257 research outputs found

    A Middle Jurassic Radiolarite-Clastic Succession from the Medvednica Mt. (NW Croatia

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    On the NW part of Medvednica Mt. radiolarites with carbonate olistoliths, shales and siltites, matrix-supported conglomerates and basic volcanic rocks were investigated. This facies association is informally named the Poljanica unit. Major element geochemical data indicate deposition of radiolarites in the vicinity of the middle oceanic ridge, while sedimentological data indicate deposition in an area closer to the continent. Shales and siltites, as well as matrix-supported conglomerates, were deposited in short periods characterised by increased input of terrigenous material. Matrix-supported polymict conglomerates are composed of silicified shales, lithic graywackes, cherts and metabasalts, and were deposited by debris flow mechanisms as a consequence of synsedimentary tectonic activity. Carbonate olistoliths are composed of biomicrosparite, and jointly with deformed radiolarian cherts compose an olistostrome. Basic volcanic rocks represent high-Ti tholeiitic basalts formed in the MORB realm. Micropalaeontological investigation of radiolarite samples proved the Middle Jurassic (latest Bajocian - early Bathonian to late Bathonian - early Callovian) age of the Poljanica unit. Additionally, a new radiolarian species Theocapsomma medvednicensis n.sp. has been described. Conodont analyses from carbonate olistoliths in radiolarites proved their Triassic age. The investigated radiolarite-clastic succession is the result of subduction processes. Further continuation of this process caused incorporation of these deposits into the accretionary prism, where they were brought in direct contact with Triassic volcanic rocks and radiolarites (in the form of a tectonic mélange). Based on the lithological similarities with the Middle Jurassic turbidite-olistostrome successions in the Western Carpathians and Northern Calcareous Alps, the study area is considered to be part of the Meliata-Hallstatt Ocean

    Morphological and Geological Characteristics of Two Denuded Caves in SW Slovenia

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    Denudirane ali brezstrope jame lahko velikokrat določimo iz originalne kraške topografije. Za ta članek sem preučila morfologijo in geologijo dveh denudiranih jam. V letu 1994 je bila pri vasi Povir odkrita prva denudirana jama, in sicer ko je gradnja avtoceste Divača-Dane že potekala. Originalno jamsko morfologijo smo lahko določili iz topografskih kart 1:1.000. V letu 1996 pa smo s predhodnimi krasoslovnimi raziskavami še pred začetkom gradnje avtoceste Divača-Kozina določili 4 denudirane jame. Posebno denudirana jama pri kraju Kačiče-Pared je bila morfološko zelo dobro izražena.Denuded or unroofed caves can be identified from original karst topography many times. For this article the morphology and geology of 2 denuded caves were studied. In 1994 first denuded cave was discovered near village Povir when the highway construction Divača-Dane was already taking place. Original cave morphology was realized from topographic maps 1:1.000. In 1996 with preliminary karst studies before beginning of highway construction Divača-Kozina 4 denuded caves were discovered. The one near Kačiče-Pared was very well morphologically expressed

    Trijaska kopnena faza zabilježena na slijedu karbonatne platforme krških Dinarida (Hrvatska)

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    The Triassic carbonate platform succession of the Karst Dinarides was deposited at the southern Tethyan realm. The facies analysis and distant correlation suggests that a regional terrestrial phase occurred in that area during the Triassic. Due to its regional extent, this terrestrial phase has been viewed as a product of tectonically induced uplift of the huge platform area, causing an extensive emersion and distinct disruption in depositional regime when disconformity and/or various types of terrestrial depositional intervals were formed. Two geodynamic scenarios are presented; a) regional, contemporaneous tectonic uplift scenario; and b) diachronous and differential tectonic uplift scenario. During Norian, the uplifted, exposed platform area was flooded and covered by tidal flat-dominated shallow-water carbonates, marking the beginning of wide and long-lasting isolated platform regime.Trijaski karbonatni slijed Krških Dinarida istaložen je na prostranstvu južnog Tetisa. Facijesna analiza i prostorna korelacija tog slijeda naslaga upućuje na regionalnu kopnenu fazu koja je tijekom Trijasa zahvatila ovaj prostor. Svojim regionalnim pružanjem, ova kopnena faza se sagledava kao posljedica tektonski izazvanog izdizanja prostranog platformnog područja, a što je uzrokovalo izrazito okopnjavanje i izrazit prekid dotadašnjeg taložnog režima, čime su nastali taložni diskonformiteti i/ili različiti tipovi kopnenih taložnih slijedova. Predstavljena su dva geodinamska scenarija; a) scenarij regionalnog, istovremenog izdizanja prostranog platformnog područja; i b) scenarij vremenom i intenzitetom različitog izdizanja prostranog platformnog područja. Tijekom Norika, to dotad izdignuto i izloženo platformno područje bilo je preplavljeno i prekriveno plitkovodnim karbonatima plimne zone, označavajući početak prostranog i dugotrajnog taložnog režima izolirane karbonatne platforme

    Lossless Multiway Power Combining and Outphasing for High-Frequency Resonant Inverters

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    A lossless multi-way power combining and outphasing system have recently been proposed for high-frequency inverters and power amplifiers that offers major performance advantages over traditional approaches. This paper presents outphasing control strategies for the proposed power combining system that enable output power control through effective load modulation of the inverters. It describes a straightforward power combiner design methodology and enumerates various possible topological combiner implementations. Moreover, this study presents the first-ever experimental demonstration of the proposed outphasing system. The design of a 27.12 MHz, four-way power combining and outphasing system is described and used to experimentally verify the power combiner's characteristics. The proposed outphasing law is shown to be effective in controlling the output power over a 10-100 W (10:1) power range

    Tectonic Interrelation of the Dinarides and the Southern Alps

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    The study focuses on northwestern Croatia which, including the Zumberak (Zumberacka Gora), Medvednica (Zagrebacka Gora), Kalnik, Ivanscica, and Ravna Gora mountains, make a cross area of the Slovenian “Sava Folds”, Southern Alps, Mid-Transdanubian Zone, Tisia, and the Inner Dinarides. This is a complex structural region and cannot be attributed merely to one of the units. Therefore, a geotectonic interpretation is proposed which respects the diversification and multiple superposition of basinal and platform elements. This concept allows linkage of the Slovenian Trough with the Bosnian Zone and its southeastern prolongation as a major coherent tectonic unit overlain by different nappe elements. The possible linkage with the Budva Zone beneath the carbonate nappe is also discussed

    Design of Single-Switch Inverters for Variable Resistance/Load Modulation Operation

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    Single-Switch inverters such as the conventional Class-E inverter are often highly load sensitive, and maintain zero-voltage switching over only a narrow range of load resistances. This paper introduces a design methodology that enables rapid synthesis of Class E and related single-switch inverters that maintain ZVS operation over a wide range of resistive loads. We treat the design of Class-E inverters for variable resistance operation and show how the proposed methodology relates to circuit transformations on traditional Class-E designs. We also illustrate the use of this transformation approach to realize Φ[subscript 2] inverters for variable-resistance operation. The proposed methodology is demonstrated and experimentally validated at 27.12 MHz in a Class E and Φ[subscript 2] inverter designs that operate efficiently over 12:1 load resistance range for an 8:1 and 10:1 variation in output power, respectively, and a 25-W peak output power.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Integrated Circuits and SystemsMIT Energy InitiativeSkolkovo Institute of Science and TechnologyWarsaw University of Science and Technology (Poland). Center for Advanced Studie

    The Origin and Importance of the Dolomite-Limestone Breccia Between the Lower and Upper Cretaceous Deposits of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform: An Example from Cicarija Mt. (Istria, Croatia)

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    On the NE slopes of Cicarija Mt. (N Istria) a 120-150 m thick complex composed of dolomite-limestone breccia crops out between the Lower and Upper Cretaceous deposits. This studied breccia sequence is of post-sedimentary, tectogenic-diagenetic origin. It was formed by polyphase tectonic fracture of the Upper Albian to Lower Cenomanian early- and late-diagenetic dolomite succession with relics of recrystallized limestone, which enabled very important subsequent diagenetic alteration. This included partial dissolution, dedolomitization, recrystallization and calcitization of the fine-grained, crushed dolomite matrix, and centripetal dissolution of dolomite fragments and their cementation by calcite and ferroan calcite cements, as well as the partial collapse of fragments from the roofs of dissolution cavities and limited late-diagenetic silicification (the silica surplus originating from layers of diagenetic quartz from underlying Upper Albian deposits). Such a complex pattern of different events resulted in the high variability of breccia characteristics over relatively small distances, especially near more intensively tectonized zones. The contemporaneous stratigraphic level (Lower to Upper Cretaceous transition) in other parts of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform is also characterised by predominantly late-diagenetic dolomites with relics of limestones (including local occurrences of early-diagenetic dolomites) which are, in more tectonized areas, late-diagenetically altered into tectogenic-diagenetic breccias

    Theory and Implementation of RF-Input Outphasing Power Amplification

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    Conventional outphasing power amplifier systems require both a radio frequency (RF) carrier input and a separate baseband input to synthesize a modulated RF output. This work presents an RF-input/RF-output outphasing power amplifier that directly amplifies a modulated RF input, eliminating the need for multiple costly IQ modulators and baseband signal component separation as in previous outphasing systems. An RF signal decomposition network directly synthesizes the phase- and amplitude-modulated signals used to drive the branch power amplifiers (PAs). With this approach, a modulated RF signal including zero-crossings can be applied to the single RF input port of the outphasing RF amplifier system. The proposed technique is demonstrated at 2.14 GHz in a four-way lossless outphasing amplifier with transmission-line power combiner. The RF decomposition network is implemented using a transmission-line resistance compression network with nonlinear loads designed to provide the necessary amplitude and phase decomposition. The resulting proof-of-concept outphasing power amplifier has a peak CW output power of 93 W, peak drain efficiency of 70%, and performance on par with a previously-demonstrated outphasing and power combining system requiring four IQ modulators and a digital signal component separator

    Algorithm for individual learning content formation in automated machine learning system

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    The study describes the algorithms used in the formation of individual learning content which can be used in machine learning. The algorithm for generating educational content based on the input test procedure, thereby reducing the number of elementary units of knowledge in the educational conten

    A new architecture for high-frequency variable-load inverters

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    Efficient generation and delivery of high-frequency (HF, 3-30 MHz) power into variable load impedances is difficult, resulting in HF inverter (or power amplifier) systems that are bulky, expensive and inefficient. This paper introduces a new inverter architecture and control approach that directly addresses this challenge, enabling radio-frequency power delivery into widely variable loads while maintaining efficient zero-voltage switching operation. We model the proposed architecture, develop design and control guidelines for it and analyze the range of load admittances over which it can efficiently operate and deliver a specified output power. The opportunities posed by the proposed approach are illustrated through time-domain simulations of an example HF inverter system