659 research outputs found

    Security Risk Assessment of Decentralized, Mobile Applications: An Analysis of Location Aware Systems

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    Technological improvements, declining costs and mandates to suppliers from large entities such as Wal-Mart and the Department of Defense are driving investments in RFID and other location aware systems (LAS). Expected benefits from LAS investments include improvements in supply chain integration and streamlined operations. However, LAS may introduce a number of new information security vulnerabilities into organizations that must be carefully considered. LAS are highly decentralized and mobile, yet must connect to existing transactional systems to function. Decentralized, mobile applications are especially difficult to secure, and connections between LAS and internal applications can put those systems at risk too. The additional complexity of overall systems architectures also makes identifying security risks more challenging. We assert that current guidelines for information security are increasingly insufficient for organizations with highly decentralized systems and that more attention to how systems are employed is needed. We demonstrate this point with logical process models that illustrate how two different uses of one LAS technology result in different information security risks


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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Debt to Equity Ratio terhadap harga Saham, pengaruh Debt to Equity Ratio terhadap Earning Per Share, pengaruh Earning Per Share terhadap harga saham, dan pengaruh Earning Per Share dalam memediasi Debt Equity Ratio terhadap harga saham. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini berbentuk penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian menggunakan data sekunder berupa laporan keuangan yang di publikasikan di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 9 perusahaan Konstruksi pada periode tahun 2015-2019 dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji regresi berganda. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukan Debt Equity Ratio (DER) memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap peningkatan harga saham, Debt Equity Ratio (DER) memiliki pengaruh negative signifikan terhadap peningkatan Earning Per Share (EPS),  Earning Per Share (EPS) memiliki pengaruh positif signinfikan terhadap peningkatan Harga Saham, dan Earning Per Share (EPS) tidak mampu memediasi peningkatan Debt Equity Ratio (DER) terhadap harga saham.Kata Kunci: Debt Equity Ratio (DER), Earning Per Share (EPS), Harga Saham. AbstractThis study aims to find out:To obtain Effect of debt to equity ratio capability in driving the increase in Stock Price.To obtain Effect of debt to equity ratio capability in encouraging increased Earning Per Share To obtain Effect of Earning Per Share ability in driving the increase in Share Price.To obtain Effect of earning per share capability in mediating the effect of Debt Equity Ratio on the increase in Share Price.The approach in this study takes the form of quantitative descriptive research. The research uses secondary data in the form of financial statements published on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This research sample amounted to 9 Construction companies in the period 2015-2019 using purposive sampling techniques. The data analysis techniques in this study used multiple regression tests.The results of this study show that: Debt Equity Ratio (DER) has a significant positive influence on the increase in the share price.  Debt Equity Ratio (DER) has a significant negative influence on the increase in Earning Per Share (EPS). Earning Per Share (EPS) has a positive impact on the increase in the Share Price.Earning Per Share (EPS) is unable to mediate an increase in the Debt Equity Ratio (DER) against the Share Price.Keywords: Debt Equity Ratio (DER), Earning Per Share (EPS), Share Price


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) Apakah peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dalampembelajaran dengan menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Group Investigation Pada Mata PelajaranPenerapan Elektronika dengan materi pokok Menerapkan Macam-macam Rangkaian Shift Register diKelas XI Teknik Audio Video SMK Negeri 2 Kupang. 2) Bagaimanakah cara meningkatkan hasilbelajar siswa dengan menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Group Investigation Pada Mata PelajaranPenerapan Elektronika dengan materi pokok Menerapkan Macam-macam Rangkaian Shift Register diKelas XI Teknik Audio Video SMK Negeri 2 Kupang.Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian tindakan kelas, dengan model pembelajaran yangditerapkan adalah model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Group Investigation Subjek penelitian adalah siswakelas XI Teknik Audio Video 2 yang berjumlah sebanyak 28 siswa. Sedangkan variabel yang diukuradalah hasil belajar siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan lembar observasi,tes dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis deskriptif kualitatif.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa:Penerapan model pembelajaran GroupInvestigation terbukti dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas XI Teknik Audio Video SMK Negeri2 Kupang pada mata pelajaran penerapan elektronika. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat pada pre test terdapat 4orang siswa (14,28%) yang memperoleh skor 75 keatas dengan nilai rata-rata 53%, tes siklus I terdapat 13orang siswa (46,43%) yang memperoleh skor 75 keatas dengan nilai rata-rata 70,35% dan tes siklus IIterdapat 26 orang siswa (92,86%) yang memperoleh skor 75 keatas dengan nilai rata-rata 90,35%

    Cohabitation, infection and breast cancer risk.

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    For 50 years, the effect of age at first birth (AFB) has been thought to explain the strong association between breast cancer risk and age at first marriage (AFM), which was first reported in 1926. The independent effects of AFM, AFB and number of sexual partners adjusted for parity and other risk factors were estimated in reanalysis of a large international case-control study conducted in 1979 to 1982 (2274 breast cancers, 18209 controls) by unconditional logistic regression. Respective AFB and AFM breast cancer odds ratios (ORs) for ≥31 years relative to ≤18 years were 3.01 (95% CI 2.44-3.71; P(trend) < .0001) and 3.24 (95% CI 2.62-4.01; P(trend) < .0001) in univariate analyses. Among married parous women, these ORs fell to 1.38 (95% CI 0.98-1.95; P(trend) < .03) for AFB and 1.70 (95% CI 1.17-2.46; P(trend) < .002) for AFM when fitted together in multivariate analysis including other risk factors. A similar adjusted OR for AFM ≥ 31 years relative to ≤18 years was seen among married nulliparous women (OR 1.71, 95% CI 0.98-2.98; P(trend) < .001). AFM (a surrogate for age at starting prolonged cohabitation) is thus strongly associated with breast cancer risk. This suggests an effect of close contact. Identifying the (probably infective) mechanism might lead to effective prevention of breast cancer. The independent effect of AFB is smaller and could be due to residual confounding

    Self-Conscious Emotions and the Right Fronto-Temporal and Right Temporal Parietal Junction

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    For more than two decades, research focusing on both clinical and non-clinical populations has suggested a key role for specific regions in the regulation of self-conscious emotions. It is speculated that both the expression and the interpretation of self-conscious emotions are critical in humans for action planning and response, communication, learning, parenting, and most social encounters. Empathy, Guilt, Jealousy, Shame, and Pride are all categorized as self-conscious emotions, all of which are crucial components to one’s sense of self. There has been an abundance of evidence pointing to the right Fronto-Temporal involvement in the integration of cognitive processes underlying the expression of these emotions. Numerous regions within the right hemisphere have been identified including the right temporal parietal junction (rTPJ), the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), and the inferior parietal lobule (IPL). In this review, we aim to investigate patient cases, in addition to clinical and non-clinical studies. We also aim to highlight these specific brain regions pivotal to the right hemispheric dominance observed in the neural correlates of such self-conscious emotions and provide the potential role that self-conscious emotions play in evolution

    Filtration rates of the non-native Chinese mystery snail (Bellamya chinensis) and potential impacts on microbial communities

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    Invasive species in the phylum Mollusca, including gastropods and bivalves, have caused substantial impacts in freshwater ecosystems. The Chinese mystery snail, Bellamya chinensis, is a large viviparid snail native to Southeastern Asia and widely introduced throughout United States and parts of Canada and Europe. B. chinensis is a facultative filter-feeding detritivore that can both graze epiphytic diatoms using its radula and filter-feed its breathing water. Despite mounting concern associated with the expanding range and increasing abundance of B. chinensis in many parts of its invaded range, the potential ecological impacts of this non-native species remain largely unknown. Here, we used a series of laboratory experiments to assess filtration rates of B. chinensis and quantify its effects on microbial communities. According to both microcosm (24-hour, 4-L suspension) and mesocosm (5-day, 90-L suspension) experimental trials, B. chinensis exhibited an average filtration rate of 106-113 mL snail-1h-1(1.45 mL mg DW-1h-1) and an individual maximum of 471 mL snail-1h-1(6.15 mL mg DW-1h-1). These values are comparable to reported filtration rates for high-profile invasive, freshwater bivalves. Relationships between snail size and filtration rate relationship suggests that B. chinensis display an ontogenetic shift in feeding behavior from primarily radular grazing to increased filter-feeding at threshold size of approximately 44 mm shell height. Our experiments also revealed that high snail densities can result in small, significant shifts in bacterial community composition. These results suggest that B. chinensis may influence microbial communities either directly by using bacteria as a food source or indirectly by producing sufficiently large quantities of fecal and pseudo-fecal material to affect bacterial activity and growth. The overall ecological effects and importance of B. chinensis filtration behavior remain unclear, but our experimental results suggest that these impacts may be large and should be further investigated to better understand its potential role in coupling benthic and pelagic food webs in lake ecosystems.Las especies invasoras del phyllum Mollusca, incluyendo los gasterópodos y bivalvos, han causado impactos importantes en los ecosistemas dulceacuícolas. Bellamya chinensis, es un vivíparo de gran tamaño, nativo del sureste de Asia y ampliamente introducido a lo largo de los Estados Unidos y parte de Canadá y Europa. B. chinensis es una especie detritivora- filtradora facultativa, que puede tanto ramonear diatomeas epifitas usando su rádula como filtrar el agua que respiran. A pesar de la creciente preocupación asociada al incremento en la abundancia y rango de distribución de B. chinensis en las regiones ya colonizadas, el potencial impacto ecológico de esta especie introducida permanece ampliamente desconocido. En este estudio, usamos series de experimentos de laboratorio para evaluar las tasas de filtración de B. chinensis y cuantificar su efecto en las comunidades microbianas. De acuerdo con los experimentos realizados tanto en los microcosmos (24-hour, 4-L suspensión) como en los mesocosmos (5-day, 90-L suspensión), B. chinensis mostró una tasa promedio de filtración de 106-113 mL caracol-1h-1(1.45 mL mg peso seco-1h-1) y un máximo por individuo de 471 mL caracol-1h-1(6.15 mL mg peso seco-1h-1). Estos valores son comparables a otros reportados para especies de bivalvos dulceacuícolas altamente invasivas. La relación entre el tamaño de los caracoles y las tasas de filtración sugieren que B. chinensis muestra un cambio ontogénico en la manera de alimentarse, de ramoneo a una mayor alimentación por filtración, a partir de un umbral de tamaño de la concha de aproximadamente 44 mm de altura. Nuestros experimentos también revelan que altas densidades de caracoles generan pequeños cambios pero significativos en las comunidades microbianas. Estos resultados sugieren que B. chinensis afectaría las comunidades microbianas de forma directa usando las bacterias como fuente de alimentación o indirectamente al producir una cantidad de materia fecal o seudo-fecal, suficiente para afectar la actividad y crecimiento bacteriano. El impacto ecológico global y el comportamiento como filtrador de B. chinensis aún no son claros, pero nuestros resultados experimentales sugieren que estos impactos pueden ser importantes y se deben investigar mejor para entender más su papel potencial en el acoplamiento de las redes tróficas bentónicas y pelágicas en los sistemas lacustres
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