5,105 research outputs found

    Study on Problems Faced by Xinjiang Organic Producers and Solutions

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    Presently the behavioral features of the organic producers could be concluded as the fact that they are quite confident of the prospects for organic agriculture, while heavily dependent on the guidance and support of the local governments; are in great demand for technological innovation, while in the distinguished intimacy and poor pricing capacity. Such problems as low economic benefit, the imperfect marketing network and serious external economy, are threatening the healthy development of organic agriculture in Xinjiang. In this essay, it is suggested that the government should, taking full advantage of its rich natural resources, pay great attention to the organic development in the local region; establish an efficient organic marketing network; apply the innovation mechanism as a proper compensation for the external economy; promote organic circle economy.organic agriculture, problems, policy inspiration, Xinjiang, Farm Management,

    Human Cytomegalovirus Encoded miR-US25-1-5p Attenuates CD147/EMMPRIN-Mediated Early Antiviral Response.

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    Cellular receptor-mediated signaling pathways play critical roles during the initial immune response to Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection. However, the involvement of type-I transmembrane glycoprotein CD147/EMMPRIN (extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer) in the antiviral response to HCMV infection is still unknown. Here, we demonstrated the specific knockdown of CD147 significantly decreased HCMV-induced activation of NF-κB and Interferon-beta (IFN-β), which contribute to the cellular antiviral responses. Next, we confirmed that HCMV-encoded miR-US25-1-5p could target the 3 UTR (Untranslated Region) of CD147 mRNA, and thus facilitate HCMV lytic propagation at a low multiplicity of infection (MOI). The expression and secretion of Cyclophilin A (sCyPA), as a ligand for CD147 and a proinflammatory cytokine, were up-regulated in response to HCMV stimuli. Finally, we confirmed that CD147 mediated HCMV-triggered antiviral signaling via the sCyPA-CD147-ERK (extracellular regulated protein kinases)/NF-κB axis signaling pathway. These findings reveal an important HCMV mechanism for evading antiviral innate immunity through its encoded microRNA by targeting transmembrane glycoprotein CD147, and a potential cause of HCMV inflammatory disorders due to the secretion of proinflammatory cytokine CyPA

    SpectralDiff: A Generative Framework for Hyperspectral Image Classification with Diffusion Models

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    Hyperspectral Image (HSI) classification is an important issue in remote sensing field with extensive applications in earth science. In recent years, a large number of deep learning-based HSI classification methods have been proposed. However, existing methods have limited ability to handle high-dimensional, highly redundant, and complex data, making it challenging to capture the spectral-spatial distributions of data and relationships between samples. To address this issue, we propose a generative framework for HSI classification with diffusion models (SpectralDiff) that effectively mines the distribution information of high-dimensional and highly redundant data by iteratively denoising and explicitly constructing the data generation process, thus better reflecting the relationships between samples. The framework consists of a spectral-spatial diffusion module, and an attention-based classification module. The spectral-spatial diffusion module adopts forward and reverse spectral-spatial diffusion processes to achieve adaptive construction of sample relationships without requiring prior knowledge of graphical structure or neighborhood information. It captures spectral-spatial distribution and contextual information of objects in HSI and mines unsupervised spectral-spatial diffusion features within the reverse diffusion process. Finally, these features are fed into the attention-based classification module for per-pixel classification. The diffusion features can facilitate cross-sample perception via reconstruction distribution, leading to improved classification performance. Experiments on three public HSI datasets demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve better performance than state-of-the-art methods. For the sake of reproducibility, the source code of SpectralDiff will be publicly available at https://github.com/chenning0115/SpectralDiff

    Design of Integrated Operation Process of Supply Chain Response to Market

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    In a supply chain in which a manufacturer is the core enterprise, the manufacturer must take much attention to the speed of its response to a dynamic market, because product life-cycle is shortening and competition is fiercer. For the manufacturer, it is a powerful method to increase its supply chain’s competence that constructing a supply chain which can respond to new market demand quickly and actively. This paper considers a whole process of supply chain response to new market demand would be from a new product R&D to delivering the final products to consumers. The process can be divided into three stages: product R&D, supply chain building, and supply chain operating. So, to increase the efficiency of response to new market demand, the manufacturer would consider how to integrate the three stages smoothly. Key words: supply chain, response time, market demand, R&D Résumé: Dans une chaîne d’offre dans laquelle un fabricant constitue l’entreprise clef, le fabricant doit prêter assez d’attention à la vitesse de sa réponse à un marché dynamique, parce que le cycle de vie du produit raccourcit alors que la compétition est de plus en plus féroce. Pour le fabricant, c’est une méthode puissante d’améliorer la compétence de sa chaîne d’offre de sorte à construire une chaîne d’offre qui est capable de répondre rapidement et activement à la demande du marché. L’article présent pense que le processus intrégral de la chaîne d’offre répondant à la nouvelle demande du marché devrait aller de R&D du produit à la délivrance du produit aux consommateurs. Ce processus peut être divisé en trois étapes : R&D du produit, établissement de la chaîne d’offre, opération de la chaîne d’offre. Ainsi, pour d’élever l’efficacité de la réponse à la nouvelle demande du marché, le fabricant pourrait considérer comment bien intégrer ces trois étapes. Mots-Clés: chaîne d’offre, temps de réponse, demande du marché, R&

    Drag force and heavy quark potential in a rotating background

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    We explored the gravity dual of the rotating quark-gluon plasma by transforming the boundary coordinates of the Schwarzschild-AdS5AdS_5 metric. The Euler-Lagrange equation of the Nambu-Goto action and its solution become more complex than those without rotation. For small angular velocity, we obtained an analytical form of the drag force acting on a quark moving in the direction of the rotation axis and found it stronger than that without rotation. We also calculated the heavy quark potential under the same approximation. For the quarkonium symmetric with respect to the rotation axis, the depth of the potential is reduced by the rotation. For the quarkonium oriented in parallel to the rotation axis, the bind force is weakened and the force range becomes longer. We also compared our holographic formulation with others in the literature.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figure

    Phase structure in the baryon density-dependent quark mass model

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    The properties of phase diagram of strange quark matter in equilibrium with hadronic matter at finite temperature are studied, where the quark phase and hadron phase are treated by baryon density-dependent quark mass model and hadron resonance gas model with hard core repulsion factor, respectively. Our results indicate that the strangeness fraction fs, perturbation parameter C, and confinement parameter D have strong influence on the properties of phase diagram and the formation of strangelets, where a large fs, small C and D favor the formation of strangelets. Consider the isentropic expansion process, we found that the initial entropy per baryon is about 5, which gives a large probability for the formation of strangelets. Furthermore, as the strangeness fraction fs and one gluon-exchange interaction strength C decrease and confinement parameter D increases, the reheating effect becomes more significant, reducing the possibility of forming strangelets. The new phase diagram could support a massive compact star with the maximum mass exceeding twice the solar mass and have a significant impact on the mass-radius relationship for hybrid stars

    Hybrid Strangeon Stars

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    It was conjectured that the basic units of the ground state of bulk strong matter may be strange-clusters called strangeons, and they can form self-bound strangeon stars that are highly compact. Strangeon stars can develop a strange quark matter (SQM) core at high densities, particularly in the color-flavor-locking phase, yielding a branch of hybrid strangeon stars. We explore the stellar structure and astrophysical implications of hybrid strangeon stars. We find that hybrid strangeon stars can meet various astrophysical constraints on pulsar masses, radii, and tidal deformabilities. Finally, we show that the strangeon-SQM mixed phase is not preferred if the charge-neutrality condition is imposed at the strangeon-SQM transition region.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure
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