim of the study: Ear wax plays many roles in maintaining ear health, such as cleansing, shielding, and lubricating the external auditory canal. Sometimes, when earwax obstruction occurs, for example as a result of improper hygiene procedures (such as using cotton swabs), it can cause a number of disorders ranging from discomfort to even loss of hearing. In such cases, various methods can be used to remove the cerumen impaction. One of these and also the most commonly used, involves the usage of ear drops, which can contain different active substances (water-based compounds, oil-based compounds, a combination of oil and water-based compounds, and non-water, non-oil solutions). The aim of our study is to present current state of knowledge about effectiveness of various types of ear drops in wax cleaning. Material and methods: Our review is based on the analysis of materials collected in Pubmed”, „Google Scholar” and other scientific articles using keywords: „earwax”, cerumen impaction”, „cerumenolytics”, „ear drops”, „cerumen”, „earwax solvents”, „wax solvents”. Conclusions: Despite numerous studies, the Holy Grail has not been found among ear drops. The majority conducted studies did not show that any of the cerumenolitics were superior to the others in a statistically significant way. The only result that was statistically significant was the one showing a higher effectiveness of 2.5% sodium bicarbonate compared to docusate sodium. Further research is needed

    SNF1-Related Protein Kinases SnRK2.4 and SnRK2.10 Modulate ROS Homeostasis in Plant Response to Salt Stress

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    In response to salinity and various other environmental stresses, plants accumulate reactive oxygen species (ROS). The ROS produced at very early stages of the stress response act as signaling molecules activating defense mechanisms, whereas those produced at later stages in an uncontrolled way are detrimental to plant cells by damaging lipids, DNA, and proteins. Multiple systems are involved in ROS generation and also in ROS scavenging. Their level and activity are tightly controlled to ensure ROS homeostasis and protect the plant against the negative effects of the environment. The signaling pathways responsible for maintaining ROS homeostasis in abiotic stress conditions remain largely unknown. Here, we show that in Arabidopsis thaliana, two abscisic acid- (ABA)-non-activated SNF1-releted protein kinases 2 (SnRK2) kinases, SnRK2.4 and SnRK2.10, are involved in the regulation of ROS homeostasis in response to salinity. They regulate the expression of several genes responsible for ROS generation at early stages of the stress response as well as those responsible for their removal. Moreover, the SnRK2.4 regulate catalase levels and its activity and the level of ascorbate in seedlings exposed to salt stress

    Exploring the efficacy of cannabinoids in the management of multiple sclerosis

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    Introduction: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system, marked by inflammation, demyelination, and neurodegeneration. It severely impacts quality of life with symptoms like spasticity, pain, and cognitive impairment. Conventional treatments often fail, necessitating alternative therapies. Purpose: This review evaluates the efficacy and safety of cannabis extracts in treating MS, enhancing understanding of their benefits and limitations. State of knowledge: Studies suggest that cannabinoids may alleviate MS symptoms, particularly spasticity and pain. Clinical trials have shown significant reductions in muscle stiffness and pain, along with improved sleep quality. Meta-analyses, by Whiting et al. and Cochrane, support these findings but highlight the risk of side effects, which may limit long-term use. Additionally, research on animal models and in vitro studies indicate that cannabinoids may have neuroprotective and immunomodulatory properties, potentially reducing neuroinflammation and demyelination. Conclusion: Cannabinoids exhibit potential as a complementary therapy for managing MS symptoms, especially spasticity and pain. However, evidence is mixed, with some studies showing limited efficacy and considerable risk of side effects. More long-term, high-quality studies are needed to fully understand the therapeutic potential and safety profile of cannabinoids in MS treatment. Despite the challenges, the growing availability and changing legal status of medical cannabis suggest it could be a viable option for some patients, provided its use is carefully monitored and adapted to individual needs

    The treatment of chronic wounds using bacteriophages

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    Introduction and aim of study: Chronic wounds are increasingly challenging global healthcare. These wounds, which take over 3 months to heal, are complicated by untreated infections and the formation of biofilm, hindering healing and antibiotic effectiveness. To tackle these issues, new treatments like bacteriophage therapy are being explored. Bacteriophages, viruses that target bacteria, offer promise in overcoming antibiotic resistance. However, their use presents challenges that need to be addressed. Material and methods:  Our review is based on the analysis of materials collected in Pubmed, Elsevier and other scientific articles using keywords: “chronic wound”, “chronic wounds infection”, “biofilms”, “MDR”, “bacteriophage”, “phage therapy”. Conclusions: The rise of chronic wounds due to resistant infections poses a significant challenge for patients and healthcare systems. Multidrug-resistant bacteria, often forming biofilm, evade current treatments, urging the search for alternatives. Phage therapy, showing efficacy against various stubborn infections, including those from surgery or diabetes, gains attention. Advanced delivery systems enhance targeted treatment, while phage cocktails improve effectiveness, especially against multiple resistant strains. Safety is generally observed, but larger trials are needed. Though not a replacement for antibiotics, phage therapy offers hope, needing robust clinical validation. While challenges exist, its societal, commercial, and economic benefits suggest a promising future beyond clinical use