1,042 research outputs found

    Puurakennusten vaipparakenteiden vertailu:CLT ja puurunko

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    Tiivistelmä. Työn tarkoituksena ja tavoitteena on selvittää kahden puisen vertailurakenteen ominaisuuksien eroavaisuuksia ja niiden mahdollisia vaikutuksia terveyteen sekä kustannuksiin. Tutkimus toteutetaan osin kirjallisuuskatsauksena ja osin rakennusfysikaalisten suureiden laskentana. Vertailurakenteina toimivat CLTelementtiseinärakenne ja mineraalivillaeristeinen puurunkoseinä. Massiivipuurakenteisten ulkoseinien lämmöneristävyys saa olla ympäristöministeriön määräysten mukaan heikompi kuin runkorakenteisen seinän. Vertailurakenteista CLT seinällä on noin kolmasosan heikompi lämmöneristävyys kuin monikerroksisella puuseinärakenteella, joka vaikuttaa suoraan lämmityskustannuksiin. CLT rakennuksessa lämmityskustannukset ovat kolme kertaa suuremmat kuin rankarunkoisessa rakennuksessa ulkoseinien lämpöhäviön osalta. Puulla sisäpintamateriaalina on psykologisia ja sosiaalisia vaikutuksia tilan käyttäjiin. Vertailurakenteista CLT-rakenteella voidaan saavuttaa näitä hyötyjä. Terveydellisten hyötyjen tavoittelusta kuitenkin joutuu maksamaan enemmän, sillä valmistuskustannuksiltaan CLT-rakenteiset ulkoseinät ovat paljon kalliimmat, mutta rakennusten kokonaiskustannuksiltaan hintaero samanlaisissa kohteissa on muutaman prosentin luokkaa.Comparison of wooden buildings envelopes : CLT and wooden-framed structures. Abstract. The purpose and goal of this thesis is to examine differences in properties, health effects and building physics of two wooden reference structures. Research in this thesis is carried out by a literature survey and partly by an analysis of physical quantities of building structures. The structures in comparison are a cross laminated timber (CLT) element and a wooden-framed structure with mineral wool insulate. According to the regulations of the Ministry of the Environment, thermal insulation of external walls in the CLT buildings is allowed to be weaker than wooden-framed external walls. Thermal insulation of the CLT wall is about one third of thermal insulation of the wooden-framed wall structure, which directly affects the heating costs, which are also three times higher in the CLT building in terms of heat loss from the outer walls. Wood as an interior surface material has psychological and social effects on the users of the building. Among the comparative structures, the CLT structure can achieve these benefits. Manufacturing costs of the CLT structured external walls are more expensive than the wooden-framed external walls, but in terms of the total cost of the buildings is of the order of a few percen

    Challenges in investigation of diabetes-related aviation fatalitiesan analysis of 1491 subsequent aviation fatalities in USA during 2011-2016

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) could cause pilot incapacitation and result in aviation fatalities. The mechanisms could be directly as a consequence of acute hypoglycemia/subacute diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) or indirectly as an acute cardiovascular event by contributing to the development of atherosclerosis in coronary or carotid and cerebral arteries. In this study, DM-related fatal flight accidents in the US National Transport Bureau's database between years 2011-2016 were analyzed with special emphasis on postmortem (PM) glucose levels and correlation of toxicological reports with anamnestic information on DM. Additionally, autopsy results on coronary arteries were reviewed. In 43 out of 1491 (similar to 3%) fatal accidents pilots had DM. Postmortem glucose or glycated hemoglobin percentage (Hb1Ac) was measured in 12 of the 43 cases; while antidiabetic medication was found in 14 of the cases (only two of the cases had both glucose measurements and medication). With the increasing prevalence of DM, a possibility of pilot incapacitation due to DM or complications of DM should be actively studied, even if no anamnestic information of DM was available. While PM hypoglycemia is difficult to assess, we propose a systematic investigation based on measurement of glucose, Hb1Ac%, and ketone bodies, and documentation of atherosclerotic lesions in major arteries to identify or rule out DM as a cause of pilot incapacitation.Peer reviewe

    Subjective and objective measures of function and return to work : an observational study with a clinical psychiatric cohort

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    To evaluate the association between two measurement tools (Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale, SOFAS and Sheehan Disability Scale, SDS), returning to work (RTW) and their inter-correlation. 132 psychiatric patients referred to assessment of work ability participated. The association between SOFAS and SDS Work to RTW were assessed by logistic regression. Inter-correlations between SOFAS and SDS were assessed with the Spearman's rho correlation coefficient. SOFAS and SDS Work scores were associated with a 1-year RTW and SOFAS and SDS were inter-correlated. When assigning the ability to work, both subjective and objective measures of function predict RTW.Peer reviewe

    Validation of Finnish Neecham Confusion Scale and Nursing Delirium Screening Scale using Confusion Assessment Method algorithm as a comparison scale

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    Background: Delirium is a common clinical problem with acute and fluctuating onset. Early notification of its symptoms can lead to earlier detection and management of this state. Valid and reliable instruments are required for successful nursing practice. The purpose of the study was to psychometrically test the Finnish versions of the Neecham Confusion Scale (NEECHAM) and the Nursing Delirium Screening Scale (Nu-DESC) in surgical nursing care, utilizing the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) algorithm as a comparison scale. Methods: This randomized, blinded, instrument testing study was conducted at one university hospital in one surgical unit. Study patients (n = 112) meeting the pre-set criteria were assessed by the principal investigator (PI) and a registered nurse (RN, n = 18). Internal consistency, inter-rater reliability, and concurrent validity of the scales were calculated and face validity and usability evaluated. Results: Internal consistency was from .76 to .86 for all three scales. Inter-rater reliability between PI and RNs was .87 with NEECHAM, .60 with CAM and .47 with Nu-DESC. Concurrent validity was .56 and .59 between CAM and NEECHAM, and .68 and .72 between NEECHAM and Nu-DESC. In the PI group, the correlation between CAM and Nu-DESC was .91, in the RN’s group .42. Nu-DESC was evaluated as the most usable scale. Conclusion: The findings strengthen the earlier research on the scales and indicate that the Finnish NEECHAM and Nu-DESC correlates with CAM algorithm and with each other. They seem to be clinically viable in assessing patients’ delirium in surgical wards but more validity testing is needed. Keywords: Confusion, Confusion Assessment Method, Delirium, Instrument testing, Neecham Confusion Scale, Nursing Delirium Screening Scale</p

    Hyvinvointi ja turvallisuus välitunneilla:lasten näkemyksiä hyvinvointia tukevasta ja turvallisesta koulupihasta

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää lasten näkemyksiä turvallisesta koulupihasta sekä sitä, millaisilla tekijöillä on merkitystä heidän hyvinvointiinsa koulupihalla välituntisin. Tutkimus liittyy Tyrnävän kunnassa suunnitteilla olevan uuden 3.-6. luokkalaisille suunnatun koulun ja sen pihan suunnitteluun. Tutkimuksemme pohjana on Anu Kirstinän pro gradu -tutkielma, jossa selvitettiin lasten piirtämien kuvien avulla millainen on liikkumiseen kannustava koulupiha sekä tutkittiin lasten osallisuutta päätöksenteossa. Tutkimuksemme on luonteeltaan laadullinen, fenomenografinen tapaustutkimus, jossa tutkimuskohteena on yksi koulu, siinä toimivat lapset ja heidän näkemyksensä omasta koulupihastaan. Tutkimuksessamme keskitymme tarkastelemaan hyvinvointiin ja turvallisuuteen liittyviä näkökohtia koulukontekstissa lasten näkökulmasta käsin. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytimme haastatteluja, jotka toteutimme Tyrnävän Kirkkomännikön koululla. Haastateltavina oli kahdeksan neljännen luokan oppilasta. Aineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että lasten hyvinvointiin ja turvallisuuteen koulupihalla vaikuttavat useat tekijät. Tulokset osoittavat, että hyvinvointiin ja turvallisuutteen positiivisesti vaikuttavat kaverisuhteet, pelit, leikit ja vapaa oleminen sekä aikuisten läsnäolo. Myös lasten osallisuus ja luonto nähdään myönteisesti vaikuttavina tekijöinä. Hyvinvointia ja turvallisuutta välituntisin koulupihalla taas heikentävät erityisesti henkinen ja fyysinen kiusaaminen. Lisäksi turvattomat välineet ja paikat, erilaiset tapaturmat, vuodenajat sekä tekemisen ja ajan puute vaikuttavat negatiivisesti lasten hyvinvointiin ja turvallisuuteen koulupihalla. Tämä tutkimus kohdistuu yhteen kouluun, eivätkä tulokset näin ollen ole täysin yleistettävissä. Tutkimuksemme kuitenkin tukee aikaisempia lasten hyvinvointia ja turvallisuutta koskevia tutkimuksia. Lisäksi tutkimus antaa arvokasta tietoa tutkimukseen osallistuneelle koululle siitä, miten koulun arkea ja välitunteja voidaan rakentaa lasten hyvinvointia ja turvallisuutta tukevaksi

    The Criterion Validity, Reliability, and Feasibility of an Instrument for Assessing the Nursing Intensity in Perioperative Settings

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    Patient classification systems generate information for staff allocation based on a patient's care needs. This study aims to test further the instrument for assessing nursing intensity (NI) in perioperative settings. Nine operating departments from five university hospitals were involved. The perioperative nurses gathered data from patients (N = 876) representing different fields of surgery. Reliability was tested by parallel classifications (N = 144). Also, the users' (N = 40) opinions were surveyed. The results support the predictive validity and interrater reliability of the instrument. Thenurses considered the instrument feasible to use. Thepatients' low ASA class did not automatically signify low NI; however, high ASA class was more frequently associated with high intraoperative NI. Intraoperative NI indicated the length of the postanaesthesia care and the type of the follow-up unit. Parallel classifications ensured the homogenous use of the instrument. The use of the instrument is recommended

    Women with PCOS have an increased risk for cardiovascular disease regardless of diagnostic criteria - a prospective population-based cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is associated with many cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension. However, it remains debatable whether the presence of multiple CVD risk factors translates to increased CVD events. DESIGN: A prospective, population-based Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966. METHODS: Individuals with an expected date of birth in 1966 in Northern Finland have been followed from birth. Women in the cohort were classified as having PCOS according to either the National Institute of Health (NIH) criteria (n = 144) or the Rotterdam criteria (n = 386) at age 31, and they were compared to women without any PCOS features. The study population was re-examined at age 46, and the incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), including myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, heart failure and cardiovascular mortality, was recorded up to age 53. RESULTS: During the 22-year follow-up, both women with NIH-PCOS and women with Rotterdam-PCOS had a significantly higher risk for cardiovascular events than control women. The BMI-adjusted hazard ratio (HR) for MACE in the Rotterdam-PCOS group and the NIH-PCOS group was 2.33 (1.26-4.30) and 2.47 (1.18-5.17), respectively. The cumulative hazard curves in both diagnostic categories began to diverge at age 35. Regarding the individual CVD endpoints, MI was significantly more prevalent in both women with NIH-PCOS (P = .010) and women with Rotterdam-PCOS (P = .019), when compared to control women. CONCLUSIONS: PCOS should be considered a significant risk factor for CVD. Future follow-up will show how the risk of CVD events develops after menopausal age

    Tuning sensitivity to IL-4 and IL-13: differential expression of IL-4Rα, IL-13Rα1, and γc regulates relative cytokine sensitivity

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    Interleukin (IL)-4 and -13 are related cytokines sharing functional receptors. IL-4 signals through the type I (IL-4Rα/common γ-chain [γc]) and the type II (IL-4Rα/-13Rα1) IL-4 receptors, whereas IL-13 utilizes only the type II receptor. In this study, we show that mouse bone marrow–derived macrophages and human and mouse monocytes showed a much greater sensitivity to IL-4 than to IL-13. Lack of functional γc made these cells poorly responsive to IL-4, while retaining full responsiveness to IL-13. In mouse peritoneal macrophages, IL-4 potency exceeds that of IL-13, but lack of γc had only a modest effect on IL-4 signaling. In contrast, IL-13 stimulated greater responses than IL-4 in fibroblasts. Using levels of receptor chain expression and known binding affinities, we modeled the assemblage of functional type I and II receptor complexes. The differential expression of IL-4Rα, IL-13Rα1, and γc accounted for the distinct IL-4–IL-13 sensitivities of the various cell types. These findings provide an explanation for IL-13's principal function as an “effector” cytokine and IL-4's principal role as an “immunoregulatory” cytokine

    ILoReg: a tool for high-resolution cell population identification from single-cell RNA-seq data

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    Single-cell RNA-seq allows researchers to identify cell populations based on unsupervised clustering of the transcriptome. However, subpopulations can have only subtle transcriptomic differences and the high dimensionality of the data makes their identification challenging.\nWe introduce ILoReg, an R package implementing a new cell population identification method that improves identification of cell populations with subtle differences through a probabilistic feature extraction step that is applied before clustering and visualization. The feature extraction is performed using a novel machine learning algorithm, called iterative clustering projection (ICP), that uses logistic regression and clustering similarity comparison to iteratively cluster data. Remarkably, ICP also manages to integrate feature selection with the clustering through L1-regularization, enabling the identification of genes that are differentially expressed between cell populations. By combining solutions of multiple ICP runs into a single consensus solution, ILoReg creates a representation that enables investigating cell populations with a high resolution. In particular, we show that the visualization of ILoReg allows segregation of immune and pancreatic cell populations in a more pronounced manner compared with current state-of-the-art methods.\nILoReg is available as an R package at https://bioconductor.org/packages/ILoReg.\nSupplementary data are available at Supplementary Information and Supplementary Files 1 and 2.\nMOTIVATION\nRESULTS\nAVAILABILITY\nSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATIO
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