26 research outputs found

    Evaluacija elemenata vizualne informacije na grafičkoj opremi ambalaže

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    U radu se detaljno opisuju elementi vizualne informacije i važnost koja se pridaje svakoj od njih u smislu njihove valorizacije te medij kojim se dotične informacije prenose do konzumenta. Ispituje se perciptivnost informacije na ambalaži te analizira struktura vizualne informacije kako bi se postigla sustavnost dotičnih informacija. Metodom ranga korelacije pokuŔava se razviti evaluacijska metoda za istraživanje najuočljivijih elemenata vizualne informacije kako bi ambalaža najefikasnije utjecala na potroŔača

    Improving user experience by ANN prediction and NLP chatbot

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    As communication between service providers and users increases daily due to the large supply and demand for services, the application of artificial intelligence in business domains can greatly facilitate and improve characteristics such as the speed and efficiency of communication through the implementation of NLP chatbots presented in this work. This work aims to investigate the consequences of NLP chatbot implementation and the reliability of ANN prediction in terms of user experience, and to determine whether the developed NLP chatbot application matches the ingenuity in understanding communication in terms of algorithm reliability. It also aims to verify whether differences in the improvement of the user experience by NLP chatbots can be detected through a comparative analysis and what impact the speed of NLP chatbots has on the user experience compared to a chatbot without NLP function. The programming of the application and the simulation were done with the Python programming language in the PyCharm integrated development environment using the artificial neural network model and libraries such as PyTorch, NLTK and Tkinter. The creation of the experimental part consisted of the creation of an NLP chatbot application, the creation of a simple chatbot represented by a simulation display, and the carrying out a comparative analysis between an NLP chatbot and a rule-based chatbot. The proposed model, primarily the principle itself, can be used for other domains that could significantly utility from the implementation of NLP chatbots, and not only for the domains highlighted in this paper

    Packaging Design with Hidden Near Infrared Colour Separation

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    We present extended visual and infrared colour management with the application in packaging print in this paper. Visual design is a vector graph which is masked by pixel graph according to a plan which altogether allows visibility of packaged product. The hidden information, invisible to the naked eye, is printed on the transparent foil and is identified by an infrared camera. Two independent pieces of pictural information are made with the "dualcolours". Each tone of colour consists of two different process components which respond differently in near infrared spectrum. Duality of graphic design for visual (V) and near infrared (Z) spectrum is designed for the print with process colours. The recipes for dual colorants are achieved by near infrared spectroscopy. A new mathematical regression model is provided for transparent material which is applied in food packaging. The infrared vector graphics increases safety quality of packaging technology; against copying, scanning and subsequent reproduction

    Improving user experience by ANN prediction and NLP chatbot

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    As communication between service providers and users increases daily due to the large supply and demand for services, the application of artificial intelligence in business domains can greatly facilitate and improve characteristics such as the speed and efficiency of communication through the implementation of NLP chatbots presented in this work. This work aims to investigate the consequences of NLP chatbot implementation and the reliability of ANN prediction in terms of user experience, and to determine whether the developed NLP chatbot application matches the ingenuity in understanding communication in terms of algorithm reliability. It also aims to verify whether differences in the improvement of the user experience by NLP chatbots can be detected through a comparative analysis and what impact the speed of NLP chatbots has on the user experience compared to a chatbot without NLP function. The programming of the application and the simulation were done with the Python programming language in the PyCharm integrated development environment using the artificial neural network model and libraries such as PyTorch, NLTK and Tkinter. The creation of the experimental part consisted of the creation of an NLP chatbot application, the creation of a simple chatbot represented by a simulation display, and the carrying out a comparative analysis between an NLP chatbot and a rule-based chatbot. The proposed model, primarily the principle itself, can be used for other domains that could significantly utility from the implementation of NLP chatbots, and not only for the domains highlighted in this paper

    Evaluacija elemenata vizualne informacije na grafičkoj opremi ambalaže

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    U radu se detaljno opisuju elementi vizualne informacije i važnost koja se pridaje svakoj od njih u smislu njihove valorizacije te medij kojim se dotične informacije prenose do konzumenta. Ispituje se perciptivnost informacije na ambalaži te analizira struktura vizualne informacije kako bi se postigla sustavnost dotičnih informacija. Metodom ranga korelacije pokuŔava se razviti evaluacijska metoda za istraživanje najuočljivijih elemenata vizualne informacije kako bi ambalaža najefikasnije utjecala na potroŔača


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    The development and production of the reusable X-Bin container, designed to replace wooden crates and single-use packaging [1], are presented in this article. X-Bin is an innovation in design which has the purpose of improving the distribution of goods presented to customers on pallets in stores.X-Bin plays an important role in the storage, transport and sale of fruits and vegetables. Since the cost of packaging in the agricultural industry is not negligible, any cost reduction in this process can increase the industryā€™s profit. Packaged fruits and vegetables can remain in cold storage for up to six months at low temperatures and high humidity. Cold storage requires the use of high-quality materials produced from high-quality raw materials. Previous studies and practical experience in cold storage facilities show that humidity significantly influences the firmness of the packaged product. X-Bin is therefore an excellent solution which eliminates the disadvantages of wooden and cardboard boxes in the conditions of low temperature and high humidity in the cold storage of fruits and vegetables.In cooperation with the stakeholders in the supply chain (the producers of fruits and vegetables, transport companies, retail stores, etc.), different types of handling bulky goods [5], especially fresh goods transported in large packages, were compared. Through extensive analytics, a new type of handling of a wide range of goods, both from the food industry and from other industries, has been perfected. The reusable X-Bin container uses security design and security graphics [6] for a multilevel verification of authenticity both of the packaging producer and of the contents of the packaged product [3]


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    Electromagnetic spectra in the range from 400 to 1000 nanometers were examined using dual cameras with light filters in the visual and near-infrared (NIR) spectra. Near-infrared spectroscopy of dyes in fine art initiated the concept of "IR - Art". The painters mix the dyes depending on their property of absorbing and reflecting light in the infrared region. We assign each dye the value Z, which is the measure of the intensity of light absorption in the NIR (Z) spectrum at 1000 nm. We introduce the designation ā€œVZā€ that the painter manages: the appearance, hiding and separation of two images into visual (V) and NIR detection. With the NIR camera, the painter plans and creates Z graphics, Z images, Z typography.Due to the appearance of VZ painting, we propose a change in the technology of restoration of works of fine art. The restorer will consider the colorant properties and their characteristics in the V spectrum as well as in the NIR spectrum. The new VZ painting was tested by artists with the intention of expanding their personal tools in hiding and showing intimacy. The Hidden Z image is also an extension of the technology of creating the security and originality of a work of art in a new wayIspitivani su elektromagnetski spektri u području od 400 do 1000 nanometara pomoću dvostrukih kamera sa svjetlosnim filterima u vizualnom i bliskom infracrvenom (NIR) spektru. Bliska infracrvena spektroskopija bojila u likovnoj umjetnosti, inicirala je koncept "IR - Art"-a. Slikari mijeÅ”aju bojila, ovisno o njihovom svojstvu apsorpcije i refleksije svjetlost u infracrvenom području. Svakom bojilu pridružujemo vrijednost Z koja je mjera intenziteta apsorpcije svjetla u NIR (Z) spektru na 1000 nm. Uvodim oznaku ā€žVZā€œ s kojom slikar upravlja: pojavljivnje, skrivanje, razdvajanje dvije slike na vizualno (V) i NIR detektiranje. Pomoću NIR kamere slikar planira i stvara Z grafike, Z slike, Z tipografiju. Zbog pojave VZ slikarstva, predlažemo promjenu tehnologije restauriranja likovnih djela. Restaurator će uzeti u obzir svojstva bojila i njihove karakteristike u V spektru, kao i u NIR spektru. Novo VZ slikarstvo testirali su umjetnici s namjerom da proÅ”ire svoj osobni alat u skrivanju, pokazivanju intime. Skrivena Z slika je ujedno proÅ”irenje tehnologije stvaranja sigurnosti i originalnosti umjetničkog djela, na nov način

    Infrared Printing Technique for the Security Marking of Traceability Certificates for Meat Products

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    The focus of this paper is the introduction of new security elements into the authenticity of information on documents which concern the traceability of products. This article proposes dual marking using the infrared printing technology, which involves differences between the visible and infrared spectrum and separate detection of certain information with an infrared camera. Each meat product is assigned a unique designation, embedded in the document and hidden from the naked eye, in order to prevent changing, scanning or modifying with currently known techniques. A product receives a certificate with a security approval which carries information about the complete traceability of the product. A new central data registry which collects information from all necessary sources is proposed. The web portal and the accompanying database are designed to work in the cloud. The security of the exchange of data between the server and the user is ensured. The information about the traceability and the delineation between the visible and infrared hidden are approved and coordinated by the relevant authorities, breeders, distributors and sellers. The design of the entire information presents completely transparent information about the products to the end consumer

    Near-infrared spectroscopy and hidden graphics applied in printing security documents in the offset technique

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    The method of mixing pigments for the printing technology is expanded with the addition of dual states in security graphics. Near-infrared spectroscopy of colorants used in the offset technique has brought about the concept of targeted design by a selective use of colorants that are visible in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. High-security documents have been observed in the NIR light based on twin colorants which are differentiated according to their NIR absorption in the range from 800 to 1000 nm. New procedures have been developed based on the innovative creation of documents with hidden information. Two graphics are combined with mutating screen elements. A mathematical definition of the new printing screen and an algorithm in PostScript are given. The designer plans and creates graphics, which originate from the twin colorants, by using the INFRAREDESIGNĀ® method. The dual design was investigated using visual and infrared cameras for the forensic area. The components of colorants are determined by the spectroscopy of light absorption with filters in the visual and NIR spectrum


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    For each pigment and dye, we associate information about their absorption of light in the near infrared spectrum (NIR) at 1000 nm. Generally, pigments red, yellow, cyan blue, orange, white and ā€œdrapā€ (sandy brown) do not absorb NIR light. The NIR camera does not distinguish, recognize or ā€œseeā€ them, so the NIR photo is white. Such colors are marked with the letter "V" (visual, VIS). The area of green pigments (in our language, ā€œzelenoā€ = green) is very different considering the absorption properties of NIR radiation. Some green pigments strongly absorb NIR radiation, while some green pigments absorb very little. That is why we have introduced the acronym Z as numerical information on the absorption of NIR light for all colorants, with a range from zero to ten. Painters are trained to mix colors with respect to their Z values. Dual images are produced. The NIR camera separates the drawing, the image, depending on the amount of Z color. The painter succeeds in arranging the colors so discreetly that two images are taken in the same place, one of which is seen by the naked eye, while the other requires an NIR camera to be seen. The idea of a VIS / NIR painting is accepted with the realization that there are many video surveillance (NIR) cameras around us: on the streets, in restaurants, in banks, in public entrances and entrances to private houses in general. The NIR design is used on documents, diplomas and banknotes as a general security method in graphic technology.Svakom pigmentu i bojilu dodjeljujemo informaciju o njihovoj apsorpciji svijetlosti u bliskom infracrvenom spektru (NIR) na 1000 nm. Općenito, crveni pigment, žuti, cijan plavi, naranđasti, bijeli i drap (svjetlo smeđi) ne apsorbiraju NIR svjetlost. NIR kamera ih ne razlikuje, ne prepoznaje ili "ne vidi", pa je za njih NIR fotografija bijela. Te boje su označene sa slovom V (vidljive, VIS). Prostor zelenih pigmenata (na naÅ”em jeziku, "zeleno" = Z) je veoma različit Å”to se tiče apsorpcije NIR radijacije. Neki zeleni pigmenti jako apsorbiraju NIR radijaciju, dok neki zeleni pigmenti apsorbiraju vrlo malo. To je razlog zaÅ”to smo uveli akronim Z kao numerička informacija za apsorpciju NIR svjetlosti za sva bojila; u rasponu od nule do deset. Slikare smo uvježbali da mijeÅ”aju bojila s respektom prema njihovoj Z vrijednosti: Proizvode se dvostruke slike. NIR kamera razdvaja crteže, slike, ovisno o količini Z boja. Slikar uspijeva uređivati boje tako diskretno da su dvije slike na istom mjestu; jedna koja je vidljiva golim okom, dok je za drugu potrebna NIR kamera da bi ju vidjeli. Ideja o VIS / NIR slikarstvu je prihvaćena i realizirana budući da u naÅ”oj okolici postoje mnoge nadzorne (NIR) kamere: na ulici, u restoranima, u bankama, na druÅ”tvenim ulazima te općenito na ulazima u privatne kuće. NIR dizajn se koristi na dokumentima, diplomama i novčanicama kao opća sigurnosna metoda u grafičkoj tehnologiji