256 research outputs found

    〔研究ノート〕 世田谷区における協働プロジェクト活動について ―「芸術散歩」・「商店街東奔西走!」・「チョコレート映画祭」を事例に

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    Established in 2003, the Department of Contemporary Liberal Arts in Showa Women’s University is a department in which students acquire a broad education through interdisciplinary learning.Students acquire basic knowledge and methods that will allow them to understand society from a variety of perspectives in the first-year compulsory subjects. In subsequent years, students deepen their studies while focusing on their specializations, and finish by writing a graduation thesis. They acquire the ability to communicate and transmit specialized knowledge by developing Japanese skills, computer skills, and the ability to read and understand sociological data. Using the broad knowledge obtained in study groups, they take part in projects with local people to identify social issues and find ways to solve them.This study note records three projects of which the author was in charge: “Art Walk of Setagaya,” “Shotengai Tohon Seiso!,” and “Chocolate Film Festival,” and explains how she, a literature teacher, implemented and guided them and analyzes the effects of the projects and their significance


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      The author traces the work and collaboration of the novelist Ashihei Hino (1907-1960) and the painter Junkichi Mukai (1901-1995), who were war correspondents during the Great East Asian War. They first met in 1939. In 1938 Hino, having been awarded the Akutagawa Prize while serving with his regiment in Hangzhou, got promoted to the press corps. He wrote about the battle of Xuzhou in Wheat and Soldier and with that book became a best-selling writer. Mukai’s career was launched during the two years he spent studying in France. He was awarded the Chogyu Prize in 1933 for 11 works he completed in Europe. Mukai enlisted as a volunteer painter in China in 1937, and, the same year Hino was called up for military service in China. Later they served together in the Philippines in 1942, and on the Burma-India front in 1944. Although they were often face to face with death, they wielded their pen and brush to convey both wartime and peacetime situations. The realism that characterizes their work remains as compelling and informative today as it was when the work was created.  From 1948 to 1950 Hino was criticized for his involvement with the military during wartime and was purged. He came back as a popular writer, but often returned to the War in his writings. He committed suicide at the age of 52. After the war Mukai was active doing illustrations and oil paintings of old Japanese farmhouses until his death in Setagaya at the age of 93.   As war correspondents they met a variety of foreign people: enemies, friends, prisoners of war, spies, and civilians. In Hino and Mukai’s work we can see that the War forced Japanese of all walks of life to open their eyes to the world outside Japan. Indeed their work seems more effective in doing this than works created in our globalized era. During the war, war paintings were welcomed with great enthusiasm and the technique of many oil painters reached its peak. Hino and Mukai together had a chemistry that allowed them to create works that observe and preserve the past

    Association between the rs1465040 single-nucleotide polymorphism close to the transient receptor potential subfamily C member 3 (TRPC3) gene and postoperative analgesic requirements

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    AbstractAn association between postoperative analgesic requirements in subjects who underwent orthognathic surgery and the rs1465040 single-nucleotide polymorphism close to the transient receptor potential subfamily C member 3 (TRPC3) gene was suggested by our previous genome-wide association study. To verify this association, we analyzed the association between the rs1465040 SNP and analgesic requirements, including opioid requirements, after open abdominal surgery. The association between the rs1465040 SNP and postoperative analgesic requirements was confirmed in the open abdominal surgery group (P = 0.036), suggesting that the TRPC3 SNP may contribute to predicting postoperative analgesic requirements

    ダイガク キョウイク カイカク ト キョウヨウ キョウイク : チイキ シャカイジン カツヨウ ニヨル チ ノ ジュンカンガタ シャカイ コウチク ニ ムケテ

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    「本因坊名人引退碁観戦記」から小説『名人』へ -川端康成と戦時下における新聞のメディア戦略-

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    The novel The Master of Go was published in 1952 after 10 years\u27 preparation by Yasunari Kawabata. In this novel he focuses on Shusai, a master of go, twenty-first in the Honninbo succession, who died in 1940. In 1938 the Tokyo Nichinichi Shimbun(now The Mainichi)and the Osaka Mainichi Shimbun sponsored the last Honninbo championship match and Kawabata was invited to report on the fourteen sessions in sixty-four serial installments. After Shusai\u27 s death he was moved to write the novel, and based it on these reports. This paper looks at Kawabata\u27 s writings, the history of old iemoto succession system, the dramatic defeat and the death of the old champion, the wartime popularity of the game, strategic actions by the media, and concludes that the novel symbolizes Shusai\u27 s death as emblematic of a dying culture and the change from pre-modern to modern Japan