72 research outputs found


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    Pemanasan global telah memberi atensi masyarakat dunia untuk mengetahui proses-proses penyebabnya dan mencari solusi atau mitigasi sehingga pemanasan global dan dampaknya dapat ditangani atau diadaptasi. Termasuk dalam hal ini upaya pengurangan emisi gas rumah kaca yang diketahui sebagai penyebab peningkatan suhu bumi. Penelitian telah dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh penggunaan bahan penghambatan nitrifikasi dalam menurunkan laju emisi gas rumah kaca khusunya gas nitrous oxide (N2O) yang merupakan salah satu penyumbang terbesar dalam pemanasan global. Kombinasi penelitian skala laboratorium dan lapangan dilakukan untuk melihat rate laju nitrifkasi dan produksi gas N2O. Hasil memperlihatkan bahwa pemberian bahan penghambat nitrifikasi bersama dengan pupuk nitrogen dapat menurunkan laju nitrifikasi dengan pengurangan emisi gas N2O, serta dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman jagung dan sekaligus meningkatkan margin keuntungan bagi petani. Pemberian pupuk nitrogen bersama penghambat nitrifikasi mempengaruhi populasi nitrifiers dalam tanah, namun tidak mempengaruhi komunitas mikroba tanah


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    Agriculture sectors can affect the net emissions of the greenhouse gases methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), as well as carbon (C) sources and sinks. Applying nitrogen fertilizers such as urea to soils have greatly increased N2O emission, meanwhile keeping water flooding in rice field lead the emit of CH4. Several options were propose for mitigate the greenhouse gases from agriculture land that including water management and apply organic material in rice field, while in arable field usually corporate a nitrification inhibitor with nitrogen fertilizer to reduce the emission of CH4 and N2O, respectively. In this paper, several works have been done to find-out the effectiveness and feasibility of options to reduce greenhouses gases fluxes from agriculture land. The experiments were consisted field works by collecting greenhouse gases by closed-chamber technique. The changes of microbial community structure were observed both by most probable number and standard plate count. The results suggest that 1) There are a potential for reducing emissions of N2O by applying nitrification inhibitor in arable land, while The CH4 flux was reduced by controlled water level in rice field, 2) Types of nitrogen fertilizers influenced the N2O productions but did not significantly alter the structure of microbial communities

    Produksi Zat Pengatur Tumbuh IAA (Indole Acetic Acid) dan Kemampuan Pelarutan Posfat pada Isolat Bakteri Penambat Nitrogen Asal Kabupaten Takalar

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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan isolat bakteri penambat nitrogen yang diisolasi dari rhisosfer tanaman padi dan jagung asal Kabupaten Takalar dalam memproduksi zat pengatur tumbuh IAA dan pelarutan posfat. Isolasi bakteri penambat nitrogen dilakukan menggunakan medium selektif bebas nitrogen yaitu Ashby dan Burk’s. Koloni bakteri yang tumbuh dan menunjukkan perbedaan karakteristik dipilih kemudian dikarakterisasi secara fisiologi dan morfologi. Kemampuan menghasilkan IAA dari isolat bakteri dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode spectrophotometry pada panjang gelombang 535 nm. Uji kemampuan pelarutan posfat secara kuantitatif dilakukan pada medium Pikovskaya dengan membandingkan rasio antara diameter koloni dengan diameter zona bening yang terbentuk. Dari hasil isolasi bakteri diperoleh 20 isolat bakteri penambat nitrogen dimana 6 isolat diantaranya terdeteksi mampu memproduksi zat pengatur tumbuh IAA dengan konsentrasi antara 7.35-38.35 ppm. Dari 6 isolat yang mampu memproduksi zat pengatur tumbuh IAA, 2 isolat diantaranya terdeteksi mampu melarutkan posfat dengan rasio zona bening 1,7 cm-2,6 cm sedangkan empat isolat diantaranya tidak memiliki kemampuan dalam melarutkan posfat

    Komposisi Kimia Pupuk Kompos dari Limbah Padat Rumah Potong Hewan Tamangapa Kota Makassar

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    Abstract. Slaughterhouses (RPH) produce large amounts of solid waste every day and have not been utilized optimally. RPH solid waste has great potential to be used as plant fertilizer through the composting process. Composting is expected to change the organic material composition of the abattoir solid waste to be more ideal to support plant growth. This study aims to determine the chemical composition of compost made from waste at RPH Tamangapa Makassar City before and after the composting process. Composting from solid waste at Tamangapa RPH Makassar was carried out using the main ingredients, namely rumen contents (treatment I) and rumen contents mixed with livestock manure in a ratio of 1:1 (Treatment II). The composting process was carried out in a compost box with a size of 40x40x60 cm with a passive aeration system for 4 weeks with three replications. Quantitative data tested in this study included the content of N-total (%), C-Organic (%), P-total (%), K-total (%), C/N ratio, organic matter (%), water content (%) and compost reduction (%). The results showed that the content of elements C, N, P, K, C/N ratio, organic matter, and water content before composting in both treatment I and treatment II were generally still low and almost the same as the raw materials. After the composting process took place, the content of C, P, K, C/N ratios generally showed an increase, while the N content was relatively constant. The results of the analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the chemical composition of the compost in the treatment and both before and after the composting process.Keywords: RPH solid waste, composting process, chemical composition of compost, C/N ratio

    The Effect of Neem (Azadirachta indica) Coated Urea Fertilizer against NH4+ and NO3- Concentration in Clay Loam Soil Texture

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    The study aims to determine the level NH4+ and NO3- in the soil with clay loam texture with addition neem coated urea fertilizer. This study was conducted in Experimental Farm of Biology Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science Makassar State University and Laboratory of Assessment Institute for Agriculture Technology in Maros. This research was an experimental study using a Completely Randomized Design (CDR) with five treatments are control, urea, neem (2,5%) coated urea, neem (5%) coated urea and DCD (5%) coated urea with three replicates. Analysis of NH4+ and NO3- levels in this study using colourimetric method. Results obtained by the levels of NH4+ and NO3- produced after applied of nitrification inhibitor materials coated urea fertilizer as indicated by concentration of NH4+ and NO3- produced in soil. Neem (5%) coated urea as a nitrification inhibitor showed the best effect in increasing levels of NH4+ in the soil, while DCD (5%) coated urea were the best inhibitor in reducing levels of NO3- in the soil

    Respon Pertumbuhan Jagung (Zea mays) Dengan Pemberian Urea Bersalut Zeolit Sebagai Nitrogen Lepas Lambat

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    Abstract. This study is an experimental research that aims to find out how the response of corn growth (Zea mays) with urea-coated zeolite as nitrogen release slowly, implemented from April to December 2017. The making of fertilizer is done in Biology Laboratory of East III Floor Department of Biology Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Makassar State University. The cultivation and maintenance of maize was conducted at Greenhouse of Ecophysiology of Seraca Crops Research Institute (Balitsereal) Maros and Analysis of nitrogen data at Soil Laboratory of Agricultural Technology Assessment Institute (BPTP) Regency. Maros South Sulawesi. This research used Randomized Block Design (RAK) 3 grouping with Control, Urea, Phosphate, Potassium (UPK), UPK Zeolite 10%, UPK Zeolit 30%, and UPK Zeolit 50%. The corn variety used was HJ 21 Agritan. Observation parameters were stem circumference, leaf chlorophyll content, plant biomass (root, stem and leaves), cob weight, ear length, seed weight, leaf nitrogen and seed nitrogen. The technique of data origin is done by using variance analysis technique (F test) / ANOVA at the level of trust α = 0,05%. Then proceed with Duncan's advanced test using SPSS statistic program 20. The results showed that there was an interaction between zeolite-coated urea fertilizer on the yield of cob and corncob with different results on the other treatment. The best results on urea-coated zeolite treatment with 10% concentration. While for stem circumference, leaf chlorophyll content, plant biomass (root, stem and leaf), seed weight, leaf nitrogen and seed nitrogen showed no effect but when viewed the average result of urea coated application of zeolite with the highest 30% concentration.Keywords: The growth of corn, the application of urea zeolite coated, slow release fertilizersp., Thalassiosira sp., Probiotic Bacteri

    Seleksi dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Penambat Nitrogen Non Simbiotik Pengekskresi Amonium Pada Tanah Pertanaman Jagung (Zea mays L.) dan Padi (Oryza sativa L. ) Asal Kabupaten Barru, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk menyeleksi(screening) bakteri penambat nitrogen non simbiotik yang diisolasi dari rhizosfer tanaman jagung (Zea mays L.) dan padi (Oryza sativa L.) yang memiliki kemampuan mengekskresikan amonium. Sampel diambil dari daerah Mangkoso, Kabupaten Barru, Provensi Sulawesi Selatan pada daerah rhizosfer tanaman. Isolasi bakteri penambat nitrogen dilakukan dengan menggunakan medium pertumbuhan bebas nitrogen yaitu medium Burk’s dan Ashby. Koloni bakteri yang tumbuh pada medium pertumbuhan selanjutnya dimurnikan dan diuji kemampuan ekskresi amoniumnya dengan menggunakan metode spectrophotometry. Isolat bakteri yang memiliki kemampuan mengekskresikan amonium dikarakterisasi secara morfologi dan fisiologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 20 isolat bakteri yang mampu tumbuh pada medium bebas nitrogen, namun setelah dilakukan uji ekskresi amonium hanya diperoleh 9 isolat yang memiliki kemampuan mengekskresikan amonium dari masing-masing medium pertumbuhan. Isolat bakteri dan konsentrasi amonium yang diekskresikan masing-masing adalah ABJ211 (179 µg/L), ABP213 (269 µg/L), ABP211 (162 µg/L), ABP131 (254 µg/L), ABP242 (104 µg/L), BBJ221 (263 µg/L), BBJ222 (272 µg/L), BBP222 (269 µg/L) dan BBP214 (257 µg/L). Kesembilan isolat tersebut memiliki karakteristik morfologi dan fisiologis yang bervariasi terutama pada sifat struktur dinding sel (gram), kemampuan hidrolisis pati, gelatin dan kasein, sementara kemampuan dalam mereduksi nitrat dan H2O2 (reaksi katalase positif) serta fermentasi glukosa menunjukkan karakter yang seragam


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    The study was a Research and Development that was conducted to produce a valid, practical, and effective Inquiry-based Vertebrate Zoology Practicum Guidance. The study was conducted at Biology Laboratory in Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty of Universitas Negeri Makassar. The subjects were students in Class Biology Science (n=33) as second semester students in academic year 2012/2013. The development of practicum guidance in this study referred to Dick & Carey’s Development Model which consists of 10 stages as follows: (1) Identify Instructional Goals, (2) Conduct Goal Analysis, (3) Identify Entry Behaviours and Characteristics, (4) Write Performance Objectives, (5) Develop Criteria-Referenced Test Items, (6) Develop Instructional Strategy, (7) Develop and Select Instructional Materials; (8) Design and Conduct Formative Evaluation; (9) Design and Conduct summative Evaluation, and (10) Revise Instructional process. The product that had been developed then processed with analysis of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. Based on the result of analysis, Inquiry-Based Vertebrate Zoology Practicum Guidance which had been developed was found to be valid, practical, and effective. Validation result showed that the practicum guidance was included in valid category with validation value of 4.19. The practicality were measured by using observation sheet of practicum guidance feasibility, and the result showed that the aspect of syntax was included in medium category, social interaction in very high category, and reaction principle in high category. Meanwhile, effectiveness of the practicum guidance were measured by using student’s activity observation sheet and practicum final test, the result showed that the average percentage of practicum time is in accordance with the percentage of ideal time and tolerance intervals time. The percentage of students who can pass vertebrate zoology practicum test and final course test is 96.97% and 89.19%, respectively

    Penerapan Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif dan Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    Abstract: One of the goals of national education is to create creative learners. It also fits with the demands of 21st century learning that requires creativity and innovation skills. Conventional learning results in low creative thinking skills and student learning outcomes. Problem-Based Learning (PBL) can be selected in improving the creative thinking ability and student learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is to find out how the PBL model in improving the ability of creative thinking and student learning outcomes. This research is a descriptive research by collecting data through literature study. The implementation of PBL shows the advantages in improving the ability of creative thinking and student learning outcomes because through the application of the model, students can develop their own knowledge in solving problems and formulate various solutions that encourage students to think creatively and can improve learning outcomes
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