71 research outputs found

    The project of providing galley-slaves for the Habsburg military navy (1714-1734) and its connection with criminal law and practice

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    Članek se v uvodnem delu ukvarja s političnimi in gospodarskimi okviri, ki so spodbudili projekt izgradnje vojne mornarice. Jedro pa predstavlja analiza pravnih okvirov in prakse zagotavljanja galjotov za vojne ladje, ki kljub pravni tradiciji izrekanja kazni javnega dela dokazujejo prilagajanje kazenskega materialnega in izvršnega prava političnim in gospodarskim ciljem monarhije. Analiza prakse dokazuje, da so sodišča hitro realizirala nove pravne norme. Veliko večje težave pri realizaciji je predstavljal transport galjotov, ki bi lahko izničil prvotne načrte visoke politike. Čeprav analiza prakse prevoza galjotov dokazuje, da je šlo pri transportu galjotov iz kraja obsodbe do Neapeljskega kraljestva za precej preprost sistem transporta, ki je obležal zlasti na plečih lokalnih podložnikov, se je sistem obdržal do izgube Neapeljskega kraljestva in s tem dokončnega propada načrta za izgradnjo vojne mornarice. Analiza prvih težav s transporti in rigorozni nadzor nad temi ekscesi pa dodatno dokazuje velike politič-ne interese monarhije pri vzpostavljanju vojne mornarice.In the introduction the article deals with the political and economic context which had influenced the project of establishing the Habsburg war galleys and military navy. Th e main part of the article deals with presence of the special type of penal labour – galley-slaves - in criminal law and with analysis of practices of providing the galley slaves to the war galleys.Despite the long legal tradition of sentencing to penal labour in penal law, the penalty of galley–slaves demonstrates how the political and economic objectives of the monarchy influenced the changes in penal law. Analysis of legal practice shows that the courts quickly put the new legal norms (sentencing to galleyslaves) into the practice. In some years the insensitivity of sentencing to galleyslaves showed pressing demand for manpower on the new warships.The process of legal adaptation of galley-slaves had begun with Habsburg acquisition of the new territory after the War of Spanish Succession. From 1716 the intense change from the penalty of expulsion (for some crimes) into the penalty of forced labour of galley-slaves could be traced. The changes in criminal law were broadly accepted also because of the perception of forced labour as an effective punishment with general preventive effect. The major difficulty in the fullfilment of the new penalty represented the transfer of the galley-slaves from the place of conviction to the galleys, which may render the original plans of high politics. Transport of criminals from the place of conviction to the Kingdom of Naples consisted of a quite basic system, which laid particularly on the shoulders of rural communities of commoners. Despite the initial difficulties due to the escapes of galley-slaves from the transports and despite the relatively high cost of the transportation, the same system of transportation was kept until the loss of the Kingdom of Naples. Analysis of the initial problems with transports of galley-slaves and the rigorous control of central authorities in Vienna over the excesses are further evidence of the strong political interests that the Habsburg monarchy had in providing of the galley-slaves as well as in the establishment of the military navy. The transportation route of the galley-slaves was the imperial road from Maribor and Celje through Trojane and Ljubljana, and than with the boats on the Ljubljanica river to Vrhnika and then by land to Rijeka. The Slovenian folk tradition also created a somewhat exotic character of a galley-slave and included it in its collective memory and imagination

    Kulturnozgodovinska pričevanja dreves

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    Cigarette Butt as a Carbon Source and Its Potential Application in the Preservation of Environmental Protection

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    Cigarette butts (CBs) are the most common type of litter on earth, with an estimated 5.5 trillion discarded annually. Apart from being unsightly, CBs pose a serious threat to living organisms and ecosystem health when discarded in the environment because they are toxic to microbes, insects, fish and mammals. In spite of the CB toxic hazard, no studies have addressed the effects of environmental conditions on CB decomposition rate. Numerous proposals have been made to prevent or mitigate cigarette butt pollution, but none has been effective; unsurprisingly, several studies have reported that CBs are the most common item retrieved by clean-up activities in public areas such as beaches and parks. The aim of this study was to collect a certain quantity of CBs, to examine the raw CB, their composition and properties, and then translate them into carbon material as a source of carbon, and as such material also examine the properties and its potential application, and therefore contribute to the preservation of the environment. Physicochemical properties of raw and carbonized CBs were studied by using element analysis, XRD (x-ray diffraction), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Field emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis.10th International Symposium Forest and Sustainable Development : October 14-15, Romania, 2022

    Instanzen sicherheitspolitischer Entscheidungsfindung in der Jelzin-Administration

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    'Die russische Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik schien in den letzten Jahren in hohem Maße erratisch und irrational. Der Präsident, der allein in diesem Politikfeld agieren darf, ist durch Krankheit immer wieder gehandikapt. Der Entscheidungsfindungsprozeß ist kaum durchschaubar und offenbar stark von emotionalen und ideologischen Momenten bestimmt. Der Entschluß, sich in das Tschetschenien-Abenteuer zu stürzen, wurde z.B. gegen den Rat der militärischen Fachleute gefaßt, die einen planvollen Streitkräfteeinsatz befürwortet hatten. Angesichts dieser Unklarheit soll der Versuch gemacht werden, ein Bild von den Instanzen zu entwerfen, die auf den sicherheitspolitischen Entscheidungsfindungsprozeß einwirken. Dies geschieht weitgehend auf der Basis der Auswertung russischen Pressematerials.' (Autorenreferat)'In the past few years Russian foreign and security policy has seemed to a great extent to be erratic and irrational. The president, who is the only person with the power to act in this sphere of policy, has been frequently handicapped by illness. The decision-making process is almost inscrutable and is evidently strongly influenced by emotional and ideological factors. For example, the decision to plunge headlong into the Chechen adventure was taken against the advice of military experts, who had advocated a systematic deployment of the armed forces. In view of this muddled state of affairs an attempt will be made here to put together a picture of the bodies involved in the decision-making process regarding security policy. The report is based chiefly on Russian press material.' (author's abstract

    Slovenian Jews: history and the Holocaust. 4

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    Na postavljeno vprašanje, ali "ima holokavst prihodnost", moremo odgovoriti pritrdilno - ima jo. Ima jo zaradi človekovega dostojanstva vsakega Juda, ne glede na njegovo politično identiteto, duhovno izobrazbo, družbeno pripadnost ali religioznost. Holokavst je in bo vedno tesno povezan z judovstvom in njegovo zavezanostjo, ki je bibličnih razsežnosti: "Spominjaj se!" - šoa.Na pitanje da li „Holokaust ima budućnost“ možemo odgovoriti potvrdno - ima. Ima ga zbog ljudskog dostojanstva svakog Jevrejina, bez obzira na njegov politički identitet, duhovno obrazovanje, društvenu pripadnost ili religioznost. Holokaust je i uvek će biti usko povezan sa judaizmom i njegovom posvećenošću, koja je biblijskih razmera: „Zapamtite!“ - Šoa.The question that we posed at the beginning, whether "the Holocaust has a future" can be answered positively - it has one. It has a future because of the human dignity of each Jew, regardless of his or her political identity, spiritual education, social class or religion. The Holocaust is and will always be closely associated with Judaism and its obligation of biblical dimensions: "Remember" - Shoah.The collection was prepared as part of the Shoa project - let's remember, which was financially supported in 2014 and 2015 by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) and the Municipality of Maribor. Individual published contributions were presented at the international scientific meeting Every Summer: Marko Rosner in January 2015 in Maribor

    Pripovedno izročilo

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    Celosten prikaz razvoja in raziskovanja slovenskega folklornega pripovednega izročila odkriva vpogled v osnovne premise razvojne poti pripovedništva v slovenskem in mednarodnem kulturnem prostoru. Preko analize vsebin in poti širjenja je predstavljeno spreminjanje pripovedne kulture skozi prostor in čas. Literatura in slovstvena folklora sta se vzajemno oplajali in zato je pripovedno izročilo ne glede na razdalje, tako prostorske kot časovne, skupno bogastvo številnih narodov. Predstavljene so razvojne smernice od izročil najstarejših civilizacij do pripovedne kulture današnjih dni, kakor tudi različni žanri folklornega pripovedništva. Predstavljene so tudi metode in teorije raziskovanja, ki so se ali se še vedno uporabljajo in nastajajo v folkloristiki in na področju pripovedne kulture

    Aetas - 10. évf. (1995) 3. sz.

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    ABCČĆ migracij

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    Migracije so največkrat razumljene kot nekakšen nepotreben in nadležen stranski produkt človeškega razvoja. Tako kot hrup reaktivnih motorjev – ne poganja letala, le cefra nam možgane in osmišlja pomen besedne zveze zvočno onesnaževanje. Ko človeško bitje sliši besedo migracija ali migrant, najbrž najprej pomisli na objokane obraze svojcev, razbite družine, potoke solz, ki tečejo po trdi in neprijazni pokrajini tujine, iz domovine bežeče možgane, amputirane ude naroda, narodne rakave rane in podobne neljube pojave, ki se jih človečnjaki otepajo kot Pepelka mozoljev. Migracije so torej odklon, ali z bolj ošabnimi besedami, anomalija od normalnosti, sreče in drugih reči, h katerim, sicer večinoma neuspešno, teži človeška vrsta. ABCČĆ migracij vsega tega ne zanika, a vztraja, da odkloni lahko tudi bogatijo. Če ne bi stopil opičnjak na nevarna savanska tla, bi še zmeraj zobali sladko sadje v prijetni senci varnih krošenj. In če se ne bi prvi migrant odpravil na dolgo in neznano pot, bi še vedno bežali pred levi. Nikoli ne bi slišali Sedme simfonije, se igrali s pokemoni in se jezili na gin tonik brez leda