6,426 research outputs found

    Terciptanya Nilai-nilai Solidaritas Dalam Tradisi Musik Patrol

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    Musik patrol pada awalnya adalah iringan musik yang senantiasa digunakan untuk menemani ronda malam di desa sekaligus sebagai penanda jam. Namun, lambat laun  kebiasaan tersebut mulai ditinggalkan di beberapa daerah karena kegiatan ronda malam sudah tidak banyak dilakukan. Musik Patrol merupakan salah satu bentuk aktivitas budaya. Dalam memainkan musik patrol, dibutuhkan  sekelompok orang dengan berbagai peralatan, yang umumnya menggunakan peralatan musik tradisional seperti kentongan. Bahkan tidak jarang dalam prakteknya para pemusik atau  pemain music patrol menggunakan perabotan rumah tangga seperti panci, penggorengan, botol bekas, sendok, dan lain sebagainya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui  nilai-nilai solidaritas yang tumbuh dalam prosesi tradisi musik Patrol di Kabupaten Mojokerto. Untuk membedah penelitian ini menggunakan konsep solidaritas dari Emile Durkheim. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan tradisi Musik Patrol ini memberikan  pengaruh pada adanya ikatan sosial yang terjalin antar warga desa di Kabupaten Mojokerto. Solidaritas tersebut mempunyai kekuatan sangat besar dalam membangun kehidupan harmonis antara sesama. Mereka membutuhkan satu sama lain karena terdapat perbedaan peran yang menyebabkan mereka harus menjalin kerjasama atau berhubungan dengan anggota yang lain. Kata Kunci: Musik Patrol, Solidaritas, Budaya.   Abstrack   Patrol Music was formerly used as accompaniment music for patrol in countries and also as the sign of the time. But later the custom is no longe practised because patrol itself if has became uncostomed in some places. Patrol music is the kind of culture in activity form, it needs a group of people to play Patrol music wit various kind of tools, which is generally using traditional instruments such as “kentongan” (a music instrument made from bamboo). People also used cooking tools such as frying pang, pan, spatula, used botle, spoon, etc. This reseach aimed to discover the solidarity value in Music Patrol custom in Mojokerto. Reseacher used the concept of solidatity from Emile Durkheim. The method  used in tihs reseach was descriptive qualitative. The result showed that Musib Patrol custom contributes the increasing of social bond beetween villager in Mojokerto regency. The sosidarity has a power to build the harmony between people. They need each other because of the role differences which caused them making cooperation with one and another. Keywords: Patrol Music, Solidarity, Culture

    Peran Komunikasi Orang Tua Dalam Melestarikan Bahasa Tonsawang Di Desa Tombatu II Tengah Kecamatan Tombatu Utara Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara

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    The role of parental communication in preserving language Tonsawang. Introduction: communication plays an important role in human life. Most of the communication activities that we do takes place in a situation of interpersonal communication. The importance of the role of parental communication, more specifically in preserving language Tonsawang especially to the youth as the next generation. The role of parents is very influential to the younger generation to teach, provide an understanding of the language Tonsawang so willing to learn and preserve the language Tonsawang. Theory and Methods: This Study uses symbolic interaction theory and methods of qualitative research. Results: the role of parent communication is very dominant in the use of language to communicate Tonsawang daily compared to the younger generation, this is quite reasonable because the parents in the village of Central II Tombatu more proficient Tonsawang. Suggestion: the role of parental communication in preserving the language Tonsawang need to be increased again, by increasing the intensity of use Tonsawang language when communicating with childrens, young people, so that they are more aware of the language

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Powtoon pada Pokok Bahasan Struktur Atom di Kelas X Sma/sederajat

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    This research is a Research and Development (R & D). The development process has been done with reference to ADDIE model with steps of Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. Research was conducted in FKIP UR. This research aims to obtain the learning media chemistry using by powtoon on subject of the atomic structure. The research and development with ADDIE model was conducted only until Development step, because the purpose of this research was limited to develop and produce a feasiblity the learning media chemistry using by powtoon to be implemented based on validator assessment. Feasibility of the learning media chemistry using by powtoon was evaluated from feasibility of the design, pedagogy, content, ease of use,the view and programming Of the learning media chemistry validation result of validation by media experts and material obtained an average value as 86,31% which showed that learning media chemistry using by powtoon which developed was feasiblity. The result of the development has been test in two teachers and 20 students, average score percentase obtained by 82,14%

    Brazil’s online politics: media effects on millennial’s voting intention and political involvement

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Marketing e EstratégiaMany of the traditional marketing concepts such as branding and stakeholders are now being applied into politics, increasing the usage of trending marketing practices such as social media (Keating & Melis, 2017; Nielsen, 2017; Parsons & Rowling, 2018). For millennials, online marketing is a part of their day to day life and some studies argue that this new communication channel is fundamental for parties, institutions and politicians who wish to target this generation (Parsons & Rowling, 2018; Towner & Munoz, 2016). Therefore, the purpose of this research is to understand to what extent does the usage of mass media or social media as source for political information and social media engagement will affect voting intention and political involvement among Brazilian millennials. A structured questionnaire was applied with a final sample of 51 elements, and data analysis was performed using t test and correlations to test the hypothesis presented. 4 of 5 hypotheses were accepted and suggest that social media has a great influence on Brazilian millennial’s voting intention and political involvement. It is therefore a fundamental tool to increase political participation among this generation.Muitos dos conceitos tradicionais de marketing como branding e stakeholders estão a ser aplicados no âmbito político, gerando um aumento no uso de práticas de marketing de sucesso, como as mídias sociais (Keating & Melis, 2017; Nielsen, 2017; Parsons & Rowling, 2018). Para os millennials, o marketing online é parte da sua vida diária e alguns estudos apresentam que esse novo canal de comunicação é fundamental para partidos, instituições e políticos que desejam atingir essa geração (Parsons & Rowling, 2018; Towner & Munoz, 2016). Portanto, o objetivo da presente investigação é entender em que medida o uso de mídia em massa ou mídias sociais como fonte de informação política e o engagement com essas mídias sociais afetarão a intenção de voto e o envolvimento político dos millennials no Brasil. Um questionário estruturado foi aplicado numa amostra final de 51 elementos, e a análise de dados foi realizada através de teste t e correlações a fim de testar as hipóteses apresentadas. 4 das 5 hipóteses foram aceitas e sugerem que as mídias sociais têm grande influência na intenção de voto e no envolvimento político dos millennials brasileiros. É, desta forma, uma ferramenta fundamental para aumentar a participação política nesta geração

    Displacing and Disrupting: A Dialogue on Hmong Studies and Asian American Studies

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    This article summarizes a roundtable discussion of scholars that took place at the Association for Asian American Studies Conference in San Francisco, 2014. Hailing from various academic disciplines, the participants explored the relationship between the emerging field of Hmong/Hmong American Studies and Asian American Studies. Questions of interest included: In what ways has Asian American Studies informed Hmong/Hmong American Studies, or failed to do so? In what ways does Hmong/Hmong American Studies enrich/challenge Asian American Studies? What are the tensions between these two fields and other related fields? How do/should the new programs in Hmong/Hmong American Studies relate to the existing Asian American Studies programs regarding curriculum, activism and/or resource allocation

    Comparison of Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug susceptibility using solid and liquid culture in Nigeria.

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    BACKGROUND: This study compares Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture isolation and drug sensitivity testing (DST) using solid (LJ) and liquid (BACTEC-MGIT-960) media in Nigeria. METHODS: This was a cross sectional survey of adults attending reference centres in Abuja, Ibadan and Nnewi with a new diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) or having failed the first-line TB treatment. Patients were requested to provide three sputum specimens for smear-microscopy and culture on LJ and BACTEC-MGIT-960. Positive cultures underwent DST for streptomycin, isoniazid, rifampicin and ethambutol. RESULTS: 527 specimens were cultured. 428 (81%) were positive with BACTEC-MGIT-960, 59 (11%) negative, 36 (7%) contaminated and 4 (1%) had non-tuberculosis mycobacteria (NTM). 411 (78%) LJ cultures were positive, 89 (17%) negative, 22 (4%) contaminated and 5 (1%) had NTM. The mean (SD) detection time was 11 (6) and 30 (11) days for BACTEC-MGIT-960 and LJ. DST patterns were compared in the 389 concordant positive BACTEC-MGIT-960 and LJ cultures. Rifampicin and isoniazid DST patterns were similar. Streptomycin resistance was detected more frequently with LJ than BACTEC-MGIT-960 and ethambutol resistance was detected more frequently with BACTEC-MGIT-960 than LJ, but differences were not statistically significant. MDR-TB was detected in 27 cases by LJ and 25 by BACTEC-MGIT-960 and using both methods detected 29 cases. CONCLUSIONS: There was a substantial degree of agreement between the two methods. However using the two in tandem increased the number of culture-positive patients and those with MDR-TB. The choice of culture method should depend on local availability, cost and test performance characteristics

    Querying and creating visualizations by analogy

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    Journal ArticleWhile there have been advances in visualization systems, particularly in multi-view visualizations and visual exploration, the process of building visualizations remains a major bottleneck in data exploration. We show that provenance metadata collected during the creation of pipelines can be reused to suggest similar content in related visualizations and guide semi-automated changes. We introduce the idea of query-by-example in the context of an ensemble of visualizations, and the use of analogies as first-class operations in a system to guide scalable interactions. We describe an implementation of these techniques in VisTrails, a publicly-available, open-source system