1,456 research outputs found

    Study of biochemical substrate and role of metalloproteinases in fascia transversalis from hernial processes

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    The aim of this study was to examine the fascia transversalis (FT) from patients with direct and indirect hernia in an attempt to identify possible differences between each type of hernia. FT samples were obtained from 36 patients presenting inguinal hernia (23 indirect hernia and 13 direct hernia) who underwent surgery. We have analysed the ultrastructure of the fascia surrounding the hernial lesions, the proline and lysine hydroxylation in the tissue, the type I-type III collagen ratio and the presence of metalloproteinases. We have not detected ultrastructural differences in the collagen fibrils from FT in direct and indirect hernias. However, the interfibrillar matrix was more abundant in direct hernias, showing abundant electron-dense particles. No differences in proline hydroxylation were observed between each type of hernia. A small decrease in lysine hydroxylation was detected in patients with direct hernia. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) showed no statistically significant differences in the type I-type III collagen absorbance ratios. Immunohistochemistry revealed no differences in the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-1. FT from patients presenting direct hernia showed a very strong staining vs. metalloproteinase-2 when compared with that observed in indirect hernia

    Scissors resonance in the quasi-continuum of Th, Pa and U isotopes

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    The gamma-ray strength function in the quasi-continuum has been measured for 231-233Th, 232,233Pa and 237-239U using the Oslo method. All eight nuclei show a pronounced increase in gamma strength at omega_SR approx 2.4 MeV, which is interpreted as the low-energy M1 scissors resonance (SR). The total strength is found to be B_SR = 9-11 mu_N^2 when integrated over the 1 - 4 MeV gamma-energy region. The SR displays a double-hump structure that is theoretically not understood. Our results are compared with data from (gamma, gamma') experiments and theoretical sum-rule estimates for a nuclear rigid-body moment of inertia.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Rapid thawing increases the fragility of the cryopreserved arterial wall

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    To extend present knowledge of the biomechanical and structural changes which occur in the cryopreserved, rapidly thawed arterial wall. Minipig iliac arterial segments were cryopreserved at -196 degrees C in either minimum essential medium or Wisconsin solution. Fresh segments served as the control group. After 1 month, the specimens were rapidly thawed (37 degrees C) and processed for biomechanical, ultrastructural, morphological and immunohistochemical (MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-3 and MMP-9) analysis. Visualisation of apoptotic cells was performed by TUNEL method. For the mechanical distension analysis, an in vitro circuit was designed. The cryopreserved segments showed a 42% incidence of spontaneous fracture and the appearance of microfractures which affected the endoluminal third of the vessel. An accumulation of liquid in the subelastica was observed. An increased expression of wall-degradative enzymes (mainly MMP-2) was also observed following cryopreservation. No significant differences were detected in the proportional elasticity module or tensile strength of the specimen groups. No differences in mechanical distension were observed between groups after the vessel segments were subjected to the pulsatile circuit flow for 72 h. Cell damage was most intense in the specimens cryopreserved in Wisconsin solution. Cryopreservation in both the solutions employed, followed by rapid thawing, induce changes in the permeability which increase the fragility of the cryopreserved arterial wall. Both increased expression of wall-degradative enzymes and accumulation of liquid may contribute to graft failure after implantation

    Evaluation of the smooth muscle cell component and apoptosis in the varicose vein wall

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    This study was designed to evaluate the role of the smooth muscle cell and the apoptosis in the pathogenesis of the varicose vein. Segments of saphenous vein were obtained from healthy subjects and from those with varicose veins. The vein specimens were subdivided according to subject age (younger or older than 50 years) and according to the varicose vein source (distal or proximal). Morphological, ultrastructural, cell proliferation (anti-PCNA method) and cell death (TUNEL method) analysis were performed. The walls of healthy, control vein specimens acquired a more collagenous and papillomatous appearance with age. A slight increase in the number of TUNEL-positive cells was also observed in specimens from older subjects. The proportion of apoptotic cells was much greater in the varicose veins than in control specimens. Most cellular alterations were seen in proximal varicose segments obtained from young subjects. These specimens showed hypertrophic areas with a high degree of cellularity (both in the media and in the thickened intima). The highest proportion of apoptotic cells and collagenisation were also observed in these areas. The enhanced number of apoptotic cells in varicose veins observed mainly in proximal/young vein specimens could be responsible, at least in part, for the acceleration of the final fibrosclerotic process characteristic of the varicose vein wall

    Bayesian analysis of the association between casein complex haplotype variants and milk yield, composition, and curve shape parameters in murciano-granadina goats

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    Considering casein haplotype variants rather than SNPs may maximize the understanding of heritable mechanisms and their implication on the expression of functional traits related to milk production. Effects of casein complex haplotypes on milk yield, milk composition, and curve shape parameters were used using a Bayesian inference for ANOVA. We identified 48 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) present in the casein complex of 159 unrelated individuals of diverse ancestry, which were organized into 86 haplotypes. The Ali and Schaeffer model was chosen as the best fitting model for milk yield (Kg), protein, fat, dry matter, and lactose (%), while parabolic yield-density was chosen as the best fitting model for somatic cells count (SCC × 103 sc/mL). Peak and persistence for all traits were computed respectively. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) were found for milk yield and components. However, no significant difference was found for any curve shape parameter except for protein percentage peak. Those haplotypes for which higher milk yields were reported were the ones that had higher percentages for protein, fat, dry matter, and lactose, while the opposite trend was described by somatic cells counts. Conclusively, casein complex haplotypes can be considered in selection strategies for economically important traits in dairy goats

    Long-term outcomes of an acellular dermal matrix for the treatment of complex cryptoglandular anal fistula: a pilot study

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    Backgound Effective, standardized treatments for complex anal fistula (CAF) still represent a clinical challenge. Emerging procedures attempted to achieve the healing rates of fistulotomy whilst preserving sphincter function. Acellular dermal matrix (ADM) used as a plug inserted through the fistulous tract is among newer treatment options. Varying success rates have been reported, most with short-term follow-up. The aim of this study was to report the long-term results of ADM-plug for CAF. Methods Retrospective analysis of a prospective database of patients treated with CAF. All consecutive patients presenting at two tertiary centers (Vall d'Hebron University Hospital and Bellvitge University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain) between November 2015 and March 2019 with a single, cryptoglandular CAF were evaluated for treatment with an ADM-plug were included. The primary endpoint was absence of discharge at clinical examination at 12 month follow-up. Results Twenty-two patients were included [7 women and 15 men, median age 56 (33-74) years]. Most patients had high transsphincteric fistulas (63.6%). The median follow-up was 42 (21-53) months. The 12 month success rate was 68.2%, with an overall healing rate of 59.1%. 77.8% of recurrences occurred within 12 months from surgery. One plug extrusion was observed. No major complications or mortality occurred during the follow-up. Patients did not report any worsening of fecal continence. Conclusions This pilot study showed that more than half of patients with CAF could benefit from ADM-plug placement, preserving continence. A minimum follow-up of 12 months is recommended, because most recurrences occur during the first year

    Software-automatized individual lactation model fitting, peak and persistence and Bayesian criteria comparison for milk yield genetic studies in Murciano-Granadina goats

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    SPSS model syntax was defined and used to evaluate the individual performance of 49 linear and non-linear models to fit the lactation curve of 159 Murciano-Granadina goats selected for genotyping analyses. Lactation curve shape, peak and persistence were evaluated for each model using 3107 milk yield controls with an average of 3.78 ± 2.05 lactations per goat. Best fit (Adjusted R2) values (0.47) were reached by the five-parameter logarithmic model of Ali and Schaeffer. Three main possibilities were detected: non-fitting (did not converge), standard (Adjusted R2 over 75%) and atypical curves (Adjusted R2 below 75%). All the goats fitted for 38 models. The ability to fit different possible functional forms for each goat, which progressively increased with the number of parameters comprised in each model, translated into a higher sensitivity to explaining curve shape individual variability. However, for models for which all goats fitted, only moderate increases in explanatory and predictive potential (AIC, AICc or BIC) were found. The Ali and Schaeffer model reported the best fitting results to study the genetic variability behind goat milk yield and perhaps enhance the evaluation of curve parameters as trustable future selection criteria to face the future challenges offered by the goat dairy industry

    Estudio detallado de los efectos del acetato de hidrocortisona durante la gestación sobre el número de fetos y abortos en la rata

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    Se estudia la evolución del efecto de la administración de acetato de hidrocortisona (4mg/100 g. peso/día) a ratas sobre el número de fetos y abortos de la camada en los días 6, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18 y 21 de gestación. Se observa que el acetato de hidrocortisona disminuye el número de fetos vivos a partir del día 17 de tratamiento siendo la disminución más acusada en el día 21, en el que la diferencia respecto al grupo control es de un 25%. El acetato de hidrocortisona incrementa el porcentaje de ratas que presentan abortos en cualquiera de los periodos estudiados. Además en el día 14 el 22,2% de ratas inyectadas con acetato de hidrocortisona presentan abortos de la totalidad de sus fetos, hecho que nunca sucede en las ratas control. En el día 21 es más acusado el efecto de la hormona ya que mientras que las ratas testigo mantienen todos los fetos vivos, un 66% de ratas tratadas con cortisona siguen presentando abortos.The evolution of the effect of the administration of hydrocortisone aceta te (HA) (4mg/l00g weightlday) to the pregnant rat on the number of viable and nonviable fetuses was studied on days 6, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 21 of gesta tion . . The administration of HA to pregnant rats reduced the number of live fe tuses starting on day 17 of treatment representing a loss of approximately 25% of the fetuses when they are compared with the control rats. High doses of cortisone acetate were seen to increase the percentage of rats whose uterus contained dead fetuses at any given period of study. On day 14 more over the entire litter was found to have died in utero in 22,2% of all cortisol injected rats, a finding which never occurred in controls. The effects of cortisol were most in evidence on day 21, when all fetuses were viable in controls as opposed to hormone-treated rats, 66% of which were found to contain nonviable fetuses