11 research outputs found

    Impact des microplastiques retrouvés dans le fleuve Saint-Laurent sur Daphnia magna en laboratoire

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    Affiche présentée dans le cadre du Colloque de l'ARC, «La relève scientifique et la recherche collégiale : pratiques inspirantes au regard des chercheuses et chercheurs, et enjeux spécifiques à la formation des étudiantes et étudiants», dans le cadre du 84e Congrès de l'Acfas, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, le 10 mai 2016.Le deuxième prix a été décerné à Julien Labrie et Carol Anne Rochefort au concours des Prix étudiants 2015-2016 de l'ARC.L’ingestion de microplastiques ou l’exposition à des microplastiques chez les poissons et les invertébrés peuvent causer de graves perturbations. Récemment découverts dans le fleuve Saint-Laurent, les effets des microbilles en eau douce restent à analyser plus profondément. Le but de l’expérience est d’évaluer leur impact sur le taux de mortalité (toxicité) et la consommation de Daphnia magna. L’hypothèse liée à la toxicité est que le taux de mortalité des néonates sera positivement lié à la concentration de microbilles dans l’eau alors que, pour la consommation, l’ingestion de microbilles n’entraînera pas une telle hausse. Pour débuter, une récolte de sédiments a été effectuée. Le test de toxicité comportait quatre groupes (témoin et trois concentrations d’échantillon toxique : faible, moyenne et élevée) contenant chacun cinq néonates. Selon les résultats des tests, il y avait une différence significative entre le taux de mortalité des témoins et les concentrations plus élevées. Ces résultats confirmaient l’hypothèse concernant l’impact toxique des microbilles sur la daphnie. Après l’étude, aucune consommation n’a été observée et le taux de mortalité dans le groupe test était marginalement supérieur à celui du groupe témoin. Ainsi, les résultats appuient l’hypothèse et démontrent que la consommation de microbilles n’a pas d’impact sur la daphnie. La cause des hausses de mortalité de daphnies correspond donc à la croissance des microplastiques dans leur environnement

    Unsupervised automatic tracking of thermal changes in human body

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    An automated system for detecting and tracking of the thermal fluctuation in human body is addressed. It applies HSV based k-means clustering which initialized and controlled the points which lie on the ROI boundary. Afterward a particle filter tracked the targeted ROI in the thermal video stream. There were six subjects have voluntarily participated on these experiments. For simulating the hot spots occur during the some medical tests a controllable heater utilized close to the subjects body. The results indicated promising accuracy of the proposed approach for tracking the hot spots. However, there were some approximations (e.g. the transmittance of the atmosphere and emissivity of the fabric) which can be neglected because of independency of the proposed approach for these parameters. The approach can track the heating spots efficiently considering the movement in the subjects which provided a confidence of considerable robustness against motion-artifact usually occurs in the medical tests

    Protocol for Physiotherapy OR Tvt Randomised Efficacy Trial (PORTRET): a multicentre randomised controlled trial to assess the cost-effectiveness of the tension free vaginal tape versus pelvic floor muscle training in women with symptomatic moderate to severe stress urinary incontinence

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Stress urinary incontinence is a common condition affecting approximately 20% of adult women causing substantial individual (quality of life) and economic (119 million Euro/year spent on incontinence pads in the Netherlands) burden. Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) is regarded as first line treatment, but only 15-25% of women will be completely cured. Approximately 65% will report that their condition improved, but long term adherence to treatment is problematic. In addition, at longer term (2-15 years) follow-up 30-50% of patients will end up having surgery. From 1996 a minimal invasive surgical procedure, the Tension-free Vaginal Tape (TVT) has rapidly become the gold standard in surgical treatment of stress urinary incontinence. With TVT 65-95% of women are cured. However, approximately 3-6% of women will develop symptoms of an overactive bladder, resulting in reduced quality of life. Because of its efficacy the TVT appears to be preferable over PFMT but both treatments and their costs have not been compared head-to-head in a randomised clinical trial.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>A multi-centre randomised controlled trial will be performed for women between 35 - 80 years old with moderate to severe, predominantly stress, urinary incontinence, who have not received specialised PFMT or previous anti-incontinence surgery. Women will be assigned to either PFMT by a specialised physiotherapist for a standard of 9-18 session in a period of 6 months, or TVT(O) surgery. The main endpoint of the study is the subjective improvement of urinary incontinence. As secondary outcome the objective cure will be assessed from history and clinical parameters. Subjective improvement in quality of life will be measured by generic (EQ-5D) and disease-specific (Urinary Distress Inventory and Incontinence Impact Questionnaire) quality of life instruments. The economical endpoint is short term (1 year) incremental cost-effectiveness in terms of costs per additional year free of urinary incontinence and costs per Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALY) gained. Finally, treatment strategy and patient characteristics will be combined in a prediction model, to allow for individual treatment decisions in future patients. Four hundred female patients will be recruited from over 30 hospitals in the Netherlands</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Nederlands trial register: NTR 1248</p

    Biofouling of ultrafiltration membrane by dairy fluids : characterization of pioneer colonizer bacteria using a DNA metabarcoding approach

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    Biofouling of filtration membranes is a major quality and performance issue for the dairy industry. Because biofilms that survive cleaning cycles become resistant over time, prevention strategies limiting the adhesion of bacteria to membranes should be prioritized for sustainable control of biofouling. However, this cannot be achieved because the pioneer bacteria colonizing these membranes are still unknown. Consequently, the objective of this study was to characterize pioneer bacteria on the filtration membrane surface and to measure the effect of filtration operational parameters on their diversity. Thus, milk and cheese whey were filtered for 5 h in concentration mode at 10 and 40°C using a laboratory-scale crossflow filtration system equipped with flat-sheet ultrafiltration membranes. Pioneer colonizer bacteria found on membranes after a chlorinated alkaline cleaning cycle were identified using a metabarcoding approach targeting the 16S ribosomal RNA genes. Our results suggested that prevention strategies targeting biofouling should consider the nature of the filtered fluid and the feed temperature (36.15 and 5.09% of the variances observed on membranes, respectively), as well as the microbial environment of the dairy processing plant. In the future, it is hypothesized that cleaning prevention strategies will be specific to each dairy processor and their operational parameters

    A sequencing approach targeting the 16S rRNA gene unravels the biofilm composition of spiral-wound membranes used in the dairy industry

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    Few data are available concerning the composition of biofilms found at the surface of filtration membranes, which, to some extent, explains the long-term failure of numerous strategies developed to control biofouling. This preliminary study intended to design a metagenomic tool targeting the 16S rRNA gene in order to unravel a general portrait of bacterial communities found on spiral-wound membranes used in the dairy industry. A total of seven spiral-wound membrane elements (ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, or reverse osmosis) at the end of their useful lifetimes were collected from different dairy plants. Targeted analysis of the 16S rRNA genes of the metagenome extracted from the membranes revealed their bacterial diversity via high-throughput sequencing technology (Miseq, Illumina). It was found that the nature of the filtered fluid (milk, whey, water) explained 58.6 % of the variance observed between communities found on membranes. Treatments applied on dairy fluids (milk pasteurization, whey bleaching or whey ultrafiltration) induced a selective pressure that affected the diversity of bacterial communities found on membranes and the proportions of spore-former bacteria among them. This work provides the first complete bacterial portrait of the biofilm composition of spiral-wound membranes used in the dairy industry. It suggests that the nature of the filtered fluid and potentially filtration operating parameters may be important elements to consider in order to design new cleaning strategies or preventive measures targeting biofouling

    Analysis of Microbiota Persistence in Quebec&rsquo;s Terroir Cheese Using a Metabarcoding Approach

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    Environmental short amplicon sequencing, or metabarcoding, is commonly used to characterize the bacterial and fungal microbiota of cheese. Comparisons between different metabarcoding studies are complicated by the use of different gene markers. Here, we systematically compare different metabarcoding molecular targets using V3&ndash;V4 and V6&ndash;V8 regions of the bacterial 16S rDNA and fungal ITS1 and ITS2 regions. Taxonomic profiles varied depending on the molecular markers used. Based on data quality and detection capacity of the markers toward microorganisms usually associated with the dairy environment, the ribosomal regions V3&ndash;V4 and ITS2 were selected and further used to evaluate variability in the microbial ecosystem of terroir cheeses from the province of Quebec in Canada. Both fungal and bacterial ecosystem profiles were described for 32 different ready-to-eat bloomy-, washed- and natural-rind specialty cheese varieties. Among them, 15 were studied over two different production years. Using the Bray&ndash;Curtis dissimilarity index as an indicator of microbial shifts, we found that most variations could be explained by either a voluntary change in starter or ripening culture composition, or by changes in the cheesemaking technology. Overall, our results suggest the persistence of the microbiota between the two years studied&mdash;these data aid understanding of cheese microbiota composition and persistence during cheese ripening

    Surgery versus Physiotherapy for Stress Urinary Incontinence

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    <p>BackgroundPhysiotherapy involving pelvic-floor muscle training is advocated as first-line treatment for stress urinary incontinence; midurethral-sling surgery is generally recommended when physiotherapy is unsuccessful. Data are lacking from randomized trials comparing these two options as initial therapy.</p><p>MethodsWe performed a multicenter, randomized trial to compare physiotherapy and midurethral-sling surgery in women with stress urinary incontinence. Crossover between groups was allowed. The primary outcome was subjective improvement, measured by means of the Patient Global Impression of Improvement at 12 months.</p><p>ResultsWe randomly assigned 230 women to the surgery group and 230 women to the physiotherapy group. A total of 49.0% of women in the physiotherapy group and 11.2% of women in the surgery group crossed over to the alternative treatment. In an intention-to-treat analysis, subjective improvement was reported by 90.8% of women in the surgery group and 64.4% of women in the physiotherapy group (absolute difference, 26.4 percentage points; 95% confidence interval [CI], 18.1 to 34.5). The rates of subjective cure were 85.2% in the surgery group and 53.4% in the physiotherapy group (absolute difference, 31.8 percentage points; 95% CI, 22.6 to 40.3); rates of objective cure were 76.5% and 58.8%, respectively (absolute difference, 17.8 percentage points; 95% CI, 7.9 to 27.3). A post hoc per-protocol analysis showed that women who crossed over to the surgery group had outcomes similar to those of women initially assigned to surgery and that both these groups had outcomes superior to those of women who did not cross over to surgery.</p><p>ConclusionsFor women with stress urinary incontinence, initial midurethral-sling surgery, as compared with initial physiotherapy, results in higher rates of subjective improvement and subjective and objective cure at 1 year.</p>