674 research outputs found

    T.S. Eliot and the Jews: A study in anti-Semitism and literary form

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    Eliot wrote some diversely anti-Semitic poems. They are offensive. In his work, Jews tend to be contemptible rather than frightening. Its anti-Semitism is neither marginal nor especially typical of its time. It is not analogous to misogyny (chapter 1), For certain reasons, Jewish critics have been reluctant to acknowledge Eliot's anti-Semitism. "Gerontion"'s anti-Semitism, and its relation to the form of the dramatic monologue, may be explored by reference to Genesis 22 and Browning. "A Song for Simeon" consummates Eliot's anti-Semitism by placing Jews entirely within the Christian story (chapter 2). The belief that poetry, or good poetry, does not make statements supports the view that Eliot's poetry is not anti-Semitic. "Sweeney Among the Nightingales" proves that this view is false. Anyway, anti-Semitism itself is not wholly propositional. It is compatible with a Symbolist imagination. In Eliot's case, as "Burbank" demonstrates, it is evidence of such an imagination in crisis (chapter 3). Eliot's anti-Semitic poems are ugly, the principal fruits of his "contemplation of the horrid or sordid or disgusting" (The Sacred Wood). "Gerontion" and "Dirge" exemplify this anti-aesthetic of ugliness. Eliot's poetry exploits anti-Semitism to literary effect; his prose does not. For example, anti-Semitism blinded Eliot to Jewish suffering in Nazi Germany (chapter 4). Eliot's anti-Semitic prose makes the "free-thinking Jew" the target. (This contrasts with the myopic, insensate philistinism of the Jews in the poems). Neither Freud nor Benda nor even Spinoza escape Eliot's scorn. In After Strange Gods the "free-thinking Jew" is the figure of that text's instability (chapter 5). Both the literary and the extra-literary evidence that Eliot regretted his work's anti-Semitism is ambiguous. There are reasons why it may have been difficult for Eliot to repudiate it (chapter 6)

    The Future of Nuclear Security in the Asia-Pacific: Expanding the Role of Southeast Asia

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    The nature of regional cooperation on capacity building taking place in Southeast Asia certainly provides a good foundation to pursue a more robust collaborative framework for nuclear security in the wider Asia-Pacific region. A step in this regard is to have a regional action plan/roadmap for nuclear security in the Asia-Pacific that could institutionalize cooperation between Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and other countries in the wider region, fostering closer collaboration. The paper recommends three practical mechanisms to expand cooperation frameworks in Southeast Asia to the broader Asia-Pacific region: (1) strengthening regional capacity building in nuclear security; (2) establishing an ASEAN-Northeast Asia network of nuclear security centers of excellence (COEs) and knowledge centers; and (3) enhancing regional nuclear emergency preparedness and response. The article also explores the future of collaboration among International Nuclear Security Education Network (INSEN) members in the Asia-Pacific region, with Southeast Asian members as key drivers, to further strengthen regional nuclear security governance through sustainable nuclear security education

    Perceptual vs. Grammatical Constraints and Social Factors in Subject-Verb Agreement in Brazilian Portuguese

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    The earliest studies of variable subject/verb concord in Brazilian Portuguese showed that some sorts of verbs tend to show more frequent use of concord than others. Specifically, according to the saliency hypothesis (Naro 1981), when there is little difference in phonetic realization of plural with respect to singular, use of non-agreeing forms is much more frequent. Thus, in eles come/comem feijão ‘they eat beans’, where the singular differs from the plural only in nasalization of the final vowel, lack of agreement is much more frequent than in eles fez/fizeram as pazes ‘they made up’, where the two forms are very different. The distribution of saliency is highly overlaid with tense/mood: most high saliency forms are preterit, whereas most low saliency forms are present or imperfect. But there are exceptions, such as high saliency present é/são ‘is/are’ and dá/dão ‘gives/give’. In an attempt to discover whether saliency or tense is the most important variable, we made a very detailed coding of both saliency and tense/mood of over 7,000 tokens in two random samples of the speech community separated by an interval of about twenty years (Silva and Scherre 1996, Paiva and Duarte 2003). Both saliency and tense/mood are highly significant in separate analyses, but saliency overcomes tense/mood when both are posited in the same analysis, showing that a cognitive/perceptual factor is stronger than a grammatical factor. Furthermore, our social results in real time suggest that, in a counter-flow to earlier tendencies of loss, resurgence in use of concord is underway, with women in the lead, independently of social orientation as measured by contact with media, a possibility foreseen in Naro 1981, almost thirty years ago. Thus, language-external factors take on importance in the analysis and interpretation of flows and counter-flows in the dynamics of verbal concord in Brazilian Portuguese

    Pengaruh Tegangan Listrik dalam Proses Anodisasi Menggunakan Larutan H2so4 terhadap Ukuran TiO2 Nanotube Arrays (TNTAs) pada Dental Implant Berbahan Titanium Alloy (Ti-6Al-7Nb)

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    Implan gigi (dental implant) merupakan penempatan secara tetap bahan biokompatibel berupa screw-like titanium yang ditempatkan secara bedah ke dalam tulang rahang sehingga memungkinkan penggantian gigi asli menyerupai gigi asli penderita baik dari segi estetik maupun kenyamanan. Dental implant dilakukan berdasarkan atas konsep osseointegration yaitu penyatuan antara bahan implan dengan tulang. Lapisan titanium oksida berperan penting dalam peningkatan tingkat osteointegrasi antara tulang dengan implan, di mana ukuran diameter nanotube TiO2 mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tulang pada area sekitar implan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tegangan listrik terhadap ukuran TiO2 nanotube arrays (TNTAs) pada implan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimental laboratoris dengan rancangan posttest-group design. Penelitian ini menggunakan 32 sampel yang dibagi ke dalam 4 kelompok: K1 (tegangan 15V), K2 (tegangan 20V), K3 (tegangan 25V), dan K4 (tegangan 30V). Diameter TNTAs yang dihasilkan dihitung pada gambaran uji SEM dan didapatkan rerata 18,59 nm (K1), 25,69 nm (K2), 30,57 nm (K3), dan 36,7 nm (K4). Hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan One-way ANOVA diketahui terdapat perbedaan antar kelompok (p<0,05) dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Post-Hoc LSD. Hasil uji Post-Hoc diameter nanotube antar kelompok didapatkan perbedaan sangat bermakna antar kelompok K1, K2, K3, dan K4 (p<0,05) kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji Regresi. Hasil uji Regresi diketahui terdapat pengaruh tegangan listrik terhadap diameter nanotube (p<0,05). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah tegangan listrik berpengaruh terhadap diameter TNTAs yang dihasilkan

    Zambia's 2005 Maize Import and Marketing Experiences: Lessons and Implications

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    This paper shows how government actions can affect the performance of the maize marketing system and influence the severity of food crises. Examples from the 2005/06 marketing season are used to illustrate how Zambia’s food security situation can be improved through closer consultation, transparency and predictability between government and the private sector. The paper also identifies longer-run options for strengthening the ability of local and regional markets to ensure household and national food security in the face of maize production instability.food security, food policy, Zambia, maize, Crop Production/Industries, Q18,

    Cultural Dimensions: A Comparative Analysis of Aviation Students in China and the U.S.

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    Research has shown cultural dimensions can provide insight into effective management within diverse work and school environments. (Sandal & Manzey, 2009). In this study, researchers distributed a research questionnaire based on Hofstede’s original four cultural dimensions: power distance, masculinity vs femininity, uncertainty avoidance and individualism vs collectivism. Participants were recruited from two collegiate aviation programs, one in China and the other in the United States. Independent t-tests were used to compare mean cultural dimensions scores for the groups. Study findings suggested significant differences between the two groups for the cultural dimensions: power distance, masculinity vs femininity and individualism vs collectivism. No significant difference was found for the dimension of uncertainty avoidance. Additionally, two open-ended questions were used to further investigate perceptions within the cultural dimensions of uncertainty avoidance and masculinity vs femininity. Similar and contrasting themes were discussed

    Examining Southeast Asia’s Diplomacy on Nuclear Disarmament and Nuclear Security: Shared Norms and a Regional Agenda

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    Member-states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) support the norms of nuclear disarmament and nuclear security through diplomatic efforts at the global level and regional efforts to promote nuclear safety and security. This is demonstrated in how ASEAN helped push for negotiation of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) and its eventual passage, as well as ongoing efforts to promote regional cooperation in advancing nuclear security and nuclear safety. Regional frameworks and mechanisms like the ASEAN Network of Regulatory Bodies on Atomic Energy (ASEANTOM), the ASEAN Regional Forum, and the East Asia Summit provide the platforms for ASEAN to advance its diplomacy in promoting the norms of nuclear governance

    Adrenal lesions found incidentally: how to improve clinical and cost-effectiveness

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    Introduction Adrenal incidentalomas are lesions that are incidentally identified while scanning for other conditions. While most are benign and hormonally non-functional, around 20% are malignant and/or hormonally active, requiring prompt intervention. Malignant lesions can be aggressive and life-threatening, while hormonally active tumours cause various endocrine disorders, with significant morbidity and mortality. Despite this, management of patients with adrenal incidentalomas is variable, with no robust evidence base. This project aimed to establish more effective and timely management of these patients. Methods We developed a web-based, electronic Adrenal Incidentaloma Management System (eAIMS), which incorporated the evidence-based and National Health Service–aligned 2016 European guidelines. The system captures key clinical, biochemical and radiological information necessary for adrenal incidentaloma patient management and generates a pre-populated outcome letter, saving clinical and administrative time while ensuring timely management plans with enhanced safety. Furthermore, we developed a prioritisation strategy, with members of the multidisciplinary team, which prioritised high-risk individuals for detailed discussion and management. Patient focus groups informed process-mapping and multidisciplinary team process re-design and patient information leaflet development. The project was partnered by University Hospital of South Manchester to maximise generalisability. Results Implementation of eAIMS, along with improvements in the prioritisation strategy, resulted in a 49% reduction in staff hands-on time, as well as a 78% reduction in the time from adrenal incidentaloma identification to multidisciplinary team decision. A health economic analysis identified a 28% reduction in costs. Conclusions The system’s in-built data validation and the automatic generation of the multidisciplinary team outcome letter improved patient safety through a reduction in transcription errors. We are currently developing the next stage of the programme to proactively identify all new adrenal incidentaloma cases