19,215 research outputs found
Geometric and information-theoretic aspects of quantum thermodynamics
In this thesis, I investigate various aspects of one of the most fundamental
questions in thermodynamics: what state transformations can quantum systems
undergo while interacting with a thermal bath under specific constraints? These
constraints may involve total energy conservation, memory effects, or
finite-size considerations. Addressing this question leads to (i) a
characterisation of the structure of the thermodynamic arrow of time, (ii) a
framework bridging the gap between memoryless and arbitrarily non-Markovian
thermodynamic processes, and (iii) a derivation of the famous
fluctuation-dissipation relation within a quantum information framework.
Finally, the last part of this thesis focuses on studying a ubiquitous
phenomenon in science, so-called catalysis. It involves using an auxiliary
system (a catalyst) to enable processes that would otherwise be impossible.
Over the last two decades, this notion has spread to the field of quantum
physics. However, this effect is typically described within a highly abstract
framework. Despite its successes, this approach struggles to fully capture the
behaviour of physically realisable systems, thereby limiting the applicability
of quantum catalysis in practical scenarios. Strikingly, I will demonstrate
this effect in a paradigmatic quantum optics setup, namely the Jaynes-Cummings
model, where an atom interacts with an optical cavity. The atom plays the role
of the catalyst and allows for the deterministic generation of non-classical
light in the cavity, as evidenced by sub-Poissonian statistics or Wigner
negativity.Comment: PhD thesis, 216 pages. Based on arXiv:2207.02237, arXiv:2303.12840,
arXiv:2105.11759 & arXiv:2305.1932
Índice de erosividade das chuvas na região de Conceição do Araguaia, Pará.
Fungal Growth Control by Chitosan and Derivatives
Chitin and chitosan are aminoglucopyranans composed of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc) and glucosamine (GlcN) residues and are renewable resources currently being studied by academic and industrial groups owing to their attractive properties and biological activities. Chitosans have been indicated for the preservation of foods, juices and other material from microbial deterioration due their action against different groups of microorganisms, such as bacteria, yeast and fungi. Studies on coating of fruits and vegetables and defensive plant mechanism studies have been described in the literature. There is a worldwide trend to explore new alternatives that can control postharvest pathogenic diseases, giving priority to methods that reduce disease incidence and avoid negative and side effects on human health as a result of the excessive application of synthetic fungicides. Thus, alternative approaches are necessary to maintain the marketable quality of fresh fruits. The antifungal activities of chitosan and its derivatives in vitro, preharvest and postharvest studies are reviewed in this chapter. The abilities of chitosan and its derivatives to elicit resistance reactions in plants and its action in the production and viability of fungal spores is reported. Finally, the chapter is concluded, with the possible mechanisms, suggested in the literature for the antifungal activity of chitosan
Unravelling the non-classicality role in Gaussian heat engines
At the heart of quantum thermodynamics lies a fundamental question about what
is genuine "quantum" in quantum heat engines. With the help of the
P-representability expression of classicality, the degree of non-classicality
of a bosonic thermal engine - a quantum heat engine consisting of a single
bosonic mode as a working substance coupled to a cold thermal and a hot
squeezed thermal bath - is quantified. For two specific protocols, i.e., a
quantum Otto and a generalized cycle, we show that the non-classicality is a
fundamental resource for genuinely quantum heat engines.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure
Analysis, Design and Implementation of Biodiesel Projects in Brazil
During the oil crisis of the seventies, Brazil has developed a successful program for gasoline substitution by ethanol (Proálcool). Nowadays the biomass accounts for 27% of total national energy consumed in Brazil and the ethanol participates with 40% of the total national fuel consumption of Otto cycle vehicles. In 2004, the National Program for the Production and Use of Biodiesel (Biodiesel Program) was launched. One priority of the Biodiesel Program is the inclusion of family agriculture and smallholders into the production chain. The Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) has developed a software for the analysis of biodiesel projects with the participation of family agriculture. Results of production chain analysis and economic indicators calculated by the Biosoft system have allowed identifying the regular supply of oil at competitive prices as the key point to the efficiency of biodiesel production chains. The use of oil cake as feedstock is the leverage point of chain performance. The meal sale can lead to a vegetal oil price reduction, without compromising farmers´ income, since they can be able to set up their own oil extraction plants. Coordination is then the critical element and has the potential to improve the performance of both the biodiesel industry and the animal production chain.Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Farm Management, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Industrial Organization,
A Experiência-Cinema Como um Currículo: Cartografando Masculinidades Dissidentes em Boi Neon (2015)
Em meio ao agreste pernambucano no nordeste do Brasil, um corpo macho se coloca em trânsito no pleno movimento de um território de intensidades, o que provoca abalos nos modos como são construídas as identidades de gênero e de sexualidade. Com o objetivo de cartografar os processos de subjetivação das masculinidades que escapam aos modelos hegemônicos e inspirado nas contribuições da filosofia da diferença, da cultura visual e da teorização pós-crítica da educação, lanço meus olhos e dou espaço ao meu “corpo vibrátil” (Rolnik, 1989) para ler algumas cenas de Boi Neon (2015), filme dirigido por Gabriel Mascaro e um dos representantes do novo cinema pernambucano, que narra a história de Iremar, um vaqueiro que sonha em se tornar estilista. O argumento desenvolvido no texto é o de que uma experiência-cinema é potente para a promoção de encontros que nos dessubjetivam, fazendo-nos provar existências mais afirmativas. Como considerações finais, entendo que o boi neon, figura mágica que surge na narrativa do filme, simboliza o próprio Iremar, que em meio aos retalhos coloridos e aos destroços do lixão da moda, emerge com sua potência transformadora de mundos cotidianos, ainda que resguardados na localização de uma existência lida como insignificante. Iremar é o boi neon do agreste pernambucano, aquele que por meio do corpo bruto, da couraça aparentemente inquebrável, revela a sensibilidade e a ternura de um modo de vida masculino em seu devir-mulher.In the wild of the Pernambuco countryside in Northeast Brazil, a male body moves in the middle of a territory of intensities, which provokes shocks in how gender and sexuality identities are constructed. To map the processes of subjectivation of masculinities that escape the hegemonic models and inspired by the contributions of the philosophy of difference, visual culture, and post-critical theorizing of education, I cast my eyes and give space to my "vibrating body" (Rolnik, 1989) to read some scenes from Boi Neon (Neon Bull; 2015). The film, directed by Gabriel Mascaro, and one of the representatives of the new Pernambuco cinema, tells the story of Iremar, a cowboy who dreams of becoming a stylist. The argument developed in the text is that an experience-cinema is powerful for promoting encounters that de-subject us, making us prove affirmative existences. As final considerations, I understand that the neon ox, a magical figure that appears in the film's narrative, symbolizes Iremar himself, who, amidst the colorful patches and the rubble of the fashion dump, emerges with its transforming power in everyday worlds, even if protected in the location of an existence read as insignificant. Iremar is the neon ox of the Pernambuco countryside, the one who, through his natural body, his apparently unbreakable armor, reveals the sensitivity and tenderness of a male way of life in his becoming-woman
Identification and assessment of the economic outcomes of commercial aircraft decommissioning: a theoretical and mathematical approach to support decision-making regarding endof-life aircraft treatment issues
This work develops the literature review on the problem of the end-of-life treatment of aircraft used for public passenger and cargo air transport in the context of international commercial aviation. The final destination decisions of these aircraft are analyzed from the point of view of the technical and economic aspects that guide the decision-making of the owners and operators of these production assets. In addition to the developed theoretical framework, a mathematical model for financial cost-benefit analysis is also proposed to assist in this decision-making process. The main objective is to determine the appropriate moment to take end-of-life treatment decisions for these aircraft, in order to ensure the recovery of value to the stakeholders.Este trabalho desenvolve a revisão da literatura acerca do problema do tratamento de fim de vida econômica das aeronaves utilizadas no transporte aéreo público de passageiros e cargas, no âmbito da aviação comercial internacional. As decisões de destinação final dessas aeronaves são analisadas sob a ótica dos aspectos técnicos e econômicos que orientam a tomada de decisão dos proprietários e operadores desses bens de produção. Além do arcabouço teórico desenvolvido, propõe-se ainda um modelo matemático para análise de custo-benefício financeira para auxiliar tal processo de tomada de decisão. O principal objetivo é determinar o tempo apropriado para tomar decisões de tratamento de fim de vida econômica dessas aeronaves, visando assegurar a recuperação de valor às partes interessadas no referido problema
Termodinâmica e classicalidade
Orientador: Marcos César de OliveiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb WataghinResumo: Máquinas térmicas que operam no regime quântico são dispositivos compostos por um ou mais sistemas quânticos que operam ciclicamente entre dois reservatórios cujo objetivo é produzir trabalho. Embora as leis da mecânica quântica governem esses dispositivos, isso não implica que essas máquinas funcionem de maneira quântica ou que exibam alguma vantagem. De fato, máquinas quânticas mostraram uma notável semelhança com os modelos clássicos, levantando assim à questão de \emph{o que é quântico em termodinâmica quântica}. Com a ajuda do conceito de P-representabilidade, apresentamos uma simples expressão, denominada função de classicalidade, que permite quantificar o grau de não-classicalidade de um sistema bosônico. Como ilustração, consideramos uma máquina quântica que consiste em um único modo bosônico, como substância de trabalho, acoplada a um reservatório térmico frio e um reservatório térmico comprimido quente. Para dois protocolos específicos, ou seja, um ciclo de Otto quântico e um ciclo generalizado, mostramos que a não-classicalidade é um recurso para executar tarefas termodinâmicas mais eficientes. Além disso, o presente estudo apresenta um arcabouço teórico para estudar como recursos quânticos, como emaranhamento ou coerência, afetam as formulações clássicas dos axiomas da termodinâmicaAbstract: Quantum heat engines are devices comprised of one or more quantum systems operating cyclically between two heat reservoirs to produce work. Although the laws of quantum mechanics rule these engines, this does not imply that these machines function in a quantum fashion, or exhibit a quantum advantage. Indeed, quantum heat engines have shown a remarkable similarity with classical models, thus raising the question of \emph{what is ''quantum'' in quantum thermodynamics}. With the help of the P-representability concept, an expression called classicality function is introduced - allowing us to quantify the degree of non-classicality of a bosonic system. As an illustration, we consider a quantum heat engine consisting of a single bosonic mode as a working substance coupled to a cold thermal and hot squeezed thermal bath. For two specific protocols, i.e., a quantum Otto and a generalized cycle, we show that the non-classicality is a resource that can be used to perform thermodynamical tasks more efficiently. Furthermore, we present a theoretical framework to study how quantum features, such as entanglement or coherence, affect the classical formulations of thermodynamic axiomsMestradoFísicaMestre em Física1765874/2018CAPE
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