21 research outputs found

    Protinės veiklos aktyvinimo prielaidos mokomajame procese

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    Accumulation of the information and its volitional reproduction is significant for the social and personal functioning of mentally retarded children. These processes are impeded and interfere with successful personal socialization. The particularities of cognitive processes (and especially memorial processes) determine forming and purposeful appliance of different competences (behavioral, professional, and communicative) in person’s social life and displaced development of social needs. The way of different activating in the educational processes trying to change of quantities and qualitative parameters of remembrance dynamic, became a significant component in the modeling of new tendencies in life quality alteration of disabled. The research proves that earlier performed task can be assessed as an object of remembrances (and especially it is obvious in the activity of mentally retarded) and as a remembrance tool of performed result, as well. Essentially the remembrance of the performed activities result includes a lot of mental acts (dynamic of action, situation, and different barriers) which stimulates mnemic processes during saving and reproduction of obtained information. After the experiment with the middle age school mentally retarded children we find out that it was easier to remember (immediate and deferred reproduction) performed action and the result of remembrance efficiency was better. It is regular that comparing results of control and experimental groups difference in all reproduction tasks was significant (from p < 0,01 to p < 0,001). And increasing efficiency of remembrances (in this case the verbal stimulating material) shows the potential of learning abilities. The analyses of the research let us draw conclusion that applied methods of mnemic activation in educational processes of mild mentally retarded children determinates higher level of information mastering and preservation.Docentas socialinių mokslų (edukologijos) daktarasŠiaulių universitetoSocialinės gerovės ir negalės studijų fakultetasP. Višinskio g. 25, LT-76285 ŠiauliaiTel. (8-41) 595 732El. paštas: [email protected] Individualiam ir socialiniam asmenybės funkcionavimui užtikrinti reikšminga sąlyga yra pirmiausia įvairios mokomosios informacijos kaupimas ir tikslingas bei laiku jos atgaminimas. Empirinių tyrimų konstatuota, kad tai sudėtinga veikla įvairaus psichofizinio išsivystymo lygio moksleiviams, ypač turintiems protinės raidos sutrikimų todėl mneminės veiklos aktyvinimo būdų paieška yra aktuali problema. Straipsnyje pateikiamas eksperimentinis trijų dalyių tyrimas, kuris parodė, kai raidos sutrikimų neturintys moksleiviai, tiek ir protinės raidos sutrikimų turintys moksleiviai susiduria su daugeliu sudėtingø problemų, jiems būna lengviau įsiminti atliktą veiksmą, taip pat gerėja ir abiejų tiriamųjų grupių veiksmo rezultato prisiminimo produktyvumas.Gautų duomenų analizė leidžia teigti, kad pedagoginėje praktikoje taikomi prisiminimo procesų aktyvinimo būdai lemia moksleivių, taip pat ir sutrikusios protinės raidos, aukštesnį informacijos įvaldymo ir išsaugojimo lygį


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    Problem of long life learning talking about educational and integration processes of mild mentally retarded adults in present economical situation face with new and unsolved problems. Changing labor market appreciates creativity and innovations and employers look for employees who can easily deal with difficult situations. It concerns certain mild mentally retarded adults, who have great problems in finding and then keeping their post. The aim of this research is to identify and define main characteristics and possibilities of long life education of mild mentally retarded adults and role of educator in these long term process


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    An article tries to reveal presumptive relationships of mental health of special educators and emotional stage of infants. In this context we discuss mental health of teachers (reasons and signs of it) and emotional reactions of infants. In specific educational environment mental health of teachers is an important factor of successful pedagogical process and infant development, as well. Pedagogue in Infant home acts as a creator of the stimulating environment for child’s space of development. The analysis of expression of emotional status of infants let us draw a conclusion, that optimal psychological health of caregivers impresses emotional condition of deprived infants. The boys are more influenced by psychological condition of caregivers then girls

    Socioeducational prerequisites of minor supervision Institution wards’ adaptation

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    Transformations of personality behavior are determined by many objectively and subjectively functioning factors: the peculiarities of personality structure, attitudes, the influence of social environment, the tendencies of recognition and following the declared norms and rules, etc. In this country a group of „social deprivation“ people has emerged in which the development of personality is under the influence of many additional negative factors which interfere with socialization process. One of additional negative factors is placement of children in different care institutions including the institutions of medium supervision for delinquents. The investigation data have demonstrated that basically from 5-7% to 67-75% of the causes of a minor’s placement in the institution might be considered as delinquent ones, but in the majority of cases a „criminal“ biography of a ward is the consequence of social policy changes. Though the majority of supervision institutions' wards consider their placement as fair we may only hypothetically foresee their further socialization development after the corrective-educational period in the institution is over. Bearing in mind that in 75-85% of the cases unfavorable minor’s conditions of psychological development in the family and negatively influencing social environment have been identified, returning of them into former surroundings most often determines continuity of delinquent behavior and complicated socialization development.Straipsnyje analizuojamos nepilnamečių delinkventų socialinę adaptaciją ir socializaciją trikdančios priežastys, tarp kurių svarbus vaidmuo tenka šeimai: jos socioekonominis, kultūrinis bei intelektinis statusas dažnai lemia asmenybės psichosocialinės raidos pokyčius. Įvardijamos vidutinės priežiūros institucijų ugdytinių socialinę adaptaciją trikdančių veiksnių, taip pat ir socioedukacinių socialinės adaptacijos prielaidų kintamosios, numatomos probleminio elgesio nepilnamečių asmenų socializacijos perspektyvos

    Self-Evaluation Dimensions of Criminal Activity and Prospects Simulation of Persons Serving Custodial Sentence

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    The article presents the self-evaluation indicators of the causes of criminal behavior committed by persons serving a custodial sentence at X institution, focusing on imprisonment and modeling of life prospects after release from prison. The main idea of the study is to reveal the subjective self-evaluation experience of persons serving custodial sentence with regard to criminal activity and simulation of future prospects. The scientific discussion of the article presents incarcerated persons’ (N = 58) subjective self-evaluation data collected during the qualitative research and their theoretical-practical interpretation. Convicted persons’ subjective self-evaluation and prospects simulation data enable stating certain features showing the discrepancy between their disposition and achievement of resocialization goals. This confirms the insufficiently interiorized reasonableness of punishment, personal perception, and realized motivation to change

    The Tendencies in changes of the psychosocial personality development: deliquent behavioour and prognostication

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    Social and personal life of every member of the society is regulated by several rules and norms. Law norms are socially effective because it is compulsory to follow them and the majority of society members approve moral norms. While prognosticating one's behavior and its possible transformations it is necessary to have in mind the qualities of the personality structure and the peculiarities of social factors and situations. There are several regularities identified: Hit is typical for the insufficiently integrated personality to react to the changes in the social situation by a particularly learned model of behavior; 2) in case of encountering behavior regulation difficulties in adolescence and in case of society's failure to apply adequate measures delinquent behavior still remains in adulthood. It has been stated that the adaptation and its failures depend on the psychological developmental level of the individual and the degree of the support presented (Phillips, 1968). Today the economic and social reforms in Lithuania affect a large part of our society members and most often they are the less protected layers. Statistics show that a large group of socially segregated people has almost already emerged. It is evident that personality development in socially segregated families is influenced by many negative factors substantially interfering with the all-round opportunity of socialization. In the process of increase of social segregation cases the need of security of part of our society is not met and it determines an indifferent or even hostile attitude towards the system of different norms and values. Taking into consideration the peculiarities of minors' psychophysical development and the qualitative contents of their social experience the increase of ,,crisis groups" is apparent and substantial. The largest part of wards are placed in special children's education and shelter homes because of the misdeeds predetermined by the peculiarities of their social environment (low social-economic family status, incorrect mode of life, Ihe transformed scale of values, etc.). Part of the minors' delinquency problems will be solved by the implementation of the conception of minors' criminal justice reform.Straipsnyje aptariama delinkventinio asmenų elgesio problema besikeičiančioje visuomenėje Ir priežastys, lemiančios nepilnamečių elgsenos transformacijas bei trikdančios jų soclalizacijos procesą. Kaip viena galima psichosoclalinės asmenybės raidos pokyčių priežastis įvardijama „socialinės atskirties" asmenų grupė, kurios ekonomlnis-pslchosocialinis statusas lemia įvairių deviacijų apraiškas įvairiose socialinėse situacijose. Aptariant nepilnamečių delinkventinio elgesio ištakas pabrėžiama asmenų adaptacijos socialinėje aplinkoje problema bei jgyvendinamos nepilnamečių kriminalines Justicijos reformos koncepcijos reikšmė

    Socioeducational prerequisites of minor supervision Institution wards’ adaptation

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    Transformations of personality behavior are determined by many objectively and subjectively functioning factors: the peculiarities of personality structure, attitudes, the influence of social environment, the tendencies of recognition and following the declared norms and rules, etc. In this country a group of "social deprivation" people has emerged in which the development of personality is under the influence of many additional negative factors which interfere with socialization process. One of additional negative factors is placement of children in different care institutions including the institutions of medium supervision for delinquents. The investigation data have demonstrated that basically from 5-7% to 67-75% of the causes of a minor’s placement in the institution might be considered as delinquent ones, but in the majority of cases a "criminal" biography of a ward is the consequence of social policy changes. Though the majority of supervision institutions' wards consider their placement as fair we may only hypothetically foresee their further socialization development after the corrective-educational period in the institution is over. Bearing in mind that in 75-85% of the cases unfavorable minor’s conditions of psychological development in the family and negatively influencing social environment have been identified, returning of them into former surroundings most often determines continuity of delinquent behavior and complicated socialization development