86 research outputs found

    Оптимізм і песимізм в етичних концепціях М.Я. Грота, А. Швейцера, Н. Аббаньяно

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    RATIONALE: Microscope mode imaging for secondary ion mass spectrometry is a technique with the promise of simultaneous high spatial resolution and high-speed imaging of biomolecules from complex surfaces. Technological developments such as new position-sensitive detectors, in combination with polyatomic primary ion sources, are required to exploit the full potential of microscope mode mass spectrometry imaging, i.e. to efficiently push the limits of ultra-high spatial resolution, sample throughput and sensitivity. METHODS: In this work, a C60 primary source was combined with a commercial mass microscope for microscope mode secondary ion mass spectrometry imaging. The detector setup is a pixelated detector from the Medipix/Timepix family with high-voltage post-acceleration capabilities. The system’s mass spectral and imaging performance is tested with various benchmark samples and thin tissue sections. RESULTS: The high secondary ion yield (with respect to ’traditional’ monatomic primary ion sources) of the C60 primary ion source and the increased sensitivity of the high voltage detector setup improve microscope mode secondary ion mass spectrometry imaging. The analysis time and the signal-to-noise ratio are improved compared with other microscope mode imaging systems, all at high spatial resolution. CONCLUSIONS:We have demonstrated the unique capabilities of a C60 ion microscope with a Timepix detector for high spatial resolution microscope mode secondary ion mass spectrometry imaging

    Использование терминообразующего потенциала классических языков современными языками (на примере экономической терминологии современного французского языка)

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    It is imperative to fascinate young children at an early stage in their education for the analytical sciences. The exposure of the public to mass spectrometry presently increases rapidly through the common media. Outreach activities can take advantage of this exposure and employ mass spectrometry as an exquisite example of an analytical science in which children can be fascinated. The presented teaching modules introduce children to mass spectrometry and give them the opportunity to experience a modern research laboratory. The modules are highly adaptable and can be applied to young children from the age of 6 to 14 y. In an interactive tour, the students explore three major scientific concepts related to mass spectrometry; the building blocks of matter, charged particle manipulation by electrostatic fields, and analyte identification by mass analysis. Also, the students carry out a mass spectrometry experiment and learn to interpret the resulting mass spectra. The multistage, inquiry-based tour contains flexible methods, which teach the students current-day research techniques and possible applications to real research topics. Besides the scientific concepts, laboratory safety and hygiene are stressed and the students are enthused for the analytical sciences by participating in “hands-on” work. The presented modules have repeatedly been successfully employed during laboratory open days. They are also found to be extremely suitable for (early) high school science classes during laboratory visit-focused field trips

    Nanoparticles that communicate in vivo to amplify tumour targeting

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    Author Manuscript: 2012 May 29Nanomedicines have enormous potential to improve the precision of cancer therapy, yet our ability to efficiently home these materials to regions of disease in vivo remains very limited. Inspired by the ability of communication to improve targeting in biological systems, such as inflammatory-cell recruitment to sites of disease, we construct systems where synthetic biological and nanotechnological components communicate to amplify disease targeting in vivo. These systems are composed of ‘signalling’ modules (nanoparticles or engineered proteins) that target tumours and then locally activate the coagulation cascade to broadcast tumour location to clot-targeted ‘receiving’ nanoparticles in circulation that carry a diagnostic or therapeutic cargo, thereby amplifying their delivery. We show that communicating nanoparticle systems can be composed of multiple types of signalling and receiving modules, can transmit information through multiple molecular pathways in coagulation, can operate autonomously and can target over 40 times higher doses of chemotherapeutics to tumours than non-communicating controls.National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (SBMRI Cancer Center Support Grant 5 P30 CA30199-28)National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (MIT CCNE Grant U54 CA119349)National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (Bioengineering Research Partnership Grant 5-R01-CA124427)National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (UCSD CCNE Grant U54 CA 119335)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Whitaker Graduate Fellowship

    Atrophy of primary lymphoid organs induced by Marek's disease virus during early infection is associated with increased apoptosis, inhibition of cell proliferation and a severe B-lymphopenia

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    Marek's disease is a multi-faceted highly contagious disease affecting chickens caused by the Marek's disease alphaherpesvirus (MDV). MDV early infection induces a transient immunosuppression, which is associated with thymus and bursa of Fabricius atrophy. Little is known about the cellular processes involved in primary lymphoid organ atrophy. Here, by in situ TUNEL assay, we demonstrate that MDV infection results in a high level of apoptosis in the thymus and bursa of Fabricius, which is concomitant to the MDV lytic cycle. Interestingly, we observed that in the thymus most of the MDV infected cells at 6 days post-infection (dpi) were apoptotic, whereas in the bursa of Fabricius most of the apoptotic cells were uninfected suggesting that MDV triggers apoptosis by two different modes in these two primary lymphoid organs. In addition, a high decrease of cell proliferation was observed from 6 to 14 dpi in the bursa of Fabricius follicles, and not in the thymus. Finally, with an adapted absolute blood lymphocyte count, we demonstrate a major B-lymphopenia during the two 1st weeks of infection, and propose this method as a potent non-invasive tool to diagnose MDV bursa of Fabricius infection and atrophy. Our results demonstrate that the thymus and bursa of Fabricius atrophies are related to different cell mechanisms, with different temporalities, that affect infected and uninfected cells

    Determinants of director compensation in two-tier systems: evidence from German panel data

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    Mass spectrometry imaging for plant biology: a review

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    Active Pixel Detectors For Mass Spectrometry Imaging

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    In the framework of this thesis, an in-vacuum, high-voltage electron and ion imaging camera was developed. The system is particularly suitable for the detection of macromolecular ions of either polarity. The new camera is successfully tested on benchmark systems as wells as biologically relevant macromolecular tissue samples. Already now, time-of-flight mass spectrometry imaging (TOF-MSI) systems can benefit from several unique system capabilities. These are the combination of high signal-to-noise ratios, the multiplexed detection of events by the highly parallel detection system, the high sensitivity, the dynamic range, the large mass range and the simultaneous detection of position- and time-information by a single detector system. The research presented in this thesis represents a contribution to the toolbox available to investigate the building blocks of nature: atoms, molecules and molecular complexes. The first part of this thesis investigates the spatial and molecular structure of biologically relevant, complex macromolecular systems. In particular, the relationship between molecular structure and location, and biological or chemical functionality is investigated by the technique MSI. In the second part of this thesis, a technique is highlighted which bears the potential to provide fundamental understanding of chemical reactions and reaction dynamics of atoms and small molecules. This technique is applied to molecular spectroscopy and is called velocity map imaging (VMI). Keywords Mass spectrometry imaging, active pixel detectors, microchannel plates, CMOS Main conclusions Imaging systems that push the limits of spatial resolution and molecular sensitivity improve the understanding of the spatial structure and the composition of biological systems. This new, compact detector assembly is well-suited for imaging studies in mass spectrometry imaging, atomic and molecular physics research and related areas of research. The implementation and the application of this state-of-the art, pixelated, solid state detector has proven highly successful

    Active Pixel Detectors For Mass Spectrometry Imaging

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    In the framework of this thesis, an in-vacuum, high-voltage electron and ion imaging camera was developed. The system is particularly suitable for the detection of macromolecular ions of either polarity. The new camera is successfully tested on benchmark systems as wells as biologically relevant macromolecular tissue samples. Already now, time-of-flight mass spectrometry imaging (TOF-MSI) systems can benefit from several unique system capabilities. These are the combination of high signal-to-noise ratios, the multiplexed detection of events by the highly parallel detection system, the high sensitivity, the dynamic range, the large mass range and the simultaneous detection of position- and time-information by a single detector system. The research presented in this thesis represents a contribution to the toolbox available to investigate the building blocks of nature: atoms, molecules and molecular complexes. The first part of this thesis investigates the spatial and molecular structure of biologically relevant, complex macromolecular systems. In particular, the relationship between molecular structure and location, and biological or chemical functionality is investigated by the technique MSI. In the second part of this thesis, a technique is highlighted which bears the potential to provide fundamental understanding of chemical reactions and reaction dynamics of atoms and small molecules. This technique is applied to molecular spectroscopy and is called velocity map imaging (VMI). Keywords Mass spectrometry imaging, active pixel detectors, microchannel plates, CMOS Main conclusions Imaging systems that push the limits of spatial resolution and molecular sensitivity improve the understanding of the spatial structure and the composition of biological systems. This new, compact detector assembly is well-suited for imaging studies in mass spectrometry imaging, atomic and molecular physics research and related areas of research. The implementation and the application of this state-of-the art, pixelated, solid state detector has proven highly successful