7 research outputs found

    Electronic Spectroscopy of (CO) 5

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    A fine-tuned lipophilicity/hydrophilicity ratio governs antibacterial potency and selectivity of bifurcated halogen bond-forming NBTIs

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    Herein, we report the design of a focused library of novel bacterial topoisomerase inhibitors (NBTIs) based on innovative mainly monocyclic right-hand side fragments active against DNA gyrase and Topo IV. They exhibit a very potent and wide range of antibacterial activity, even against some of the most concerning hard-to-treat pathogens for which new antibacterials are urgently needed, as reported by the WHO and CDC. NBTIs enzyme activity and whole cell potency seems to depend on the fine-tuned lipophilicity/hydrophilicity ratio that governs the permeability of those compounds through the bacterial membranes. Lipophilicity of NBTIs is apparently optimal for passing through the membrane of Gram-positive bacteria, but the higher, although not excessive lipophilicity and suitable hydrophilicity seems to determine the passage through Gram-negative bacterial membranes. However, due to the considerable hERG inhibition, which is still at least two orders of magnitude away from MICs, continued optimization is required to realize their full potential

    Two Decades of Brain Tumour Imaging with O-(2-[18F]fluoroethyl)-L-tyrosine PET: The Forschungszentrum Jülich Experience

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    PET using radiolabelled amino acids has become an essential tool for diagnosing brain tumours in addition to MRI. O-(2-[18F]fluoroethyl)-L-tyrosine (FET) is one of the most successful tracers in the field. We analysed our database of 6534 FET PET examinations regarding the diagnostic needs and preferences of the referring physicians for FET PET in the clinical decision-making process. The demand for FET PET increased considerably in the last decade, especially for differentiating tumour progress from treatment-related changes in gliomas. Accordingly, referring physicians rated the diagnostics of recurrent glioma and recurrent brain metastases as the most relevant indication for FET PET. The analysis and survey results confirm the high relevance of FET PET in the clinical diagnosis of brain tumours and support the need for approval for routine use