170 research outputs found

    Three Levels of Alliance Management

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    alliance, management

    TeXniques in Siberia

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    Line scan imagery interpretation

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    Soleil: single-objective lens inclined light sheet localization microscopy

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    High-NA light sheet illumination can improve the resolution of single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) by reducing the background fluorescence. These approaches currently require custom-made sample holders or additional specialized objectives, which makes the sample mounting or the optical system complex and therefore reduces the usability of these approaches. Here, we developed a single-objective lens-inclined light sheet microscope (SOLEIL) that is capable of 2D and 3D SMLM in thick samples. SOLEIL combines oblique illumination with point spread function PSF engineering to enable dSTORM imaging in a wide variety of samples. SOLEIL is compatible with standard sample holders and off-the-shelve optics and standard high NA objectives. To accomplish optimal optical sectioning we show that there is an ideal oblique angle and sheet thickness. Furthermore, to show what optical sectioning delivers for SMLM we benchmark SOLEIL against widefield and HILO microscopy with several biological samples. SOLEIL delivers in 15 μm thick Caco2-BBE cells a 374% higher intensity to background ratio and a 54% improvement in the estimated CRLB compared to widefield illumination, and a 184% higher intensity to background ratio and a 20% improvement in the estimated CRLB compared to HILO illumination

    Adaptive optics in single objective inclined light sheet microscopy enables three-dimensional localization microscopy in adult Drosophila brains

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    Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) enables the high-resolution visualization of organelle structures and the precise localization of individual proteins. However, the expected resolution is not achieved in tissue as the imaging conditions deteriorate. Sample-induced aberrations distort the point spread function (PSF), and high background fluorescence decreases the localization precision. Here, we synergistically combine sensorless adaptive optics (AO), in-situ 3D-PSF calibration, and a single-objective lens inclined light sheet microscope (SOLEIL), termed (AO-SOLEIL), to mitigate deep tissue-induced deteriorations. We apply AO-SOLEIL on several dSTORM samples including brains of adult Drosophila. We observed a 2x improvement in the estimated axial localization precision with respect to widefield without aberration correction while we used synergistic solution. AO-SOLEIL enhances the overall imaging resolution and further facilitates the visualization of sub-cellular structures in tissue