1,598 research outputs found

    An Analysis and Modelling of Spinning Process without Wall-Thickness Reduction

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    Through the spinning process it is made the different axial-symmetrical parts by acting spinning roller on blank of sheet metal, which is shaped through a chuck. In the paper is shown an analyse of stressed and strained state, as well as forming force components of spinning process. On the ground of experimental results it is made mathematical modelling of spinning forming force. The obtained mathematical model describes enough accurate and reliable (P = 0,98) the spinning forming force

    Ethical decision making in business - overview of some antecedents of individual ethical judgment

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    The paper presents some antecedents to individual ethical judgment, a crucial component of ethical behaviour and ethical decision making in general and in particular within business context. The model of ethical judgment is presented, comprised of individual’s evaluative ethical framework and the institutions that shape it. The purpose of the paper is to elucidate on the components of the model and its use in shaping the ethical behaviour in business


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    Tectonic setting, para genesis, structure and texture of ores, sulphide sulphur isotopic composition allign the Bakovići veiny deposit in the group of polymetallic, postmagmatic hydrothermal deposits in the Mid-Bosnian Schist Mountains area. Crude ore is rich in gold (15 g/t). Main ore mineral is gold-bearing pyrite; quartz and siderite are the main gangue minerals Accessories are: tetrahedrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrjte, stibnite, galena, barite, gypsum. Production between 1895-1938 gave 2.24 t of gold and 7.47 t of silver. The Bakovići deposit was the biggesl producer of gold in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The deposit is relaled to the Late Variscan rhyolite magmatism.Tektonski položaj, parageneza, struktura i tekstura rude, izotopski sastav sulfidnog sumpora svrstava žično ležište Bakovići u grupu polimetalnih, postmagmatskih hidrotermalnih ležišta u škriljavom gorju srednje Bosne. Rovna ruda je bogata zlatom (15 g/l). Glavni rudni mineral je zlalonosan pirit; kvarc i siderit su glavni minerali jalovine. Akcesorni minerali su: tetraedrit, arsenopirit, halkopirit. antimonit, galenit, barit, gips. Proizvodnja između 1895-1938. dala je 2,24 t zlata i 7,47 tl srebra. Ležište Bakovići je bilo najveći proizvođač zlata u Bosni i Hercegovini. Lezište je genetski vezano za kasnu fazu variscijskog riolitnog magmatizma

    Integracija izbjeglica u hrvatsko društvo. Etnografije ostvarivanja prava

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    Refugees who are beneficiaries of international protection in Croatia are granted rights, the implementation of which is discussed in this article, based on qualitative research methods conducted between February 2015 and September 2017. The article discusses how these granted rights are exercised by individuals – persons who have been granted asylum in Croatia. The research is based on an ethnography of the particular, involving participant observation and open and semi-structured interviews with refugees and representatives of institutions and organizations involved in integration. The main Croatian legislative act valid during the research period was partially implemented. Its implementation was the most problematic in an area that refugees consider as essential for integration: the provision of state-supported Croatian language courses. Other problematic areas for exercising rights were access to healthcare and to the education system. The article also compares the research findings with the results of migrants’ and refugee studies completed in (mostly) Western European countries. Besides similarities with such studies, this research acknowledges the importance of a local context for integration and introduces a new, existential dimension of integration that proved to be crucial for the successful integration of refugees in Croatia.zbjeglice, kao osobe pod međunarodnom zaštitom u Hrvatskoj, stekli su prava čije se ostvarivanje razmatra u ovom radu na temelju kvalitativnog istraživanja provedenog od veljače 2015. do rujna 2017. godine. U radu se propituje kako pojedinci, osobe koje su dobile azil u Hrvatskoj, ostvaruju prava koja im pripadaju. Istraživanje je zasnovano na etnografiji pojedinačnog i uključuje sudioničko promatranje, otvorene i polustrukturirane intervjue s izbjeglicama i predstavnicima institucija i organizacija uključenih u integraciju. Osnovni hrvatski zakonodavni akt koji je bio na snazi u razdoblju provođenja istraživanja provodio se samo djelomično. Njegova je provedba bila najproblematičnija u području koje su izbjeglice smatrali esencijalnim za integraciju: tečajevima hrvatskog jezika koje organizira država. Druga sporna područja ostvarivanja prava bila su pristup zdravstvenoj skrbi i obrazovnom sustavu. U radu se također uspoređuju rezultati dobiveni u istraživanju s rezultatima migrantskih i izbjegličkih studija provedenih u (uglavnom) zapadnoeuropskim zemljama. Osim sličnosti s tim radovima, ovo je istraživanje prepoznalo važnost lokalnog konteksta za integraciju i uvelo novu, egzistencijalnu dimenziju integracije koja se pokazala ključnom za uspješnu integraciju izbjeglica u Hrvatskoj

    Dražen Vlahov: Glagoljski rukopis iz Roča. Iz knjige crkve i bratovštive sv. Bartolomeja (1523-1611). Posebna izdanja Državnog arhiva u Pazinu, sv. 15, Glagoljski rukopisi 5. Pazin, DAPA, 2007, 643 str.

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    Dražen Vlahov: Glagoljski rukopis iz Roča. Iz knjige crkve i bratovštine sv. Bartolomeja (1523-1611). Posebna izdanja Državnog arhiva u Pazinu, sv. 15, Glagoljski rukopisi 5. Pazin, DAPA, 2007, 643 str


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    Predmet ovog završnog rada je primjena sustava napredovanja u policijskim upravama. Cilj rada je istražiti napredovanje policijskih službenika kao državnih službenika u policijskim upravama s obzirom na specifičnost obavljanja policijske službe. Strateško opredjeljenje Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova je izgradnja transparentnog sustava upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima te uređenje policijske službe. U radu se daje fokus na dva sustava napredovanja: automatski i otvoreni, a u sklopu njih na napredovanja: u plaći, zvanju te radnom mjestu prema hijerarhiji. U svezi s tim, dolazi do izražaja činjenica kako je policijska služba hijerarhijska organizacija (načelo subordinacije). Osim toga policijska služba je i karijerna služba (po ulasku u policijsku službu svaki službenik mora jasno prepoznati kakve su mu mogućnosti razvoja osobne karijere). Kod napredovanja policijskih službenika posebno se analizira: redovno, izvanredno i iznimno promaknuće. Kako policijske uprave predstavljaju upravne organizacije, teorijski dio rada potkrepljuje se praktičnim primjerom sustava napredovanja Policijskoj upravi Bjelovarsko-bilogorskoj.The subject of this final work is the implementation of the system of promotion in police administrations. The aim of the paper is to investigate the advancement of police officers as civil servants in police administrations with regard to the specificity of the police service. The strategic commitment of the Ministry of the Interior is to build a transparent human resources management system and arrange police service. The paper focuses on two progressive systems: both automatic and open, and within them, on the progression: in salary, occupation and workplace according to the hierarchy. In this connection, the fact that the police service is a hierarchical organization (principle of subordination) comes to the fore. In addition, the police service is also a career service (upon entering the police service, every employee must clearly recognize what his / her personal career development potential is). The progress of police officers is being analyzed in particular: regular, extraordinary and extraordinary promotion. As police administrations represent administrative organizations, the theoretical part of the work is backed up by a practical example of a progress system for the Police Administration in Bjelovar-Bilogor

    Mammalian karyotype evolution

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    Kariotip neke jedinke se odnosi na broj, veličinu i izgled njezinih kromosoma. Kromosomi pojedinih vrsta predstavljaju širok spektar raznolikosti, od broja do njihove morfologije. Genomi svih vrsta su visoko očuvani i to ne samo u transkribirajućim sekvencama, već i u nekim kromosomski specifičnim nekodirajućim sekvencama ili u poretku gena. Razlike između kariotipa većine vrsta posredovane su različitim razmještajem većih kromosomskih segmenata koji se nazivaju sintenični blokovi. Glavni mehanizam kojim dolazi do takve preraspodjele unutar kromosoma je nasumična homologna rekombinacija u kojoj dolazi do komplementarnog spajanja homolognih regija na nehomolognim kromosomima. Postoje brojne metode za istraživanje kariotipa. Danas najraširenija je fluorescencijska hibridizacija in situ odnosno kromosomsko bojanje u kojima se specifično pripremljeni kromosomi pojedinih vrsta obilježeni fluorokromom hibridiziraju s ljudskim kromosomima. Do spajanja dolazi na mjestima homologije, a signali se vizualiziraju uz pomoć fluorescencijskog mikroskopa. Tom metodom se na jednostavan i precizan način mogu uspoređivati kromosomi određenih vrsta unutar skupine placentalnih sisavaca, dakle svih osim tobolčara te sisavaca koji liježu jaja. Ova metoda nije pogodna niti za usporedbu s ostalim kralježnjacima. Zato se uz tu metodu koristi još i BAC mapiranje u kojima BAC klonirani segmenti mogu poslužiti kao pozicijski markeri duž kromosoma. Istraživanjem takvih preraspodjela kromosomskih segmenata može se saznati mnogo o raznolikosti kariotipa među vrstama. Također, ona su vrlo korisna za proučavanje filogenetskih odnosa organizama, njihovog porijekla od zajedničkog pretka te pretpostavljanju ancestralnog kariotipa. Na temelju toga je za gotovo sve nadredove sisavaca napravljeno evolucijsko stablo koje jasno dočarava njihovu evolucijsku povezanost i podrijetlo od zajedničkog pretka.A karyotype is the characteristic chromosome complement of species. It represents the number, size and the appearance of chromosomes. The karyotypes of animals display a great diversity, from their number to their morphology. The genomes of all species are remarkably conserved, not only in transcribed sequences, but also in some chromosome-specific non-coding sequences or gene order. Main differences between most of the species karyotype are due to different arrangements of larger chromosomal segments, called syntenic blocks. The principal mechanism of these intra-chromosomal rearrangements is illegitimate homologous recombination. It is the result of accidental crossing-over between homologous segments on non-homologous chromosomes. There are many methods for researching karyotypes. Today, the most common method is fluorescence in situ hibridization, known as chromosome painting. In this technique, chromosome-specific DNA labelled with fluorochromes is hybridized to human probes, which anneal to complementary sequences. The results can be detected by fluorescence microscopy. This method represents a simple and reliable way of comparing chromosomes between species among eutherians, except the marsupials, the mammals that lay eggs and other vertebrats. However, the additional method of BAC mapping is used in which individual BAC clones can be used as positional markers along the length of the chromosome. Rearrangements of these segments into different combinations explains much of the diversity in species karyotypes. Also, such investigations are useful for studying phylogenetic relationships between organisms, their origin from a common ancestor and reconstruction of the ancestral karyotype. Thus, for almost all mammalian superorders, the evolutionary tree is made, which clearly demonstrates their connection and descent from a common ancestor

    Rasuta frankapanska baština – Dürerov nepoznati muškarac i van Scorelov plemeniti Mlečanin

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    Since 1753, the British Museum has housed Albrecht Dürer’s Portrait of an Unknown Man (The British Museum, Department of Prints and Drawings, inv. no. SL 5218.22), which was bequeathed to the museum by Sir Hans Sloane. After the death of the German collector Johann Gottlob von Quandt in 1859, the Portrait of a Venetian Nobleman by Jan van Scorel was initially sold to a private collection in Oldenburg (Grossherzögliche Gemäldegalerie) in 1868, and later acquired by the Oldenburg State Museum (Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Oldenburg, inv. no. LMO 15.567) in 1922. Art historians have been studying these works since the 19th century and have successfully attributed the portraits. However, they have been unable to identify the sitter. Furthermore, the two portraits have not been compared or linked, despite depicting the same individual.Od 1753. godine se u Londonu čuva Portret nepoznata muškarca Albrechta Dürera (The British Museum, Department of Prints and Drawings, inv. no. SL 5218.22), koji je u Britanski muzej dospio donacijom Ser Hansa Sloanea nakon njegove smrti. U Njemačkoj je pak nakon smrti kolekcionara Johanna Gottloba von Quandta (1859.) u Drezdenu, Portret plemenitog Mlečanina Jana van Scorela dospio prodajom 1868. godine u privatnu zbirku (Grossherzögliche Gemäldegalerie) u Oldenburg, a potom 1922. godine i u Zemaljski muzej tog grada (Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Oldenburg, inv. no. LMO 15.567). Tim se djelima povjesničari umjetnosti bave od druge polovice 19. stoljeća i s vremenom su uspjeli ispravno atribuirati portrete, ali im nije pošlo za rukom odgonetnuti koju stvarnu osobu oni predstavljaju. Štoviše, u znanosti ta dva portreta nisu uspoređivana i povezivana, iako je riječ o portretima iste osobe


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    In the NE Montenegro, in the area Mt. Javorje and in the surrounding of the towns Bijelo Polje, Mojkovac, Ivangrad (Berane), Murino, Plav and Konjusi (Konjuhe) there are numerous small ore occurrences of pyrite and subordinately pyrrhotite with few per cent of Cu-, Zn- and Pb-sulphide in the small quantity of quartz and carbonate gangue minerals in Upper Paleozoic deposits. Different opinions considering the age of this ore occurrences exist in the literature of Montenegro: Upper Paleozoic or Middle Triassic. This study has revealed that most of this ore occurrences are of Permian age. Such statement relies on the discovery of Lower-Middle Permian fossils, on the specific occurrence of intercalated conglomerates, coarse grained sandstones and recrystallized limestones in the immediate vicinity and on the frequent stratiform (concordant) form of the occurence of ore and magmatic lenses and layers, or on the stratabound occurrences of ore impregnations and veins, respectively. It was concluded that all Pb-Zn ore deposits of Montenegro were derived from the same magma. It gave in three successive pulsations Permian small ore occurrences in early rift stage, larger Lower Triassic ore occurrences in the intermediate rift stage and the largest Middle Triassic Pb-Zn ore deposits in the main rift stage. This hypothesis is based on the isogenetic character of Pb204 and on the uniform values of endogene sulphide sulphur S34 of galena and pyrite in the ore deposits of all three stratigraphic horizons. The important indicator is permanent presence of Cu minerals, what is typical for Paleozoic ore deposits of whole Dinarides.U SI dijelu Crne Gore, u području planine Javorje i okolini gradova Bijelo Polje, Mojkovac, Ivangrad (Berane), Murino, Plav i Konjusi (Konjuhe) nalaze se u gornjepaleozojskim naslagama brojne male pojave pirita, podređeno pirotina s najviše nekoliko postotaka Cu, Zn, Pb sulfida u malo jalovine kvarca i nešto karbonata. U crnogorskoj literaturi podijeljena su mišljenja o starosti tih pojava: gornjopaleozojska ili srednjotrijaska. Ova studija je pokazala da je većina tih pojava permske starosti. Taj stav se oslanja na nalaz donjo-srednjo permskih fosila, na specifičnu pojavu interkalacija konglomerata, krupnozrnih pješčenjaka i rekristaliziranih vapnenaca u neposrednoj blizini te na vrlo čest stratiforman (konkordantan) oblik pojavljivanja rudnih i magmatskih leća i slojeva, odnosno na stratabound pojave rudnih impregnacija i žila. Zaključeno je da su sva Pb-Zn ležišta Crne Gore porijeklom iz iste magme iz koje su se u tri uzastupne pulzacije stvarale u ranoj riftnoj fazi u permu male rudne pojave, zatim u riftnoj međufazi donjeg trijasa veće rudne pojave i konačno u glavnoj riftnoj fazi srednjeg trijasa najveća Pb-Zn orudnjenja. Ta hipoteza se bazira na izogenetskom karakteru izotopa olova Pb204 i na istovrsnim vrijednostima izotopa endogenog sulfidnog sumpora S34 galenita i pirita u ležištima sva tri stratigrafska horizonta. Važan indikator je permanentna prisutnost Cu minerala što je karakteristika paleozojskih ležišta cijelih Dinarida