264 research outputs found

    Educational leadership among the heads of primary schools in the provinces of Malopolska and Mazovia

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    Cel badań. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie analizy badań własnych dotyczących stylu zarządzania placówkami publicznymi i prywatnymi przez dyrektorów szkół podstawowych, prywatnych oraz publicznych, znajdujących się na terenie województwa małopolskiego oraz mazowieckiego. Metodyka. Grupę osób biorących udział w badaniach stanowiło 82. dyrektorów szkół podstawowych, w tym 26. dyrektorów szkół publicznych w województwie małopolskim, 17. dyrektorów szkół prywatnych w województwie małopolskim, 19. dyrektorów szkół publicznych w województwie mazowieckim, 20. dyrektorów szkół prywatnych w województwie mazowieckim. Badania opierają się na koncepcji przywództwa sytuacyjnego Kena Blancharda (Ken Blanchard, 2007), który wyróżnia cztery style zarządzania: instruowania, konsultowania, partycypacji oraz delegowania. Do badań wykorzystano kwestionariusz ankiety, w którym udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytania miało na celu rozpoznanie stylu zarządzania placówką (elastyczność stylu) przez dyrektora oraz jego efektywność. Wyniki. Na sposób zarządzania placówką przez dyrektorów w dużym stopniu wpływa fakt czy jest ona instytucją publiczną czy prywatną? Najważniejsze jest jednak dopasowanie stylu kierowania do danej grupy pracowników. Lokalizacja, w tym przypadku województwo małopolskie bądź mazowieckie odgrywają mniejszą rolę. W placówkach prywatnych obu województw jednym z dominujących stylów zarządzania prezentowanym przez dyrektorów jest instruowanie, podczas gdy w szkołach publicznych jest to delegowanie. Oznacza to, że styl zarzadzania warunkowany jest rodzajem szkoły. Wnioski. W zależności od różnego stylu zarządzania dyrektorzy placówek prezentują odmienne postawy. Wpływają one na sposób pracy nauczycieli zarówno w placówkach prywatnych, jak i publicznych co w dłuższym czasie znajduje odzwierciedlenie w różnym stopniu satysfakcji i zadowolenia z pracy. Sposób zarządzania placówką determinuje również atmosferę panującą w szkole między nauczycielami co może przyczynić się do efektów nauczania.Purpose of research. The aim of this article is to present, as well as the analysis of own research on the style of management of public and private institutions, presented by directors of private and public primary schools. Methodology. Group of respondents consisted of 82 directors of primary schools: 26 directors of public schools in the Małopolskie voivodship, 17 directors of private schools in the Małopolskie voivodship, 19 directors of public schools in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, and 20 directors of private schools in the Mazowieckie voivodship. The research is based on the concept of situational leadership by Ken Blanchard (Ken Blanchard, 2007), which distinguishes four styles of team management: instructing, consulting, participation and delegation. The aim of the questionnaire, which was used by me during the research, which concerned the attitude of the directors of the outlets, was to determine the management style of the institution (flexibility of style) and the effectiveness of its style. Results. It turns out that the type of facility, public or private, largely affects the way it is managed by directors. The most important thing is matching the style of targeting to a given group of employees.The location, in this case, the Małopolskie or Mazowieckie voivodships, play a smaller role. In private institutions, both in the Mazowieckie and Małopolskie Voivodships, one of the dominant management styles presented by directors is Instructing whereas in public schools it is delegation. The degree of adaptation of the director's style to the type of institutions is also different.This indicates a different way of management and a different specifics of both facilities. Conclusions. Depending on the different management styles, the directors of the branches present various attitudes. They influence the way of working in private and public institutions to a large extent, which in a long time is reflected in the level of satisfaction and job satisfaction presented by employees. The method of managing the institution also determines the atmosphere prevailing in the school between the pedagogical group, which is one of the factors of effective student education

    The Role of Human Oral Microbiome in Dental Biofilm Formation

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    Each surface of the human body, which stays in contact with the external environment, is covered by a layer of microorganisms. This layer—the human microbiome—is characterized by a high diversity of species and huge number of cells. Its name was proposed by Joshua Lederberg at the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries and was originally referred to as a group of microorganisms colonizing a certain habitat. Currently, the term also defines a set of genomes of all organisms inhabiting a particular niche. Since the human microbiota affects many aspects of human health, it has become the subject of different studies. The use of sequencing methods enabled to obtain genetic material derived directly from the human environment with simultaneous explanation of mutual relationships between microorganisms inhabiting different ecological niches of human organism (i.e., commensal, symbiotic, and pathogenic microorganisms). It is hard to determine the amount of microbiota inhabiting human oral cavity because microbiota represents distinct anatomically limited ecological niches; for example, microbiota of tongue surface, cheek, teeth, palate, gingiva, and periodontal pocket. Apart from anatomical structure, other factors determine different composition of particular oral cavity microbiota. These factors are various qualities of saliva—a natural protective barrier ensuring maintenance of healthy condition of the oral cavity—and habits of diet and hygiene. Generally, bacteria are passively transported by flowing saliva toward teeth surfaces. In turn, the pioneering microorganisms initiating changes in the environment of oral cavity through the production and secretion of products of their metabolism induce mutual microbiota–biofilm interactions. The formation of biofilm of the plaque is a complex and rapidly evolving process in which several stages of development can be distinguished arbitrarily: (i) reversible binding of bacteria to solid surfaces, (ii) production of exopolysaccharide matrix, (iii) irreversible binding to the surface, (iv) maturation of biofilm structure, (v) disintegration and dispersion of an organized structure, and (vi) the formation of new habitats. An oral microbiome analysis depending on the genotypic characteristics of the host, as well as its metabolic phenotype, will allow us to understand all these factors which are responsible for maintaining host-microbiota homeostasis. The formation of genetic maps (including host, as well as microbiota) of such environments and the detection of biofactors indicating the predisposition for a given disease may contribute to the development of new diagnostic methods in reference to individual persons, and thus individualized therapy

    Homeschooling : new or old style of education?

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    This article is devoted to a broad spectrum of topics combining aspects of psychological, social, economical and political science. It shows the way of perceiving education in the past and present, taking into account, particular, teaching in traditional schools and home education. In addition, it describes innovative models of educational institutions — democratic schools and home tutoring, in the context of traditional education. The article deals with cross-border issues, so it can be called interdisciplinary. The issue of individualization in teaching is not a new topic, and the literature explaining this aspect is rich. With the development of education there are new forms of education for children and young people, which should be adapted to the political, economical and social situation of the country. The teacher has always been a benchmark by the students and it was he who set the task to do. Is giving the ability to decide for themselves, since the beginning of their education, in a democratic school is an improvement of the education system? Were replacing of traditional teaching with homeeducation would significantly alter the society structure

    Similarities between parenting style in the family and modern management styles in the business sector

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    Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje tematykę podobieństw w stylach zarządzania (zdefiniowanych przez D. Golemana) oraz wychowania (według myśli klasycznej) ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem postaw i metod przyjmowanych przez osoby decyzyjne w zależności od ich cech charakteru bądź oczekiwanych rezultatów. Artykuł został napisany na podstawie analizy tekstów. Artykuł opisuje relacje panujące między poszczególnymi stylami wychowania (autokratycznym, liberalnym, demokratycznym, niekonsekwentnym) a stylami zarządzania (przymusowym, partnerskim, demokratycznym, autorytarnym, ustawowym/procesowym, rolą przywódcy, rolą opiekuna, coachingiem). Wychowanie uwzględniające postawy rodziców bądź opiekunów względem dziecka znajdują odzwierciedlenie w relacji panującej między pracownikiem a pracodawcą, zarówno w dużych, jak i małych firmach. Artykuł ukazuje podobieństwo strategii oraz metod oddziaływania na jednostki.The article is focused on analysis of similarities in management styles (defined by D. Goleman) and upbringing styles (according to classical thought), with particular emphasis on attitudes and methods adopted by decision-makers, depending on their character traits or the expected results. The article was written based on the text analysis. The article describes relationship between individual parenting, upbringing styles (autocratic style, liberal style, democratic style, inconsistent style) and manage-ment styles (forced style, partner style, democratic style, authoritarian style, statutory/process style, leadership role, guardian role, coaching). Upbringing, which is considering the attitude of parents towards the children is reflected in the relationship between the employee and employers in both large and small companies. The article presents and summarizes similarity of strategies and methods of influencing individuals

    Leamed human helplessness and its role in organization

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    "Wyuczona bezradność" stała się zjawiskiem, które w XXI wieku jest ściśle związane ze sposobem funkcjonowania pracownika we wszystkich organizacjach (tak w dużych, jak i w małych firmach), ale także z ryzykiem, z którym muszą liczyć się osoby zarządzające bądź działy zasobów ludzkich. Sam problem dotyczy także przedstawicieli wolnych zawodów i osób samozatrudnionych. Artykuł ukazuje sposób funkcjonowania jednostki wykazującej wyuczoną bezradność oraz różnego rodzaju deficyty, na które jest ona narażona."Leamed helplessness" has become an issue which in the 21st century is closely related to the way the employee works in all organizations (both large and small companies), but is also a risk which managers or human resources departments must take into account. The problem itself also applies to representatives of liberal professions and self-employed persons. The article shows the functioning of such an individual and the various deficits to which it is exposed

    Environmental: choices vs. COVID-19 pandemic fear - plastic governance re-assesment

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    Alarming plastic production growth worldwide reinforces the public debate about the prevailing environmental crisis, whereby single-use-plastic (SUP) items are considered as by far the most harmful to the environment and public health. Accordingly, European environmental policy aims at eliminating SUP. Recently, we presented a model of plastic governance that derives from a circular economy approach identifying and taking into consideration perspectives of different actors in the plastic governance, such as producers, wholesalers, shop keepers, consumers, citizen scientists, and academia. Our results illustrate that the vast majority of stakeholders cared for the natural environment and understood the need to phase out SUP from the global economy. We proposed that a knowledge brokerage, undertaken by scientists via means of citizen science, as the most effective method to implement elimination policy, as it provides stakeholders with knowledge on why and how to handle SUP issues. However, at the time of the global COVID-19 pandemic, a plastic governance model required a re-assessment. The perceived role of SUP has changed, as it reflects the health emergency. Namely, due to the health safety reasons stakeholders and consumers are requesting even more SUP than previously. Following up on our data gathered prior to the pandemic, we suggest that under the new circumstances health concerns outweigh the environmental concerns being determined by a shift in the value hierarchization. The paper discusses preliminary results


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    Along with the development of medicine, the duration of human life lengthened. Thus, the number of people that live to a great age has increased. One of the main health issues concerning people in old age is dementia. The most common cause of dementia that occurs after 65 years of age is Alzheimer’s disease. The course of the disease is progressive and it gradually leads to the situation when a patient is dependent on others. In most cases, the burden of care of a person with Alzheimer’s disease falls on the family members and friends. It is not an easy task. Often the family is not able to provide a proper patient care and therefore, it requires comprehensive medical, social, educational and financial help. The present study describes an important role of nurses, who not only accompany patients and their caregivers, but also educate and support them.Wraz z postępem medycyny wydłużyło się trwanie życia ludzkiego. Zwiększa się więc liczba osób dożywających wieku sędziwego. Jednym z największych problemów zdrowotnych osób w podeszłym wieku jest otępienie. Najczęstszą z przyczyn otępienia występującego po 65 roku życia jest choroba Alzheimera. Przebieg schorzenia jest postępujący i stopniowo prowadzi do uzależnienia chorego od innych. Przeważnie ciężar opieki nad człowiekiem z chorobą Alzheimera spada na osoby najbliższe. Nie jest to łatwe zadanie. Często rodzina nie jest w stanie zapewnić odpowiedniej opieki choremu, dlatego wymaga wszechstronnej pomocy medycznej, społecznej, edukacyjnej i finansowej. W niniejszej pracy opisano bardzo ważną rolę pielęgniarek, które towarzyszą chorym i ich opiekunom, edukują i wspierają ich


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    Along with the development of medicine, the duration of human life lengthened. Thus, the number of people that live to a great age has increased. One of the main health issues concerning people in old age is dementia. The most common cause of dementia that occurs after 65 years of age is Alzheimer’s disease. The course of the disease is progressive and it gradually leads to the situation when a patient is dependent on others. In most cases, the burden of care of a person with Alzheimer’s disease falls on the family members and friends. It is not an easy task. Often the family is not able to provide a proper patient care and therefore, it requires comprehensive medical, social, educational and financial help. The present study describes an important role of nurses, who not only accompany patients and their caregivers, but also educate and support them.Wraz z postępem medycyny wydłużyło się trwanie życia ludzkiego. Zwiększa się więc liczba osób dożywających wieku sędziwego. Jednym z największych problemów zdrowotnych osób w podeszłym wieku jest otępienie. Najczęstszą z przyczyn otępienia występującego po 65 roku życia jest choroba Alzheimera. Przebieg schorzenia jest postępujący i stopniowo prowadzi do uzależnienia chorego od innych. Przeważnie ciężar opieki nad człowiekiem z chorobą Alzheimera spada na osoby najbliższe. Nie jest to łatwe zadanie. Często rodzina nie jest w stanie zapewnić odpowiedniej opieki choremu, dlatego wymaga wszechstronnej pomocy medycznej, społecznej, edukacyjnej i finansowej. W niniejszej pracy opisano bardzo ważną rolę pielęgniarek, które towarzyszą chorym i ich opiekunom, edukują i wspierają ich

    Salivary proteins in health and disease

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    Besides their structural catalytic and diverse regulatory functions, proteins are also precursors of many important biological compounds essential for normal functioning of humans. Many of these compounds may be used as markers for identification of specific pathological states. A comprehensive knowledge about the metabolism of salivary proteins and the mechanisms of action of their metabolites allowed the development of effective treatment for many disorders. However, it should not be forgotten that in some pathological conditions, these compounds not only could be involved in the pathogenesis but also could be used as tool in the prediction of many diseases. This paper is a review of the published literature on selected salivary proteins in the context of the physiological processes of the human body and chosen chronic disorders, such as diabetes, diabetic nephropathy, mucositis, oral mycoses and caries

    Primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma : metabolic and anatomical features in 18FDG-PET/CT and response to therapy

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    Aim of the study : Determining the role of PET/CT imaging in the evaluation of treatment efficacy in primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma (PMBCL). Material and methods : Retrospective analysis of seven PMBCL patients, treated at the University Hospital in Krakow, with interim PET/CT after the third course of chemo-immunotherapy. The analysis was based on the calculation of exact tumour volume and metabolic activity, compared with initial values (directly after diagnosis). Results: Patients (five females, two males, average age 26.2 years, range 18–40 years), in clinical stage IIBX at diagnosis, were treated with eight cycles of R-CHOP-14 regimen, with radiotherapy consolidation (7/7) and central nervous system prophylaxis (6/7). The observed decrease in tumour volume between the initial staging and the interim PET ranged 72–89%. The mean ∆SUV max reduction between initial (when available) and interim PET was 87% (range 84–89%). In 3/7 cases in the interim PET/CT, the uptake of the tumour was higher than the liver (Deauville Criteria score 4–5), and in 4/7 it was lower than the liver but higher than mediastinal blood pool structures (score 3 according to Deauville Criteria). After a median follow-up of 58 months – OS and EFS is 100%. Conclusions: The excellent clinical outcome in the study group corresponds with very good metabolic and volumetric response in the interim PET. The ∆SUV max seems to be easier in implementation and has a more significant impact than other measurements