273 research outputs found

    コンピュータ ヲモチイタ キョウチョウ ガクシュウ シエン CSCL ケンキュウ ノ ドウコウ ト コンゴ ノ カダイ

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    本論文では、近年、認知科学や教育工学等の研究領域において注目されているCSCL(コンピュータを用いた協調学習支援:C㎝puterSupμ 疽edCollabo面veLe血g)研究の理論的背景、先行研究を概観し、今後の研究の焦点を以下の2つの視点に基づいて述べる。CSCL環境においては、複数の学習者がコンピュータを利用してコミュニケーションを営みつつ、相互に知識を構築し、共有することができる。今後のCSCL研究の焦点としては、第一にCSCLとWebやTVといった既存の学習コンテンツの効果的な連携方法に関する研究があり、第二に対面状況下における学習者たちの直接的なコミュニケーションを支援するCSCLの開発がある

    Forprófun á íslenskri útgáfu Sjálfsmatskvarða Becks fyrir börn og unglinga

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenGerð var forprófun á Sjálfsmatskvörðum Becks fyrir börn á aldrinum 7-14 ára til þess að athuga próffræðilega eiginleika íslenskrar útgáfu af kvörðunum. Þátttakendur voru 293 úr 12 grunnskólum í Reykjavík. Próffræðilegir eiginleikar reyndust sambærilegir við erlendar rannsóknir. Innri áreiðanleiki var hár og fylgni atriða við heildarskor hvers kvarða viðunandi. Samleitni kvarða var athugað með þáttagreiningu og niðurstöður sýndu að þunglyndi, kvíði og hegðunarvandi voru einsleitir kvarðar en atriði sjálfsmyndar og reiði mynduðu tvo þætti. Gerð var þáttagreining á öllum 100 atriðum kvarðanna. Niðurstöður sýndu þrjá þætti sem skýrðu 38,6% dreifingar. Fyrsti þáttur samanstóð af þunglyndi, reiði og kvíða. Á annan þátt lögðust þrjú atriði reiði og 18 atriði hegðunarvanda og á þriðja þátt lögðust 18 atriði sjálfsmyndar. Há fylgni reyndist vera milli kvíða, þunglyndis og reiði en það er sambærilegt niðurstöðum erlendra rannsókna. Réttmæti kvarðanna var athugað með þremur spurningum um líðan í skóla og stríðni. Spurning um líðan í frímínútum hafði hæstu fylgni við þunglyndi sem bendir til þess að nemendur sem sýna þunglyndiseinkenni líður frekar illa í frímínútum. Spurning um líðan í kennslustundum hafði hæstu fylgni við hegðunarvanda og reiði og loks var hæst fylgni milli hegðunarvanda og stríðni. Enginn kynja- eða aldursmunur kom fram á kvörðum fyrir þunglyndi, reiði og kvíða. Hins vegar var meðaltal eldri hóps og drengja hærra á kvarða fyrir hegðunarvanda en hjá yngri hóp og stúlkum. Meðaltal á sjálfsmyndarkvarða var lægra í hópi eldri þáttakenda og meiri munur var á milli yngri og eldri stúlkna sem bendir til að sjálfsmynd verði neikvæðari á unglingsárum og sérstaklega hjá stúlkum. Próffræðilegir eiginleikar reyndust í megindráttum góðir en safna þarf meiri gögnum um áreiðanleika og réttmæti kvarðanna áður en hægt er að mæla með almennri notkun þeirra hér á landi.A pilot study of the Beck Youth Inventories (BYI) for children 7-14 years was undertaken to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Icelandic version. Participants were 293 from 12 elementary schools in Reykjavík. Psychometric properties revealed similar findings as other studies abroad have revealed. The internal consistency reliability was high and item total correlation acceptable. A principal axis factor analysis was conducted to evaluate the homogeneity of the BYI. Depression, anxiety and disruptive behavior were unidimensional but self-concept and anger revealed two factors. Additionally a principal axis factor analysis of all items of the inventories indicated three factors explaining 38,6% of variance. Items of depression, anxiety and anger loaded on the first factor. Disruptive behavior and 3 items of anger loaded on the second factor. Items of self-concept loaded on the third factor. Depression, anxiety and anger correlated highly, consistent with studies abroad and the factor analysis results. The scales´ validity was evaluated by three items assesing emotional well being in school and teasing other pupils. The highest correlation was between emotional well being in school breaks and depression, emotional well being in classrooms and disruptive behavior and anger, and between teasing other pupils and disruptive behavior. No significant age and gender differences were found on depression, anxiety and anger. Mean score for boys was higher than for girls on disruptive behavior and older students scored higher than younger students. Older students´ mean score was lower than younger students´ mean on self-concept and this difference was greater for girls than boys. Psychometric properties were good, but additonal studies need to be undertaken on the scales´ reliability and validity before we can recommend general use of the scales for clinical purposes in Iceland

    Early hemoperfusion with an immobilized polymyxin B fiber column eliminates humoral mediators and improves pulmonary oxygenation

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    INTRODUCTION: The objective of this study was to clarify the efficacy and mechanism of action of direct hemoperfusion with an immobilized polymyxin B fiber column (DHP-PMX) in patients with acute lung injury or acute respiratory distress syndrome caused by sepsis. METHOD: Thirty-six patients with sepsis were included. In each patient a thermodilution catheter was inserted, and the oxygen delivery index and oxygen consumption index were measured. DHP-PMX was performed in patients with a normal oxygen delivery index and oxygen consumption index (> 500 ml/minute per m(2 )and >120 ml/minute per m(2), respectively). The Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score was used as an index of the severity of sepsis, and survival was assessed after 1 month. The humoral mediators measured were the chemokine IL-8, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, and neutrophil elastase (NE). These mediators were measured before DHP-PMX treatment, and at 24, 48, and 78 hours after the start of treatment. The arterial oxygen tension (PaO(2))/fractional inspired oxygen (FiO(2)) ratio was measured before DHP-PMX treatment and at 24, 48, 72, 92, and 120 hours after the start of treatment. RESULTS: All patients remained alive after 1 month. Before DHP-PMX treatment, the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score was 24 ± 2.0, the IL-8 level was 54 ± 15.8 pg/ml, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 was 133 ± 28.1 ng/ml, and NE was 418 ± 72.1 μg/l. These three humoral mediators began to decrease from 24 hours after DHP-PMX treatment, and the decline became significant from 48 hours onward. The PaO(2)/FiO(2 )ratio was 244 ± 26.3 before DHP-PMX treatment but improved significantly from 96 hours onward. There were significant negative correlations between the PaO(2)/FiO(2 )ratio and blood levels of NE and IL-8. CONCLUSION: The mechanism of action of DHP-PMX is still not fully understood, but we report the following findings. The mean blood levels of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, NE, and IL-8 were significantly decreased from 48 hours after DHP-PMX treatment. The mean PaO(2)/FiO(2 )ratio was significantly improved from 96 hours after DHP-PMX treatment. Improvement in the PaO(2)/FiO(2 )ratio appeared to be related to the decreases in blood NE and IL-8 levels

    Impact of moral sensitivity on moral distress among psychiatric nurses

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    Background: Moral distress occurs when one knows the right thing to do, but institutional constraints make it nearly impossible to pursue the right course of action. Moral distress was found to cause negative feelings, burnout, and/or resignation. Not only external factors such as lack of staff but also internal ones affect moral distress. Moral sensitivity, which is thought of as an advantage of nurses, could effect moral distress, as nurses being unaware of existing ethical problems must feel little distress. Objectives: To examine the impact of moral sensitivity on moral distress among psychiatric nurses, and affirm the hypothesis that nurses with higher moral sensitivity will suffer moral distress more than nurses with less moral sensitivity in two different samples. Ethical consideration: The study obtained ethical approval from the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine at Mie University (# 1111, 20.4.2010), and by the Turku University Ethics Board (29.5.2012). Permissions to undertake the study was obtained from the in two hospital districts and in one city ( 48/4.10.2012, 63/4.9.2012, 51/2012 27.8.2012). Informed consent was not formally obtained, because the questionnaire was anonymously reported by the participants who volunteered to answer. The participants responded voluntarily and anonymously. Methods: An anonymous questionnaire containing the Revised Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire and the Moral Distress Scale for Psychiatric nurses was conducted to 997 nurses in 12 hospitals in Japan, and 974 nurses in 10 hospitals in Finland after obtaining of approval by research ethics committees. Data were analyzed using a multi-group structural equation model analysis. Findings: A set of analyses imply that the association of moral sensitivity with moral distress is significant and similar between Japan and Finland, whereas the factor structures of moral sensitivity and moral distress may be partially different. Discussion: The result of this study may indicate that nurses with high moral sensitivity can sense and identify moral problems, but not resolve them. Therefore, supporting nurses to solve ethical problems, not benumbing them, can be important for better nursing care and prevention of nurses' resignation. Conclusion: Moral sensitivity and moral distress were positively correlated among psychiatric nurses in both Japan and Finland, although the participating nurses from the two countries were different in qualification, age, and cultural background. Nurses with high moral sensitivity suffer from moral distress.Peer reviewe

    Validation of the Japanese version of the revised version of the compound psychological capital scale (CPC-12R)

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    This study developed a Japanese version of the Revised Version of the Compound Psychological Capital Scale (CPC-12R) and tested its reliability and construct validity. The participants were 1,000 young adults (500 university students and 500 employees) recruited through an internet survey. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the four first-order factors (hope, optimism, resilience, and self-efficacy) and one second-order factor (PsyCap) model of the previous study is appropriate for the Japanese context. In addition, Cronbach’s α and omega-higher-order of CPC-12R were sufficient. The measurement invariance analysis suggested sufficient scalar invariances for the employees and university students and across genders. The Japanese version of the CPC-12R had moderate positive correlations with job satisfaction, work engagement, conscientiousness, and extraversion, as well as a moderate negative correlation with negative emotionality. These findings provide evidence for sufficient reliability and construct validity of the Japanese version of the CPC-12R

    SNP HiTLink: a high-throughput linkage analysis system employing dense SNP data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>During this recent decade, microarray-based single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data are becoming more widely used as markers for linkage analysis in the identification of loci for disease-associated genes. Although microarray-based SNP analyses have markedly reduced genotyping time and cost compared with microsatellite-based analyses, applying these enormous data to linkage analysis programs is a time-consuming step, thus, necessitating a high-throughput platform.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed SNP HiTLink (SNP High Throughput Linkage analysis system). In this system, SNP chip data of the Affymetrix Mapping 100 k/500 k array set and Genome-Wide Human SNP array 5.0/6.0 can be directly imported and passed to parametric or model-free linkage analysis programs; MLINK, Superlink, Merlin and Allegro. Various marker-selecting functions are implemented to avoid the effect of typing-error data, markers in linkage equilibrium or to select informative data.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results using the 100 k SNP dataset were comparable or even superior to those obtained from analyses using microsatellite markers in terms of LOD scores obtained. General personal computers are sufficient to execute the process, as runtime for whole-genome analysis was less than a few hours. This system can be widely applied to linkage analysis using microarray-based SNP data and with which one can expect high-throughput and reliable linkage analysis.</p

    A Difference in Professional Ability that Young Teachers Feel from Skilled Teachers through Lesson Study -Basic Investigation Toward Development of a System that Supports Young Teachers for Enhancement of Professional Ability-

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    A Randomized Phase 2 Trial of Antibiotic Prophylaxis Versus No Intervention for Muscle Biopsy in A Neurology Department

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    Muscle biopsy can be used to confirm the diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases. However, it is unclear whether antibiotic prophylaxis prior to muscle biopsy is needed to prevent surgical site infection (SSI). We are conducting a phase 2, single-center, open-labeled, prospective randomized trial to clarify the need for antibiotic prophylaxis in patients at low risk for SSI undergoing muscle biopsy. Patients will be randomized to an antibiotic prophylaxis group or a control group, and the incidence of SSI will be compared between the groups. Our findings will clarify the need for antibiotic prophylaxis in this patient population

    Assessment of the intrapulmonary ventilation-perfusion distribution after the Fontan procedure for complex cardiac anomalies: Relation to pulmonary hemodynamics

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    AbstractIn 12 patients who underwent the Fontan procedure for complex cardiac anomalies, lung scanning with xenon-133 was performed to assess the intrapulmonary ventilation-perfusion distribution, and comparison was made with a control group. All data were then analyzed in relation to either pre- or postoperative pulmonary hemodynamic data. In ventilation scans, the intrapulmonary distribution in the right lung was almost normal.In perfusion scans, an abnormal increased upper to lower lobe perfusion ratio greater than the normal value found in the control group was noted in seven patients (58.3%). There was a significant correlation (p < 0.02) between the upper to lower lobe perfusion ratio and postoperative pulmonary vascular resistance. Furthermore, this perfusion ratio correlated inversely with the preoperative (p < 0.005) and postoperative (p < 0.02) right pulmonary artery area index, defined as the ratio of cross-sectional area to the normal value. Of five patients with < 90% arterial oxygen saturation, four showed an abnormal distribution of pulmonary blood flow greater than the normal perfusion ratio. No patient had evidence of a pulmonary arteriovenous fistula by the echocardiographic contrast study.These results suggest that abnormal distribution of pulmonary blood flow to the upper lung segment may develop in patients after the Fontan procedure, and that insufficient size of the pulmonary artery before operation and the consequent postoperative elevation of pulmonary vascular resistance may be responsible for this perfusion abnormality