1,033 research outputs found

    Laparoscopic Removal of a Broken Sewing Needle in a Patient with Irritative Bladder Symptoms

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    A foreign body near the bladder is rare. Although foreign bodies in the bladder can be easily found and removed by endoscopic transurethral removal, extravesical foreign bodies may require the use of an open or laparoscopic procedure. Here, we report a case of a patient complaining of frequency and urgency in whom an extravesical sewing needle was successfully removed by a laparoscopic approach. A 4.5 cm rusty sewing needle was found between the bladder and the left external iliac vessels and was removed through a 5 mm trocar port by use of endo forceps with no complications

    Effect of software version and parameter settings on the marginal and internal adaptation of crowns fabricated with the CAD/CAM system

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    Objective This study investigated the marginal and internal adaptation of individual dental crowns fabricated using a CAD/CAM system (Sirona’s BlueCam), also evaluating the effect of the software version used, and the specific parameter settings in the adaptation of crowns.Material and Methods Forty digital impressions of a master model previously prepared were acquired using an intraoral scanner and divided into four groups based on the software version and on the spacer settings used. The versions 3.8 and 4.2 of the software were used, and the spacer parameter was set at either 40 ÎŒm or 80 ÎŒm. The marginal and internal fit of the crowns were measured using the replica technique, which uses a low viscosity silicone material that simulates the thickness of the cement layer. The data were analyzed using a Friedman two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and paired t-tests with significance level set at

    Transvaginal Endoscopic Appendectomy

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    Since Kalloo and colleagues first reported the feasibility and safety of a peroral transgastric approach in the porcine model in 2004, various groups have reported more complex natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) procedures, such as the cholecystectomy, splenectomy and liver biopsy, in the porcine model. Natural orifice access to the abdominal cavity, such as transgastric, transvesical, transcolonic, and transvaginal, has been described. Although a novel, minimally invasive approach to the abdominal cavity is a peroral endoscopic transgastric approach, there are still some challenging issues, such as the risk of infection and leakage, and the method of gastric closure. Hybrid-NOTES is an ideal first step in humans. Human hybrid transvaginal access has been used for years by many surgeons for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Here, we report a transvaginal flexible endoscopic appendectomy, with a 5-mm umbilical port using ultrasonic scissors in a 74-year-old woman with acute appendicitis

    Curcumin induces stabilization of Nrf2 protein through Keap1 cysteine modification

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    The present study was aimed to investigate the effects of curcumin, a representative chemopreventive phytochemical with pronounced antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, on activation of Nrf2 and expression of its target protein heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) in mouse skin in vivo and in cultured murine epidermal cells. Treatment of mouse epidermal JB6 cells with curcumin resulted in the induction of HO-1 expression, and this was abrogated in cells transiently transfected with Nrf2 siRNA. While curcumin treatment increased protein expression of Nrf2, it did not alter the steady-state level of the Nrf2 mRNA transcript. Treatment of cells with curcumin stabilized Nrf2 by inhibiting ubiquitination and subsequent 26S proteasomal degradation of this transcription factor. Tetrahydrocurcumin, a non-electrophilic analogue of curcumin that lacks the alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl group, failed to induce HO-1 expression as well as nuclear translocation of Nrf2 and its binding to the antioxidant/electrophile response elements. Cells transfected with a mutant Keap1 protein in which cysteine 151 (Cys151) is replaced by serine exhibited marked reduction in curcumin-induced Nrf2 transactivation. Mass spectrometric analysis revealed that curcumin binds to Keap1 Cys151, supporting that this amino acid is a critical target for curcumin modification of Keap1, which facilitates the liberation of Nrf2. Thus, it is likely that the alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl moiety of curcumin is essential for its binding to Keap1 and stabilization of Nrf2 by hampering ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation.

    Delayed Rupture of the Right Sinus of Valsalva into the Right Atrium after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

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    Rupture of the sinus of Valsalva is an extremely rare complication after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Because it usually results from the retrograde extension of a dissection of the right coronary artery and may quickly spread to involve the entire aorta, it can cause life-threatening complications such as aortic dissection. If the dissection remains localized, it can resolve spontaneously in the first month. Our patient experienced a delayed rupture of the right sinus of Valsalva into the right atrium at approximately 3 months after PCI
