4,687 research outputs found

    Climate change and postglacial human dispersals in southeast Asia

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    Modern humans have been living in Island Southeast Asia (ISEA) for at least 50,000 years. Largely because of the influence of linguistic studies, however, which have a shallow time depth, the attention of archaeologists and geneticists has usually been focused on the last 6,000 years--in particular, on a proposed Neolithic dispersal from China and Taiwan. Here we use complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genome sequencing to spotlight some earlier processes that clearly had a major role in the demographic history of the region but have hitherto been unrecognized. We show that haplogroup E, an important component of mtDNA diversity in the region, evolved in situ over the last 35,000 years and expanded dramatically throughout ISEA around the beginning of the Holocene, at the time when the ancient continent of Sundaland was being broken up into the present-day archipelago by rising sea levels. It reached Taiwan and Near Oceania more recently, within the last approximately 8,000 years. This suggests that global warming and sea-level rises at the end of the Ice Age, 15,000-7,000 years ago, were the main forces shaping modern human diversity in the region

    Hollow-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber Mach–Zehnder Interferometer for Gas Sensing

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    A novel and compact interferometric refractive index (RI) point sensor is developed using hollow-core photonic crystal fiber (HC-PCF) and experimentally demonstrated for high sensitivity detection and measurement of pure gases. To construct the device, the sensing element fiber (HC-PCF) was placed between two single-mode fibers with airgaps at each side. Great measurement repeatability was shown in the cyclic test for the detection of various gases. The RI sensitivity of 4629 nm/RIU was demonstrated in the RI range of 1.0000347–1.000436 for the sensor with an HC-PCF length of 3.3 mm. The sensitivity of the proposed Mach–Zehnder interferometer (MZI) sensor increases when the length of the sensing element decreases. It is shown that response and recovery times of the proposed sensor inversely change with the length of HC-PCF. Besides, spatial frequency analysis for a wide range of air-gaps revealed information on the number and power distribution of modes. It is shown that the power is mainly carried by two dominant modes in the proposed structure. The proposed sensors have the potential to improve current technology’s ability to detect and quantify pure gases

    A Renormalizable Supersymmetric SU(5) Model

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    In the Supersymmetric SU(5) Model of Unification with the Missing Partner Mechanism, we present a renormalizable model using the Georgi-Jarlsog mechanism to describe the fermion masses and mixing. At the meantime the proton decay rates are also suppressed to satisfy the experimental data

    Molecular-field approach to the spin-Peierls transition in CuGeO_3

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    We present a theory for the spin-Peierls transition in CuGeO_3. We map the elementary excitations of the dimerized chain (solitons) on an effective Ising model. Inter-chain coupling (or phonons) then introduce a linear binding potential between a pair of soliton and anti-soliton, leading to a finite transition temperature. We evaluate, as a function of temperature, the order parameter, the singlet-triplet gap, the specific heat, and the susceptibility and compare with experimental data on CuGeO_3. We find that CuGeO_3 is close to a first-order phase transition. We point out, that the famous scaling law \sim\delta^{2/3} of the triplet gap is a simple consequence of the linear binding potential between pairs of solitons and anti-solitons in dimerized spin chains.Comment: 7.1 pages, figures include

    The WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey: improved distance measurements to z = 1 with reconstruction of the baryonic acoustic feature

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    We present significant improvements in cosmic distance measurements from the WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey, achieved by applying the reconstruction of the baryonic acoustic feature technique. We show using both data and simulations that the reconstruction technique can often be effective despite patchiness of the survey, significant edge effects and shot-noise. We investigate three redshift bins in the redshift range 0.2 < z < 1, and in all three find improvement after reconstruction in the detection of the baryonic acoustic feature and its usage as a standard ruler. We measure model-independent distance measures DV(rsfid/rs) of 1716 ± 83, 2221 ± 101, 2516 ± 86 Mpc (68 per cent CL) at effective redshifts z = 0.44, 0.6, 0.73, respectively, where DV is the volume-averaged distance, and rs is the sound horizon at the end of the baryon drag epoch. These significantly improved 4.8, 4.5 and 3.4 per cent accuracy measurements are equivalent to those expected from surveys with up to 2.5 times the volume of WiggleZ without reconstruction applied. These measurements are fully consistent with cosmologies allowed by the analyses of the Planck Collaboration and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We provide the DV(rsfid/rs) posterior probability distributions and their covariances. When combining these measurements with temperature fluctuations measurements of Planck, the polarization of Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe 9, and the 6dF Galaxy Survey baryonic acoustic feature, we do not detect deviations from a flat Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model. Assuming this model, we constrain the current expansion rate to H₀ = 67.15 ± 0.98 km s⁻ÂčMpc⁻Âč. Allowing the equation of state of dark energy to vary, we obtain wDE = −1.080 ± 0.135. When assuming a curved ΛCDM model we obtain a curvature value of ΩK = −0.0043 ± 0.0047

    Quark Distributions of Octet Baryons from SU(3) Symmetry

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    SU(3) symmetry relations between the octet baryons are introduced in order to connect both the unpolarized and polarized quark distributions of the octet baryons with those of the nucleon. Two different parametrizations of the nucleon quark distributions are used. A new scenario of quark flavor and spin structure of the Λ\Lambda is found and compared with two other models: a perturbative QCD based analysis and a quark diquark model. The uu and dd quarks inside the Λ\Lambda are predicted to be positively polarized at large Bjorken variable xx in the new scenario. By using an approximate relation connecting the quark fragmentation functions with the quark distributions, the hadron polarizations of the octet baryons in e+e−e^+e^--annihilation, polarized charged lepton deep inelastic scattering (DIS) processes, and neutrino (antineutrino) DIS processes are predicted. The predictions for Λ\Lambda polarizations in several processes are compatible with the available data at large fragmentation momentum fraction zz, and support the prediction of positively polarized uu and dd quarks inside the Λ\Lambda at large xx. Predictions for Drell-Yan processes from Σ±\Sigma^{\pm} and Ξ−\Xi^- beams on an isoscalar target are also given and discussed.Comment: 29 latex pages, 16 figures, to appear in PR
