179 research outputs found

    Biological invasions and ecosystem functioning; assessment of the ecological impacts driven by invasive species

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    Spectral analysis of surface waves for the characterization of the EDZ in circular galleries

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    Lors du creusement de galeries profondes ou de tunnels, les propriĂ©tĂ©s hydromĂ©caniques de la roche encaissante autour de l'ouvrage sont altĂ©rĂ©es sur une certaine distance qui dĂ©pend de la nature de la roche et du type d'excavation. Une telle zone est appelĂ©e Excavation Damaged Zone (EDZ). Cette altĂ©ration de l'encaissant se caractĂ©rise par une densification de la fracturation intrinsĂšque de la roche. La connaissance des caractĂ©ristiques mĂ©caniques de l'EDZ ainsi que son extension est actuellement un axe majeur de recherche notamment pour la conception de centres de stockage souterrains des dĂ©chets nuclĂ©aires. En effet, l'EDZ, par son rĂ©seau de fractures, est considĂ©rĂ© comme un chemin potentiel pour les radionuclĂ©ides et donc comme un facteur de possible contamination du milieu. Les mĂ©thodes gĂ©ophysiques initialement utilisĂ©es Ă  des Ă©chelles kilomĂ©triques pour analyser les Ă©vĂ©nements gĂ©ologiques, sont dorĂ©navant transposĂ©es Ă  des Ă©chelles mĂ©triques voire centimĂ©triques et appliquĂ©es en gĂ©nie civil ou dans tout autre domaine de l'ingĂ©nierie. L'intĂ©rĂȘt de telles mĂ©thodes est leur caractĂšre non destructif qui les rend faciles d'utilisation et gĂ©nĂ©ralement moins coĂ»teuses que d'autres mĂ©thodes destructives. Elles permettent aussi un suivi dans le temps de l'Ă©volution des propriĂ©tĂ©s des matĂ©riaux auscultĂ©s. La MASW (Multiple Acquisition of Surface Wave) est une mĂ©thode gĂ©ophysique utilisant le principe de dispersion des ondes de surface (Park et al, 1999). Cette mĂ©thode a Ă©tĂ© transposĂ©e dans ce contexte afin d'obtenir un profil 1D des vitesses des ondes de cisaillement (S) autour d'un ouvrage souterrain et ainsi de dĂ©terminer l'extension et les caractĂ©ristiques en terme de vitesse des ondes S de l'EDZ. L'intĂ©rĂȘt de cette mĂ©thode est sa facilitĂ© de mise en oeuvre et la possibilitĂ© de l'utiliser sans restriction majeure

    Sequence and structure of the mouse gene coding for the largest neurofilament subunit.

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    We have determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the mouse gene encoding the neurofilament NF-H protein. The C-terminal domain of NF-H is very rich in charged amino acids (aa) and contains a 3-aa sequence, Lys-Ser-Pro, that is repeated 51 times within a stretch of 368 aa. The location of this serine-rich repeat in the phosphorylated domain of NF-H indicates that it represents the major protein kinase recognition site. The nfh gene shares two common intron positions with the nfl and nfm genes, but has an additional intron that occurs at a location equivalent to one of the introns in non-neuronal intermediate filament-coding genes. This additional nfh intron may have been acquired via duplication of a primordial intermediate filament gene

    Causes and consequences of dispersal in biodiverse spatially structured systems: what is old and what is new?

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    Dispersal is a well recognized driver of ecological and evolutionary dynamics, and simultaneously an evolving trait. Dispersal evolution has traditionally been studied in single-species metapopulations so that it remains unclear how dispersal evolves in spatially structured communities and food webs. Since most natural systems are biodiverse and spatially structured, and thus affected by dispersal and its evolution, this knowledge gap should be bridged. Here we discuss whether knowledge established in single-species systems holds in spatially structured multispecies systems and highlight generally valid and fundamental principles. Most biotic interactions form the ecological theatre for the evolutionary dispersal play because interactions mediate patterns of fitness expectations in space and time. While this allows for a simple transposition of certain known drivers to a multispecies context, other drivers may require more complex transpositions, or might not be transferred. We discuss an important quantitative modulator of dispersal evolution in the increased trait dimensionality of biodiverse meta-systems and an additional driver in co-dispersal. We speculate that scale and selection pressure mismatches due to co-dispersal, together with increased trait dimensionality may lead to slower and more "diffuse" evolution in biodiverse meta-systems. Open questions and potential consequences in both ecological and evolutionary terms call for more investigation

    Dispersal syndromes in challenging environments: A cross‐species experiment

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    Dispersal is a central biological process tightly integrated into life-histories, morphology, physiology and behaviour. Such associations, or syndromes, are anticipated to impact the eco-evolutionary dynamics of spatially structured populations, and cascade into ecosystem processes. As for dispersal on its own, these syndromes are likely neither fixed nor random, but conditional on the experienced environment. We experimentally studied how dispersal propensity varies with individuals' phenotype and local environmental harshness using 15 species ranging from protists to vertebrates. We reveal a general phenotypic dispersal syndrome across studied species, with dispersers being larger, more active and having a marked locomotion-oriented morphology and a strengthening of the link between dispersal and some phenotypic traits with environmental harshness. Our proof-of-concept metacommunity model further reveals cascading effects of context-dependent syndromes on the local and regional organisation of functional diversity. Our study opens new avenues to advance our understanding of the functioning of spatially structured populations, communities and ecosystems. Keywords: context-dependent dispersal; dispersal strategy; distributed experiment; predation risk; resource limitatio

    Carotenoid-Based Colours Reflect the Stress Response in the Common Lizard

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    Under chronic stress, carotenoid-based colouration has often been shown to fade. However, the ecological and physiological mechanisms that govern colouration still remain largely unknown. Colour changes may be directly induced by the stressor (for example through reduced carotenoid intake) or due to the activation of the physiological stress response (PSR, e.g. due to increased blood corticosterone concentrations). Here, we tested whether blood corticosterone concentration affected carotenoid-based colouration, and whether a trade-off between colouration and PSR existed. Using the common lizard (Lacerta vivipara), we correlatively and experimentally showed that elevated blood corticosterone levels are associated with increased redness of the lizard's belly. In this study, the effects of corticosterone did not depend on carotenoid ingestion, indicating the absence of a trade-off between colouration and PSR for carotenoids. While carotenoid ingestion increased blood carotenoid concentration, colouration was not modified. This suggests that carotenoid-based colouration of common lizards is not severely limited by dietary carotenoid intake. Together with earlier studies, these findings suggest that the common lizard's carotenoid-based colouration may be a composite trait, consisting of fixed (e.g. genetic) and environmentally elements, the latter reflecting the lizard's PSR

    Evolutionary ecology of dispersal in biodiverse spatially structured systems : what is old and what is new?

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    Dispersal is a well-recognized driver of ecological and evolutionary dynamics, and simultaneously an evolving trait. Dispersal evolution has traditionally been studied in single-species metapopulations so that it remains unclear how dispersal evolves in metacommunities and metafoodwebs, which are characterized by a multitude of species interactions. Since most natural systems are both species-rich and spatially structured, this knowledge gap should be bridged. Here, we discuss whether knowledge from dispersal evolutionary ecology established in single-species systems holds in metacommunities and metafoodwebs and we highlight generally valid and fundamental principles. Most biotic interactions form the backdrop to the ecological theatre for the evolutionary dispersal play because interactions mediate patterns of fitness expectations across space and time. While this allows for a simple transposition of certain known principles to a multispecies context, other drivers may require more complex transpositions, or might not be transferred. We discuss an important quantitative modulator of dispersal evolution-increased trait dimensionality of biodiverse meta-systems-and an additional driver: co-dispersal. We speculate that scale and selection pressure mismatches owing to co-dispersal, together with increased trait dimensionality, may lead to a slower and more 'diffuse' evolution in biodiverse meta-systems. Open questions and potential consequences in both ecological and evolutionary terms call for more investigation. This article is part of the theme issue 'Diversity-dependence of dispersal: interspecific interactions determine spatial dynamics'

    Neurofilament depletion improves microtubule dynamics via modulation of Stat3/stathmin signaling

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    In neurons, microtubules form a dense array within axons, and the stability and function of this microtubule network is modulated by neurofilaments. Accumulation of neurofilaments has been observed in several forms of neurodegenerative diseases, but the mechanisms how elevated neurofilament levels destabilize axons are unknown so far. Here, we show that increased neurofilament expression in motor nerves of pmn mutant mice, a model of motoneuron disease, causes disturbed microtubule dynamics. The disease is caused by a point mutation in the tubulin-specific chaperone E (Tbce) gene, leading to an exchange of the most C-terminal amino acid tryptophan to glycine. As a consequence, the TBCE protein becomes instable which then results in destabilization of axonal microtubules and defects in axonal transport, in particular in motoneurons. Depletion of neurofilament increases the number and regrowth of microtubules in pmn mutant motoneurons and restores axon elongation. This effect is mediated by interaction of neurofilament with the stathmin complex. Accumulating neurofilaments associate with stathmin in axons of pmn mutant motoneurons. Depletion of neurofilament by Nefl knockout increases Stat3-stathmin interaction and stabilizes the microtubules in pmn mutant motoneurons. Consequently, counteracting enhanced neurofilament expression improves axonal maintenance and prolongs survival of pmn mutant mice. We propose that this mechanism could also be relevant for other neurodegenerative diseases in which neurofilament accumulation and loss of microtubules are prominent features
