14 research outputs found

    Kvalitativna svojstva zrelog mesa (m. triceps brachii i m. gluteus biceps) janjadi hranjene dodacima hrani

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the supplementation and aging in the gluteus biceps and triceps brachii muscles of lamb. Forty-eight Santa Inês lambs, with 15 kg average initial weight were slaughtered at 32 kg average final weight, after five months of supplementation. Twenty-four animals were allocated to sixteen pastures with residual leaf area index (2.6) and unsupplemented, the other twenty-four animals were allocated to the same conditions but were supplemented. The treatments were cross factorial between rLAI (2.6) and supplemented or not, totalizing 8 treatments. In this experiment, the slaughter criterion was the age of the animals. In the gluteus biceps and triceps brachii muscles, storage for seven days increased lipid oxidation. The values​​ of cooking loss and water holding capacity increased with time of aging and were higher in the gluteus biceps, by 29.40% and 71.30%, respectively. The supplementation implies an increase in production costs, but its use provides the quantitative and qualitative characteristics favorable to the product, aiming to satisfy the consumer market. The supplementation decreased the shelf life, increasing the lipid oxidation during time of aging and affected the lightness and the hue of yellow, which may sffect consumers’ intention to purchase.Mišići triceps brachii i gluteus biceps analizirani su kako bi se ocijenio učinak dodataka prehrani na zrenje janjećeg mesa. Ukupno 48 janjadi pasmine Santa Inês imalo je početnu prosječnu tjelesnu masu 15 kg, a nakon pet mjeseci različite prehrane prosječna je tjelesna masa bila 32 kg. Životinje su razmještene na 16 pašnjaka s rezidualnim indeksom lisne površine 2,6, pod jednakim uvjetima, pri čemu su 24 životinje dobivale dodatke prehrani. Uzevši u obzir indeks lisne površine te dodatke hrani formirano je osam skupina koje su uspoređene faktorijalnom analizom. Kriterij za klanje bila je dob životinja. Povećana oksidacija lipida ustanovljena je nakon sedam dana zrenja mesa mišića triceps brachii i gluteus biceps. Vrijednosti gubitaka nastalih kuhanjem i spososbnost zadržavanja vode povećale su se s duljinom zrenja te su u m. gluteus biceps bile više, 29,40 % odnosno 71,30 %. Dodaci prehrani podrazumijevaju povećane troškove proizvodnje, ali njihova uporaba omogućuje bolje kvantitativne i kvalitativne značajke, s ciljem da se zadovolji tržište. Dodaci prehrani skraćuju rok trajanja mesa, povećavaju oksidaciju lipida za vrijeme zrenja te utječu na svjetloću i žutilo zbog čega potrošači mogu dvojiti pri kupnji mesa

    Avaliação das propriedades físicas de ovos de galinha com diferentes tipos de revestimento de casca

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    This study aimed to evaluate the possible effects of storage for up to 28 days on the quality of hen eggs coated with different materials in the shell. Were used 300 eggs from 52-week-old Hisex White laying hens. Control samples (eggs without any type of synthetic coating), with gelatin coating on the entire egg, with gelatin coating only on the air chamber region, with mineral oil coating on the whole egg and with mineral oil coating only on the region of the air chamber were evaluated in natura and after 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of storage at room temperature. Physical analyzes were performed (white and yolk pH, yolk color, storage weight loss, yolk and albumen index, albumen, yolk and shell weights) in all samples. It can be seen that the use of surface coatings delayed the process of loss of internal quality of the eggs, and the coating on the entire surface, regardless of type, was more efficient than just coating the surface of the air chamber.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar los posibles efectos del almacenamiento por hasta 28 días sobre la calidad de huevos de gallina recubiertos con diferentes materiales en la cáscara. Se utilizaron 300 huevos de gallinas ponedoras Hisex White de 52 semanas de edad. Muestras control (huevos sin ningún tipo de recubrimiento sintético), con recubrimiento de gelatina en todo el huevo, con recubrimiento de gelatina solo en la región de la cámara de aire, con recubrimiento de aceite mineral en todo el huevo y con recubrimiento de aceite mineral solo en la región del aire cámara fueron evaluados in natura y después de 7, 14, 21 y 28 días de almacenamiento a temperatura ambiente. Se realizaron análisis físicos (pH de clara y yema, color de yema, pérdida de peso durante el almacenamiento, índice de yema y albúmina, peso de albúmina, yema y cáscara) en todas las muestras. Se puede observar que el uso de recubrimientos superficiales retrasó el proceso de pérdida de calidad interna de los huevos, y el recubrimiento en toda la superficie, independientemente del tipo, fue más eficiente que simplemente recubrir la superficie de la cámara de aire.Este estudo objetivou avaliar os possíveis efeitos do armazenamento por até 28 dias na qualidade de ovos de galinha revestidos por diferentes materiais na casca. Foram utilizados 300 ovos de poedeiras da linhagem Hisex White com 52 semanas de idade. Amostras controle (ovos sem nenhum tipo de revestimento sintético), com revestimento de gelatina no ovo inteiro, com revestimento de gelatina apenas na região da câmara de ar, com revestimento de óleo mineral no ovo inteiro e com revestimento de óleo mineral apenas na região da câmara de ar foram avaliadas in natura e após 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias de armazenamento em temperatura ambiente. Foram realizadas análises físicas (pH da clara e da gema, cor da gema, perda de peso por armazenamento, índice gema e de albúmen, pesos de albúmen, gema e casca) em todas as amostras. Podendo constatar que uso de revestimentos superficiais retardou o processo de perda da qualidade interna dos ovos, sendo que, o revestimento em toda superfície, independentemente do tipo, foi mais eficiente do que somente revestido da superfície da câmara de ar

    Caracterização física e química da carne de peito de aves de diferentes idades submetida à maturação

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    Este estudo propôs avaliar diferenças entre carne de peito de matrizes e de frangos de corte com relação à qualidade, composição química e perfil de ácidos graxos e quais os possíveis efeitos da maturação na qualidade dos filés. Propôs também avaliar diferenças entre carne de peito de frangos de diferentes linhagens e de que maneira a maturação pode contribuir para que um produto de melhor qualidade seja oferecido ao consumidor. O Capítulo 1 aborda considerações gerais e revisão de literatura sobre o tema proposto. No Capítulo 2, foi avaliada a influência da idade da ave e o efeito da maturação sobre as propriedades físicas, atributos relacionados à maciez, composição química e o perfil lipídico da carne de peito de aves de corte abatidas com seis e 70 semanas de idade. Concluiu-se que o uso da carne de aves em idade de descarte como matéria-prima pode ser benéfico à indústria, pois apresenta mais gordura e menos colesterol, maior capacidade de reter água intracelular e menor perda durante o cozimento; que a menor concentração de ácidos graxos poli-insaturados faz com que a carne de aves em idade de descarte seja menos susceptível à oxidação lipídica; que maturar filés de peito durante três dias é suficiente para promover o amaciamento e reduzir a quantidade de gordura e de colesterol; e que a maturação pode, portanto, ser utilizada como técnica para agregar valor e diferenciar os produtos cárneos a base de frango. No Capítulo 3, foi avaliado o efeito da maturação sobre as características físicas e químicas da carne de peito de frangos das linhagens Cobb 500 e Label Rouge, abatidos aos 42 e 85 dias de idade, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que embora seja menos macia, a carne de frangos Label Rouge apresenta maior capacidade de reter a água intracelular, menor produção de exsudato e, possivelmente menor perda nutricional durante o armazenamento. Apresenta maior concentração de colesterol, mas em contrapartida possui maior concentração de PUFA, que são benéficos à saúde humana. O processo de maturação aumenta a maciez da carne de peito e promove a redução da concentração de colesterol e da quantidade de gordura.The aim of this research was to evaluate the differences between breast meat from spent hens and broilers, related to quality, chemical composition and fatty acids profile, and what are the possible effects of aging process on the quality of the fillets. The aim was also evaluating the differences between breast meat from broilers of different strains and how the aging process may contribute to the improvement of products offered to the consumers. Chapter 1 deals with general considerations and a review about the subject. In chapter 2 was evaluated the influence of the bird's age and the effect of aging on physical properties, attributes related to the softness, chemical composition and lipid profile of breast meat from broilers slaughtered at 6 and 70-w-old. It concludes that use of spent hen breast meat as a raw material may be beneficial to the industry because it has more fat and less cholesterol, higher intracellular water holding capacity and lower cooking loss; that the lower concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids makes the meat from spent hens is less susceptible to the lipid oxidation; that the aging of breast fillets for three days is enough to cause softening and reducing the amount of fat and cholesterol; and that the aging process can therefore be used as a technique to add value and differentiate chicken meat products. In Chapter 3 was evaluated the effect of aging on the physical and chemical characteristics of breast meat from Cobb 500 and Label Rouge broilers, slaughtered at 42 and 85-d-old, respectively. In conclusion, although it is less tender, the meat from Label Rouge broilers has higher capacity to hold the intracellular water, produce less exudate and, possibly, shows lower nutritional loss during storage. It has higher concentration of cholesterol but, in contrast, has a higher concentration of PUFA, which are beneficial to human health. The aging process increases the softness of breast meat and promotes the reduction of cholesterol concentration and the amount of fat.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Efeito da temperatura ambiente e reutilização da cama na qualidade da carne de frangos de corte

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of environmental temperature and bed reuse on dressing percentage, breast quality and productive performance of broilers. A total of 900 Cobb® chicks were used, of which 450 were housed in a barn equipped with heaters and coolers while the rest (450 birds) were housed in a traditional shed for broiler production. In both facilities, birds were distributed either to a new or reused bed -the reused bed was previously treated with lime. Performance indices, dressing percentage and physicochemical quality of Pectoralis major muscle at 42 days of age were evaluated. The experimental design consisted in a completely randomized 2x2 factorial arrangement (temperature: thermo neutral or room temperature; bedding: new or reused bed) with five replicates per treatment. No effect of treatment on productive performance or dressing percentage was observed. Birds kept at room temperature had greater intensity of red color and lower breast oxidation (2.74 and 0.180 mg TMP/kg) compared to birds kept in the thermo-neutral environment at 42 days of age (TMP 2.20 and 0.230 mg/kg). Shear force was 1.38 kgf/cm² for the birds kept on new bed compared with 1.86 kgf/cm² for the animals kept on reused bed, indicating that the use of new bed favors meat tenderness.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da temperatura do ambiente de criação e da reutilização da cama sobre o desempenho de frangos de corte, rendimento de carcaça e a qualidade físico-química da carne de peito produzida. Foram utilizados 900 pintinhos Cobb®, sendo 450 aves alojadas em uma câmara climatizada, munida de aquecedores e refrigeradores, e 450 aves em galpão convencional para criação de frangos. Em ambas as instalações as aves foram distribuídas entre a cama nova e reutilizada tratada com cal. Foram avaliados índices de desempenho, rendimento de carcaça e a qualidade físico-química do músculo Pectoralis major aos 42 dias de idade. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial 2x2 (temperatura: ambiente e termoneutra; cama: nova e reutilizada) com cinco repetições cada. Não houve influência dos tratamentos no desempenho e rendimento de carcaça. Foi observada maior intensidade de vermelho e menor teor oxidação na carne de peito de aves criadas sob temperatura ambiente 2,74 e 0,180 mg TMP/kg, em relação às aves criadas em conforto térmico 2,20 e 0,230 mg TMP/kg, aos 42 dias de idade. Houve redução significativa da força de cisalhamento, que variou de 1,38 kgf/cm² na carne de aves criadas sobre cama nova a 1,86 kgf/cm² na carne de aves criadas sobre cama reutilizada, indicando que a utilização de cama de frango nova favorece a produção de carne mais macia.El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la temperatura ambiental y de la reutilización de la cama sobre el desempeño productivo de pollos de engorde, rendimiento de canal y calidad fisicoquímica de la pechuga producida. Fueron utilizados 900 pollitos Cobb®, siendo 450 aves alojadas en un galpón equipado con calentadores y refrigeradores, y 450 aves alojadas en un galpón tradicional para la producción de pollos. En ambas instalaciones las aves fueron distribuidas entre la cama nueva y la cama reutilizada tratada anteriormente con cal. Fueron evaluados índices de desempeño, rendimiento de canal y calidad fisicoquímica del músculo Pectoralis major a los 42 días de edad. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 2x2 (temperatura: ambiente o termo neutra; camas: nueva o reutilizada) con cinco repeticiones cada uno. No hubo efecto de los tratamientos sobre el desempeño productivo y el rendimiento de canal. Se observó una mayor intensidad del color rojo y menor oxidación de la pechuga de aves mantenidas sobre temperatura ambiente 2,74 y 0,180 mg TMP/kg en relación a las aves mantenidas en ambiente termo neutro 2,20 y 0,230 mg TMP/kg a los 42 días de edad. Hubo una reducción significativa de la fuerza de corte, que vario de 1,38 kgf/cm² en la carne de aves mantenidas sobre cama nueva a 1,86 kgf/cm² en la carne de aves mantenidas sobre cama reutilizada, indicando que el uso de cama nueva favorece a la producción de carne más bland

    Freezing changes qualitative parameters of poultry meat intend for laboratory tests

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    Freezing has been widely used as the safest and most economical preservation method for poultry meat because on the frozen meat the microbial activity is paralyzed, the enzymatic and the speed of chemical reactions are substantially reduced. So, the aim of this current study was to analyze the efficiency of different methods of freezing over the maintenance of quality of frozen meat when it is compared to in natura meat intend for laboratory tests. It was used 50 Pectoralis major muscles from deboned chicken breasts, which was submitted to four different methods of freezing (domestic freezer, freezer -20°C, freezer -70°C and liquid nitrogen). The samples were previously weighed, individually packed in vacuum or with aluminum foil (in the case of the samples that would be frozen with liquid nitrogen) and storage in low temperature for 30 days. The samples frozen with liquid nitrogen were kept on freezer -20ºC after fast freezing. The following parameters were analyzed: water holding capacity (WHC), cooking weight loss (CWL) and shear force (SF). The WHC was evaluated using the compression method and its determination was given by the difference between the initial weight and the final weight. The CWL was determined in samples of deboned muscles packed in plastic bags and cooked in water bath (85ºC) for 30 minutes. The CWL determination was given by the difference between the initial weight and the final weight, expressed in grams. To determine the shear force were used the samples from the CWL analysis that have been cut in subsamples with approximately 1 cm in width and analyzed with the Texture Analyzer TA-XT2i coupled to the device Warner-Bratzler and the results were expressed in Kgf cm2. The parameters were evaluated before and after the freezing for 30 days. It was used a completely randomized design with 5 treatments (without freezing – control group, domestic freezer, freezer -20°C, freezer -70°C and liquid nitrogen) done in 10 replications. All the freezing methods evaluated reduces (P<0.05) the WHC and SF. The CWL was not affected by freezing. Regardless of freezing method used the meat quality is affected by storage. So, it suggests that all the tests to evaluate the poultry meat quality must be made with in natura meat

    Quality assessment of eggs packed under modified atmosphere

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    Eggs are perishable foods and lose quality quickly if not stored properly. From the moment of posture to the marketing of egg, quality loss occurs through gas exchange and water through the pores of the shell with the external environment and thus, studies involving modified atmosphere packaging are extremely important. The aim of the present study is to assess the internal quality of eggs packed under modified atmosphere and stored at room temperature. Six hundred and twelve fresh commercial eggs from 38-week old Hisex White laying hens were used. The present study was conducted in a completely randomized experimental design in a 4 x 4 + 1 factorial arrangement [vacuum, vacuum with oxygen gas (O-2) absorbent, vacuum with oxygen gas (O-2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) absorbents, vacuum with oxygen gas (O-2) absorbent and carbon dioxide (CO2) gas generator; storage times (7, 14, 21 and 28 days), control group (fresh eggs)], with three repetitions (12 eggs each). The following factors were assessed: weight maintenance during storage; Haugh unit; color and yolk index. The modified atmosphere packaging maintained the weight of the eggs during a period of 28 days. Vacuum packaging with O-2 absorbent and CO2 gas generator was more efficient in maintenance of egg quality, based on the values of Haugh unit and yolk index. The luminosity of the yolk was preserved during the 28 storage days in all of the packaging types used. The vacuum packaging with O-2 gas absorbent and CO2 gas generator provide an increase in internal egg quality.Os ovos são alimentos perecíveis e perdem sua qualidade rapidamente se não forem armazenados corretamente. Do momento da postura até a comercialização do ovo, ocorre perda de qualidade por meio de trocas gasosas e de água, através dos poros da casca com o ambiente externo, sendo de extrema importância os estudos que envolvam embalagens com atmosfera modificada. O estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade interna de ovos embalados com atmosfera modificada e armazenados em temperatura ambiente. Foram armazenados 612 ovos frescos comerciais de galinhas da linhagem Hisex Branca (HSB) com 38 semanas de idade. Utilizou-se um DIC em esquema fatorial 4x4+1 [vácuo, vácuo com sequestrador de gás oxigênio (O2), vácuo com sequestrador de gás oxigênio (O2) e de gás carbônico (CO2), vácuo com sequestrador de gás oxigênio (O2) e gerador de gás carbônico (CO2) e períodos de armazenamento 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias + testemunha - ovos frescos], com 3 repetições de 12 ovos cada. As características avaliadas foram: manutenção de peso durante armazenamento, unidade Haugh, índice gema e coloração da gema. As embalagens com atmosfera modificada mantiveram os pesos dos ovos por um período de 28 dias e a embalagem 4 (vácuo com sequestrante de O2 e geradores de CO2) foi a que apresentou melhores valores para a unidade Haugh e para o índice gema. A gema preservou sua luminosidade durante os 28 dias de armazenamento, independente da embalagem utilizada. O vácuo das embalagens avaliadas proporcionou efeito positivo na qualidade interna dos ovos e estes, quando armazenados em estojos que continham sequestrador de gás oxigênio (O2) e gerador de gás carbônico (CO2), preservaram ainda mais a qualidade de suas características internas.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Chemical composition of meat from slow growth poultries with different slaughter ages

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    Spent birds are usually used in the industry to make processed foods. This occurs due to the advanced age of these birds and the small price per kilogram of them. As well, the consumer is not used to buy meat of spent birds, thinking that this meat has a lower quality then the commercial one, found at the markets. Today, in Brazil, white spent males are sold for R0.55/kgandredonesforR 0.55/kg and red ones for R 0.65/kg. According to these, the aim of this study was to compare the chemical composition of birds with the ideal age to slaughter and birds in a spent age. It was used the Pectoralis major muscle from ten deboned carcasses of slow growth lineage at the ideal age to slaughter (85 days) and ten of spent birds (70 weeks) obtained from a commercial slaughterhouse. After the slaughter and rigor mortis process, they were carried to the Laboratory of Animal Products Technology. The breasts were crushed in a compact industrial mill and the meat was placed (100g of average weight) in an aluminum pot (or aluminum lunch box). These pots were carried to a forced ventilation heater with temperature of 65ºC and took off 72 hours later. The dried meat was crushed again in a ball mill, the dusted meat placed in porcelain crucibles and carried to a new dry at 105ºC in other heater to determine the humidity percentage. After this process, 0.1g of the sample dried was weighed in triplets to total nitrogen (protein) and 3.0g (approximately) to ether extract (weighing the recipient before and after) determinations. The rest of the dust was carried to a 600ºC muffle that resulted, after 24 hours, the total ashes. For statistical analysis a completely randomized with two lineages in ten replications and the data submitted to analysis of variance and the means compared by Tukey test (P<0.05). It was found, that the meat from the birds with ideal age to slaughter presented significantly greater values in the ashes and protein and ether extract percentages. But, the spent age birds showed significantly lower value for the ether extract. It is advisable the consumption of spent age birds meat due to their acceptable nutritional values of protein and ether extract, even this last one being lower than the ideal age

    Chemical-physical characteristics of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) meat subjected to different aging times

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different aging times on the meat characteristics from young Murrah buffaloes slaughtered at 20–24 months of age (experiment I; n=10) and Murrah buffalo heifers slaughtered at 32-36 months of age (experiment II; n=10), with the purpose of determining the best aging time to tenderize meat from both experiments. Samples of the longissimus thoracis muscle from buffaloes slaughtered at each age were aged for 7, 14, and 21 days (0±1°C). After this period, analysis of cholesterol, pH, cooking loss, shear force, myofibrillar fragmentation index, meat color, and fatty acid profile was performed. Aging greatly improved the tenderness (p 0.05), was considered very noticeable to the human eye. Furthermore, aging reduced the polyunsaturated fatty acids (p 0.05) in the meat of young buffalo and buffalo heifers of advanced age. Based on the evaluated meat characteristics, concludes that seven days of aging are sufficient for older buffalo heifers, but 21 days of aging are required for the younger male group.

    Quality of aged shoulder from lambs fed with different oldman saltbush hay levels (Atriplex nummularia)

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    This study assessed the effects of different levels of oldman saltbush hay and ageing time on the physical characteristics of Santa Inês lamb meat. Sixty shoulders from 32 male lambs fed with 30, 40, 50 or 60% oldman saltbush hay for 60 days were vacuum-packaged and stored in a refrigerator at 0 ± 1°C for 0, 7 or 14 days of ageing. The shear force, cooking loss and water holding capacity were 3.06kgf cm-2, 37.28% and 76.71%, respectively, and there were no significant changed by studied factors (P>0.05)Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito da inclusão de diferentes níveis de feno de erva-sal e tempo de maturação sobre as características físicas da carne de cordeiros Santa Inês. Sessenta paletas apartir de 32 cordeiros machos, alimentados com 30, 40, 50 e 60% de feno de erva-sal por 60 dias foram embaladas a vácuo e mantidas sob refrigeração a 0±1oC por 0, 7 e 14 dias de maturação. A força de cisalhamento, perda por cocção e capacidade de retenção de água não foram influenciados (P>0,05) pelos fatores estudados, apresentando valores médios de 3,06kgf cm-2, 37,28% e 76,71%, respectivamenteFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Effects of Storage on Quality Traits of Sausages Made with Chicken Breast Meat Affected by Wooden Breast

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    The aim of this study was to examine the effects of storage on the quality of sausages made with breast from chickens affected by wooden breast myopathy (WBM). Breast samples from male broilers slaughtered at 48 days old were used. Normal (absence of myopathy), moderate degree (hardness only in one region of the breast) and severe degree samples (hardness over the entire length of the breast) were processed into sausages and evaluated prior to storage and after being vacuum-packed and stored for 7, 14, 21 and 28 days at 4 °C. There was a decrease (p &lt; 0.001) in pH and an increase (p &lt; 0.001) in cooking weight loss in samples of sausages, regardless of the myopathy, after 28 days of storage. Sausages produced with chicken breast samples affected by wooden breast myopathy presented higher (p &lt; 0.0001) moisture concentration (72% for the severe degree) and higher (p = 0.0224) protein concentration (17.27% and 17.36%, respectively, for the moderate and severe degrees) than sausages made of normal samples (70.72% and 14.32%, respectively). The results indicate that sausages produced with meat from birds moderately and severely affected by the myopathy show higher oxidative stability. Fresh sausages produced with breast meat from birds affected by wooden breast syndrome may be stored (4 °C) for up to 28 days without exhibiting the characteristic rancid taste and smell. In sensory analysis, no differences were observed between the formulations, which suggests that the consumers approved the samples regardless of the disease severity in the meat used for the making of the sausages. The current results show that chicken meat affected by wooden breast myopathy can be used for producing fresh sausages in the industry