122 research outputs found

    Structural Model of The Image of a Modern Teacher

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    The article substantiates the importance of the activities of a modern teacher in solving existing problems in the field of education. Scientific and practical approaches to a comprehensive analysis of the educational environment, the modern image of a teacher and the conditions of learning and development are presented. made it possible to develop mechanisms for creating a structural model of pedagogical activity. Explanations and meanings of some terms are given. The requirements for a teacher are determined not only by the great importance, but also by the rare originality of pedagogical activity. A teacher is a special profession. These are the people who are always in sight; students, colleagues, and parents are next to the


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    The problems of young people attract the scholars of different spheres, and literature inparticular. Young people were depicted under the influence of psychological, social and economic situations. The 20th century literature pays more attention to the psychological aspects of young people’s development. In previous studies on young adults’ literature, different social aspects have been found to be related to the development of young people’s psyche. However, not enough attention has been paid to an individual as the part of the whole social strata. Early example sof research into young adults’ literature include Ya. N. Zasurskiy, A.S. Mulyarchik, T.Morozova.Only in the past 50 years of studies literature directly addressed the problem, on how anindividual represents the whole society. The article investigates some essential youth problems at the turn of 20-21st centuries reflected in contemporary American literature. The article highlights some important research issues conducted in this fieldas well as the literary works which need to be studied. The issues like teenagers’ behavior at school, their relationships inside their families,community impact on teenagers’ world visionare reflected. In addition, the impacts of socially abandoned people, who united into groups and developed a subculture, on young people’s livesare shown

    Main modern aspects of neurobrucellosis according to the materials of the regional infectious clinical hospital of Samarkand city

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    This article gives detailed information about main modern aspects of neurobrucellosis according to the materials of the regional infectious clinical hospital of Samarkand city

    Fransuz romantizmi

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    Ushbu maqola romantizm va uning tarixi, fransuz adabiyotidagi o’rni, romantizm yo’nalishida ijod qilgan yozuvchilar va ularning badiiy asarlarda tasnifi haqida yozilgan

    Evaluation of The Relationship of Ischemic Changes on Ecg with Different Characteristics of Pain Syndrome

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    The success of effective treatment and prevention of coronary artery disease is largely associated with the early diagnosis of this disease. Currently, a number of diagnostic methods are used to detect CAD, which include survey, electrocardiography (ECG), echocardiography (EchoCG), coronary angiography, various pharmacological tests, and exercise tests (1,2). The most accessible methods for diagnosing coronary artery disease in primary health care, where patients first turn, are a survey and an ECG. However, ECG taken at rest does not always reveal ischemic changes in the myocardium (4,5)

    Mechanism for designing the content of the professional competence of teachers in higher education institutions

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    In the article, the article in the article on the development of modern approaches, and leading and leading factors in the context of the development of vocational competitors of higher education institutions, the professional competence of heads and internal training, and the professional competence of the degree and agrological approaches The issues of improving the organizational and governance mechanisms of the development are covered and the development of the professional competence of the professional competence, and the practical introduction of didactic mechanisms based on innovative and interactive technologies
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