539 research outputs found

    The Role of ICT-based Market Information Services in Spatial Food Market Integration: The Case of Malawi Agricultural Commodity Exchange

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    The government of Malawi in 2004 initiated an ICT-based Malawi Agricultural Commodity Exchange (MACE), a market information service project, to improve access by farmers to market information. MACE was intended to improve the efficiency of agricultural markets as part of the strategy to improve food security. This study uses quantitative methods to examine whether MACE has contributed to efficiency of rice markets in Malawi. It especially tests if MACE has contributed to spatial integration of rice markets. As hypothesized, the study finds that the tendency of rice prices to move together in spatially separated markets has significantly increased since the implementation of MACE. It concludes that ICT-based market information services improve the efficiency with which agricultural markets perform. The study discusses implications of this finding for policy.ICT-based intervention, market information service, market integration, rice, Malawi, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Suppression of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-induced ornithine decarboxylase activity by resveratrol derivatives

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    As demonstrated previously, resveratrol (3,4',5-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene) inhibits 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-induced ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the key rate limiting enzyme in mammalian polyamine synthesis. Using human bladder epithelial carcinoma HTB-24 cells in culture where resveratrol inhibits induction with an IC50 of 8.8 µM, we now report potential metabolites demonstrate greater activity [tetrabutylammonium (E)-4-(3,5-dihydroxystyryl)phenyl sulfate (IC50 1.2 µM), resveratrol tripotassium 3,5,4'-trisulfate (IC50 1.8 µM), resveratrol tripotassium 3,4'-disulfate (IC50 1.8 µM), and resveratrol tripotassium 3,5-disulfate (IC50 2.3 µM)]. Based on RT-PCR studies, ODC inhibition occurs at the transcriptional level, but this was not due to direct inhibition of protein kinase C (e.g., resveratrol IC50, 79 µM; resveratrol tripotassium 3,5-disulfate IC50, 49 µM). Additional work is underway to more fully investigate this potentially important observation. [This work was supported by program project P01 CA48112 awarded by the National Cancer Institute. SL acknowledges Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF), New Delhi for a Research Fellowship]

    Monitoring coronary blood flow by laser speckle contrast imaging after myocardial ischaemia reperfusion injury in adult and aged mice

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    Introduction: Investigating coronary microvascular perfusion responses after myocardial infarction (MI) would aid in the development of flow preserving therapies. Laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI) is a powerful tool used for real-time, non-contact, full-field imaging of blood flow in various tissues/organs. However, its use in the beating heart has been limited due to motion artifacts. Methods: In this paper, we report the novel use of LSCI, combined with custom speckle analysis software (SpAn), to visualise and quantitate changes in ventricular perfusion in adult and aged mice undergoing ischaemia-reperfusion (IR) injury. The therapeutic benefit of inhibiting the actions of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-36 (IL-36) was also investigated using an IL-36 receptor antagonist (IL-36Ra). Results: Imaging from uncovered and covered regions of the left ventricle demonstrated that whilst part of the LSCI flux signal was derived from beating motion, a significant contributor to the flux signal came from ventricular microcirculatory blood flow. We show that a biphasic flux profile corresponding to diastolic and systolic phases of the cardiac cycle can be detected without mathematically processing the total flux data to denoise motion artifacts. Furthermore, perfusion responses to ischaemia and postischaemia were strong, reproducible and could easily be detected without the need to subtract motion-related flux signals. LSCI also identified significantly poorer ventricular perfusion in injured aged mice following IR injury which markedly improved with IL-36Ra. Discussion: We therefore propose that LSCI of the heart is possible despite motion artifacts and may facilitate future investigations into the role of the coronary microcirculation in cardiovascular diseases and development of novel therapies

    Functional and genetic evidence that nucleoside transport is highly conserved in Leishmania species: Implications for pyrimidine-based chemotherapy

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    Leishmania pyrimidine salvage is replete with opportunities for therapeutic intervention with enzyme inhibitors or antimetabolites. Their uptake into cells depends upon specific transporters; therefore it is essential to establish whether various Leishmania species possess similar pyrimidine transporters capable of drug uptake. Here, we report a comprehensive characterization of pyrimidine transport in L. major and L. mexicana. In both species, two transporters for uridine/adenosine were detected, one of which also transported uracil and the antimetabolites 5-fluoruracil (5-FU) and 5F,2′deoxyuridine (5F,2′dUrd), and was designated uridine-uracil transporter 1 (UUT1); the other transporter mediated uptake of adenosine, uridine, 5F,2′dUrd and thymidine and was designated Nucleoside Transporter 1 (NT1). To verify the reported L. donovani model of two NT1-like genes encoding uridine/adenosine transporters, and an NT2 gene encoding an inosine transporter, we cloned the corresponding L. major and L. mexicana genes, expressing each in T. brucei. Consistent with the L. donovani reports, the NT1-like genes of either species mediated the adenosine-sensitive uptake of [3H]-uridine but not of [3H]-inosine. Conversely, the NT2-like genes mediated uptake of [3H]-inosine but not [3H]-uridine. Among pyrimidine antimetabolites tested, 5-FU and 5F,2′dUrd were the most effective antileishmanials; resistance to both analogs was induced in L. major and L. mexicana. In each case it was found that the resistant cells had lost the transport capacity for the inducing drug. Metabolomics analysis found that the mechanism of action of 5-FU and 5F-2′dUrd was similar in both Leishmania species, with major changes in deoxynucleotide metabolism. We conclude that the pyrimidine salvage system is highly conserved in Leishmania species - essential information for the development of pyrimidine-based chemotherapy

    Socio-Economic and Health Consequences of Drugs and Substance Use in Gachie: : A Peri-Urban Town on the Outskirts of Nairobi

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    Drug and substance abuse is a major socioeconomic and health problem to the drug users, family and society and is reported to be on a steady global rise. In Kenya, drug abuse is a major societal problem especially in many cosmopolitan cities such as Nairobi and Mombasa and the surrounding immediate environs. The objective of this study was to evaluate the types of drugs, the socio-economic and health consequences of drug abuse among the inhabitants of Gachie Sub-Location, Kiambu County a town within the Nairobi suburbs. A snowballing sampling method was used to recruit a total of 246 study participants aged between 15-65years recruited into the study after consenting and meeting drug and substance use and dependence clinical evaluation according to UNCOPE criteria. Data on the type of drugs abused, socio-economic and health implications of drug use on both drug abusers and the community was captured using a structured questionnaire and the resulting data analysed using SPSS version 21. Over-the counter prescription drugs including, benzodiazepine, Cozepam (“ma-cc”), rohypnol (“ma-blue”), and benzhexol (“ma-white”) as well as the traditional heroine were the major abused drugs reported in the study. Approximately 85% of the sampled drug abusers were men abusing mainly the licit over- the counter prescription drugs and heroine as a result of their easy affordability and accessibility. Failed marriages, conflictual family and communal relationships, unemployment, life of destitution and poverty were the main socioeconomic consequences of drug abuse reported in the study, corroborating reports of some previous studies. Participants’s self-reported feeling of hyperactiveness and euphoria was the major health consequence repoted. This study thus indicates that drug use is slowly creeping into rural areas in the vicinity of major towns with prescription over the counter drugs taking a centre stage than the traditional hard drugs due to the associated low costs, availability and accessibility and can result in myriad socioeconomic consequences in the society. This data provides an insight of the spread of drugs from the traditional cities to the surrounding town environments as these areas provide a safe haven for drug peddlers and thus should be of great focus by drug law enforcers as they strategize and seek to curb drug abuse problem. Future similar studies involving larger area are recommended to acquire more dynamics of this proble

    Cotrimoxazole prophylaxis impact on Cd4+ cells & infection reduction in HAART naĂŻve HIV infected adults in our urban population, Kenya

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    Background: The study was undertaken to explore and generate information on the morbidity patterns in HAART Naïve HIV infected adults on oral Cotrimoxazole prophylaxis (CTXp) attending Mbagathi and Kenyatta National Hospitals, comprehensive care centres.Methods: A qualitative , retrospective study design of mixed methods was used which comprised; Clinical data extraction and Secondary data analysis of 450 personal medical records that existed and which met inclusion criteria based on age, baseline CD4+ cells ≥ 350 count, non-pregnant, absence of active TB and on  CTXp for duration of six months at the time of enrollment.Results: The study showed that patients in both Mbagathi district and Kenyatta National hospitals comprehensive care centres (CCC) had at baseline CD4+ cells range; 350-600 and later at 12 months CD4+ cells range; 400-1500. Patients of younger age, when given CTXp, had a consistent high CD4+ cells count (above 1000 CD4+ cells count) while those of older age had CD4+ levels that were fluctuating. The median age was 31 years. In over 50% documentation, common infections were frequent and patients treated with essential antimicrobial drugs. We observed that CTXp prophylaxis may have reduced severity of infections and this could also have supported up to 60% of the resolved infections. The self-reported adherence to CTXp was observed as part of quality monitored care.Conclusion: The findings of this study support work in a number of literature in other studies done outside Kenya on CTXp not associated with a worsened progression of HIV disease. Stockouts should be avoided due to public health implications. Further studies may be done to find out what potential CTXp has on HIV infected Kenyan patients with serious threat of bacterial infections in conjunction with the customized highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)

    Mobile Money Services and the Income-Earning of Women Second-hand Cloth Entrepreneurs in Dodoma City

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    The diffusion of mobile money technology has changed the financial landscape across countries in Sub–Saharan Africa, including Tanzania. Women entrepreneurs can use mobile money services to improve business performance by increasing income earning. The study adopted a capability approach to investigate the effect of mobile money services on the income-earning of women’s second-hand cloth entrepreneurs in Dodoma City. Triangulation mixed method was used to collect both qualitative and quantitative data from Sabasaba and Machinga complexes as big market centers. The research surveyed a total of 50 women second-hand cloth entrepreneurs and interviewed 15 key informants. The quantitative data were analyzed by using both descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of SPSS while qualitative data used content analysis. The result revealed a significant relationship between mobile money saving and the income-earning of women second-hand cloth entrepreneurs. The findings further show that entrepreneurs use informal help groups for borrowing and bank services transactions as coping strategies for solving the challenges of using mobile money services for income earning. The study recommends the collaboration between regulators, entrepreneurs, and private stakeholders to solve challenges that hinder business efforts of increasing income by using mobile money services

    Dispersible formulation of artemether/lumefantrine: specifically developed for infants and young children

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    Infants and children under five years of age are the most vulnerable to malaria with over 1,700 deaths per day from malaria in this group. However, until recently, there were no WHO-endorsed paediatric anti-malarial formulations available
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