8 research outputs found

    Influence of photoperiod and protein diet on growth hormone secretion in rams.

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    Influence of photoperiod and protein diet on growth hormone secretion in rams.

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    Composition et structure des peuplements ichtyologiques marins de l’île de Mayotte (sud-ouest de l’océan Indien)

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    International audienceSpecies composition and structure of marin fisj communities of Mayoote Island (South-western Indian Ocean). The first checklist of Mayotte marin fish species was conducted mostly from unpublished data. A total of 759 species belonging to 118 families and 360 genera was recorded. Regarding the species composition, and especially the relative diversity of the principal families, high similarities with other areas of the southwestern Indian Ocean region were observed. However, Mayotte communities stand out for their high diversity in several major families (Carangidae, Serranidae, Mullidae) and their high percentage of high trophic level species. This feature indicates ecosystems with complex biomass structures and high capacities of resistance against various pressures.The geographical location of Mayotte, in the centre of the western Indian Ocean “Coral Triangle”, characterized by general currents favouring larval dispersal and inter-reef connectivity, its geological history and the stage of development of its reef structures are factors explaining this high biodiversity. Fish communities closely related to particular habitats, including non-reef habitats and deep water environments, being largely unknown this first work highlights the need to strengthen the prospecting effort to apprehend this exceptional biodiversity as a whole and thus promote an appropriate conservation policy.Ce premier inventaire des poissons marins de l’île de Mayotte a été réalisé en majorité à partir d’informations issues de données non publiées. Un total de 759 espèces appartenant à 118 familles et 360 genres a été recensé. De grandes similarités avec d’autres zones de la région sud-ouest de l’océan Indien sont observées dans la composition des peuplements, notamment dans la diversité relative des principales familles. Les peuplements de l’île se démarquent toutefois par une diversité supérieure de certaines familles (Carangidae, Serranidae, Mullidae) ainsi que par une forte proportion d’espèces de haut niveau trophique, caractéristiques qui témoignent d’un écosystème fortement structuré présentant de bonnes capacités de résistance face aux pressions diverses. Une comparaison de la richesse spécifique théorique du peuplement ichtyologique de l'île avec les données régionales indique, par ailleurs, que le peuplement présent à Mayotte serait l'un des plus diversifiés de la zone. La localisation géographique de Mayotte, au centre du “triangle de corail” de l’océan Indien occidental où la courantologie régionale favorise le transport de larves et la connectivité inter-récifale, l’ancienneté géologique de l’île et le degré de développement des constructions récifales sont autant de facteurs expliquant cette forte diversité. Les communautés ichtyologiques inféodées à certains habitats, notamment les habitats non récifaux et les milieux profonds, étant en outre encore largement méconnues, ce premier travail met en évidence la nécessité de renforcer l'effort de prospection afin d'appréhender cette biodiversité exceptionnelle dans sa globalité et ainsi promouvoir une politique de conservation adaptée

    Réussir écologiquement une nutrition équilibrée et sensoriellement adaptée pour SENiors

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    RevueRéussir écologiquement une nutrition équilibrée et sensoriellement adaptée pour SENiors. Journées francophones de nutrition (JFN

    Testing for concordance between predicted species richness, past prioritization, and marine protected area designations in the western Indian Ocean

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    AbstractScientific advances in environmental data coverage and machine learning algorithms have improved the ability to make large‐scale predictions where data are missing. These advances allowed us to develop a spatially resolved proxy for predicting numbers of tropical nearshore marine taxa. A diverse marine environmental spatial database was used to model numbers of taxa from ∼1000 field sites, and the predictions were applied to all 7039 6.25‐km2 reef cells in 9 ecoregions and 11 nations of the western Indian Ocean. Our proxy for total numbers of taxa was based on the positive correlation (r2 = 0.24) of numbers of taxa of hard corals and 5 highly diverse reef fish families. Environmental relationships indicated that the number of fish species was largely influenced by biomass, nearness to people, governance, connectivity, and productivity and that coral taxa were influenced mostly by physicochemical environmental variability. At spatial delineations of province, ecoregion, nation, and strength of spatial clustering, we compared areas of conservation priority based on our total species proxy with those identified in 3 previous priority‐setting reports and with the protected area database. Our method identified 119 locations that fit 3 numbers of taxa (hard coral, fish, and their combination) and 4 spatial delineations (nation, ecoregion, province, and reef clustering) criteria. Previous publications on priority setting identified 91 priority locations of which 6 were identified by all reports. We identified 12 locations that fit our 12 criteria and corresponded with 3 previously identified locations, 65 that aligned with at least 1 past report, and 28 that were new locations. Only 34% of the 208 marine protected areas in this province overlapped with identified locations with high numbers of predicted taxa. Differences occurred because past priorities were frequently based on unquantified perceptions of remoteness and preselected priority taxa. Our environment–species proxy and modeling approach can be considered among other important criteria for making conservation decisions