279 research outputs found

    A 3-3-1 model with low scale seesaw mechanisms

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    We construct a viable 3-3-1 model with two SU(3)LSU(3)_L scalar triplets, extended fermion and scalar spectrum, based on the T′T^{\prime} family symmetry and other auxiliary cyclic symmetries, whose spontaneous breaking yields the observed pattern of SM fermion mass spectrum and fermionic mixing parameters. In our model the SM quarks lighter than the top quark, get their masses from a low scale Universal seesaw mechanism, the SM charged lepton masses are produced by a Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism and the small light active neutrino masses are generated from an inverse seesaw mechanism. The model is consistent with the low energy SM fermion flavor data and successfully accommodates the current Higgs diphoton decay rate and predicts charged lepton flavor violating decays within the reach of the forthcoming experiments.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures. Published versio

    Gauge fixing in higher derivative field theories

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    Higher Derivative (HD) Field Theories can be transformed into second order equivalent theories with a direct particle interpretation. In a simple model involving abelian gauge symmetries we examine the fate of the possible gauge fixings throughout this process. This example is a useful test bed for HD theories of gravity and provides a nice intuitive interpretation of the "third ghost" occurring there and in HD gauge theories when a HD gauge fixing is adopted.Comment: 16 pages, Latex,( Preprint imaff 93/10

    Inner products of resonance solutions in 1-D quantum barriers

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    The properties of a prescription for the inner products of the resonance (Gamow states), scattering (Dirac kets), and bound states for 1-dimensional quantum barriers are worked out. The divergent asypmtotic behaviour of the Gamow states is regularized using a Gaussian convergence factor first introduced by Zel'dovich. With this prescription, most of these states (with discrete complex energies) are found to be orthogonal to each other, to the bound states, and to the Dirac kets, except when they are neighbors, in which case the inner product is divergent. Therefore, as it happens for the continuum scattering states, the norm of the resonant ones remains non-calculable. Thus, they exhibit properties half way between the (continuum real) Dirac-delta orthogonality and the (discrete real) Kronecker-delta orthogonality of the bound states.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Gauge Fixing in Higher Derivative Gravity

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    Linearized four-derivative gravity with a general gauge fixing term is considered. By a Legendre transform and a suitable diagonalization procedure it is cast into a second-order equivalent form where the nature of the physical degrees of freedom, the gauge ghosts, the Weyl ghosts, and the intriguing "third ghosts", characteristic to higher-derivative theories, is made explicit. The symmetries of the theory and the structure of the compensating Faddeev-Popov ghost sector exhibit non-trivial peculiarities.Comment: 21 pages, LaTe

    Dynamical variables in Gauge-Translational Gravity

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    Assuming that the natural gauge group of gravity is given by the group of isometries of a given space, for a maximally symmetric space we derive a model in which gravity is essentially a gauge theory of translations. Starting from first principles we verify that a nonlinear realization of the symmetry provides the general structure of this gauge theory, leading to a simple choice of dynamical variables of the gravity field corresponding, at first order, to a diagonal matrix, whereas the non-diagonal elements contribute only to higher orders.Comment: 15 page

    Nonlinear gauge realization of spacetime symmetries including translations

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    We present a general scheme for the nonlinear gauge realizations of space-time groups on coset spaces of the groups considered. In order to show the relevance of the method for the rigorous treatment of the translations in gravitational gauge theories, we apply it in particular to the affine group. This is an illustration of the family of spacetime symmetries having the form of a semidirect product H ⊗ T, where H is the stability subgroup and T are the translations. The translational component of the connection behaves like a true tensor under H when coset realizations are involved. c Plenum Publishing CorporationPeer Reviewe

    Exact Renormalization Group and Running Newtonian Coupling in Higher Derivative Gravity

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    We discuss exact renormalization group (RG) in R2R^2-gravity using effective average action formalism. The truncated evolution equation for such a theory on De Sitter background leads to the system of nonperturbative RG equations for cosmological and gravitational coupling constants. Approximate solution of these RG equations shows the appearence of antiscreening and screening behaviour of Newtonian coupling what depends on higher derivative coupling constants.Comment: Latex file, 9 page

    Non-Linear Affine Embedding of the Dirac Field from the Multiplicity-Free SL(4,R) Unirreps

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    The correspondence between the linear multiplicity-free unirreps of SL(4, R) studied by Ne'eman and {\~{S}}ija{\~{c}}ki and the non-linear realizations of the affine group is worked out. The results obtained clarify the inclusion of spinorial fields in a non-linear affine gauge theory of gravitation.Comment: 13 pages, plain TeX, macros include

    Weak Lensing, Shear and the Cosmic Virial Theorem in a Model with a Scale-Dependent Gravitational Coupling

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    It is argued that, in models where the gravitational coupling is scale-dependent, predictions concerning weak gravitational lensing and shear are essentially similar to the ones derived from General Relativity. This is consistent with recent negative results of observations of the MS1224, CL2218 and A1689 systems aimimg to infer from those methods the presence of dark matter. It is shown, however, that the situation is quite different when an analysis based on the Cosmic Virial Theorem is concerned.Comment: Footnote and references added. Version to in Gen. Relativity and Gravitation Vol. 29 (1997
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