127 research outputs found

    Hybrid Tractable Classes of Binary Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems

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    In this paper, we investigate the hybrid tractability of binary Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems (QCSPs). First, a basic tractable class of binary QCSPs is identified by using the broken-triangle property. In this class, the variable ordering for the broken-triangle property must be same as that in the prefix of the QCSP. Second, we break this restriction to allow that existentially quantified variables can be shifted within or out of their blocks, and thus identify some novel tractable classes by introducing the broken-angle property. Finally, we identify a more generalized tractable class, i.e., the min-of-max extendable class for QCSPs

    Blow-up criteria for Boussinesq system and MHD system and Landau-Lifshitz equations in a bounded domain

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    In this paper, we prove some blow-up criteria for the 3D Boussinesq system with zero heat conductivity and MHD system and Landau-Lifshitz equations in a bounded domain.Comment: 20 page

    Symmetry and tendency judgment of Ms ≥ 8.0 strong earthquakes in Chile

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    Abstract:The Ms ≥8.0 strong earthquakes occurring in Chile since 1800 were analyzed using the ternary, quaternary, and quinary commensurability methods and the butterfly structure diagram, and it was believed that the earthquake signal in Chile in 2014 is relatively strong, a large earthquake is likely to occur in Chile in 2014. An analysis of spatial epicenter migrations showed that the longitudinal and latitudinal epicenter migrations have symmetry and synchronism, and there were five obvious northward migrations and four southward migrations. The symmetry axis of the longitudinal migrations is at about 71. 7° W and that of the latitudinal migrations is at about 30° S; these spatial symmetry axes are located at the subduction zone on the western margin of South America, where two major plates (the Nazca Plate and the South American Plate) converge

    LS-DTKMS: A Local Search Algorithm for Diversified Top-k MaxSAT Problem

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    The Maximum Satisfiability (MaxSAT), an important optimization problem, has a range of applications, including network routing, planning and scheduling, and combinatorial auctions. Among these applications, one usually benefits from having not just one single solution, but k diverse solutions. Motivated by this, we study an extension of MaxSAT, named Diversified Top-k MaxSAT (DTKMS) problem, which is to find k feasible assignments of a given formula such that each assignment satisfies all hard clauses and all of them together satisfy the maximum number of soft clauses. This paper presents a local search algorithm, LS-DTKMS, for DTKMS problem, which exploits novel scoring functions to select variables and assignments. Experiments demonstrate that LS-DTKMS outperforms the top-k MaxSAT based DTKMS solvers and state-of-the-art solvers for diversified top-k clique problem

    Utopia point method based robust vector polynomial optimization scheme

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    In this paper, we focus on a class of robust vector polynomial optimization problems (RVPOP in short) without any convex assumptions. By combining/improving the utopia point method (a nonlinear scalarization) for vector optimization and "joint+marginal" relaxation method for polynomial optimization, we solve the RVPOP successfully. Both theoratical and computational aspects are considered
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