397 research outputs found

    The early career of Thomas Craig, advocate

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    ABSTRAKSI: Belakangan ini pengenalan pola (pattern recognition) banyak diimplementasikan di dunia industri ataupun instansi, seperti automated capture dari sinyal dan gambar untuk keperluan identifikasi. Identifikasi tanda tangan manusia merupakan proses untuk mengenali dan menentukan tanda tangan dari seseorang. Teknologi identifikasi untuk pengenalan pola tanda tangan termasuk di dalam biometrik yang menggunakan karakteristik perilaku alami manusia. Pemalsuan citra tanda tangan dapat terjadi dengan mudah, sehingga dibutuhkan sistem identifikasi yang mampu membedakan tanda tangan asli atau palsu. Banyak sekali metode ekstraksi ciri yang dapat diaplikasikan untuk pengenalan pola. Pada Tugas Akhir ini dilakukan suatu perbandingan beberapa metode ekstraksi ciri untuk mendapatkan hasil verifikasi pola tanda tangan yang paling akurat. Metode yang digunakan yaitu Transformasi Kosinus Diskrit (DCT), Transformasi Fourier Diskrit (DFT) dan Filter 2D Gabor Wavelet. Proses yang dilakukan dalam tugas akhir ini adalah mengcapture tanda tangan oleh webcam, lalu dilakukan preprocessing yaitu perbaikan kualitas citra, setelah itu barulah proses ekstraksi ciri dilakukan dengan ketiga metode diatas. Proses pengklasifikasian yaitu mengenali ciri tanda tangan input sebagai milik seseorang dalam database menggunakan metode K-means. Dari ketiga metode ekstraksi ciri yang telah mengalami proses pengujian, diperoleh hasil akurasi tertinggi yaitu 77.78% (menggunakan metode Gabor Wavelet).Kata Kunci : Metode ekstraksi ciri, DCT, DFT, Filter 2D Gabor Wavelet,ABSTRACT: Nowadays, pattern recognition has been most implemented in industries and instancies, such as automated capture of signal and images for the needs of identification. Identifying signature is a kind of process to recognize and emphasize one’s signature. The technology of identification human’s signature includes in the biometric using the natural characteristic of human beings. Falsifying the the image of signature can be eagerly happened, so that it is necesarry to count on the identification system, which is able to differenciate the original signature from the false signature. Lots of methods of extracting character which can be applied as pattern identification. In this final assignment, the writer make a comparison to some methods of extracting character to get the verification of the most accurate pattern of signature. The methods used here are Discrete Cosinus of Transformation, Discrete Fourier Transformation, and 2D Filter of Gabor Wavelet. In this final assignment, it is defined by capturing the signature with webcam, then preprocessing it with the improvement of the image’s quality, and at last, completing it with the three methods mentioned above. Classifying is used to recognize the character of signature input as one’s in a kind of database using the K-means method. From the three tested feature extraction methods, it is obtained the highest accuracy which is 77.78% (using Gabor Wavelet method).Keyword: Features extraction methods, DCT, DFT, 2D Filter of Gabor Wavelet


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    Motivasi dan lingkungan kerja merupakan komponen penting dalam menghasilkan kinerja pegawai yang baik dalam suatu organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa pengaruh motivasi dan lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai di KPPN Bandar Lampung. Penelitian ini merupakan explanatory research dengan pendekatan kuantitatif yang menggunakan sampel sebanyak 40 orang pegawai di KPPN Bandar Lampung. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner berskala Likert. Lalu data dianalisis menggunakan Pengujian Instrumen, Uji Asumsi Klasik, Analisis Regresi Linier Berganda, Pengujian Hipotesis dan Pengujian Koefisien Determinasi dan diolah dengan bantuan SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) versi 20.0. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa motivasi kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai. Sedangkan lingkungan kerja berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai. Secara simultan, motivasi dan lingkungan kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai di KPPN Bandar Lampung

    Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Matematikamelalui Penerapan Metode Belajar Aktif Model Meninjau Kembali Kesulitan di Kelas II Sdn 009 Tanjung Palas

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    This study aimed to describe the results of learning through the use of media folder. The subject of research grade II SDN 009 Tanjung Palas. Improved learning outcomes in terms of four categories of goods, namely absorption, the effectiveness of learning, mastery learning completeness students both individually and classical completeness and accuracy of the results of learning. The instrument used for data collection is an oral test and a written test in the form of worksheets performed after the learning process. Results Shows absorption learning outcomes on average 83% is considered very good, very effective learning effectiveness categorized with an average of 70. While the completeness of student learning outcomes Presented complete 100%. In addition, increase the thoroughness of students in each cycle, the first cycle (58.82%), the second cycle (70.59%), the third cycle (88.24%). Based on these results it can be concluded that through active learning model of revisiting the difficulty can improve students' mathematics learning outcomes

    Pengaruh Penerapan Budaya Kaizen dan Reward terhadap Kinerja Pegawai KPPN di Sumatera Barat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa pengaruh penerapan budaya Kaizen dan reward terhadap kinerja pegawai KPPN di Suamtera Barat. Penelitian ini adalah explanatory research dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan sampel sebanyak 124 orang pegawai KPPN di provinsi Sumatera Barat yang tersebar di beberapa KPPN, antara lain : KPPN Sijunjung, Painan, Bukit Tinggi, Padang, Solok dan Lubuk Sikaping. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner berskala Likert. Lalu data dianalisis menggunakan Pengujian Instrumen, Uji Asumsi Klasik, Analisis Regresi Linier Berganda, Pengujian Koefisien Determinasi dan Pengujian Hipotesis serta diolah dengan bantuan SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) versi 20.0. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa penerapan budaya Kaizen berpengaruh negatif terhadap kinerja pegawai KPPN di Sumatera Barat. Namun, reward berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai KPPN di Sumatera Barat. Secara simultan atau bersama-sama, penerapan budaya Kaizen dan reward berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai KPPN di Sumatera Barat

    Announcing is bad, delaying is worse: Another pitfall in well-intended climate policy

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    It is frequently observed that the implementation of green policies is delayed compared to the initial announcement. Considering a setting with a representative monopolist extracting a non-renewable resource, we demonstrate that announcing a green policy, but then delaying its implementation, is associated with a larger cumulative extraction at any point in time than announcing a late implementation of this policy at the outset

    Kurz zum Klima: Staatliche Beeinflussung von Kraftstoffpreisen

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    Kraftstoffpreise werden weltweit maßgeblich durch Staatseingriffe in Form von Steuern und Subventionen beeinflusst. Die meisten Staaten haben mittlerweile Steuern implementiert und nur noch wenige, vor allem einige erdölexportierende Länder, subventionieren Kraftstoffe. Jedoch geht auch in diesen Ländern der Trend immer stärker zur Abschaffung der überaus teuren Subventionen. Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die Gründe der staatliche Eingriffe in die Preisbildung und zeigt, welche Staaten Kraftstoffe besteuern und welche sie subventionieren

    Kurz zum Klima: Staatliche Beeinflussung von Kraftstoffpreisen

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    Kraftstoffpreise werden weltweit maßgeblich durch Staatseingriffe in Form von Steuern und Subventionen beeinflusst. Die meisten Staaten haben mittlerweile Steuern implementiert und nur noch wenige, vor allem einige erdölexportierende Länder, subventionieren Kraftstoffe. Jedoch geht auch in diesen Ländern der Trend immer stärker zur Abschaffung der überaus teuren Subventionen. Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die Gründe der staatliche Eingriffe in die Preisbildung und zeigt, welche Staaten Kraftstoffe besteuern und welche sie subventionieren.Kraftstoff, Preis, Mineralölhandel, Mineralölsteuer, Regulierung

    The Green Paradox and the Choice of Capacity

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    A number of recent papers extend traditional Hotelling frameworks by the topical issue of climate change. They study the effects of different environmental taxes on the resource extraction paths and derive important and far-reaching policy implications. In particular the most recent strain of literature devoted to the so called Green Paradox shows how over various economic channels a steady increase in environmental taxation rather accelerates resource extraction instead of resulting in the desired slow down. The cause of this paradox lies in the inability to tax the supply side of the resource and thus limits the policy instruments to the demand. Thus, e.g. an oil-sheikh has an interest to sell his oil while it is still relatively low taxed and he can still generate higher profits. This effect could be seen as a kind of intertemporal carbon leakage transferring future extraction to the present. The Green Paradox literature generally concludes that a binding global certifcate system covering all CO2 sources is the only solution and that attempts of implementing greener policies in the transition process are counterproductive. However, the underlying implicit assumption is that extraction capacities are suffcient and that capacity adjustments are costless. Our paper accounts for an endogenous capacity building decision under convex adjustment costs by extending the original Hotelling type formulation of the Green Paradox. The analysis shows that for typical assumptions about the cost structure greener policies stay a useable instrument in the transition process. We are able to define the necessary conditions for the policy measures to be effective and show that the evaluation of the Green Paradox differs for pre and post oil-peak regimes


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    Abstract   Asphalt Concrete-Wearing Coarse (AC-WC) is the top layer of a flexible pavement structure. As a road surface layer, the AC-WC coating is very susceptible to moisture damage due to weather influences. Therefore, the use of hydrated lime has been widely studied to improve the performance of asphalt pavements. In this study, the use of hydrated lime, with a finer size or nano scale, is used as a substitute for filler in the AC-WC mixture, with the aim of evaluating the use of nano hydrated lime as a substitute for filler in the AC-WC mixture. This study shows that the use of nano hydrated lime filler substitution in the AC-WC mixture increases the optimum asphalt content value of the mixture along with the addition of nano hydrated lime.   Keywords: flexible pavement; nano-hydrated lime; quenched lime; fillers; asphalt pavement     Abstrak   Asphalt Concrete-Wearing Coarse (AC-WC) merupakan lapisan paling atas dari struktur perkerasan lentur. Sebagai lapis permukaan jalan, lapisan AC-WC sangat rentan terhadap kerusakan akibat kelembaban karena pengaruh cuaca. Oleh karena itu, pemanfaatan kapur padam (hydrated lime) telah banyak diteliti untuk meningkatkan performa perkerasan beraspal. Pada penelitian ini pemanfaatan hydrated lime, dengan ukuran yang lebih halus atau dengan skala nano, dimanfaatkan sebagai subtitusi bahan pengisi pada campuran AC-WC, dengan tujuan untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan nano hydrated lime sebagai subtitusi bahan pengisi pada campuran AC-WC. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunanaan subtitusi bahan pengisi nano hydrated lime pada campuran AC-WC meningkatkan nilai kadar aspal optimum campuran seiring dengan penambahan nano hydrated lime.   Kata-kata kunci: perkerasan lentur; nano hydrated lime; kapur padam; bahan pengisi; perkerasan beraspa