149 research outputs found

    Unos olova, kadmija i žive hranom u Hrvatskoj

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    This paper gives an overview of published data on levels of lead, cadmium, total and methylmercury in various food items, and of a daily dietary intake assessment in Croatia focusing on the last 10 years. It briefly describes the most reliable methods for quantitative analysis of lead, cadmium, and mercury in biological material. Lead and cadmium concentrations in vegetables and in organs of domestic animals refer to nonexposed rural areas. Mercury concentrations in fish and mussels refer to industrially polluted and non-polluted areas of the Adriatic. The daily dietary intake of lead and cadmium was assessed on the basis of duplicate-diet-collection and fooddisappearance method. The assessment of the total and methyl-mercury dietary intake was based on dietary surveys of family seafood consumption. Lead and cadmium intake through food in the general population was 6–40% of the Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI), depending on the assessment method. The only Croatian population consuming more mercury through seafood is the one living in Dalmatia, approaching the PTWI defined by WHO.Prikazani su podaci o unosu olova, kadmija te ukupne i metil-žive hranom u općoj populaciji Republike Hrvatske. Posebna pozornost posvećena je podacima objavljenim u posljednjih deset godina. Opisane su najčešće primjenjivane metode za kvantitativno određivanje ovih metala u biološkom materijalu. Navedeni su objavljeni i vlastiti neobjavljeni podaci o koncentracijama olova i kadmija u povrću, ribama, školjkama i organima domaćih životinja sakupljenim u neonečišćenim seoskim područjima. Također su navedene koncentracije žive u ribama i školjkama iz onečišćenih i neonečišćenih područja uz Jadransko more. Dnevni unos olova i kadmija hranom procjenjivan je različitim metodama: metodom analize elemenata u sakupljenim uzorcima dvostrukog dnevnog obroka i proračunom iz podataka o potrošnji hrane prema statističkom godišnjaku Republike Hrvatske. Dnevni unos ukupne i metil-žive određen je prehrambenom anketom o navikama uživanja morskih plodova. Zaključeno je da unos olova i kadmija hranom u općoj populaciji iznosi 6–40% od privremeno dopuštene količine tjednog unosa hranom prema Svjetskoj zdravstvenoj organizaciji (provisional tolerable weekly intake, PTWI). Ovisno o metodi određivanja, PTWI vrijednosti jesu 1.600 µg olova i 450 µg kadmija po osobi. Populacija koja unosi najviše ukupne i metil-žive je ona koja živi u Jadranskom priobalju i na otocima. Njihov unos hranom je blizu PTWI vrijednosti koje iznose 300 µg ukupne žive i 200 µg metil-žive po osobi

    Razaranje uzoraka ribe za analizu žive

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    The aim of the study was to compare the efficiency of acid and alkaline decomposition of biological materials using an open and a closed system for total mercury determination. Acid digestion was performed with concentrated HNO3 in tubes at 80 ºC and lasted five hours. Alkaline digestion was performed with a 45% NaOH and a 1% cysteine, heated at 120 ºC for 20 minutes. Total mercury was measured by atomic absorption spectrometry using the cold vapour technique (CVAAS). The average recovery obtained for analysis of certified reference material in closed tubes for acid digested sample was superior to the alkaline one, 103±4% vs. 70±3%, respectively. In addition, the recoveries through the open system acid digestion (90±8%) and the open system alkaline digestion (57±2%) were lower than through the respective closed system digestions. Reproducibility of the acid decomposition method was superior to the alkaline one.Svrha ovog rada bila je ispitati učinkovitost dviju metoda razaranja biološkog materijala pri analizi žive. Razaranje u kiselom mediju s koncentriranim HNO3 primijenjeno je pri 80 °C tijekom 5 sati. Razaranje uzorka u alkalnom mediju primijenjeno je s 45% NaOH i 1% cisteinom pri 120 °C tijekom 20 minuta. Obje metode razaranja provedene su u otvorenim ili zatvorenim staklenim epruvetama. Ukupna živa određena je metodom atomske apsorpcijske spektrometrije tehnikom razvijanja hladnih para (CVAAS). Iskorištenje razaranja uzorka ispitano je na referentnom uzorku (konjski bubreg H-8, IAEA, Austrija). Rezultati su pokazali bolje iskorištenje određivanja žive u zatvorenim epruvetama u kiselom mediju (103±4%) negoli u alkalnom mediju (70±3%). Iskorištenje u otvorenim epruvetama je manje negoli u zatvorenima te iznosi za razaranje uzorka u kiselom mediju 90±8% i samo 57±2% u alkalnom mediju. Ponovljivost metode (koeficijent varijabilnosti izražen kao postotak od aritmetičke sredine) ispitana je na uzorcima oslića (Merlucius merlucius). Metoda razaranja biološkog materijala u kiselom mediju preciznija je od metode razaranja u alkalnom mediju

    Elevated Blood Pressure in School Children and Adolescents – Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors

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    Elevated blood pressure (BP) in children and adolescents is determined on normative distribution of BP in healthy children. The aim of this study was to determine prevalence of high normal and elevated BP among school children and to assess associated risk factors. The study comprised 965 children (48.7% girls) in 8th grade of primary school. Data were obtained from questionnaire and anthropometric measurements. The prevalence of high normal BP was 28.5% in girls, 36.8% in boys, and elevated BP 7.9% in girls and 5.3% in boys. Overweight was present in 19.4% of girls and 9.3% boys with high normal, and 29.7% of girls and 30.8% boys with elevated BP. Hypertension in family history was the most common associated factor reported by boys and girls with high normal and elevated BP. Follow-up of children throughout school age makes possible taking of preventative measures and promotion of healthy life style

    Elevated Blood Pressure in School Children and Adolescents – Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors

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    Elevated blood pressure (BP) in children and adolescents is determined on normative distribution of BP in healthy children. The aim of this study was to determine prevalence of high normal and elevated BP among school children and to assess associated risk factors. The study comprised 965 children (48.7% girls) in 8th grade of primary school. Data were obtained from questionnaire and anthropometric measurements. The prevalence of high normal BP was 28.5% in girls, 36.8% in boys, and elevated BP 7.9% in girls and 5.3% in boys. Overweight was present in 19.4% of girls and 9.3% boys with high normal, and 29.7% of girls and 30.8% boys with elevated BP. Hypertension in family history was the most common associated factor reported by boys and girls with high normal and elevated BP. Follow-up of children throughout school age makes possible taking of preventative measures and promotion of healthy life style

    Anxiety and Defense Styles in Eating Disorders

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    This study investigates anxiety and defense styles in eating disorders. Seventy eating disorder (ED) patients and fifty-one female matched control subjects completed State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and 88-items Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ). ED patients were more anxious in actual situations and more anxiety prone in general. They relied on maladaptive action and Image distorting defense style. Bulimic anorexic (BAN) patients and bulimia nervosa (BN) patients differed in defense styles from restrictive anorexic (RAN) patients who displayed no significant difference in either state and trait anxiety or in defense styles when compared to healthy patients. Different levels of anxiety and ego defense maturity are present in ED patients. The almost normal ego functioning of RAN patients could be explained by pseudomaturity, tendency to control external and internal environment and the unconscious efforts to imitate normality to avoid conflicts

    The effect of spiritually on relationship quality and satisfaction among parents of children with disabilities

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoji li povezanost između duhovnosti i procjene kvalitete pružene podrške partneru, kao komponente suportivnog dijadnog suočavanja sa stresom. Također, ispitivao se odnos između duhovnosti i zadovoljstva partnerskim odnosom. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 66 osoba, to jest 33 bračna para, ujedno roditelja djece s teškoćama u razvoju. Parovi su se međusobno razlikovali u značajnosti vjere/religije u njihovom životu. Za prikupljanje podataka korišteni su dijelovi upitnika nabavljenog u sklopu Erasmus+ projekta PSI-WELL, vezani uz opće podatke o ispitanicima, procjenu partnerske podrške Dyadic Coping Inventory (DCI, Bodenmann, 2008), zadovoljstvo partnerskim odnosom Relationship Assessment scale (Hendrick, 1988), te vjeru, odnosno duhovnost (RCOPE) (Pargament, Koenig, & Perez, 2000). Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali kako postoji statistički značajna, pozitivna povezanost između duhovnosti i kvalitete pružene podrške partneru te je potvrđena i prediktivna vrijednost duhovnosti. Istraživanjem nije ustanovljena statistički značajna povezanost između duhovnosti i zadovoljstva partnerskim odnosom kao ni postojanje značajnih razlika u duhovnosti s obzirom na spol.The goal of this research was to determine the relationship between spirituality and quality of provided partner support, as part of supportive dyadic coping with stress. Furthermore, the connection between spirituality and relationship satisfaction was examined. Research was conducted among 33 married couples, parents of children with developmental disabilities. The couples differed in level of significance of faith/religion in their lives. Parts of the questionnaire constructed for Erasmus+ project PSI-WELL were used for collecting data. Chosen parts were focused on general information about participants, partner support Dyadic coping Inventory (DCI, Bodenmann, 2008), marital satisfaction Relationship Assessment scale (Hendrick, 1988), and spirituality (RCOPE) (Pargament, Koenig, & Perez, 2000). The results have shown statistically significant positive correlation between spirituality and quality of provided partner support, including its predictive value. The relationship between spirituality and relationship satisfaction, although positive, was not proven to be statistically significant. Futhermore, there were no significant differences in spirituality based on gender

    Nasilje nad Drugim - Crtež kao mentalna mapa u procesu istraživanja teme nasilja

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    Doktorski umetnički projekat Nasilje nad drugim- crtež kao mentalna mapa u procesu istraživanja teme nasilja bavi se razlozima postojanja nasilja u ljudskom društvu uključujući niz referenci koje se u osnovi fokusiraju na Drugost i na razlike među ljudima- od religije, boje kože, pripadnosti određenoj naciji i kulturnim razlikama. Istraživenjem se kroz analiziranje razloga nastanka nasilja u društvu postavlja okosnica za analizu uočavanja i ispoljavanja te problematike u umetnosti. U pisanom segmentu rada ističu se preplitanja filozofskih pitanja i istorijskih događaja kroz koje se uočavaju mehanizmi društvenih raslojavanja i dehumanizacije, odnosno procesi koji proizvode nasilje. Na osnovu uočenih mehanizama izazivanja nasilja, rad se bavi tematskim ispitivanjem različitih oblika umetničkih reakcija na tu temu. Istraživanje ispituje koje su sve mogućnosti prikazivanja teme društvenog nasilja u savremenoj umetnosti. Teorijski segment doktorskog umetničkog projekta bavi se umetničkim opusima savremenih likovnih stvaralaca koji konstantno problematizuju temu nasilja u umetnosti koristeći se različitim konceptima. U problematizovanju ove teme umetnici se okreću i istražuju u van umetničkim poljima koristeći se filozofijom i istorijom što je i predstavljeno u tekstu, kao i konceptualno udaljenim konceptima umetničkog odgovora na temu. Stanovište koje istraživački rad pokušava da argumentuje da se umetnik bavi prizorom nasilja u svojoj umetnosti zastupajući stav koji se tumači kao neprihvatanje takvog čina, kao jedan vid jasnog stanovišta da je nasilje neprihvatljivo. Po identičnom konceptu i sličnim principima autor doktorskog umetničkog projekta razvija svoj praktičan rad. Teorijsko istraživanje autora služi da bi se bolje shvatila intimna polazišta i stremljenja autora u bavljenju temom nasilja kroz crtež.This Doctoral art project entitled Violence towards the other - drawing as a mental map in the process of researching the theme of violence deals with the origins of violence in society including a series of references with focus on the identity and the Other, from religion, skin color, nation state and cultural differences. By looking through the reasons for the origins of violence in respective society, the author focuses on contemporary art practices which deals with the topic of violence. In the written segment of the doctoral thesis, the emphasis is on the overlapping of main philosophical questions and historical events through which mechanisms of societal breakdowns and dehumanization, or circumstances in which violence is produced. After establishing main mechanisms for the production of violence, the author examines various forms of artistic reactions and practices on the subject. The theoretical segment of the doctoral art project deals with art works of contemporary artists who constantly problematize the subject of violence in their art practice through various concepts. These concepts draw artists to go beyond artistic fields, turning to philosophy and margins of history. The standpoint that the research tries to argue is that artists deal with the topic of violence by showing the violent acts, and through depicting it, they demonstrate their opposition to it, a statement that violence is unacceptable. The same creative principles and philosophical concepts are shared by the author of this thesis. The theoretical research serves to better understand the intimate starting point in dealing with the topic of violence through the process of drawing