79 research outputs found

    Chymase Level in Dengue Virus Infection With or Without Positive Non-Structural 1(NS1)

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    Thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, and monocytosis are laboratory parameters in the diagnosis of dengue virus infection. In addition to monocyte cells, mast cells also play a role in the innate immune response, where degranulation of mast cells will occur, which will secretion the active vaso mediator, Chymase. Chymase has a role in increasing vascular permeability resulting in plasma leakage in patients with dengue virus infection to determine the number of platelets, leukocytes, monocytes and chymase levels in patients with dengue infection in the acute phase. The platelet count mean in NS1 (+) was 132,140 cells / mm3 and the platelet count in the NS1 group was (-) 176,000 cells / mm3. The mean leukocytes NS1 (+) showed results of 4,350 cells / mm3 and NS1 (-) 5,250 cells / mm3. The mean monocyte NS1 (+) monocyte count was 8.26%, and NS1 (-) group was 8.76%. There were no significant differences in platelet counts, leukocytes and monocytes between NS1 (+) and NS1 (-) (P value> 0.05). The mean Chymase NS1 (+) 23.48, NS1 (-) 23.05 ng / mL and the control group 1.47ng / mL.ABSTRAK   Latar Belakang. Infeksi virus dengue menjadi masalah kesehatan di daerah tropis dan sub tropis di seluruh dunia, termasuk di Indonesia. Trombositopenia, leukopenia dan monositosis merupakan parameter laboratorium dalam penegakan diagnose pada infeksi virus dengue. Respon imun terbangun setelah nyamuk Aedes Aegipty yang terinfeksi menginokulasikan virus dengue ke tubuh manusia. Selain sel monosit, sel mast juga berperan dalam respon imun bawaan, dimana akan terjadi degranulasi sel mast yang akan mesekresikan mediator vaso aktif diantarnya adalah Chymase. Chymase mempunyai ikut berperan dalam meningkatnya permeabilitas vaskuler sehingga terjadi kebocoran plasma pada penderita infeksi virus dengue. Tujuan. Untuk mengetahui jumlah trombosit, leukosit, monosit dan kadar chymase pada penderita infeksi dengue pada fase akut. Metode. Penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penderita infeksi virus dengue diambil darahnya pada waktu masuk ke rumah sakit waktu mengalami demam pada hari kedua atau ketiga atau keempat. Darah langsung diperiksa darah lengkap serta NS1 rapid test. Serum penderita yang terdiagnosa DF maupun DHF dikumpulkan dan diperiksa kadar chymasenya. Hasil. Rerata trombosit pada NS1 (+) 132.140 sel/mm3 dan jumlah trombosit pada kelompok NS1 (-)176.000 sel/mm3.  Rerata leukosit NS1 (+)  menunjukkan hasil 4.350 sel/mm3 dan NS1(-) 5.250 sel/mm3. Rerata monosit NS1(+) jumlah monosit 8,26% dan kelompok NS1 (-) 8,76%. Tidak terdapat perbedaan jumlah trombosit, leukosit dan monosit yang signifikan antara NS1(+) dan NS1(-) (P value >0,05) Rerata kadar Chymase NS1(+)23,48, NS1 (-) 23,05 ng/mL dan kelompok control 1,47ng/mL. Kesimpulan. Tidak terdapat perbedaan kadar chymase yang signifikan antara kelompok NS1(+) dan NS1(-). Perbedaan kadar chymase yang signifikan terdapat antara kelompok kontrol dengan NS1 (+) dan kelompok kontrol dengan NS1(-) pada infeksi virus dengue. Terdapat sedikit penurunan sel trombosit dan sel leukosit seiring dengan sedikit peningkatan jumlah sel monosit pada penderita infeksi virus dengue.   Kata Kunci: thrombositopenia, chymase, NS1, infeksi virus dengu

    Platelet Rich Plasma Preparation Protocols: A Preliminary Study

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    Currently, therapy with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) has been widely used and continues to grow for various clinical applications. Along with its development, there are various options in the method of obtaining PRP, either automatic or manual, while one of the most reliable methods according to the literature is a double centrifugation method. The purpose of this research is to produce an optimization of the double centrifugation method. This study used experimental data obtained by conducting a research at the Clinical Pathology Laboratory of Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya. Experiments were conducted on stored blood obtained from the blood bag from Indonesian Red Crossand fresh blood from healthy donors with CPD anticoagulant. Results: PRP with optimum platelet count could be made with sufficient personal laboratory skills and amounted to 4.11 times with the platelet count of 1.152 million using 1300 rcf for 5 minutes for the first centrifugation, and 2300 rcf for 7 minutes for the second centrifugation

    Upaya Optimasi Pembuatan Plasma Kaya trombosit Sebagai Pengobatan Sel Punca

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    Stem cells have a remarkable potential to act as a self renewal in the related system. The proliferation of stem cells can be stimulated by Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) growth factor. PRP has a potential application for aesthetics, traumatology and maxillofacial surgery. The optimation method could be carried out by a double centrifugation, which is reliable and simple in producing an optimal PRP. The samples were obtained from healthy volunteers; 10 mL of blood was needed to produce 1 mL PRP. CBC test was then performed, in order to know the platelet count before and after double centrifugation. This method used four variations of speed and time. Four variations of speed and time were used to find the optimation result, which yield the highest platelet count and the highest PDGF level released after platelet activation. The measurement of Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF-BB) level was done using ELISA method. Twenty first samples, resulted in a variation of platelet counts, the mean was 0.89 times. About 60% of platelet counts showed a decrease with the lowest value 0.01 times and 40% of the platelet counts showed an increase with the highest value 3.94 times. The study was repeated using “I” tubes, the highest increase of platelet count and PDGF-BB level was obtained by centrifugation at 900 g, 5 minutes duration, then followed by 1500 g, for 15 minutes. In this study protocol, the production of optimal PRP was not yet found, however it provided some important information. In this case, the influence of separation process and skill was more important than the centrifugation speed. The researchers suggested that the measurement of PDGF-BB level should be done immediately after PRP harvest

    History Of Tuberculosis Contact And Tuberculin Test Result

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    Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. History of tuberculosis contact has consequences for TB infection. Density of occupancy may also accelerate TB transmission. Tuberculin test is a screening method that can detect TB infection. However, BCG immunization can reduce the specificity of tuberculin test results because it causes false positive results. Aim: The aim of this study is to see the relationship between history of TB contact and tuberculin test results. Other variables related to tuberculin test results were also examined i.e. occupancy density and incidence of BCG immunization. Methods: This research was conducted with cross-sectional analytic design using contingency coefficient test with a value of É‘ = 0.1. TB contacts subjects were taken from Surabaya Pulmonary Hospital and non-TB contacts subjects were volunteers from Medical Faculty of Widya Mandala Catholic University volunteers and Medical Faculty of Wijaya Kusuma. Each group consisted of 25 people taken using consecutive sampling technique. There is a significant correlation between history of tuberculosis contact and tuberculin test (p = 0,000); There is no significant correlation between BCG immunization history and tuberculin test results (p = 0.221) Result: There is a significant correlation between occupancy density and tuberculin test results (p = 0.066). Conclusion: It can be concluded that history of tuberculosis contact and occupancy density are associated with positive tuberculin test results


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    Currently, therapy with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) has been widely used and continues to grow for various clinical applications. Along with its development, there are various options in the method of obtaining PRP, either automatic or manual, while one of the most reliable according to the literature is a double centrifugation method. The purpose of this research is to produce an optimization of the double centrifugation method. This study uses experimental data obtained by researchers at the Clinical Pathology Laboratory of Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya. Experiments generally were conducted on stored blood obtained from the blood bag from PMI with CPD anticoagulant. Optimization of double centrifugation method to produce PRP with optimum platelet count could be obtained by using an "I"-shaped tube as well as other specialized equipment which are currently not available in standard clinical pathology laboratory, and also fresh blood. The resulting increase amounted to 4.11 times with the platelet count of 1.152 million

    The detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using in vitro granuloma tuberculosis model intracelluler specimens

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    The Granulomas are a group of innate and adaptive immune cells that are highly organized, and during tuberculosis infection caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Estimated as many as 1.6 million cases of death in 2017 according to World Health Organization. Tuberculosis ranks in the top 10 causes of death worldwide and it is predicted that more than 1.7 billion people (around 25 percent of the world's population) are estimated to be infected by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The purpose of this study was to confirm the Mtb by examining a new method by modifying Ziehl-Neelsen stain using an intracellular specimens for tuberculous granuloma in vitro.  This study used the isolate of the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv obtained from the Microbiology Laboratory of the Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga, Surabayaa, using Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells to make model granuloma tuberculosis.  The result is Ziehl-Neelsen staining was modified, it was found that the Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv as detection of bacterial confirmation is said to be successful

    The potency of bay leaves extract (Syzygiumpolyanthum) as anti-inflammation in Rattus norvegicus induced with Complete Freund’s Adjuvant

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    The using of herbal plants in Indonesia as medicine based on traditional knowledge. One of the herbal plants that believed has medication effect is bay leaves (Syzygiumpolyanthum). Bay leaves contain a flavonoid that can prevent inflammation. The study aims to prove the potency of bay leaves extract to prevent the inflammation, which is indicated by decreasing the paw edema thickness in rat induced with Complete Freund's Adjuvant (CFA). This study used 25 animal models of male rat (Rattus norvegicus) strain Wistar that divided into five groups, one group for a normal group (no treatment), one group for positive control which was injected with CFA sub plantar and given treatment with Na CMC and three test groups which is got three different doses of bay leaves extract peroral and the doses were 100 mg/kg BW, 300 mg/kg BW, 400 mg/kg BW, and injected with CFA into the sub plantar. Bay leaves extract was given one hour per oral before injected with CFA. The measurement of paw edema was done at 24 hours after CFA injection. The result of this study showed that bay leaves extract gave the anti-inflammation effect to the rats which were injected with CFA. It is concluded that bay leaves extract containing flavonoids plays a role in inhibit cytokines proinflammatory synthesis.Penggunaan tanaman herbal sebagai pengobatan di Indonesia masih berdasarkan pada pengetahuan tradisional. Salah satu tanaman herbal yang dipercaya memiliki efek pengobatan adalah daun salam (Syzygium polyanthum). Daun salam mengandung flavonoid yang dapat mencegah inflamasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan potensi dariekstrak daun salam untuk mencegah inflamasi yang diindikasikan dengan penurunan ketebalan bengkak telapak kaki tikus yang diinduksi Complete Freund's Adjuvant (CFA). Penelitian ini menggunakan 25 ekor tikus jantan strain Wistar sebagai hewan coba yang dibagi dalam 5 kelompok. Satu kelompok adalah kelompok normal tanpa perlakuan, satu kelompok adalah kelompok kontrol positif yang diinjeksi CFA subplantar dan diberikan terapi dengan Na CMC dan tiga kelompok lain diberikan terapi ekstrak daun salam per oral dengan dosis masing-masing 100mg/kgBB, 300mg/kgBB dan 400mg/kgBB dan kemudian diinjeksi CFA subplantar. Pengukuran ketebalan edema pada telapak kaki tikus dilakukan setelah 24 jam injeksi CFA. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun salam memberikan efek antiinflamasi pada tikus yang diinjeksi dengan CFA

    Hubungan antara Kadar Soluble CD4O Ligand (sCD4OL) dengan Kejadian Sindroma Koroner Akut (SKA)

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    Introduction: Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is manifestation of coronary heart disease (CHD), which is the leading cause of death in Indonesia. CD40 ligand (CD40L) stored in alpha granule of platelet will be translocated immediately to the surface when plaletet is active, and then released from the surface as soluble CD40 ligand (sCD40L). Soluble CD40 ligand (sCD40L) has role in connecting the inflammatory process, atherosclerosis, and thrombosis. The aim of this study is to study correlation between sCD40L level and ACS in patients with chest pain. Methods: Subject of this study was 40 patients with chest pain that came to emergency ward of RSUD dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Patients were divided into two groups based on the diagnosis ACS and non ACS, which was established with electrocardiography(ECG) and Troponin-T level. Patients’sera were examined sCD40L level using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit from Quantikine®. Results: Twenty six (65%) were diagnosed as ACS, and 14 (35%) were non ACS. ACS diagnosis consists of ST-segmen elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), non-ST-segmen elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and unstable angina (UA), with the highest proportion was STEMI in 15 (57%). The mean of sCD40L level in ACS patients (5.45 ± 3.70 ng/mL) was significantly higher compared with non ACS patients (1.97 ± 1.33 ng/mL) (


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    Sepsis is a major problem causing high morbidity and mortality in patients who hospitalized in intensive care. In sepsis, there is a change in the distribution of albumin in the intravascular and extravascular compartment, so hipoalbumin is occured. Using albumin in septic patients from several studies that have been done are still controversial. Analyzing albumin infusion with changes in levels of albumin, cytokines and SOFA score in septic patients in intensive care dr. Soetomo. The design of this study is a prospective longitudinal observational. The study was conducted in the intensive care unit or ICU dr. Soetomo in February 2015. The inclusion and exclusion criteria were determined that obtained 15 research subjects. They were examined with serum albumin and proinflammatory cytokines as well as evaluating the SOFA score. Then, it measure with ANOVA test methods. Infusion of albumin positively correlated with increased levels of serum albumin and a negative correlation with the levels of IL6, TNF-a and SOFA score. It also found a correlation between changes in levels of albumin with changing levels of IL6 (p <0:01) and changes in SOFA score (p <0.05)
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