12 research outputs found

    Bogactwo i bieda: próba refleksji humanistycznej

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    Ze wstępu: "Niniejsza książka jest efektem pracy zespołu realizującego program badań „Bogactwo i bieda - postawy, opinie, zachowania (badania w środowisku studentów Akademii Górniczo- Hutniczej)” w ramach grantu uczelnianego (G. U. Z. 10.430). Projekt ten nawiązuje do tradycji badań środowiska studenckiego AGH, które zapoczątkował przed laty profesor Julian Bugiel. Prezentowana praca tworzy pewną całość wraz z wątkami problemowymi realizowanych wcześniej badań: w latach 2000-2001 „Agresja i przemoc - postawy, opinie, zachowania (badania w środowisku studentów AGH)” (G. U. Z. 21.10.430.69), jak również z badaniami przeprowadzonymi w roku 2002 „Tolerancja i nietolerancja - postawy, opinie, zachowania (badania w środowisku studentów AGH)” (G. U. Z. 21.10.430.48)."(...

    Postrzeganie badań poligraficznych w Polsce oraz ich użyteczność w służbach i innych obszarach działalności

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    The issue of psychophysiological examinations utilizing polygraph causes many discussions for scientific and social reasons. Usually, this is connected with limited access to knowledge in this area and consequently – common beliefs operating in Polish public opinion. The article presents the results of a survey, including such variables as: knowledge of the concept of polygraph examination, experience in using this method, opinions about practical application of polygraph examinations (both during recruitment and at the stage of employment in specific positions or in criminal proceedings). The results indicate a miserly range of knowledge about such examinations in the society, largely based on an inadequate or insufficient presentation of this method in the media, press and literature (also covering specialist issues). These perceptions were correlated to the actual utility of polygraph examinations in different fields of practice – particularly in public institutions (uniformed services and others).Problem badań psychofizjologicznych z wykorzystaniem poligrafu jest przyczyną wielu dyskusji na gruncie naukowym i społecznym. Zwykle ma to związek z ograniczonym dostępem do wiedzy w tym zakresie i w konsekwencji – z powszechnymi przekonaniami panującymi w polskiej opinii publicznej. W artykule zostały przedstawione wyniki przeprowadzonej ankiety, uwzględniającej takie zmienne, jak: znajomość istoty badań poligraficznych, doświadczenie w zakresie wykorzystania metody tego typu badań, opinie dotyczące praktycznego zastosowania badań poligraficznych (zarówno podczas rekrutacji, jak i na etapie zatrudnienia na określonych stanowiskach czy w postępowaniu karnym). Wyniki wskazują na skromny zakres wiedzy na temat tych badań w społeczeństwie, w dużej mierze oparty na nieprawidłowym lub niedostatecznym przedstawianiu metody w mediach, prasie i literaturze (również obejmującej zagadnienia specjalistyczne). Ten obraz zestawiono z użytecznością badań poligraficznych w różnych obszarach praktyki – szczególnie w instytucjach państwowych (służbach mundurowych i innych)

    Social perceptions of polygraph examinations in Poland, their utility in security agencies and other fields of activity

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    Problem badań psychofizjologicznych z wykorzystaniem poligrafu jest przyczyną wielu dyskusji na gruncie naukowym i społecznym. Zwykle ma to związek z ograniczonym dostępem do wiedzy w tym zakresie i w konsekwencji – z powszechnymi przekonaniami panującymi w polskiej opinii publicznej. W artykule zostały przedstawione wyniki przeprowadzonej ankiety, uwzględniającej takie zmienne, jak: znajomość istoty badań poligraficznych, doświadczenie w zakresie wykorzystania metody tego typu badań, opinie dotyczące praktycznego zastosowania badań poligraficznych (zarówno podczas rekrutacji, jak i na etapie zatrudnienia na określonych stanowiskach czy w postępowaniu karnym). Wyniki wskazują na skromny zakres wiedzy na temat tych badań w społeczeństwie, w dużej mierze oparty na nieprawidłowym lub niedostatecznym przedstawianiu metody w mediach, prasie i literaturze (również obejmującej zagadnienia specjalistyczne). Ten obraz zestawiono z użytecznością badań poligraficznych w różnych obszarach praktyki – szczególnie w instytucjach państwowych (służbach mundurowych i innych).The issue of psychophysiological examinations utilizing polygraph causes many discussions for scientific and social reasons. Usually, this is connected with limited access to knowledge in this area and consequently – common beliefs operating in Polish public opinion. The article presents the results of a survey, including such variables as: knowledge of the concept of polygraph examination, experience in using this method, opinions about practical application of polygraph examinations (both during recruitment and at the stage of employment in specific positions or in criminal proceedings). The results indicate a miserly range of knowledge about such examinations in the society, largely based on an inadequate or insufficient presentation of this method in the media, press and literature (also covering specialist issues). These perceptions were correlated to the actual utility of polygraph examinations in different fields of practice – particularly in public institutions (uniformed services and others)

    Changes in air Water Vapour Pressure, Relative Humidity and Carbon Dioxide Concentration in Summer on the City Outskirts

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    Urban greenery contributes to improve air quality through carbon dioxide sequestration and to increase air humidity by transpiration. These processes are dependent on diurnal physiological activity of vegetation as well as its spatial distribution. In our study we aimed to find out (1) how urban greenery can change the atmospheric conditions during a day and (2) if there is a difference between a housing estate interior with abundant greenery and a wide street of heavy traffic. The examination was carried out a suburban district of Warsaw, in two sites of contrasting characteristics: in a street with heavy traffic during rush hours and in a housing estate nearby. Gas measurements were carried out using an infrared gas analyser included in a portable photosynthesis system on two sunny days in July 2021. On each day measurements of air water vapour pressure and atmospheric carbon dioxide were taken in both locations from early morning to the evening. The results showed that water vapour pressure in the air increased from ca. 12 to nearly 18 hPa from 6:45 a.m. to 9:00-9:30 a.m., respectively, and then gradually decreased until 7:00 p.m. on both measurement days. Carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere in the early morning hours exceeded 430-450 ppm and then decreased to 400 ppm or even less than 360 ppm depending on the day. We concluded that the site characteristics had not an important effect on relative humidity and carbon dioxide concentration, but vapour pressure deficit was higher in the street

    The relationship between the manifestations of mobbing and reactions of mobbing victims

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    Background: The study concerned workplace mobbing, a phenomenon affecting about 3–20% of the Polish population. The aim of the article is to distinguish the manifestations of mobbing, to study the coexistence of mobbing manifestations, and to search for the relationships between the symptoms of mobbing, reactions to mobbing and methods of dealing with mobbing used by victims. Material and Methods: Information on the above variables was obtained using a questionnaire on mobbing, risk factors, and responses to mobbing. The questionnaire was completed by 781 people (women: 66%, men: 34%). The average age of the respondents was 29 years. The current statistical analysis included: distinguishing the manifestations of mobbing by means of a confirmatory factor analysis, studying the coexistence of mobbing manifestations by means of a cluster analysis, and detecting the relationships between mobbing manifestations, reactions to mobbing and ways of dealing with it based on the system of structural equations. Results: The results of the research revealed 3 categories of relationships: a co-occurrence of mobbing manifestations, a relationship of mobbing manifestations with reactions to mobbing, and a relationship of mobbing reactions with methods of dealing with mobbing. Conclusions: Mobbing was found in 22% of the examined group. The study revealed the existence of 5 clusters of mobbing manifestations (i.e., subgroups of respondents characterized by experiencing at least 1 of the mobbing manifestations). In the most numerous clusters in which the symptoms of mobbing were diagnosed, unfriendly working conditions prevailed. In the context of mobbing, people were found to more often react with passivity or with using interpersonal coping methods. However, they rarely turned to institutions for help or used aggression against the mobber. Med Pr. 2022;73(1):1–1

    Urinary tract infection in children during their first year of life as evidenced by the Department of Paediatrics, Paediatric Nephrology and Allergology, Military Institute of Medicine

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    Urinary tract infections are the most common type of infection of bacterial origin in the paediatric population. The main aetiological factor for urinary tract infections are Gram-negative bacteria colonising the gastrointestinal tract, subpreputial area or vaginal vestibule. The most common cause of the infection is Escherichia coli. Quite frequently a urinary tract infection may be the first symptom of anatomical or functional abnormalities in the urinary tract; therefore, special attention should be paid to urinary tract infection incidents in the youngest age group. Cases of children aged 1–12 months during a first-time urinary tract infection episode hospitalised at the Department of Paediatrics, Paediatric Nephrology and Allergology of the Military Institute of Medicine in 2008–2014 were assessed retrospectively. The method of retrospective analysis of medical records was used. A group of 217 children was assessed, with girls slightly outnumbering boys. The most commonly observed symptom was fever, which was often accompanied by symptoms indicating a respiratory tract infection. This fact is worth emphasising since in such cases the presence of a urinary tract infection may be overlooked. Elevated inflammation parameters were observed in the majority of patients. The most common cause of the infection was Escherichia coli. A normal ultrasound image of the urinary tract was reported in only 17% of children. In 60% of patients who had a voiding cystourethrography no abnormalities were observed, in 30% vesicoureteral reflux was found and in 7% of such patients posterior urethral valves were the primary abnormality. Clinical symptoms and inflammation parameter values did not differentiate children with an isolated infection, vesicoureteral reflux and other urinary tract defects. In patients with urinary tract defects other than vesicoureteral reflux a different cause of the infection than Escherichia coli was significantly more common – strains of Gram-positive bacteria were more frequently found

    Arylpiperazinylalkyl derivatives of 8-amino-1,3-dimethylpurine-2,6-dione as novel multitarget 5-HT/D receptor agents with potential antipsychotic activity

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    <p>A series of new 7-arylpiperazinylalkyl-1,3-dimethyl-purine-2,6-dione derivatives with diversified 8-amino substituent in 8 position was synthesized and their 5-HT<sub>1A</sub>, 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>, 5-HT<sub>6</sub>, 5-HT<sub>7</sub>, and D<sub>2</sub> receptor affinities were determined. The binding study allowed identifying some potent 5-HT<sub>1A</sub>/5-HT<sub>2A</sub>/5-HT<sub>7</sub>/D<sub>2</sub> ligands. The most interesting because of their multireceptor profile were 8-piperidine (<b>30</b>–<b>35</b>) and 8-dipropylamine (<b>45</b>–<b>47</b>) analogs with four and five carbon aliphatic linkers. The selected compounds <b>24</b>, <b>31</b>, <b>34</b>, <b>39</b>, <b>41</b>, <b>43</b>, <b>45</b>, and <b>46</b> in the functional <i>in vitro</i> evaluation for all targeted receptors showed significant partial D<sub>2</sub> agonist, partial 5-HT<sub>1A</sub> agonist, and 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> antagonist properties. The advantageous <i>in vitro</i> affinity of compound <b>34</b> for 5-HT<sub>1A</sub> and D<sub>2</sub> receptors has been explained by means of molecular modeling, taking into consideration its partial agonist activity towards the latter one. In behavioral studies, compounds <b>32</b> and <b>34</b> revealed antipsychotic-like properties, significantly decreasing d-amphetamine-induced hyperactivity in mice.</p

    Antidotes in Clinical Toxicology—Critical Review

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    Poisoning and overdose are very important aspects in medicine and toxicology. Chemical weapons pose a threat to civilians, and emergency medicine principles must be followed when dealing with patients who have been poisoned or overdosed. Antidotes have been used for centuries and modern research has led to the development of new antidotes that can accelerate the elimination of toxins from the body. Although some antidotes have become less relevant due to modern intensive care techniques, they can still save lives or reduce the severity of toxicity. The availability of antidotes is crucial, especially in developing countries where intensive care facilities may be limited. This article aims to provide information on specific antidotes, their recommended uses, and potential risks and new uses. In the case of poisoning, supportive therapies are most often used; however, in many cases, the administration of an appropriate antidote saves the patient’s life. In this review, we reviewed the literature on selected antidotes used in the treatment of poisonings. We also characterised the antidotes (bio)chemically. We described the cases in which they are used together with the dosage recommendations. We also analysed the mechanisms of action. In addition, we described alternative methods of using a given substance as a drug, an example of which is N-acetylcysteine, which can be used in the treatment of COVID-19. This article was written as part of the implementation of the project of the Polish Ministry of Education and Science, “Toxicovigilance, poisoning prevention, and first aid in poisoning with xenobiotics of current clinical importance in Poland”, grant number SKN/SP/570184/2023