19 research outputs found


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    AbstractChildren's  literature  is  defined as  literature  exclusively about  children.  Children's  literature  refers  mainly  to  stories,  poetry, rhymes,  folk  tales,  drama,  exclusively  created  for  children  such  as infants, toddlers and the young people as target audience. Literature for children is different from literature for adults in degree but not in kind. Because children’s understanding is more limited, the expression of ideas for children in literature must be simpler, both in language and form.AbstrakSastra anak adalah bentuk karya sastra yang khusus diciptakan untuk konsumsi anak-anak.Bentuk-bentuknya antara lain berupa cerita, puisi, cerita rakyat dan drama yang secara khusus diciptakan untuk anak-anak, balita dan remaja sebagai target audiencenya.Bentuk sastra anak pada dasarnya sama saja dengan sastra dewasa, hanya saja keduanya berbeda dari segi tingkatan dan muatannya.Hal ini disebabkan karena tingkat pemikiran anak-anak masih terbatas dibandingkan orang dewasa.Oleh karena itu, pengungkapan ide pada sastra anak haruslah lebih sederhana, baik dalam bentuk dan bahasa

    Popular Culture Phenomena in Suzanne Collins’s Novel ″The Hunger Games″

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    Abstract             The aim of this study is to analyze and to describe the popular culture phenomena in the novel.    The writer used sociology of literature approach to express and explain popular culture phenomena in the novel, then finding the relation between the context of the novel and the social condition in current society. The instrument which is used by the writer was note taking. Along this instrument, the writer read the novel, then taking note cards to write the popular culture expression on the novel, after that the expression is written down the writer classified the phenomena of popular culture from the novel. In this study, the writer found four popular culture phenomena in the novel. They are reality show, science fiction aspects, human competition, and heroine. Reality show has indicators, such as on screen appearance, the power of people’s support, planned dramas, and great prize availability. Next, two aspects of science fiction are world destruction and extraordinary creatures. Human competition has characteristics, e.g. survival, strategy, alliance, and losing. Then, the indicators of heroine are heroism, courage, displaying strength, and claiming the right to authority.  This study implicates to realize people how popular culture has contaminated life and implicitly formed the perspective in looking at the surroundings. Expectantly, this thesis can stimulate the students of English Literature to learn more about the influence of popular culture to the contemporary literary works.


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    This research discussed the depiction of Birrul Walidain expressed by children through poems after 2000 which aimed to find out the diction expressed how they love their parents and the tendency of changes among the poems during the range of time the poems were written. This research used the indicators of birrul walidain by Yunahar Ilyas as the theory. The researcher applied the descriptive qualitative method and used note-taking as the instrument to find out valid data. The researcher found that all the elements of birrul walidain presented in the poems written by children posted on family friend poems website and also, the researcher found changes regard to the poems shows changes regard to birrul walidain indicators among the years the poems were written.


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    This research aims to analyze environmental issues in Buginese elong-elong in terms of form and the  relationship between humans,  nature and God by using ecocritical theory. This research used qualitative approach to get an overview of integration with the interpretation of the Qur'an in Buginese elong-elong. This research used some instruments such as: documentation, questionnaire recording and guideline of focus group discussion (FGD). This research used content analysis technique with Miles and Hubberman theories in analyzing data. There are three steps in analyzing  data namely data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion after verification. Furthermore, the researchers got that nature element is implicitly contained in Buginese elong-elong. Ecocentric and theocentric are most forms occurred as the relationship between humans and nature. Keywords: Ecocritic; Elong-elong; buginese; Mursery Rhyme ستخلص البحثتهدف هذه المقالة إلى تحليل القضايا البيئية فى الغناء البوغيسيي (elong-elong ugi) منن حيث العلاقة بين الإنسان والطبيعة والله باستخدام النظرية ekokritik ثم يتم استخدام نهج نوعي للحصول على صورة تكامل معرفة التفسير القرآني لبوجيس الغناء البوغيسي. أما الأدوات المستخدمة فتكون من الوثائق وتسجيل الاستبيان ومناقشة مجموعة التركيز التوجيهية (FGD). تحليل محتوى باستخدام تقنية Miles and Huberman المستخدمة في تحليل البيانات. هناك ثلاث مراحل لتحليل البيانات وهي تقليل البيانات ، عرض البيانات ، استنتاجات. تم  اتتحقق الباحث ان فيالغناء عناصر العلم موجودة في الغناء البوغسيي اشاريا .  ، الباحثان تجدان ان اكثر ما وجد فى العلاقة البشرية والطبيعية هي ايكوكريتق (ekosentris) و تبوسنتري (theosentris) . الكلمات الرءيسية :  الغناء البوغسي، ايكوكريتق-  ،  غناء مقدمة للنوم ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis isu-isu lingkungan pada elong-elong Bugis dalam hal wujud  dan hubungan antara manusia, alam dan Tuhan dengan menggunakan teori ekokritik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk mendapatkan gambaran bentuk integrasi ilmu tafsir Al Qur’an dalam elong-elong Bugis. Penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa instrumen anatara lain: dokumentasi, pencatatan angket dan guideline focus group discussion (FGD). Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik Content Analysis dengan teori Miles dan Hubberman dalam analisis data. Ada tiga tahap analisis data yaitu: reduksi  data, penyajian data dan kesimpulan setelah diverifikasi. Selanjutnya, peneliti mendapatkan bahwa unsur alam terkandung secara tersirat dalam elong-elong Bugis. Ekosentris dan teosentris adalah bentuk yang paling banyak muncul terkait hubungan manusia dan alam.  


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    Abstract This is a study which focuses on processes and affects of culture shock by main character in Lauren Kate’s novel “Torment” when she enters to new country through U-curve theory (the psychology of culture shock) by Collen Ward. The result shows that the phases of culture shock experienced by the main character are honeymoon, crisis, recovery and adjustment phase. There are two affects that is appeared through the phases of culture shock, they are the positive effects includes amazement, excitement, self confidence, good social interaction and life changes and negative effects including nervousness, fearness, confusion, feeling isolated and homesick.Abstrak Culture Shock pada Pemeran Utama dalam  Novel “Torment” karya Lauren Kate dengan Menggunakan Teori Psikologi Culture Shock oleh Collen Ward. Penelitian ini berfokus pada proses dan dampak dari culture shock yang dialami pemeran utama saat ia memasuki negara baru dalam novel “Torment” karya Lauren Kate. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori U-curve (psikologi culture shock) oleh Collen Ward. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa tahapan culture shock yang dialami pemeran utama adalah tahap  honeymoon, crisis, recovery dan adjustment. Kemudian ada dua dampak yang dialami, yaitu dampak positif terdiri atas amazement, excitement, self confidence, good social interaction and life changes; dan dampak negatif yang terdiri dari  nervousness, fearness, confusion, feeling isolated dan homesick.

    Students’ Perception on Character Education in the Novel Calabai

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    This study aims to find the value of character education in Novel ‘Calabai’ through students’ perception. This study also accustoms Literature students doing analysis and finding the surface and the latent meaning in a literary work. This study reveals that  literary work not only displays a beautiful word string but beyond it there are meanings of life education. This study uses descriptive qualitative method where this study described the results of students’ perception about character education in novel “Calabai”. Data resource of this research is the novel Calabai by Pepy Al Bayquni. Coding sheet is used to code or to take a note of four students’ overview, understanding, thinking or interpretation on values of character education in novel Calabai. Three stages of analyzing data: deconstruction, interpretation, and reconstruction. There are 91 data contains character education. The  91 data are spreaded into 32 values of  character education


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    This study is about the audience response of racism toward Hidden Figures movie which is aimed to reveal the response of the audience about racism toward Hidden Figures Movie. This study used the reader-response theory by Louise Thursone. Data were analyzed by using interpretative qualitative method. The interview sheet is used as the instrument to find out the valid data. The study showed varied responses toward the racism of the Hidden Figures movie. The response of the audience is classified into two categories; positive and negative respons


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    Literary reception is a literary genre that examines literary texts by considering the reader as the giver of the welcome or response. Researchers choose to analyze literary receptions in Shakespeare's plays, namely "Romeo and Juliet" and "Macbeth" as an interesting source of data to be studied and analyzed more deeply because of the difficulty of readers in responding to a literary work. This study aims to determine the reader's response to the two plays by Shakespeare. The data source of this research is the play script of "Romeo and Juliet" and "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. This study uses Iser’s Reception theory with instruments in the form of documentation and observation studies because this research is reviewed by noting and marking the parts that are considered important and useful for the reader. Based on the results of this study, it is clear that there are reader responses in Shakespeare's plays. Then the results of the research are in the form of a questionnaire containing nine questions with excellent answers or responses from readers in engaging the two plays by Shakespeare.              Resepsi sastra adalah genre sastra yang mengkaji teks sastra dengan mempertimbangkan pembaca sebagai pemberi sambutan atau tanggapan. Peneliti memilih untuk menganalisis resepsi sastra dalam lakon Shakespeare yaitu “Romeo and Juliet” dan “Macbeth” sebagai sumber data yang menarik untuk dikaji dan dianalisis lebih dalam karena sulitnya pembaca dalam menanggapi sebuah karya sastra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tanggapan pembaca terhadap dua lakon karya Shakespeare. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah teks respon pembaca. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Resepsi dari Iser dengan instrumen berupa studi dokumentasi dan observasi karena penelitian ini ditinjau dengan mencatat dan menandai bagian-bagian yang dianggap penting dan bermanfaat bagi pembaca. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, terlihat jelas adanya respon pembaca dalam drama-drama karya Shakespeare. Kemudian hasil penelitian berupa angket berisi sembilan pertanyaan dengan jawaban atau tanggapan yang sangat baik dalam membawakan kedua drama karya Shakespeare.&nbsp

    The Quality of Human and Non-Human Relation in Indonesia and England Portrayed in the Selected Picture Books

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    This study aims 1) to reveal the similarity of  The Tooth Fairies and Cleaning Factory and Kemana Tomat Pergi literary works in ecocritical theory and 2) to reveal how useful the selected picture book in building children’s awareness of the natural environment. This study was talking about the identification of  human or non human-nature relationship and awareness building as reflected in the picture books from Indonesia Kemana Tomat Pergi and from England The Tooth Fairies and Cleaning Factory. This study used a descriptive qualitative method with ecocritical theory, particularly Cheryll Glotfelty's theory and Keraf's supporting theory, to examine how humans and nature relationship are depicted in the two picture books, moreover, the awareness building. The findings of this research indicate that there were two types of relationships between human and nature, consist of good and bad relations. The Indonesian picture book focused on the relationship between Kirin and her tomatoes, while the England picture book focused on the relationship between the little tooth fairy (non-human) and Junior (human) and how humans itself treat nature. Researcher also found from Indonesian picture books that human began to have the awareness after facing struggle in maintaining the balance of nature. meanwhile, the England picture book showed the causes of enormous damage happened in nature. In conclusion, the researcher found that picture books from Indonesia and from England are picture books that are useful in building children’s awareness of the natural environment which is important for life today