16 research outputs found

    Workplace Adaptation of People with Disabilities in the Construction Industry

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    AbstractThe purpose of this research was to identify the workplace adaptations of workers with disabilities in the construction industry in Pernambuco, Brazil. The research was conducted in two stages. The first phase aimed to identify companies that have workers with disabilities in their building construction sites and which jobs they perform. In the second phase, phone call was made by the researchers to the construction sites to verify that workers with disabilities were working in the sites, explain the purpose of the research and request company authorization to participate in the study. After match the best day to visit, the researches visited the construction sites to interview each of the workers with disabilities and their supervisors that answered a socio-demographic questionnaire. The results of the research allowed to identify that the majority of workers with disabilities were male, had physical disabilities, not using prostheses or ortheses. Most deficiencies were caused by diseases, while more than half of individuals with disabilities did not complete high school. The most prevalent job was the laborer, while about half of the cases, companies made adjustments in the workplace, of which all were of organizational type, and no financial investment for labor inclusion was necessary

    Concreto auto-adensável (CAA), mais do que alternativa ao concreto convencional (CC)

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    O novo é instigante, desafiador, abala as estruturas conservadoras e provoca os céticos. Ele não é necessariamente melhor, porém sem o novo não haveria a possibilidade dos avanços, e a humanidade não teria atingido o atual estágio de desenvolvimento e nem estaria em constante evolução. As Universidades, os Institutos de Pesquisa e muitas Corporações Empresariais estão aí, mundo afora, buscando inovações, tecnologias e materiais que serão importantes para a evolução da humanidade em todas as áreas do conhecimento. No entanto, há de se conseguir também vencer o desafio de fazer com que esses novos conhecimentos se incorporem ao mundo real, ao dia a dia das pessoas e corporações, ao setor produtivo em geral, muitas vezes apenas aperfeiçoando o que já vinha sendo tradicionalmente feito. Uma evolução do concreto convencional vibrado como conhecido, é o concreto auto adensável

    Prevention through design: guidelines for designers

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    The workplace of construction is considered complex with diversity of activities, teams, using machinery and equipment during the production process. Also particular aspects are inherent to the methods of production. If considering the multiple factors involved in construction and their high rates of accidents, it means that is crucial to implement preventive measures thought from the beginning of risks, during the project design. Generally, literature presents the benefits of prevention through design, demonstrates the viability and makes projections for the future. In some countries, the legislation of responsibility for construction worker safety is also shared with the designer. However the existing material is still new, integrating safety considerations into the design process in practice is low and there are still many difficulties and associated resistances. In this context, this paper aims to presentation an ongoing study, which its objective is contribute to filling this gap in order to directly assist the designers and contractors. The proposal is to produce a model for integrating safety considerations into the design process and a practical guide containing work safety guidelines for designers

    Falls from height: Analysis of 114 cases

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    Paper aims: To study fall-accident cases in order to analyze the commonly missing or not adequately applied risk management measures (RMM) and its consequences depending on falling height. Originality: First study to analyze failed RMM for preventing falls from height. Research method: The study reviewed court cases published by the journal "Safety & Health Practitioner". NIOSH recommendations were used to define RMM to apply to this study. Main findings: Finally, in 98% of analyzed cases, the fall from height was a result of several non-adequate or missing RMM: in 81.6% procedures of work, 65.8% guardrails and edge protection, 60.5% risk assessment, and 60.5% platforms or scaffolds. It can be concluded that falls from height pose a significant risk for workers, which could be prevented by adequately apply RMM. Implications for theory and practice: The focus in the prevention of falls should be given on most common RMM. (c) 2019 Associacao Brasileira de Engenharia de Producao

    Saúde Física e Mental dos professores: Uma investigação nas Escolas Públicas Estaduais de Pernambuco – Brasil / Physical and Mental Health of Teachers: An Investigation in the State Public Schools of Pernambuco – Brazil

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    Na realidade das escolas públicas do Brasil, os professores estão sujeitos a ambientes de trabalho com infraestrutura inadequada e excesso de carga de trabalho, o que gera um desgaste na saúde física e mental dos docentes. Diante desta situação, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo identificar as principais doenças e desgaste da saúde física e/ou mental que atingem os professores das escolas públicas estaduais do município de Jaboatão dos Guararapes - Brasil. A metodologia utilizada abrangeu a aplicação de um questionário à 135 docentes e coleta de dados junto ao Núcleo de Atenção ao Servidor - NAS e Secretaria de Educação do estado. Tais informações foram analisados e comparados. Através dos dados obtidos a partir do questionário, foi constatado que os problemas de saúde vocal são os que afetam o maior número de professores, seguido de doenças físicas e psíquicas. Entre os professores entrevistados, 51% já sofreu/sofre algum tipo de doença adquirida no trabalho. Entre estes, 24% dos precisaram ser afastados de suas atividades laborais e 60% tiveram a doença controlada. Além disso, apenas 23,5% dos docentes, que adquiriram doenças do trabalho, registraram junto ao NAS o que demonstra uma subnotificação na base de dados. Com base nos resultados obtidos, foram propostas recomendações para controle dos riscos identificados. Espera-se que os resultados apresentados alertem para a necessidade de um maior acompanhamento da saúde dos docentes, proporcionando ações com o objetivo de minimizar ou controlar esses efeitos prejudiciais


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    Para o enfrentamento do problema do gerenciamento dos resíduos de construção civil foi criada aResolução Nº 307/2003 do Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente (CONAMA), que impõe aosgeradores a obrigatoriedade da segregação dos seus resíduos, sua reutilização e sua reciclagem ecorreta destinação final e em conseqüência disto foi criada a Legislação Municipal (Lei Nº 17.072/2005, de 03 de janeiro de 2005) da cidade do Recife, no qual se estabelecem as diretrizes e critériospara o programa de gerenciamento de resíduos da construção civil deste município. Este trabalhomostra os resultados da aplicação de uma metodologia em canteiros de obra de edifícios multipisona cidade do Recife, que consistiu em uma análise inicial dos canteiros, na elaboração de um projetoadequado a realidade da empresa e do canteiro de obras, na realização de treinamentos com osfuncionários, na implantação dos dispositivos e em auditorias mensais. Dentre os resultados encontradosestão a destinação compromissada dos resíduos, diminuição na quantidade de caçambasestacionárias com resíduos Classe A (entulho) retiradas dos canteiros, o encaminhamento dosresíduos Classe B para reciclagem, e a conscientização do setor da construção sobre a responsabilidadeambiental

    Job accommodation of people with disabilities in the construction industry: analysis of production and absence

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    The purpose of this research was to evaluate production and absence of workers with and without disabilities in a construction work of a building. The survey was applied in the metropolitan region of Recife, in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil and there were eight workers with disabilities, one being a bricklayer and seven servants. The methods used in the field study were: direct observation of the activities and the environment, a video and photographic record of the tasks, semi-structured interviews with the workers with disabilities and their supervisor, and data was collected from the company about absences and worker's production, with and without disabilities in order to make a comparative analysis. The results of the research show that in all cases, individuals with disabilities had lower production and more absences at work than individuals without disabilities

    Workplace accommodation to people with disabilities: a case study in civil construction

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    Abstract Objective : the aim of this paper was to assess and describe the various tasks of the jobs of servant of construction, bricklayer, painter and charge of construction in the civil construction to determine the profile of workers with disabilities who could perform these functions and what adjustments are needed. Methods : this research it is a descriptive cross-sectional quantitative approach. Direct observation of the activities performed at the construction site in each of the jobs evaluated and the environment; interviews with two workers each function evaluated, except painter there was only one worker, a civil engineer and a safety technician to describe detailed, together, as they were carried out each of the required tasks; a video and photographic record of tasks being carried out to analyze the jobs, ErgoDis/IBV software resources were used. At the time the research was conducted in the field, were working a total of 1,547 employees. Results : It was observed that workers with hearing impairments could perform the activities without any adaptations in the workplace and individuals who had had a leg or foot amputated need to use appropriate prostheses to perform the activities of the functions. Conclusion : only workers with full or partial hearing impairment could perform all the jobs analyzed without any accommodation in the workplace and individuals with amputation of leg or foot may only perform tasks using appropriate aids

    Workplace accommodation to people with disabilities: a case study in civil construction

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    Objective: the aim of this paper was to assess and describe the various tasks of the jobs of servant of construction, bricklayer, painter and charge of construction in the civil construction to determine the profile of workers with disabilities who could perform these functions and what adjustments are needed. Methods: this research it is a descriptive cross-sectional quantitative approach. Direct observation of the activities performed at the construction site in each of the jobs evaluated and the environment; interviews with two workers each function evaluated, except painter there was only one worker, a civil engineer and a safety technician to describe detailed, together, as they were carried out each of the required tasks; a video and photographic record of tasks being carried out to analyze the jobs, ErgoDis/IBV software resources were used. At the time the research was conducted in the field, were working a total of 1,547 employees. Results: It was observed that workers with hearing impairments could perform the activities without any adaptations in the workplace and individuals who had had a leg or foot amputated need to use appropriate prostheses to perform the activities of the functions. Conclusion: only workers with full or partial hearing impairment could perform all the jobs analyzed without any accommodation in the workplace and individuals with amputation of leg or foot may only perform tasks using appropriate aids