32 research outputs found

    Strategic patents and asymmetric litigation costs as entry deterrence instruments

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    To spur innovation, the patent protection system grants the patentee limited monopoly power to recoup his R&D investment, although, in general, allowing the use of the public good "innovation" is socially efficient. But patents and patent threats can also be used strategically, e.g. to deter entry from competitors. This note shows that, besides incumbency, the present patent protection system constitutes an additional strategic instrument that favors the incumbent, because asymmetric litigation costs may deter entry from potential rivals.Entry deterrence

    Specialization in the bargaining family

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    We develop a two period family decision making model in which spouses bargain over their contributions to a family public good and the distribution of private consumption. In contrast to most models in the literature, specialization within the couple emerges endogenously from the production of the public good, and is not caused by exogenous differences between the spouses. Increasing marginal benefits of labour market experience make specialization efficient, even if both spouses have equal market and household productivities on the outset. If spouses are not able to enter into a binding contract governing the distribution of private consumption in the second period, the spouse specialized in market labour cannot commit to compensate the other spouse for foregone investments in earnings power. As a consequence, this spouse may withdraw part of his/her contribution and the provision level of the household good is likely to be inefficiently low.Family bargaining, specialization, private provision of public goods

    The wage gap and the leisure gap for double earner couples

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    Empirical research has consistently shown that, on average, men are paid higher wages than women. At the same time, men enjoy more leisure time than women. We develop a model of private provision of family public goods to analyze whether the wage gap and the leisure gap are related. Within a nonco- operative framework, different bargaining power situations within a couple are considered which lead to different empirical hypotheses. With data from the German Socio-Economic Panel we focus on the leisure gap and the wage gap within double earner couples and in this way are able to discriminate among the theoretical models. Our random effects estimates show that husbands have a stronger bargaining position and this advantage results in them enjoying, other things equal, more leisure time that their wives.

    Self-Insurance and Self-Protection as Public Goods

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    Many public goods like lighthouses and fire departments do not provide direct utility but act as insurance devices against shipwreck and destruction. They either diminish the size and/or the probability of the loss. We extend the public good model with this insurance aspect and generalize Samuelson?s efficient allocation rule when self-insurance and self-protection expenditures are pure public goods. Some comparative static results with respect to changes in income and risk behavior are derived. We analyze the interaction of private market insurance with the public good level, both for efficient provision and for private provision equilibria. The privately provided levels of self- insurance and self-protection decrease when market insurance is available, which suggests that the state should invest more in preventing not insurable risks like wars. Additionally, the state should focus on self-protection expenditures if those are better observable than private self-protection effort. --Self-insurance,self-protection,efficient provision of public goods,private provision of public goods,market insurance

    Geography of the family

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    We study the residential choice of siblings who are altruistic towards their parents. The first-born child’s location choice influences the behavior of the second-born child and can shift some of the burden of providing care for the parents from one child to the other. These strategic considerations lead to an equilibrium location pattern with firstborn children locating further away from their parents than second-born children. We also analyze the location choices empirically using German data. These data confirm our theoretical predictions. -- Wir untersuchen die Wohnortwahl von Geschwisterkindern, die altruistisch gegenüber ihren Eltern sind. Ältere Geschwister können durch ihre Wohnortwahl die Wohnortwahl ihrer jüngeren Geschwister beeinflussen und damit die mögliche Last der Pflege der alternden Eltern auf die jüngeren Geschwister verlagern. Diese strategischen Überlegungen führen im Gleichgewicht zu einem bestimmten Verhaltensmuster, was die Wohnortentscheidungen von Kindern im Verhältnis zu ihren Eltern angeht, einer „Geographie der Familie“. Wir zeigen ferner, dass sich dieses Verhaltensmuster in den Wohnortentscheidungen einer repräsentativen Stichprobe deutscher Haushalte widerspiegelt.Family public goods,voluntary intergenerational transfers

    Geography of the family

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    "The authors study the residential choice of siblings who are altruistic towards their parents. The first-born child's location choice influences the behavior of the second-born child and can shift some of the burden of providing care for the parents from one child to the other. These strategic considerations lead to an equilibrium location pattern with first-born children locating further away from their parents than second-born children. The authors also analyze the location choices empirically using German data. These data confirm our theoretical predictions." (author's abstract)"Die Autoren untersuchen die Wohnortwahl von Geschwisterkindern, die altruistisch gegenüber ihren Eltern sind. Ältere Geschwister können durch ihre Wohnortwahl die Wohnortwahl ihrer jüngeren Geschwister beeinflussen und damit die mögliche Last der Pflege der alternden Eltern auf die jüngeren Geschwister verlagern. Diese strategischen Überlegungen führen im Gleichgewicht zu einem bestimmten Verhaltensmuster, was die Wohnortentscheidungen von Kindern im Verhältnis zu ihren Eltern angeht, einer 'Geographie der Familie'. Die Autoren zeigen ferner, dass sich dieses Verhaltensmuster in den Wohnortentscheidungen einer repräsentativen Stichprobe deutscher Haushalte widerspiegelt." (Autorenreferat

    A multiproxy study distinguishes environmental change from diagenetic alteration in the recent sedimentary record of the inner Cadiz Bay (SW Spain)

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    In this study, we reconstruct the recent environmental evolution of the inner Cadiz Bay using sedimentary records reaching back as far as AD 1700. We report lithological descriptions of the sediments and extensive mineralogical and geochemical analyses. An extraction technique that identifies different Fe phases provides an assessment of diagenetic alteration, which allows an estimation of the original organic matter inputs to the inner Cadiz Bay. Downcore variations in Corg/N ratios, δ13Corg and δ15N are related to changes in organic matter sources and the trophic state of the water column. The downcore records of selected trace metals (e.g. Pb, Zn and Cu) are interpreted to reflect changes in heavy metal pollution in the bay, while records of other elements (e.g. Mn and P) are likely overprinted by diagenetic alteration. Major environmental shifts took place during the 20th century, when the population around Cadiz Bay increased exponentially. Increases in sediment accumulation rates, organic matter inputs and heavy metal contents, in parallel with increases in δ13Corg and δ15N over this period, are interpreted as direct effects of the increasing anthropogenic influence in the area. The results of this study suggest that multiproxy approaches and detailed consideration of diagenetic overprinting are required to reconstruct past environmental conditions from coastal sediments

    In Vitro and In Vivo Efficacy of Ether Lipid Edelfosine against Leishmania spp. and SbV-Resistant Parasites

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    Leishmaniasis represents a major international health problem, has a high morbidity and mortality rate, and is classified as an emerging and uncontrolled disease by the World Health Organization. The migration of population from endemic to nonendemic areas, and tourist activities in endemic regions are spreading the disease to new areas. Unfortunately, treatment of leishmaniasis is far from satisfactory, with only a few drugs available that show significant side-effects. Here, we show in vitro and in vivo evidence for the antileishmanial activity of the ether phospholipid edelfosine, being effective against a wide number of Leishmania spp. causing cutaneous, mucocutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis. Our experimental mouse and hamster models demonstrated not only a significant antileishmanial activity of edelfosine oral administration against different wild-type Leishmania spp., but also against parasites resistant to pentavalent antimonials, which constitute the first line of treatment worldwide. In addition, edelfosine exerted a higher antileishmanial activity and a lower proneness to generate drug resistance than miltefosine, the first drug against leishmaniasis that can be administered orally. These data, together with our previous findings, showing an anti-inflammatory action and a very low toxicity profile, suggest that edelfosine is a promising orally administered drug for leishmaniasis, thus warranting clinical evaluation

    Espacio y territorios: razón, pasión e imaginarios

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    En este caleidoscopio de acercamientos hacia lo espacial y territorial, las visiones se mueven desde aquellas románticas y existencialistas, pasando por aquellas objetivistas y positivistas, hasta las estructuralistas y postestructuralistas. Por el espacio y el territorio se interesan con enfoques diversos numerosas disciplinas, desde la psicología, la etología o la literatura, y las ciencias naturales como la biología o la ecología, hasta las ciencias sociales y políticas, como la geografía, la antropología, la economía y la sociología. Este interés multidisciplinario demuestra la importancia y la complejidad del tema espacial y territorial, y reclama la necesidad de su estudio y comprensión interdisciplinarios, como se intenta con esta publicación