317 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Set, Meaning, Range and Frequency of Lodging the Reasons for Judicial Protection Request

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    The right to a legal remedy is one of the fundamental rights, which must be provided to every party involved in the proceedings (criminal, administrative, civil) which decide on the party’s rights, obligations or legal benefits. In the field of misdemeanour law with regard to the fast track misdemeanour proceedings, the legislature refers to this remedy as the request for judicial protection. Its effectiveness at the level of the set of reasons and their frequency at lodging the request, with the aim of providing the best possible legal protection of offenders, is unexplored, and so an in-depth empirical, historical and normative research of the challenge against its lodging has been made, in particular of the range, meaning, scope and the frequency of the filing of the reasons challenging the lodging. The research established that the range of the challenging grounds for filing a request for judicial protection extends with the amendments to the Minor Offences Act and in this way provides a greater legal protection for offenders, and that most of them are filed due to a challenge on the grounds of erroneous and incomplete factual findings. This suggests that in this part of the fast track misdemeanour proceedings, most irregularities by misdemeanours authority are claimed. The results of empirical research utilizing the model of challenging the Police decisions regarding misdemeanours present the conduct of research, the methods used, as well as the baseline for a model of judicial protectionagainst the decisions of the Police regarding the Minor Offences Act de lege ferenda

    Branding the city of Šibenik as a sustainable tourist destination using social networks

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    Sustainable tourism, as a fast-growing cultural and economic activity, offers great opportunities for steady development of branded regions and cities. Branding is an integral part of marketing, aimed at raising awareness and creating loyalty among customers. Recent trends show the growing impact of social networks in brand creation. Croatia has one of the shortest tourist seasons in Europe, which affects the sustainability of tourism. Therefore, a pilot study of the Dalmatian town of Šibenik has been made in order to examine whether there is room for development of a sustainable tourism model through strengthening its brand with the help of modern technology, predominantly the social networks. The rich tourism potential of Šibenik has not been sufficiently exploited for sustainable tourism through a recognizable tourism brand, and the official development strategies neglected to examine the use of social networks in achieving both goals. Therefore, an online survey has been conducted in order to determine whether Šibenik is recognized as a tourist destination through social networks. The results should help in developing a systematic approach to the branding of Šibenik. It should simultaneously address the issue of its seasonal attractiveness to tourists, thus contributing to the extension of the season and increasing sustainability of tourism activities. In that way, the branding of the city will not turn into a traditional marketing strategy to promote its market, and may contribute to its sustainable development as well as serve as a model to similar cities. Keywords: Branding of Šibenik, tourist destinations, social networks, sustainable development, social marketing strategy</p

    Konstrukcija nosača pomoćnog vanbrodskog motora

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    U ovom radu konstruirat će se nosač pomoćnog vanbrodskog motora. U obzir će se uzeti motori manjih snaga, jer se upravo oni najčešće primjenjuju kao pomoćni motori na jedrilicama i motornim brodicama. Kako su takvi motori samo povremeno u pogonu, glavna funkcija nosača je omogućavanje njihovog podizanja i spuštanja, ovisno o tome je li potrebno motor spustiti u vodu, ili njegov rad u nekom trenutku više nije potreban pa ga je potrebno podignuti izvan vode, ili se pak radi o transportu brodice po cestovnoj površini pa je itekako poželjno da je najniža točka motora što udaljenija od tla. S obzirom da se radi o motorima manjih snaga, radnje podizanja i spuštanja obavljat će se mehanički. konkretno, odabrat će se motor snage od oko 2,5 do 5 konjskih snaga (odnosno približno 1,85 do 3,7 kilovata), što odgovara masama od oko 15 do 30 kilograma. U prvom dijelu rada provest će se analiza postojećih nosača na tržištu, uz prethodnu kratku analizu i samih motora i odabir jednog od njih. Nakon toga, krenut će se s konstrukcijom nosača, gdje će se uzeti u obzir razne mogućnosti i odabrati najkorisnije od njih, uz optimizaciju raznih parametara kao što su troškovi, složenost konstrukcije, masa, čvrstoća i ostali. Nakon završene konstrukcije slijedi proračun čvrstoće, a na kraju je prikazana tehnička dokumentacija. CAD model i tehnička dokumentacija izrađeni su u programskom paketu SolidWorks 2017

    Il primo riconoscimento di Israele. Il trattato economico-commerciale tra Chiram e Davide (2 Sam 5,11)

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    Nel presente articolo l\u27autore, dopo aver trattato il problema dell\u27istituzione della monarchia e dei suo consolidamento sotto Davide, risponde a due domande legate al testo 2 Sam 5, 11. La prima è: quando Chirarn, re di Tiro, inviò a Davide messaggeri?, e la seconda: quale era il senso e l\u27importanza della venuta della delegazione di Tiro a Gerusalemme? Un primo capitolo prende in esame le circostanze in cui nacque l\u27unità politica delle tribù israelite. La minaccia dei popoli vicini, specialmente il pencolo degli assalti dei Filistei, che avevano delle guarnigioni in territorio israelita e la toro influenza si estendeva nell\u27area della federazione delle tribù, determinò l\u27unione e la nascita della monarchia. E\u27il periodo del passaggio dalla instabile lega tribale o anfìzionia al piccolo stato nazionale. Un secondo capitolo abborda la questione della monarchia in senso vero e proprio. Infatti soltanto Davide, dopo aver consolidato il potere, spezzato il potere dei Filistei e preso la fortezza gebusea Sion, stabili la monarchia israelita unita. Con la monarchia e Davide incomincia la storia ufficiale dì Israele. Davide proseguì estendendo il suo regno. Fondò un vero e proprio piccolo impero israelita, organizzato e modellato sulle istituzioni dei popoli vicini, in modo speciale quelle egiziane. il terzo ed ultimo capitolo sì incentra sulla venuta dell\u27ambasciata di Tiro e la conclusione del trattato favorevole tra Chiram e Davide, che avvenne alla fine del regno di quest\u27ultimo. E\u27il tempo detta grande espansione della Fenicia verso occidente. Così la cultura di Israele viene inserita nella cultura internazionale. Le buone relazioni continueranno al tempo di Salomone. L\u27influenza di Tiro sulla civiltà della monarchia israelita, dal punto di vista culturale, economico e religioso, è davvero consistente

    Cytologic characteristics of adenoid cystic carcinoma of the cervix uteri: case report [Citološke karakteristike adenoid cističnog karcinoma vrata maternice: prikaz slučajeva]

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    Adenoid cystic carcinoma is a rare malignancy, usually found in the salivary glands, although this unusual tumor can be found at other sites of the body. In particular, regarding adenoid cystic carcinoma of the cervix (ACCC) most frequently reports are given for postmenopausal women. In this respect, our work is one among very few in the literature that considers a cytologic picture of this uncommon cervix carcinoma. The case of 74 year old patient with postmenopausal bleeding is described. Both Pap smear and air dried smear of the uterine cervix were analyzed. The cytologic findings revealed very few small clusters of abnormal glandular cells, as well as some amorphous eosinophilic globule-like material, with granulomatous and necrotic background. The latter includes a lot of histiocytes, multinucleated giant cells, large aggregates of epitheloid cells and lymphocytes. Histology revealed the diagnosis of ACCC. We emphasize the importance of careful screening of Pap smear that might be crucial in the case of suspicious clinical findings in postmenopausal women, when the possibility of ACCC has to be considered

    Analiza nabora, pomena, obsega in pogostosti vložitve razlogov za zahtevo sodnega varstva

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    Pravica do pravnega sredstva je ena temeljnih pravic, ki mora biti zagotovljena vsakemu udeležencu v postopku (kazenskem, upravnem,pravdnem …), v katerem se odloča o njegovih pravicah, dolžnostih ali pravnih koristih. Na področju prekrškovnega prava v hitrem prekrškovnem postopku je zakonodajalec to pravno sredstvo poimenoval zahteva za sodno varstvo. Njena učinkovitost zagotavljanja pravne varnosti kršiteljev je neraziskana, zato je bila opravljena poglobljena empirična, historična in normativna raziskava izpodbojnih razlogov za njeno vložitev, zlasti njihovega nabora, pomena, obsega in pogostosti njihove vložitve. Ugotovil sem, da se nabor izpodbojnih razlogov za vložitev zahteve sodnega varstva širi s spremembami Zakona o prekrških. Največ zahtev je vloženih zaradi izpodbojnega razloga zmotne in nepopolne ugotovitve dejanskega stanja. To pomeni, da se prekrškovnemu organu v tem delu hitrega prekrškovnega postopka očita največ nepravilnosti. Z rezultati empirične raziskave z modelom izpodbijanja prekrškovnih odločitev policije je bil predstavljen potek raziskovanja, uporabljene metode in izhodišča za model pravnega varstva zoper odločitve policije po Zakonu o prekrških de lege ferenda

    Structure and properties of nanocomposites with layered nanofillers

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je upoznavanje sa strukturom, pripravom i svojstvima polimer/slojevito punilo nanokompozita te pregled rezultata istraživanja svojstava na koje dodatak slojevitih punila ima znatan učinak. Polimerni nanokompoziti sve više privlače pozornost jer pokazuju dramatično poboljšanje svojstava pri vrlo niskim sadržajima punila, u usporedbi s klasičnim mikrokompozitima. U ovom radu navedene su najznačajnije skupine slojevitih punila, te su objašnjeni načini njihove modifikacije. U većini slučajeva, organska modifikacija slojevitih silikata nužna je kako bi oni postali mješljivi s polimernim matricama. Ovisno o različitim faktorima, kao što su vrsta polimera, slojevitog silikata, organskog modifikatora, način priprave te uvjeti obrade ovisi hoće li se nanokompozit formirati ili ne, te hoće li nastati interkalirana ili eksfolirana struktura. Osnovni načini priprave uključuju interkalaciju polimera ili pretpolimera iz otopine, in situ interkalacijsku polimerizaciju i interkalaciju taline. Općenito, nanokompozitni materijali, osobito oni eksfolirane strukture pokazuju značajna poboljšanja modula i čvrstoće, dok su suprotni rezultati dobiveni za istezanje i žilavost. Značajna dostignuća u svojstvima ovih materijala dodatkom slojevitih nanopunila uključuju poboljšana barijerna svojstva, svojstva toplinske stabilnosti i gorenja, kristalnosti te fotostabilnosti. Zbog specifičnih svojstava koja se mogu postići dodatkom nanopunila u polimer, polimerni nanokompoziti su u zadnjih dvadesetak godina predmet brojnih istraživanja.The main objective of this study was to learn about the structure and properties of the polymer / layered silicate nanocomposites and the review of the results of research on the properties that the addition of layered silicate has a significant effect. Polymer nanocomposites are increasingly attracting attention because they show dramatically increased performance at very low contents of fillers, compared with conventional microcomposites. This work summarizes the most important groups of layered fillers, and explains the ways of their modification. In most cases, organic modification of layered silicate is necessary to make them miscible with the polymer matrix. Whether a nanocomposite will form or not, and whether this will be intercalated or exfoliated, depends on a variety of factors, such as the type of polymer, layered silicate, organic modifier, modes of preparation and processing conditions. General methods of preparation include intercalation of a polymer or prepolymer of a solution, in situ intercalation polymerization and melt intercalation. Generally, nanocomposite materials, particularly those with exfoliated structures show significant improvements of modulus and strength, whereas contradictory results are reported concerning their elongation and toughness. Significant achievements in the properties of these materials by the addition of layered filler include improved barrier properties, thermal properties and flame retardancy, as well as crystallinity and photostability