5 research outputs found


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    Default values for the simulator


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    A simulator program that can be used to simulate endogenous viruses and their accumulation in genomes within asexual and sexual populations

    Supplementary material for ‘Mate limitation and sex ratio evolution’: Data for Fig. 1, and additional mathematical derivations.

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    This supplementary material contains i) the sex ratio data and references used to create Fig. 1, ii) derivation of the mating functions used in the manuscript and iii) stability analyses for the ESS results


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    Data collected from the field experiment and used to generate statistics presented in article. Mf: high-dominance males with low-fecundity sisters, mF: low-dominance males with high-fecundity sisters

    A synthesis of deimatic behaviour

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    Deimatic behaviours, also referred to as startle behaviours, are used against predators and rivals. Although many are spectacular, their proximate and ultimate causes remain unclear. In this review we aim to synthesise what is known about deimatic behaviour and identify knowledge gaps. We propose a working hypothesis for deimatic behaviour, and discuss the available evidence for the evolution, ontogeny, causation, and survival value of deimatic behaviour using Tinbergen's Four Questions as a framework. Our overarching aim is to direct future research by suggesting ways to address the most pressing questions in this field.</p