392 research outputs found

    Umwelt und wissenschaftlich-technischen fortschritt

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    Influence of recrystallization annealing on the properties and structure of low-carbon ferritic steel if

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    This paper shows results of researches of a structure and mechanical properties of metal sheets of IF steels subjected to recrystallization annealing. The annealing was held in the scope of the temperature of 600-900 degrees C over 25 min time. The impact of heat treatment on changes of properties and structure of the researches steel has been analysed. During annealing typical processes of rebuilding of the structure deformed as a result of cold deformation in the form of forming new recrystallized grains and their growth were observed. As the temperature of annealing increases the hardness of the material gradually decreases.Web of Science6341961195

    Modification of immunocytochemical ZAP-70 assay for potential clinical application in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    The ZAP-70 protein is a member of the Syk/ZAP protein tyrosine kinase family, normally expressed in T cells and NK cells but not found in normal, mature B cells. The protein plays a critical role in the initiation of T-cell signaling. Leukemic cells from patients with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) that expressed nonmutated immunoglobulin V genes were found to express levels of ZAP-70 protein that were comparable to those detected in T cells of healthy adults. The ZAP-70 protein expression can be evaluated by flow cytometry and may be used as a prognostic marker in B-CLL patients. We modified the method of immunocytochemical assessment of ZAP-70 expression. The traditional two-step method with monoclonal anti-ZAP-70 antibody in the first step followed by FITC-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG was changed for one-step method with monoclonal anti-ZAP-70 antibody labeled by Zenon Alexa Fluor 488. The method is simple and fast. The major advantage of Zenon labeling technique is its compatibility with simultaneous staining of surface antigens. The cells may be earlier immunostained for CD3, CD19 and/or CD5 to compare of the ZAP-70 kinase expression in B and T cells

    Additions to the Vascular Flora of San Clemente Island, Los Angeles County, California, with Notes on Clarifications and Deletions

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    The number of vascular plant taxa reported from San Clemente Island, California, is briefly summarized. Recent additions to the vascular flora are presented and, with one exception, representative voucher specimens are cited as substantiation. Of the taxa di scussed, 68 are previously unreported taxa, and six are substantiations of previously dubious reports. An additional dozen taxa are cited in relation to clarifications or deletions. Based on current knowledge, we estimate the known flora to consist of 396 species with an additional 19 infraspecific taxa represented. Of these 415 taxa, 69.2% (272 speciesl15 additional subspecies or varieties) are considered indigenous to the island

    Mechanical properties of brass sheets

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    Brass is widely used in the machine industry, automotive, shipbuilding, construction, metalworking industries, as well as in the production of fittings. Certain types of brass, despite the almost identical chemical composition and the same form resulting from the standards, e.g. sheets of a certain thickness, often differ in performance, e.g. mechanical properties. The presented work compares selected mechanical properties of CuZn39Pb2 brass sheets from different manufacturers

    Leczenie inhibitorem mTOR chorej z nieoperacyjnym, zaawansowanym miejscowo nowotworem neuroendokrynnym trzustki

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    Leczenie systemowe nowotworów neuroendokrynnych ma na celu z jednej strony kontrolę wzrostu ognisk nowotworowych, z drugiej zahamowanie sekrecji substancji bioaktywnych. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 60-letniej chorej z rozpoznaniem nieoperacyjnego nowotworu neuroendokrynnego trzustki (G2). Po początkowej dobrej odpowiedzi na leczenie i tolerancji leku terapię zakończono po 10 miesiącach ze względu na progresję choroby nowotworowej

    Effect of Hemp Shive Sizes on Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Fibrous Composites

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    AbstractIn this paper, the impact of mean size of anisometric hemp shives particles (length) on compressive strength and other parameters of lightweight composites is studied. Sample of hemp shive with a wide lengths distribution (8 – 0.2mm; mean length: 33.7mm) and two separated fractions (< 4mm and 4-8mm) with mean length of particles 7.3mm and 27.7mm were used in the experiments. Composites based on MgO-cement as a binder with a constant ratio of hemp shives (40 vol. %) were prepared. Density, compressive strength, thermal conductivity and water absorbability of composites after 28 days of hardening were tested. Effect of mean length of hemp shives slices on the above mentioned characteristics of fibrous composites was confirmed. Values of density and compressive strength of fibrous composites increase with decreasing length of hemp shive slices. The lowest value of water absorbability was recorded for composite based on fraction with short length of hemp shives slices. The impact of mean length of hemp shive slices on thermal conductivity parameter was not confirmed